Chapter 176 The Immortal Supports the Top

"I discovered it after entering the valley."

"Don't alert the enemy."

"Until the other party reveals their true intentions, we will wait and see."

Liu Mingyuan spoke calmly and in a low voice.

The person who can be called an alien is naturally Huang Miao.

Whether it was Elijah and the other strangers walking behind the crowd, or other ordinary people, they were all invited by them and were not considered aliens.

At first, Liu Mingyuan didn't notice anything wrong with Huang Miao.

After entering the valley, he noticed that the insignificant young man was just like him.

He quickly adapted to the changes in the Qi body in the Twenty-Four Festival Valley.

Ordinary people feel it passively, and it is difficult for ordinary strangers to discover the secret of the Twenty-Four Festival Valley.

Even he only discovered the secret of the Twenty-Four Festival Valley after being reminded by the president.

But that young man, who looked very ordinary, took less than a minute to adapt to the changes in the Twenty-Four Festival Valley.

This is obviously unlikely.


Judy nodded. Since Liu Mingyuan was aware of the other party's existence, she no longer needed to worry.

Her existence was prepared by the president to deal with that mysterious woman.

For her, this mission only required a head-on contact with the woman to be successful.

As for other things, they have nothing to do with her.

Soon, everyone was about to walk out of the valley.

Two golden monkeys appeared in front again.

It is a bit bigger than the golden monkey just now, and its eyes have become clearer.

As the two monkeys slowly stood up, they could stand upright on their feet just like humans.



"Could this be the legendary Qinling savage?!"

Professor Baird stared at the two monkeys walking upright with wide eyes.

Unlike ordinary monkeys that stand upright, these two monkeys have clearly adapted to standing upright on their feet.

It can be said that those that have evolved are almost the same as humans.

"They are coming towards us!"

In the crowd, watching the two monkeys walking upright towards them, someone nervously pulled out a pistol.

Always ready to shoot.

I was attacked by a monkey before and almost had a stress reaction.

Now that these two monkeys are bigger than before, how could they not be nervous?

"do not move."

"Those two monkeys have no plans to attack for the time being."

But before the man could shoot, he was stopped by Elijah from behind.

Elijah narrowed his eyes and stared at the two monkeys walking toward them.

The Qi emanating from the bodies of these two monkeys is already stronger than that of ordinary strangers.

Not those monkeys who had just entered the valley could compare.

"What are they going to do?"

As the two golden monkeys walked upright towards the crowd, the crowd in front couldn't help but make way for them.

The two monkeys were like devout believers, walking forward with firm eyes.

In the end, everyone's eyes fell on a young man with blond hair and blue eyes.

Two monkeys stopped in front of him.

Then, under the unbelievable eyes of everyone, they knelt down respectfully towards Huang Miao.

The behavior is exactly the same as the monkeys outside the valley.

"bow down?"

"Monkey. What did this young man do?"

"Why are these two big monkeys kneeling down?"

Huang Miao looked at the two big monkeys kneeling respectfully in front of him, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

An invisible magical energy suddenly emanated from the two monkeys.

Then it poured into Huang Miao's body.

The power of faith? !
These two monkeys can actually generate the power of faith? !

With every breath and breath, two forces of faith naturally entered Huang Miao's Dantian.

Huang Miao's own meridians emitted a faint white light under the nourishment of this strange energy.

Very magical.

Although these two powers of faith are much weaker than those released by Chen Duo, they are much stronger than those of ordinary people.

"The monkeys here can also release the power of faith?"

"It seems that this trip to Tongtian Valley is full of surprises."

Huang Miao couldn't help but think to himself.

He didn't expect that these monkeys could also generate the power of faith.

The monkeys outside the valley before were probably not sufficiently enlightened in intelligence, so they were unable to generate the power of faith.

The IQ of the two monkeys in front of me is no less than that of normal humans.

Therefore, it is easier to generate the power of faith.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak."

The two monkeys knelt down at Huang Miao's feet and made a squeaking sound.

Just like the pilgrims who burn incense and worship Buddha in the temple, they kneel down and worship very devoutly.

Then a vague thought emerged in Huang Miao's mind.

This idea is very illusory, but it is real.

This thought was the same as when he felt the wishes of everyone on the plane that crashed.

But my wishes were clearer at that time.

Nowadays, the thoughts of the two monkeys are a bit vague. Huang Miao can only rely on his own understanding to roughly feel the thoughts of the two monkeys.


"My guess is correct. It was indeed him who those monkeys knelt down to worship outside the valley!"

Elijah's eyes lit up.

After seeing the kneeling movements of these two monkeys.

It also confirmed that his original guess was correct.

This young man definitely has abilities that they don't know yet.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for these two monkeys, whose intelligence level is no different from that of ordinary people, to kneel down and worship each other for no reason.

"Elijah, I notice that you seem to be very interested in this young man?"

Gusta beside Elijah was very curious and didn't understand why Elijah kept paying attention to this young man.

Although there is indeed something magical about the other party.

But with Elijah's character, he shouldn't be so curious about an outsider's situation.

Too weird.

"Gusta, you are not a divine guard, so you may not know."

"There is something about this young man that makes me feel familiar. It is very similar to the feeling I had when I faced the sacred tree."

"I have a feeling that as long as the other party can become a Nathan Islander and become a member of the Divine Guard."

"We Nathan will grow stronger again!"

Elijah clenched his fist slightly, his eyes filled with excitement.

It was only when he saw the two monkeys kneeling down to worship the young man in front of him that he realized why he had been paying attention to each other.

All along, he had always felt an inexplicable connection between himself and this seemingly ordinary young man.

But for a moment, he couldn't figure out what it felt like.

Now he finally understands.

It's faith!
At a certain moment, the other party will give him the feeling of facing a sacred tree.


"Elijah, are you kidding me?"

Gusta's eyes widened slightly, looking at Elijah in disbelief and then at the ordinary young man. Just now Elijah actually said that the other person felt like a sacred tree.

For these Nason Islanders, the sacred tree is the supreme existence.

He couldn't connect the young man in front of him with the sacred tree.

If someone else had said such treacherous words, Gusta would definitely teach him how to behave.

But as Elijah was a divine guard, when he said this, Gusta could not even refute.

Nathan's divine guards are personally selected by the divine tree, and sometimes the behavior of the divine guards can even represent the will of the divine tree.

"Of course I wouldn't joke about something like that."

Elijah looked serious, staring closely at the young man standing there with a calm expression.

For a moment, he even wanted to give up the mission and force the other party back to Nathan Island.

At this time, Huang Miao was feeling the prayers of the two golden monkeys and did not know what Elijah was thinking.

I saw his fingers pressed together, and a faint white light emitted from the fingertips.

Tap gently towards the eyebrows of the two golden monkeys.

The next moment, a bright white light bloomed between the eyebrows of the two golden monkeys.

Everyone in the valley subconsciously closed their eyes to avoid the dazzling white light.

The sky above the valley was almost instantly covered by thick clouds, leaving only a beam of light falling on the two golden monkeys and Huang Miao.

Bathed in the golden sunshine, Huang Miao's whole person looked particularly sacred.

When everyone opened their eyes again, they saw that the two golden monkeys that were kneeling in front of Huang Miao had stood up again.

He bowed to Huang Miao respectfully like a human being.

Perform discipleship rituals.


"Is this a miracle?!"

"The IQ of these two golden monkeys exceeds imagination!"

"Has high research value!"

"Whoever can catch these two golden monkeys, I will give him a generous reward!"

Professor Baird couldn't help but feel excited, and his body began to tremble.

As a biologist, he has studied biology all his life, and this is the first time he has seen a monkey with such a high IQ!

If purely based on intelligence, these two golden monkeys can no longer be called monkeys.

Huang Miao ignored Professor Baird's noise and waved at the two monkeys.

After receiving the approval, the two golden monkeys dared to climb up the steep mountain wall and leave.

Immortals support their heads, and their hair will grow forever.

The practice of these two golden monkeys has reached a bottleneck, and the mysterious runes in the valley can only allow them to practice Qi.

But he can't really practice on his own.

If Huang Miao didn't teach them the breathing method practiced by the Immortal Family, their two golden monkeys would have spent more than ten years here.

There is no way to go further in cultivation and become a true immortal.

He just imparted a piece of his consciousness to two golden monkeys, which was considered as helping the two golden monkeys to embark on the path of spiritual practice.

It is reasonable for the two golden monkeys to salute as disciples.

"How could you let these two monkeys run away?"

"Catch them back, these two monkeys are the real treasures!"

"When these two monkeys appear, they will definitely overturn the entire biology!"

Professor Baird became anxious when he saw that Huang Miao actually let the two monkeys leave in vain.

If he could get these two monkeys and study them for a period of time, he would definitely discover astonishing discoveries that would shock biology.

By then, both wealth and fame will be within your reach!

Enough to go down in history!
"Okay, Professor Baird."

"If you have the ability, you can capture those two golden monkeys yourself."

"Don't disturb other people."

Liu Mingyuan grabbed the excited Professor Baird and spoke indifferently.

But his eyes couldn't help but look towards Huang Miao who said nothing.

This young man's ability is stronger than he imagined!
Liu Mingyuan's small eyes narrowed slightly.

Although he didn't know what the other party had just done, he could feel it as the other party pointed his finger between the eyebrows of the two monkeys.

These two monkeys seemed to have directly broken through a certain bond.

Truly achieved 'great freedom'.

Just like what is described in the mythical novel, Monkey Sun truly jumped out of the Three Realms and was no longer in the Five Elements until he accepted the guidance of Patriarch Bodhi.

Get rid of the fate of birth, old age, illness and death.

"You. What on earth do you think is a treasure in your eyes?"

"Diamond or gold?"

"It's so stupid, it's so stupid."

Professor Baird's beard was so angry that he couldn't do anything about it.

I can only complain angrily.

It was impossible for him to capture the two monkeys by himself.

Not only cannot they be caught, but they will most likely lose their lives.

"Judy, inform the president secretly."

"Report to her what's going on here."

Liu Mingyuan ignored the angry Professor Baird, walked to Judy and spoke in a low voice.

When he first noticed something was wrong with Huang Miao, he thought that no matter what the other party's purpose was, he should be able to handle it.

But after seeing Huang Miao's methods just now, he felt unsure.

The method the other party just used is very similar to the Buddhist mind.

He had only seen this method in ancient books.

It is said that only a few ancient sects still circulate this inheritance method.

For example, the Celestial Master's teachings at Zhengyi Longhu Mountain seem to be passed down from generation to generation using this method.

the other side.

Outside the valley that everyone just passed through.

Another group of people also arrived here at this time.

The two leaders are none other than Xia Liuqing and Jin Feng, all famous celebrities.

And behind them were four more people.

They are Feng Baobao, Zhang Chulan, Wang Zhenqiu and Barron.

The six of them each carried their travel bags and came outside the valley.

"Is there a fight?"

The six people stood outside the valley, looking at the corpses of golden monkeys and several human corpses all over the ground.

More and more golden monkeys are gathering from outside the valley.

However, these golden monkeys had no intention of attacking, they were just squeaking.

"Mother-in-law, what's going on?"

"These monkeys don't seem normal?"

Zhang Chulan was keenly aware of the abnormalities of these golden monkeys outside the valley. It stands to reason that ordinary monkeys would instinctively run away after seeing humans.

But these golden monkeys had no intention of escaping.

"Of course it's different."

"Most of these golden monkeys have entered the Twenty-Four Sections of Tongtian Valley and have mastered the Qigong method."

"It can be said that there is only one step left to become a real 'foreigner'."

"Okay, it seems someone has arrived before us."

"Let's speed up a little bit."

"Don't let those guys take advantage of the master's treasure."

Jinfeng touched the head of a little monkey, then stood up and led everyone towards the valley ahead again.

Wang Zhenqiu and others immediately followed.

On the other hand, Feng Baobao, who was following a few people, suddenly had a slightly startled expression on his face.

He raised his head and sniffed his nose.

He stared blankly into the depths of the valley.

She smelled a familiar smell here, it seemed to be the smell of Huang Miao!
(End of this chapter)

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