After a brief moment of shock, the mercenaries responded quickly.

They are afraid of those strange balls of light and the strange monkeys that change inexplicably in the valley.

But when facing Feng Baobao, a living person, he was not so afraid.

There is no human in the world that humans cannot kill.

Therefore, after discovering that their opponent is a human being, they are not afraid even if the opponent is likely to be a so-called superman.

"Oops, I was discovered."

"so troublesome."

Feng Baobao scratched his head and suddenly accelerated towards the cave in the distance.

The figure was so close that afterimages appeared.

Her mission is to sneak up on a few and knock them out, not to fight.

"Such a weird speed!"

"The other party is also a superman like Mr. Hongda!"

"And there is a high probability that he is the one who kidnapped Jin Bao!"

Several mercenaries had no time to pull the trigger, and Feng Baobao's figure had already run several meters away.

Even if they were all experienced soldiers, they would not be able to accurately hit such a fast target at this time.

On the other side, Elijah slowly raised the silver revolver in his hand and aimed at the young man holding a strange stick in the cave.

Pull the trigger.

In an instant, the dense bullets directly scattered all the monkeys that Wang Zhenqiu released the light group transformation.

Ordinary bullets have no effect on these monkeys, but the bullets in Elijah's pistol have been modified by Qi.

Reached the level of chemicals.

It is still very easy to deal with these monkeys transformed from Qi.

"What a fast bullet!"

Wang Zhenqiu turned his head suddenly, then raised the long stick in his hand and threw it behind him.

I saw that the bullet that had just grazed his cheek turned a strange corner and fired back.

He collided hard with the bachelor.

"Did it get done?"

Gusta beside Elijah squinted his eyes and looked at the dark and silent cave.

He was still very clear about Elijah's strength, and ordinary strangers were no match for Elijah.

Especially without knowing anything about Elijah's pistol capabilities.


Elijah shook his head slightly and continued to stare at the dark cave not far away with a solemn gaze.

"Alchemy in the West and Qi training in the East are the two largest and most systematic among the currently existing ability users."

"Especially when you encounter Dongfang's Lian Qi, you have to be very careful when dealing with it."

"The opponent can strengthen his own physical fitness by practicing Qi."

"When Gusta is fighting, be sure not to be approached by these people."

"Even if you have the guardian rune, I'm afraid you are no match for the other party."

In the brief exchange just now, he had already basically judged the opponent's strength.

The mysterious guy in the cave is very powerful.

At least it was stronger than most Qi ability practitioners he encountered.

Whether it is reaction speed or strength, he is definitely the best in Qi training ability.

The mysterious stick in the opponent's hand can actually block his own bullets.

"This mission is indeed not easy."

"No wonder Liu She paid such a generous reward."

Elijah twisted his neck and touched the bag hanging in front of his neck, his expression rarely becoming serious.

For this reward, he must go all out.

Huang Miao's gaze calmly swept across several battlefields. At this time, Jin Feng and others had already fought with the strangers invited by Liu Mingyuan.

Although the strength of these strangers is generally not as strong as Jin Feng and the others.

But it is not easy to get rid of the opponent in a short time.

And there was also a group of well-trained mercenaries interfering.

For a moment, the battle between the two sides became tense.

"Guys, let's have a good talk."

"There's no need to use knives or guns."

Liu Mingyuan walked out of the crowd, his eyes passing through the people he was fighting with.

It seems that his purpose is really just to find the treasure left by Wugensheng, and he does not want to conflict with Jinfeng and others.

If he hadn't glanced at Feng Baobao intentionally or unintentionally, even Huang Miao might not have been able to discover the other party's true intention.

"Nothing to talk about!"

"Hurry up and take your people back to where you came from!"

"This is not the place you should come!"

"The things here don't belong to you either!"

Jin Feng's voice came from the treasure cave in front, with a hint of anger in his voice.

She is now certain that these people kidnapped her in the first place.

And their purpose is obviously for the rootless treasure.

As a little fangirl with no roots, how could Jinfeng not be angry now.


"The voice of an old woman."

"Among the people who attacked us, was there an old woman?"

After everyone heard Jin Feng's voice, they all couldn't believe it. Apparently they didn't expect that there was an old woman among their enemies.

In their understanding, no matter how strong your body is when you are young, it will deteriorate due to physical degradation when you get old.

And lose most of the body's ability to move.

But although the voice of the old woman in the cave was old, it was full of vitality and did not sound like a decrepit old man.

"It's unimaginable that an old man can still travel a long distance to get here."

"We seem to have found the secret to longevity!"

"No matter what, we must master the method of becoming a superman!"

Somehow, as time goes by, these ordinary people seem to become more and more emotionally crazier.

Many people even started to have red marks on their faces.

The mind cannot regain its composure.

Liu Mingyuan ignored the changes of these ordinary people and continued to take a few steps forward to the dark cave.

"What's here doesn't belong to us?"

"Then let me ask you, are you a company or a full-sex person?"

"Who we are has nothing to do with you!"

"Get out of here quickly!"

Jin Feng obviously didn't want to talk nonsense with Liu Mingyuan, and just wanted to drive him away as soon as possible.

But Liu Mingyuan seemed to be deliberately stalling for time and continued to talk to himself.

"No, if you are from the company, then we must reason properly."

"The treasures stored here are the rootless collections of the former head of Quanxing."

"He's not a good fit for us, but he's not a good fit for the company either."

"Now that we arrived here first and found the collections that are no longer owned, naturally these collections belong to us."

Liu Mingyuan smiled slightly and started chatting with Jin Feng. He seemed not at all anxious about what he was doing.

No interest in rootless treasures is apparent.

"It would be easier if you were omnisexual."

"When have you ever been reasonable in your actions?"

"The treasures here may have been stolen by you all from other sects."

"You fart!"

"You are not allowed to slander the leader!"

However, before Liu Mingyuan could finish speaking, Xia Liuqing suddenly shouted angrily and rushed towards him from a short distance away.

The long black mace in his hand hit Liu Mingyuan's egg-like head.

The wind howled.

Apparently he was angry.

Accompanied by a crisp sound.

A light green protective barrier suddenly appeared in front of Liu Mingyuan.

After the black mace came into contact with the barrier, many dense cracks immediately appeared on the barrier. At Liu Mingyuan's wrist, one of the beads in a string of beads also cracked.

"Damn it, it's a protective weapon again!"

"How come there are so many protective weapons during this period!"

Xia Liuqing cursed secretly and swept back quickly.

He didn't expect that this braised egg-headed man also carried a protective magical weapon, and it seemed to be a magical weapon of high quality!

"Everyone, you heard it too."

"In this fight for treasure, no one is right or wrong."

"Even you can get involved."

"Think about it, this is the treasure left by the great man who once led the entire cult."

“It’s self-evident how many treasures there are.”

"If you want it, just rush in."

Liu Mingyuan glanced at Xia Liuqing lightly, and then ignored him.

Instead, he looked at the stunned ordinary people behind him.

A bewitching voice came out of his mouth.

In an instant, everyone who was already excited became even more excited.

The bloody lines on everyone's faces became clearer.

Some people even had scarlet eyes, full of madness.

He no longer looks like a normal person at all.

"Treasure! Treasure!"

"These treasures are mine!"

"It's mine, mine!"

"Hahaha, as long as I get the treasure, can I also become the legendary Superman?"

The crowd's shouts resounded throughout the valley, and almost crazy smiles appeared on their faces.

Many people were slowly squatting down and putting their hands on the ground.

It seems to be back to its original state.


"Qi body accumulation?"

Huang Miao looked at the crazy people around him indifferently, without much emotion in his eyes.

Through his spiritual consciousness, he could clearly sense the changes in the energy of the people around him.

At this moment, due to the influence of the runes on the valley, these people have been practicing silently since the beginning.

The Qi in the body has been stored to a certain level.

However, because Wugensheng destroyed the integrity of the runes on the stone wall of the valley, what was originally a complete set of Xingqi runes became incomplete.

These people now only have mastered the method of moving Qi, but they have not mastered the method of releasing Qi.

This caused more and more Qi to accumulate in everyone's Dantian.

It's like a balloon that only knows how to inflate. If the energy in the balloon is not released, there will be only one final result.

Exploded to death!

Nowadays, these people become emotionally excited, which is also an instinctive reaction of the body.

Through exercise and fighting, the Qi in the body can be released in small amounts.

But before you really master the method of releasing Qi, this approach is just a drop in the bucket.

The Dharma is not transmitted to the six ears.

Rootless behavior is really interesting.

"Okay, since everyone wants to compete for the treasure."

"Then let's rush over together!"

"The treasure is not far ahead."

A smile appeared at the corner of Liu Mingyuan's mouth. Looking at the excited ordinary people around him, he knew that the time was almost up.

Because they cannot be released, the Qi in these people is now almost the same as that of real aliens.

Everyone is not weak in strength.

"Come on!"

"Hahaha, come on, anyone who dares to stop us will be killed directly!"

"Yes, we all rushed together, I feel great now!"

"I feel like I can kill a cow with one punch."

"Hahaha, I feel the same way. We are mutating towards Superman now. This valley is simply amazing!"

"I can't wait to see what that so-called treasure is!"

Suddenly, everyone went crazy and rushed into the cave.

There was no trace of reason in his eyes at all.

Completely transformed into a beast controlled by desire.

"Everyone, please be careful, something is not right with these people."

"Nowadays, it is very difficult to knock these people unconscious without harming their lives."

In the cave, Barron's voice suddenly came.

Then he and Jin Feng appeared from the cave.

After entering the cave, his character is responsible for protecting Jinfeng's safety.

There has been no action.

Originally, when these ordinary people rushed into the valley, he planned to directly knock them unconscious.

Knocking these ordinary people unconscious was not a difficult task given his strength.

However, when Barron actually faced these ordinary people who had fallen into madness, he discovered that things were not that simple.

Both the aura and the mind of these people have become extremely strange.

"Damn, what the hell did this guy do to these people?"

"Why do I feel like these people have become crazy one by one?"

Wang Zhenqiu frowned slightly and moved the golden cudgel in his hand forward.

Stopping in front of everyone and constantly attacking ordinary people who try to get close to him.

"I'm talking about bastards, why don't we just kill these people!"

"Why bother!"

Xia Liuqing was also holding a mace on the side, guarding the cave like a door god.


If he followed his temperament, he would just kill these people directly.

Why do you need so much trouble?

But Wang Zhenqiu always asked him not to really hurt the lives of these people.

This made him timid and uncomfortable every time he attacked.

At this time, no one noticed.

Judy, who had a very low sense of presence along the way, was slowly walking towards Baobao Feng who was hiding behind the rocks.

The whole person exuded a strange Qi.

This Qi does not seem to belong to Judy herself.

Huang Miao stretched and walked out of the corner, his eyes falling on Judy.

coming soon.

Feng Baobao looked at Judy walking towards him in surprise, and stood motionless in place.

She can feel the hostility others unleash against her and then attack.

But at this time, Judy was like an emotionless machine, with no emotional fluctuations at all.

This caused Feng Baobao to not know for a moment whether he should knock the other party unconscious with the shovel in his hand.

Judy walked towards Feng Baobao step by step.

Something seemed to be activated in the vermilion pupils.

An eye actually grew again.

A pupil that does not belong to Judy at all.

This pair of newly grown pupils looked straight at Feng Baobao as if they had their own emotions.

Feng Baobao, who was already in a daze, seemed to be remembering something when he noticed the new pupils in Judy's eyes.

His eyes went blank for a moment.

As if being held in place by a body-holding technique, motionless.

Judy slowly opened her mouth and made a clicking sound.

A blue light came from her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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