Feng Baobao blinked his big eyes and stretched his head curiously to look at the valley ahead.

"Zhang Chulan, I seemed to smell Huang Miao's breath just now."

"Huang Miao seems to be in the valley."

Feng Baobao quietly approached Zhang Chulan and spoke in a slightly uncertain tone.

Generally speaking, Feng Baobao can identify other people by identifying smells.

But the smell of Huang Miao is too thin, and even Feng Baobao is not sure whether this smell is Huang Miao.

Zhang Chulan was also slightly stunned.

He looked into the valley in surprise.

"Sister Bao'er, didn't you see the joke?"

"Brother Miao is in the valley?"

"Are you saying that Brother Miao was actually the one who arrested Grandma Jinfeng?"

"It shouldn't be."

Zhang Chulan touched her chin. According to Xia Liuqing, Granny Jinfeng was indeed sent back by Huang Miao.

But if it was really Huang Miao who arrested Grandma Jinfeng, how could it be unnecessary?

"Forget it, sister Bao'er, don't reveal this news to others for the time being."

"We'll wait until we see Brother Miao to confirm."

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Chulan decided to hide the news for the time being.

If Huang Miao was really in the cave, their operation would be much simpler.

With Huang Miao here, neither Wang Zhenqiu nor Xia Liuqing can make any trouble.

"Well, don't worry."

"I know."

Feng Baobao nodded and made an OK gesture.

About three hours later.

In an empty cave, Liu Mingyuan and others were sitting cross-legged in the cave.

All ordinary people rest in a strange posture with five hearts in the sky.

The whole scene was extremely silent.

The breathing of these ordinary people all produced the same changing tone.

Elijah and the others gathered together and glanced at the ordinary people meditating quietly around them.

"Are these people practicing Qi?"

"It's amazing."

Gusta's eyes glowed with a faint blue light and he couldn't help but sigh.

In his field of vision, he could see a faint energy emanating from these ordinary people.

Obviously these people have already mastered the method of practicing Qi after just a short journey.

Although this method seems very unfamiliar and missing.

But it can indeed make these ordinary people feel Qi personally.

Of course, if you want to rely on this simple method to completely transform from an ordinary person to an alien, it will take years or even decades.

These people cannot be called strangers now. At most, they are ordinary people who come into contact with Qi by chance.

But just that, it is already very rare.

"This valley is indeed special and rare."

"I'm really curious about who created this magical valley."

"Is he really the cult leader from decades ago that Liu mentioned?"

At this moment, Hongda was also imitating those ordinary people, meditating cross-legged with five hearts in the air.

Feel the energy flowing through your body.

The scene inside the cave was strangely peaceful.

Only a rustling sound came from the distance.

Huang Miao, who was sitting in the corner, suddenly opened his eyes slowly and looked towards the corner on the other side of the cave.

A smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.


In a hidden corner of the cave, a sneaky figure was approaching the crowd with a strange posture.

It's very fast, but almost silent.

Even Hongda's few strangers didn't notice anything unusual.

With a little bit of moonlight, I could barely see clearly that the shadow had long black hair.

This figure is none other than Feng Baobao who sneaked into the cave.

Feng Baobao leaned against the mountain wall in a strange posture and wrinkled his nose slightly.

Now she was sure that Huang Miao indeed appeared in this cave.

After arriving in the cave, she found that Huang Miao's aura was very clear.

Following the direction in which the smell came, Feng Baobao looked at a young figure sitting in the far corner.

Although the other person's appearance had changed, she was 100% sure that the young foreigner sitting in the corner must be Huang Miao.

"Bao'er, don't disturb me for now."

A familiar voice appeared in Feng Baobao's mind.

Feng Baobao was slightly shocked.

Looked around subconsciously.

The voice just now seemed to ring in her ears.

It was indeed Huang Miao's original voice.

However, after looking around, she found no trace of Huang Miao.

"No need to look for it, this is called gathering sound into a line."

"For the time being, act according to the arrangements Zhang Chulan gave you, and do not expose my identity."

There was no strange color on Huang Miao's face, but his eyes were looking at the silent Judy not far away.

If his identity was revealed too early, the woman behind Judy might not appear.

This operation is an opportunity to get in touch with Sister Ma.

According to the plot, Qu Tong's spiritual power should still exist in Judy's body.

The other party can release certain full-hand abilities through Judy's spirit.

Huang Miao wondered whether he could imprison Qu Tong's spiritual power when it appeared.

Feng Baobao blinked. Although he didn't know why Huang Miao did this, he still nodded very cooperatively.

Her eyes fell on a small man sitting cross-legged not far from her.

I don’t know when an extra shovel appeared on my waist.


A clean and crisp collision sound suddenly sounded in the silent cave.

All the people who were meditating silently with their eyes closed were startled by the sudden collision.

Open your eyes quickly.

"what happened?"

"what happened!"

"What was that sound just now?"

"Why do I hear the sound of metal hitting metal?"

Everyone looked around in confusion, and Liu Mingyuan and Judy also looked at each other.

A flash of unknown meaning flashed in his eyes.

"No, look!"


"Jinbao disappeared!"

"Monkey, an even stranger monkey took Jinbao away!"

The person sitting next to Jin Bao turned pale with fright.

The pistol was clutched tightly in his hand.

"It was too fast, I didn't see it clearly just now!"

"I saw Jinbao being kidnapped directly. That speed is definitely not an ordinary monkey!"

"What should we do? What should we do now?"

In an instant, the originally peaceful atmosphere was broken, and many ordinary people became nervous again.

Fear enveloped everyone's hearts almost instantly.

Elijah and the others also looked at each other and looked towards the dark tunnel.

There was also surprise in his eyes.

The opponent's speed just now was so fast that even they didn't notice it.

Just kidnap Jinbao in front of them?
"Don't be nervous, everyone, we are not far from our destination now."

"We only need to repair for one night and set off." "We can reach our destination tomorrow."

"From now on, everyone should not move alone anymore. The terrain here is open and we just need to keep a distance from each other."

"There is a high probability that this will not happen again."

Liu Mingyuan spoke in a deep voice, making the originally chaotic crowd quiet again.

"These friends of mine will assist Ben's team in holding the vigil."

"Try to keep everyone safe."

Liu Mingyuan pointed to the open space in the center of the cave. There were no obstructions around the open space, and the view was very clear.

As long as everyone gathers around this open space.

It will be difficult to be attacked by surprise again.

"Well, this method works."

"it is good."

"Although it's still a little dangerous, it's the best solution."


Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

Under normal circumstances, they would most likely choose to quit the adventure if their lives were threatened.

But this time the temptation is too great for ordinary people like them.

This valley can turn them into supermen!
This kind of temptation is no less than immortality for ordinary people.

At this time, they didn't know that there was a hidden cave not far from their heads.

An old white-haired face sneered twice.

The figure is completely hidden in the cave.

It was Quanxing Xia Liuqing.

Several people took Jinfeng's shortcut route and soon caught up with the group who entered the valley first.

In order not to lose these foreigners, Xia Liuqing was sent to monitor everyone.

"Hey, don't you dare to move?"

"Just right."

"When Jinfeng and the others arrive, I will deal with you properly."

Xia Liuqing let out a cold laugh in a low voice, and her eyes finally fell on Elijah and the others.

Through the observation just now, he found that most of the people here are ordinary people without special powers.

Only a few have mastered Qi.

Obviously these few strangers who have mastered Qi will be their real opponents.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed from a dark cave not far away.

The light group was like a colorful stream of light, shooting out of the dark cave at extremely fast speeds.

"Good boy, you arrived so quickly?"

After Xia Liuqing saw the light group in the cave, the smile on his face became even stronger.

As a practitioner of the Divine Mask, he naturally knew what those light groups were.

I originally thought it would take a while for Jinfeng and the others to arrive, but I didn't expect them to arrive so quickly.

The moment the light group appeared, the mercenaries who had been waiting for it also discovered the same thing.

"what is that!"

"Shoot! Shoot quickly!"

"Don't let these light groups get close!"

As a mercenary team with extremely high combat literacy, although they don't know what these light groups are.

But based on their intuition, they all believed that these groups of light rushing toward their mother were not good people.

Everyone drew their guns and started shooting.

And these light groups quickly turned into monkey shapes just a few steps away from everyone.

At the same time, deep in the dark cave, a young man with long blond hair slowly appeared in everyone's sight.

He also held a long stick that could shine in his hand.

The face is painted with very eye-catching facial makeup.

"Has the enemy finally appeared?"

Elijah looked at the blond young man who slowly walked out of the cave, his expression a little serious.

After Jin Bao was kidnapped, he had already determined.

The people who stole the treasure this time were definitely not the monkeys before.

There is a high probability that they are aliens like them.

Although I don't know what the other party's purpose is, since the other party will kidnap Jinbao, they will naturally take action against them.

The reason why Liu Mingyuan invited so many strangers to this team was probably to deal with these strangers.

Not to deal with the monkeys in the valley.

"Psychic power."

"It doesn't look like a monkey in the valley."

"Everyone, we should take action next."

Nash, wearing a hat, walked slowly to Elijah, a few stones floating from his feet.

Not far in front of him, three stones shot towards them were also nailed directly in the air.

Nash twisted his neck. As a telekinesis user, he was very sensitive to his own abilities.

Although I don’t know who attacked them.

But the person who made the sneak attack was definitely an innate alien like him, and his awakening ability was also telekinesis.

"The opponent this time seems to be unusual."

"But this is the first time I've seen this method. It's interesting to condense one's Qi into a clone."

Chanon, the youngest among them, had already ducked in front of the two light ball clones.

Lifting his leg, he directly kicked away the monkey that was transformed into a light ball clone.

These light groups are formed by the condensed Qi of Wang Zhenqiu, and they can be used against ordinary people.

But dealing with Chanon, who is good at physical skills and fighting skills, there is something not enough.

"Chanon, be careful and don't underestimate the enemy."

"We don't know who we are facing yet."

Hongda took a deep breath, and then a stream of flames shot out from his mouth.

Directly melt the monkeys transformed into two light groups in front of him.

"Liu, this is the real purpose of bringing us here!"

"You know we will be attacked by aliens."

Elijah twisted his neck and looked at Liu Mingyuan and Judy who were standing motionless.

It was easy to see from the expressions on their faces that they were not surprised by the attack.

Apparently it had been expected.

"Damn, the bullets are useless!"

"These monsters are simply not something ordinary people like us can handle."

A mercenary looked at the light group not far away in horror. He had just shot the monkey that the light group had turned into.

However, the bullet seemed to have not hit anything at all and passed directly through the light group.

The monkeys transformed into light balls were unharmed.

"What should I do? It seems we can't help."

"Yes, this kind of fighting has never been seen before, unheard of."

"The people who attacked us this time should be the same kind of supermen like Hongda and others."

The mercenaries looked around with vigilance. If Hongda and the others were not there to support them, they would probably have no choice but to run away in embarrassment.

Their methods are completely useless against these monsters.

Suddenly, a clear voice sounded from the crowd.

Then a mercenary who had been speaking just now turned white.

Lean back.


Standing next to her was a girl with long black hair reaching her waist, holding a shovel in her hand.

"what happened!"

"Who is this guy?!"

"She is not our companion!"

"Let me go, when did this guy show up, he didn't notice it at all!"

"Stand there, don't move!"

"Don't move, you hear me? If you move again, we'll shoot!"

(End of this chapter)

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