At this moment, Judy seemed like a monster without emotions.

He kept whimpering and roaring, and rushed towards Feng Baobao.

The blue light in the mouth gradually enlarged.

The strange pupils in his pupils also emitted a strange light.

"what's the situation?"

"What's wrong Judy?"

Elijah and others looked at Judy who seemed to have mutated in shock at this moment, not knowing what had happened.

This little girl, who had been silent along the way, experienced some kind of mutation at this moment.

As Judy's companion, Liu Yuanming turned around and ran out of the cave as soon as Judy made a strange change.

Mission accomplished, it seems.

"Should we continue to protect Judy?"

"Our mission?"

Gusta looked at Elijah, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Their goal this time was to protect Judy, but in this situation, Judy actually took the initiative to tremble with each other.

And because they are entangled with other people, they are unable to help at all.

Unless a few of them are willing to use real power.

Otherwise there is no way to help Judy.


"Just wait and see what happens."

"Liu Mingyuan's behavior is very weird. This Judy may not be as simple as we thought."

"Do you remember our mission this time?"

"There is no precise target, just let us escort Judy into the cave."

"Liu didn't tell us anything about the rest."

"I suspect that this matter itself is that Liu Mingyuan is deceiving us, or more accurately, he is hiding something."

"I'm afraid his purpose is not the so-called cult leader's treasure at all."

Elijah spoke slowly and shook his head.

Gusta was not allowed to take action.

Apart from him, the other strangers also continued to struggle with their opponents.

There was no rash support for Judy who was behaving strangely.

Now in this situation, Liu Mingyuan, as the leader of this mission, has run away. I am afraid they have completed the mission.

Judy, who was originally thin, didn't know where she got the powerful strength, and she directly pressed Feng Baobao under her.

He opened his huge mouth and approached Feng Baobao ferociously.

The blue light in his mouth became brighter and brighter, as if something was growing from the depths of his throat.

Feng Baobao was lying on the ground in a daze, his body just instinctively pressing against Judy's head.

A layer of pale yellow golden light was released from Judy's body.

It is a protective weapon.

Judy's protective magic weapon was more advanced than the one carried by Liu Mingyuan, and it was obviously specially prepared.

Feng Baobao looked at Judy, who was constantly approaching him, and felt an inexplicable feeling of panic in his heart.

This was something she had never felt before.

It was as if she would lose the most important thing once she was approached by the other party.


The golden protective shield made a shattering sound, and Feng Baobao's Qi continued to spurt out in all directions.

At this moment, Feng Baobao didn't hold back any more, and activated the Qi in his body to the maximum level.

Even high-level protective magic weapons are not truly indestructible.

There are tiny cracks visible to the naked eye on the surface of the golden protective shield.

It's just that these cracks are far from shattering.

Huang Miao, who was not far away, stretched and walked towards the strange Judy as if there was no one around.

At this time, ordinary people were busy running into the cave to fight for the treasure.

Those strangers were entangled with Wang Zhenqiu and others.

So no one stood in the way.

Huang Miao easily came to Feng Baobao and Judy under the gaze of everyone.

One hand lifted up Judy who was lying in front of Feng Baobao without wasting any strength.

The golden protective Qi shield around Judy shattered the moment she was touched by Huang Miao.

Huang Miao's entire face slowly changed, revealing his own appearance.

"Is this man disguised?"

"He is not our partner in this operation!"

"He is indeed a stranger."

Elijah and others were slightly stunned when they saw Huang Miao change his appearance and attack Judy directly.

They originally thought Huang Miao was their teammate, but now it seems that is not the case.

The ones who were more shocked than Elijah were Xia Liuqing and others.

Except for Jin Feng, all of them had seen Huang Miao.

At this time, when they saw Huang Miao mixed in the other party's crowd, they couldn't help but widen their eyes.

I never thought I would meet each other in a place like this.

"grown ups?"

Xia Liuqing swallowed and glanced at the golden phoenix in the cave not far away.

In order to ask Huang Miao to save Jinfeng, he had agreed to become his subordinate.

If Huang Miao really came for the rootless treasure, it would be hard to stop him.

And with Huang Miao's strength, he was unable to stop him. He could only knock Jinfeng unconscious first depending on the situation.

Barron also frowned slightly and instinctively took two steps back.

Judging by his aura, the weird Chinese guy opposite seems to be much stronger now than he was in Biyou Village.

There seems to be no upper limit to the opponent's growth in strength.


With a crisp and shattering sound, Huang Miao twisted Judy's head 180 degrees in a weird posture.

However, Judy, whose neck was broken, was not dead and still roared without emotion.

Just like zombies in movies.

Huang Miao looked at the strange pair of pupils in Judy's eyes and spoke lightly.

"Qu Tong, right?"

"Now we can talk."

A dazzling blue light erupted from Judy's mouth and shot straight towards Huang Miao's eyebrows.

This blue light is not formed by Qi, nor is it a real natural light.

Rather, it is condensed from the purest spiritual power.

As the blue light continued to pour into the center of his eyebrows, Huang Miao felt as if his forehead was being pricked by a needle.

It tingles slightly.

This strange spiritual power is trying to break into Huang Miao's sea of ​​consciousness.

"It seems that besides Feng Baobao, I am also within your target range."

Huang Miao frowned slightly.

This pure spiritual energy should be Qu Tong's residing in Judy's body, equivalent to Qu Tong's own will.

It stands to reason that the target of this mental attack should only be Feng Baobao.

But that doesn't seem to be the case now.

"Want to enter my spiritual consciousness?"

"Why bother."

Huang Miao's tone was calm, and a strange gossip appeared naturally at his feet.

In an instant, the Bagua map expanded to cover the entire cave.

Immediately afterwards, the mud palace between his eyebrows that had been almost completely closed suddenly opened up.

A powerful suction force instantly burst out from the mud palace, sucking the spiritual power bursting out from Judy's mouth into the center of his eyebrows.


In a luxurious villa.

The charming pink-haired woman was currently sitting on the soft bed.

Beads of sweat covered his forehead.

At the same time that Huang Miao sucked the spiritual power into his Niwan Palace, the pink-haired woman suddenly opened her eyes.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth. A little blood seeped out from between his eyebrows.

His whole body was covered in sweat, and his face was pale with no trace of blood.

The whole person seemed to be exhausted.

The woman was Qu Tong from Yao Xing Society. At this moment, she could feel that her spiritual power had completely disappeared.

In other words, at that moment, the opponent forcefully tore his mental power away from his body.

She has never been in such a situation since taking control of both hands.

Except for some old monsters with advanced cultivation, the mental power of ordinary aliens is actually not much different from ordinary people.

Under her hands, it can be changed at will.

However, this time, she seemed to have miscalculated.

Originally, she wanted to use her own mental power to enter the other party's sea of ​​consciousness, and then change some of the other party's memories.

Or give some hint to the other party in a subtle way.

However, just when her mental power was about to enter the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness, she had never seen that majestic and huge fluctuation of mental energy in so many years.

In just a moment, she lost contact with her own spirit.

Qu Tong looked pained, although there were no scars on his body except for the wound between his eyebrows.

But the whole person seemed to have been hit hard in some way.

Lying on the bed alone, his whole body was shaking in pain.

It took a while to recover.

"Is this person the so-called variable?"

"Never seen it, no information."

"I did feel the power of the Eight Wonders in the opponent's body. Could it be that he was also one of the thirty-six people back then?"

"Are there any redeployment plans?"

Qu Tong breathed a long sigh of relief, sat alone on the bed and started talking to himself.

He actually had a conversation with himself.

It's like a split personality.

On the other side, inside the cave.

The four sets of Bagua at Huang Miao's feet began to operate automatically, and he stood motionless in the center of the four sets.

And Judy, who was originally captured in his hands, has become a headless corpse.

After absorbing Qu Tong’s spiritual power.

Huang Miao also entered his own sea of ​​consciousness. The so-called sea of ​​consciousness was actually the inner scene of the warlock.

A light blue ball of light appears in the center of the interior scene.

Huang Miao stood in the void, looking down at the mass of spiritual energy.

"Qu Tong?"

"Aren't you going to talk?"

Huang Miao spoke calmly. Originally, he wanted to forcefully enter this mass of spiritual energy and check the memory about Qu Tong.

But in the end it ended in failure.

Although this group of spiritual energy was trapped in the inner scene by him, it had lost contact with the main body.

But because of its full hands, this body's spiritual power is particularly strange.


"What's there to talk about?"

The cold girl came from the spiritual energy and finally transformed into a woman.

The woman is like a ghost, floating in Huang Miao's interior.

He looked at Huang Miao curiously.

There is no sense of being a prisoner at all.

"You are the other person who understood Fenghou Qimen as my brother said."

"It's really strange."

"In addition to Fenghou Qimen, there are other eight magical skills in your body."

"It seems you are also collecting the Eight Wonders."

Qu Tong touched his chin and spoke calmly.

Be calm and composed.

Just like a visiting guest.

Huang Miao looked at Qu Tong's mental power indifferently, and with a simple wave of his hand, he directly detained Qu Tong's mental power in front of him.

"Tell me, who is your true identity?"

"What do you know about the Eight Wonders?"

Huang Miao spoke in a low voice and looked at the woman in front of him who was emitting light blue light.

It would be great if Lu Liang was here at this time. With his Bright Soul Technique, he should be able to enter this mass of spiritual energy and check it out.

Huang Miao is actually very interested in the Eight Wonders.

With his strength, he is now the best in the entire alien world.

In fact, even if he doesn't master the complete eight magical skills, there is still no one who can be his opponent.

But secretly, after mastering the first Eight Magic Skills, he had the idea of ​​collecting all the Eight Magic Skills.

That feeling seemed to tell him that as long as he could combine the eight magical skills into one, some kind of special change would occur.

In fact, Huang Miao also had his own understanding of these eight magical skills during this time.

Each of the so-called eight magical skills can find its roots in those sages who failed to truly achieve enlightenment.

The counterpart of Divine Machine Hundred Refiners should be Gongshu Ban, the ancestor of carpenters.

It is said that Lu Ban used his country's efforts to imitate Chaoge Lutai, the capital of the Shang Dynasty, and build a tower that reaches the sky.

But just as he was about to succeed, a thunderbolt suddenly fell and struck directly at the unfinished rooftop.

But in the end he failed, and the platform was ignited by lightning.

Lu Ban and Deng Xiantai were buried in the sea of ​​fire.

The corresponding general of Ju Ling should be Zhong Kui, the ghost immortal.

The source of the Qi body is Li Er who left Hangu's purple energy in the west and came to the east.

The Immortal Thief of Liuku should be Zhuang Zhou who transformed into Kun Peng and Meng Hu.

Each of these sages of the human race had the possibility of ascending to heaven, but in the end they all failed.

The Eight Wonders may be to fulfill the wish of ascension that these sages could not fulfill.

By combining the eight miraculous skills that are close to reaching the sky, you can truly open the heavenly gate and ascend.

Of course, these are just Huang Miao's own guesses after all.

"who am I?"

"Don't you know?"

"Qu Tong."

"The president of Yao Xing Club."

"With your strength, it shouldn't be difficult to find my true form."

The woman spoke calmly, seemingly not worried about her own safety.

The ability of both hands allows her to achieve immortality in a strange form.

Just like the spiritual power that controlled Judy, she planted her own 'seeds' in many people's bodies.

Even if the body really dies, she can be reborn again through these hidden seeds.

Even she herself didn't know how many seeds she had retained.

Huang Miao narrowed his eyes and grabbed the woman's neck with an invisible hand.

It seems that it is difficult to learn anything useful from the other party.

Just as I guessed.

The other party has trained both hands to an extremely deep level.

Unless all the spiritual hosts of the other party are eliminated, there is no way to really kill the other party.

"Oh, I think I found something interesting."

Suddenly, the woman's eyes noticed the golden light in the deepest part of the scene.

This ball of golden light is particularly conspicuous in the dark interior scene.

It exudes some kind of divine light.

"Is this belief in the Godhead?"

"How come you have a godhead inside your body?"

After noticing the golden light in the interior scene, Qu Tong, who had always spoken calmly, finally lived up to his original calmness.

The tone was slightly surprised.

It was as if he had seen something extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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