"Everyone, we are about to enter the cave ahead, please follow closely."

Liu Mingyuan was slightly relieved when he saw that the monkeys had no intention of continuing to attack.

Plan to leave here as soon as possible.

I don’t know why these monkeys suddenly stopped attacking, but with such a large group of monkeys, once the opponent starts attacking again.

These people are in danger.

Even if someone protects him, he may not be able to escape unscathed.

The number of monkeys greatly exceeded his expectations.

"Still moving forward?"

"Liu, I'm really sorry that I have to withdraw from the mission this time."

"Yes, it's too dangerous."

"None of us thought it would be so dangerous this time."

Many ordinary people already want to quit at this moment.

When they accepted this mission, they knew in advance that this mission was indeed dangerous.

But I never expected it to be so dangerous.

I originally thought that I was just entering a deep mountain and old forest, or that the climate and environment were relatively dangerous.

Little did they expect that they would encounter these strange monkeys!

Although the monkeys no longer continue to attack them, no one can say whether they will encounter other dangers if they continue to move forward.

And there are companions with magical abilities that they have never seen before.

The abilities of these guys are exactly like the magicians or superpowers shown in science fiction movies.

Liu Mingyuan looked at a few people indifferently, but did not refuse.

"If you want to quit, of course you can."

"The mission itself is not mandatory."

"But I have to tell you in advance that our current location is in the middle of the Qinling Mountains."

"Everyone knows how we got here."

"If you want to leave now, you can only go back along the original route. The degree of danger involved is naturally no more than what I can tell you."

"Of course you can go down directly along the ridge, but this area is no man's land, and no one can tell what is under the ridge."

Liu Mingyuan calmly explained to everyone the dangers of leaving.

As one of the most dangerous and mysterious places in China, the Qinling Mountains are too mysterious.

Even in today's technologically advanced world, there are still many unsolved mysteries.

It is too difficult for these ordinary people to leave Qinling directly.

almost impossible.

Unless they can mobilize air power, but except for the professor, no one among this group of people can mobilize air rescue power in China.

The few ordinary people who were clamoring to leave just now fell silent when they heard Liu Mingyuan's words.


If they leave the team rashly, they are likely to be trapped and die in the Qinling Mountains.

Although they are all professional mountaineering expedition personnel, this is their first time coming to the Qinling Mountains.

I really don’t have the confidence to go back directly, and I might get lost on the way back.

When the time comes, just relying on a few of them will really make the world unable to respond, and the earth and the earth will not work.

"I told you directly."

"You should be able to see the capabilities of the few people just now."

"The purpose of our coming here this time is to find the treasure of a cult leader many years ago."

"The followers led by the cult leader are all people with the same superpowers as Nash and the others."

"You can use your imagination as much as you want about his treasures."

Liu Mingyuan squinted his eyes, smiled and opened his mouth, releasing a huge temptation to everyone.

As long as they have seen the methods of strangers, no ordinary person can resist this temptation.

After all, wanting to become Superman is something that everyone looks forward to.

Sure enough, after hearing Liu Mingyuan's words, the ordinary people who were clamoring to leave fell silent.

For a moment, everyone was silent.

He seemed to be thinking about it.

"Liu, if... I mean if, you find the treasure of the so-called cult leader, can we people become like Nash and the others?"

"Have some supernatural powers?"

Finally, someone couldn't bear it and looked up at Liu Mingyuan.

His eyes were filled with some kind of expectation.

The other people also raised their heads and looked at Liu Mingyuan.

The brilliance in his eyes was also faintly filled with excitement and anticipation.

After seeing everyone's methods, how could ordinary people like them not be excited and looking forward to it.

Liu Mingyuan took a sip of water from the thermos cup and looked towards the mountain stream not far away.

"I don't know the specific situation yet."

"But considering the evil cult leader's methods, it might be possible."

"Even if it doesn't allow you to reach the sky directly, it can at least make you stronger."

"I can guarantee this."

Liu Mingyuan's tone was very serious and did not sound like he was joking.

His words made the ordinary people with expectant eyes widen their eyes instantly, and even Elijah and the others were slightly startled.

He looked at Liu Mingyuan incomprehensibly.

People like them naturally know how difficult it is to transform from an ordinary person to an alien.

Liu Mingyuan actually said that he could transform these people into aliens just by traveling?

This is simply a fantasy.

However, Liu Mingyuan's tone did not sound like he was joking.


"We can also become supermen?!"

"Really or not, if that's the case, then why are you hesitating!"

"Yes, if I could become Superman, I would be willing to die during this trip."

"Brothers did it!"


After a brief shock, the emotions of those ordinary people were all ignited by Liu Mingyuan's words just now.

Everyone shouted excitedly.

Obviously becoming the legendary Superman is too tempting for people like them.

Elijah frowned slightly and couldn't help but look at the blond young man again.

Even many calm-minded old people in the insurance team could not hide the excitement on their faces at this time.

However, when he looked at the young man, he found that the expression on his face still did not change at all.

It was as if he didn't hear Liu Mingyuan's words, or didn't care.

"There are no mood swings at all?"

"Is he naturally less responsive to emotions?"

Elijah muttered quietly to himself.

If he said that the other party could have such a calm mind at such a young age, he didn't quite believe it.

There are only two possibilities for maintaining such composure.

The first is that the other party is indeed relatively slow to respond to emotions, which can explain the lack of emotional changes in the other party.

The second thing is that the things Liu Mingyuan said were not attractive enough to him.

In other words, the other party doesn't care at all whether he can become a stranger.

Naturally, there won’t be much emotional change.

"Elijah, why have you been secretly observing that young man since just now?"

"What's wrong with him?"

Gusta moved closer to Elijah, a little curious.

From the beginning, he noticed that Elijah's emotions seemed to be attracted to that seemingly ordinary person.

"It's nothing, I just feel that the other party is a little strange."

"Maybe I'm overthinking it." "Forget it, it has nothing to do with us anyway."

"As long as the other party does not disturb us from completing our mission, no matter what his identity is, it has nothing to do with us."

Elijah shook his head and stretched.

It may be that he hasn't left Nason Island much recently, which makes him more sensitive to mood changes.

Somehow, when he secretly observed the young man, he always felt that the young man was also observing him.

A few minutes later.

After everyone had rested, everyone set off again to the mountain stream ahead.

Because of what Liu Mingyuan said just now, those ordinary people who were preparing to quit set off towards the mission location again.

In high spirits.

As everyone continued to move towards the mountain stream, the number of trees decreased.

The steep mountain wall is almost vertical to the ground, and the distance between the two sides of the mountain wall begins to become closer and closer.

Like a small intestine trail, only three or four people can pass through it abreast.

Some strange patterns gradually appeared on Shanbi Mountain. The patterns were thick, thin, straight and curved.

It looks like it evolved from some kind of runes, mysterious and ancient.

But there is no connection between them, not even a trace, which makes people confused.

Huang Miao squinted his eyes and looked at the strange patterns on both sides of the stone wall, and the energy in his body began to be naturally mobilized.

These mysterious patterns can inadvertently guide ordinary people to practice Qi.

"Is it the simplest method of practicing Qi?"

"It may indeed be precious to ordinary people, but it has no meaning to strangers."

"Expending such a huge project just to carve the most superficial lines of Xing Qi?"

"Isn't it a bit unnecessary?"

Huang Miao put away his gaze and looked into the distance again.

The mountain walls on both sides are all densely covered with strange lines.

Thousands of meters long.

Even if he wanted to complete such a huge project alone, it would take him a month to complete it without eating or drinking.

If these strange lines are only responsible for guiding ordinary people to perform Qi.

So it can only be said that the people who carved these patterns were full of food.

"What are these patterns, words?"

"Words that never appeared?"

"If these ancient runes were carved by man, how big a project would it be?"

"How many people are needed to complete it?"

"Even on the ground!"

"Even with modern technology, it would take more than a year to complete the drawing of these patterns on a mountain wall tens of meters high."

The group of people all looked up at both sides of the stone wall and couldn't help but sigh.

These patterns are definitely a work of miraculous craftsmanship.

Even Elijah and the others were immediately attracted by these mysterious ancient patterns.

Everyone couldn't help but slow down their steps and looked around naturally.

The people who were still sighing and astonished at first gradually became quiet as they continued to walk towards the inside of the mountain stream.

The breathing of all ordinary people gradually became longer.

"This valley is subtly changing the appearance of these ordinary people?!"

"It's really weird."

Hongda, who was walking at the back of the crowd, looked at the people in front and muttered softly.

The companion beside him was stunned and turned to look at Hongda in surprise.

"Change form?"

"Why didn't I pay attention?"

Nash glanced at the people walking in front and didn't notice any changes in them.

"Pay attention to Professor Baird. Due to his age and work, his spine is slightly tilted forward."

“It’s most noticeable every time I walk.”

"But at this time his behavior was changing, and he began to tighten his chin inexplicably."

Hongda pointed to Professor Baird who was walking at the front.

Of all the people, Professor Baird's change was the most obvious.

"That's right, it's not just a change in surface form."

"Even the internal skeleton of these people is undergoing subtle changes."

"It's amazing."

Elijah, who had been silent until now, also spoke now, and his brows could not help but frown slightly as he spoke.

"It seems that everyone has discovered that this valley may be a kind of enjoyment for ordinary people."

"But I'm afraid it won't be so friendly to us."

"Everyone feels that their breathing is not smooth. The flow of Qi in the body seems to have slowed down a lot."

Several strangers walked side by side in this valley, and everyone felt a sense of incongruity described in that description.

This sense of dissonance arises from the moment we enter this valley.

Now that nearly two hours have passed, this feeling of dissonance is getting stronger and stronger.

Several of them were anxious to get out of the valley.

"Could it be that this valley is specifically designed to target strangers like us?"

Nash twisted his neck and looked very ugly.

This incongruous feeling made him feel very uncomfortable.

It's as if the limbs are stuck in a swamp, and the movement is restricted to a certain extent and is subject to strong resistance.

"Look at the faces of ordinary people. Not only do they not feel the same discomfort as we do, but they also seem to enjoy this state of affairs."

"Unlike the sweat-soaked state before, these people now breathe smoothly and smoothly, and their steps are more steady and even."

"As if controlled by some force."

The steps of the strangers couldn't help but speed up a bit. Unlike the ordinary people who were walking seriously, they had already begun to discuss in a low voice.

Suddenly Elijah looked at the ordinary person in the center of the crowd.

His eyes changed again.

"Not only that, there seems to be a third situation."

He looked at Huang Miao and saw that there was no expression of discomfort on Huang Miao's face, but there was no sense of enjoyment like the others.

Just walking in the valley with an expressionless face.

It doesn't seem to be affected by these strange patterns at all.

"The man seems unaffected!"


"But there was no expression of discomfort on his face."

After Elijah's reminder, several people also noticed Huang Miao's performance.

"Why did this happen? Even the expression on Judy's face changed, but why didn't that person change at all?"

Hongda frowned.

No matter how you look at that young man, he is just an ordinary person. How could he not be affected by this strange rune?

"That person's behavior is very similar to that of team leader Liu."

"They were the only two people whose faces didn't change at all."

"Perhaps both of them know the secret of this valley."


"But Liu Mingyuan is the employer of this operation. It's not surprising that he knows the secrets of this valley."

"How can this young man know this?"

Several people murmured in low voices, their eyes constantly passing over the faces of Liu Mingyuan and Huang Miao.

Just when everyone was confused, Judy, who had been silent behind Liu Mingyuan, suddenly walked up to Liu Mingyuan.

"The president just told me that there seems to be an alien among our team."

"Did you notice?"

(End of this chapter)

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