One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 180 Don’t be nervous, I’m just asking casually

Huang Miao followed Qu Tong's line of sight and glanced at the golden light in the sea of ​​consciousness.

This is something that appeared in Chen Duo's sea of ​​consciousness not long ago after collecting the power of faith.

It's not clear yet what effect it has.

"It seems you are really well-informed."

"You can condense your godhead by accident."

"It seems that you are also what is called a person with great luck."

Qu Tong's spiritual body slowly opened his mouth and looked at the golden light in the depths with interest.

Faintly, a golden weasel can be seen.

While Qu Tong looked at the golden light, the yellow weasel in Huang Miao's body that emitted golden light also suddenly turned its head.

The next moment, he opened his bloody mouth.

A more powerful suction force was released from the golden weasel's mouth.

The energy body cannot maintain its human form under this suction force.

Transformed into a ball of blue spiritual energy again.

In the cave, all the strangers had stopped at this time.

Quietly looking at Huang Miao standing in the fourth plate.

"Brother Xia, who is this young man?"

"Why do you feel like you and Qiu are both afraid of him?"

Jin Feng looked curiously at Huang Miao, who was standing motionless among the four sets of Bagua pictures.

Although she is a stranger, she basically doesn't care about things in the circle.

Furthermore, I haven’t participated in any global organization for many years.

He didn't know Huang Miao's existence at all.

"Jinfeng, this may be our new leader of Quanxing."

Xia Liuqing coughed twice and whispered into Jin Feng's ear.

Regarding Huang Miao's matters, he had been told before that he could not disclose them to outsiders at will.

They are now a cult that everyone wants to beat up.

Once people from other sects know that Huang Miao is going to become the head of Quanxing, who knows if these so-called decent sects will join forces to organize a plan against them.

You must know that the last time a leader appeared in Quanxing, Quanxing's power was at its peak.

It makes other sects unable to breathe.


"The new leader?"

"Brother Xia, are you kidding me?"

Jin Feng was stunned and looked at the young man standing among the four plates of gossip in surprise.

Even though I haven’t been involved in the internal affairs of the sect for so many years.

But Jinfeng still knew what was going on inside the door now.

Today's disciples are all used to being lax, and it's not like they were back then.

It's almost impossible to be recognized by these crazy people who are used to being loose.

No matter how you look at the young man in front of you, he doesn't look like an expert who can reunite your entire being.

"Jinfeng, how could I possibly joke with you about this kind of thing?"

"You have been ignoring things inside the door all year round, so you may not be aware of it."

"Now, many of our masters have secretly surrendered to this lord."

"It's just that it hasn't been officially announced to the outside world yet."

Xia Liuqing shook her head, looking serious.

Although sometimes he is not very reliable, but as a member of Quanxing, it is impossible for him to joke about things like the leader of Quanxing.

As far as he knew, the four crazy people had been secretly wooing the members of Quanxing during this period.

Now, 70% of the members of Quanxing have secretly recognized the other party's position as leader.

If Zhang Zhiwei hadn't suddenly descended from the mountain not long ago, he wiped out many strongholds and forces across the country.

The process was delayed a bit.

I'm afraid this proportion will expand.


"We are going to have a new leader in Quanxing?"

"Brother Xia, with your temper, how can you admit that a young boy becomes our leader?"

"I remember when that boy named Gong wanted to become the acting head, you opposed it."

Jinfeng looked at Xia Liuqing curiously.

In her memory, Xia Liuqing would not surrender to others casually.

Even though Xia Liu Qing has become more peaceful in recent years, he was still famous in the alien world back then.

The nickname Fierce Ling is not for nothing.

"Jinfeng, there are some things that I won't be able to tell you until you speak in person."

"One thing is that this gentleman is not a young boy."

"The other party's real age is much older than you and me."

"And based on what I know about this gentleman, we may have a round of internal purges in the future."

Xia Liuqing reminded Jinfeng in a low voice.

His eyes couldn't help but look at the handsome young man standing motionless not far away.

Even though the other person is extremely handsome, he also looks quite easy-going.

But Xia Liuqing knew that the other party was definitely a ruthless master.

After a while, those sect members who oppose him becoming the new head may not end well.


"Are you older than us?"

Jin Feng was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the young man who could be her grandson in surprise.

She is not among the oldest in the industry, but she is definitely not young either.

If he is older than her, then he must be at least one hundred and thirty years old.

But he looks a little too young and doesn't look like him at all.

"Brother Xia, what does he look like? Why is he so young?"

"Did he practice the third level of rebirth?"

"Of course not."

"You will understand these issues in the future."

Xia Liuqing shook her head slightly and looked at Huang Miao.

Huang Miao, who had originally closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes, and a ray of light shot out of his eyes.

His eyes became a little clearer.

After absorbing Qu Tong's spiritual power, he felt refreshed.


Although I could not obtain any memories of Qu Tong.

But after absorbing the other party's mental power, Huang Miao could feel that his own spirit began to become more active.

Qu Tong's spiritual power is obviously different from other aliens.

Maybe it's because of the transformation of both hands.

Even the prototype of the golden god in the Consciousness Sea became even more dazzling after absorbing Qu Tong's spiritual power.

"The godhead that Qu Tong's spiritual body mentioned just now should be the golden weasel?"

"It seems that in addition to enhancing cultivation, the most important role of the power of faith should be to feed the golden weasel that appears in the upper dantian."

Huang Miao rubbed his eyebrows, feeling the changes in himself, and spoke to himself.

His upper, middle and lower Dantian are not occupied except for the lower Dantian.

The remaining two Dantians have been occupied by strange villains.

The Nascent Soul in Zhongdantian has become extremely active since it absorbed the original poison last time.

And the size is getting bigger and bigger.

Now it is about the size of a thumb.

Even his originally dull eyes became more vivid after absorbing the original poison.

As for the upper dantian, the Niwan uterus located between the eyebrows, it is occupied by the golden yellow weasel.

In Qu Tong's words, this golden weasel should be the prototype of a god.

Unlike the Nascent Soul that was born from the physical body, this golden weasel is the product of absorbing the power of faith. In other words, it is to absorb spiritual power.

"The gods in the upper Dantian and the Nascent Soul in the middle Dantian can both be special beings conceived by absorbing specific energy. So will the lower Dantian also appear?"

"It feels like neither the golden weasel nor the humanoid soul in the dantian is dead."

“It’s about having your own thinking under certain circumstances.”

"If you practice it to the point of reaching it, can you become an independent individual?"

"Could it be this principle that one Qi transforms into three pure beings spread among Taoist sects?
Huang Miao touched his chin, constantly feeling the changes in himself.

At first, only Nascent Soul appeared in Dantian, so he didn't think there was anything too strange about it.

After all, there have long been relevant records in human cultivation methods.

It's just Nascent Soul, which is difficult to cultivate.

This has also led to some of the original Taoist classics being now regarded as myths and legends.

And with the golden god appearing in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, he felt more and more that the stories that were considered legends in the past might be realized.

Just like the legendary one Qi transforming the Three Pure Ones, this is a classic story in ancient Taoist books.

No cultivator today will believe that someone can cultivate to the point where one energy can transform the three pure beings.

However, when the golden god appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, he seemed to realize something in an instant.

"If you have the chance, you have to find time to study the Taoist classics carefully."

"Maybe it can inspire me."

"Are you OK?"

Feng Baobao patted the dust on his body and walked to Huang Miao.

That Judy just made her feel extremely uneasy. Although Huang Miao was stronger, Feng Baobao was still worried for no reason.


"Baby, if you meet someone with a scar between their eyebrows in the future, remember to either stay away or deal with them directly."

"You must not give the other party a chance to get close to you."

Huang Miao shook his head and kicked Judy's headless body aside.

Because of his strong mental strength, Qu Tong's abilities were ineffective against him.

But that's not necessarily the case when Qu Tong faces Feng Baobao. Although Feng Baobao's physique is different from ordinary people, his mental power is extremely mysterious.

Difficult to practice.

Even though Feng Baobao's mental strength is much stronger than that of some ordinary people, he faces Qu Tong who has both hands.

I'm afraid it's still not enough.

Even Huang Miao himself, if he hadn't practiced so many eight magical skills, it would be difficult for his own mental strength to reach the point where it is now.

"Oh~ ok."

Feng Baobao nodded.

Although she didn't know why Huang Miao said that, since it was Huang Miao who said it, it certainly made sense.

She chose to believe unconditionally.

"Brother Miao, you are indeed here."

Zhang Chulan also ran to Huang Miao's side with a smile on his face.

Before entering the valley, Feng Baobao said he smelled the scent of Huang Miao.

He knew that Huang Miao should enter the cave one step ahead of them.

Therefore, during the entire operation, he was not worried at all about whether there would be any danger.

With Huang Miao's strength, no one could hurt anyone in front of him.


"It seems that the tasks assigned by Zhao Fangxu overlap."

Huang Miao glanced at Wang Zhenqiu who was following Zhang Chulan, and then glanced at Elijah and others who were repairing.

Although Judy was dead, Liu Mingyuan told them to end the mission before Judy died.

Everyone got the reward they wanted.

Prepare to leave right now.

"Everyone, I don't know why you are here."

"But we have no reason to stay here anymore."

"Excuse me, everyone, we are leaving."

When Elijah and others spoke, they all restrained their energy.

Their mission has been completed, so there is no reason to continue fighting.

They were also not interested in what a few people said about the treasures of the cult leader.

Xia Liuqing and Jin Feng did not speak, but all looked at Huang Miao.

Now this matter is no longer something they can control.

Both Xia Liuqing and Jinfeng from Quanxing and Wang Zhenqiu from Nadutong Company were waiting for Huang Miao to speak.

Huang Miao's eyes calmly swept across Hongda and the others, and finally landed on Elijah.

"They can leave directly, but I'm afraid you can't."

"If you want to leave, please cooperate and answer a few questions for me first."

Everyone around them looked at Elijah, even Hongda and others looked at Elijah at the same time.

I don’t understand why Huang Miao should be treated differently.

Elijah frowned.

He looked at Huang Miao with the same confusion.

Several of them were hired by Liu Mingyuan together.

And before again, he didn't know each other at all.

Logically speaking, the young man in front of him should not embarrass himself.

"Sir, I don't know what questions we need to cooperate with to answer."

Elijah held down his companion Gusta who was about to attack, and looked at Huang Miao with a deep look.

After this young man revealed his true face, the status of the strangers on the other side changed.

Some become more relaxed, while others become more nervous.

Judging from the fights with several people just now, no matter who is on the opposite side, they are not simple characters.

Obviously, the person who can make these people change their emotions at the same time will not be a simple existence.

The young man in front of him is either powerful or has an unusual status.

Or both.

It is not a wise choice to fight against the opponent without understanding the opponent's situation.

"Don't be nervous, I asked the first question for an old man."

"What are you two doing here Nathan?"

Huang Miao glanced at Elijah lightly, not paying attention to the other person's scrutinizing gaze.

Although Elijah's strength should be the strongest among these foreigners.

But it's the same for Huang Miao.

As long as the opponent fails to reach Zhang Zhiwei's level, Huang Miao won't even be interested in taking action.

"Nathan Island?"



After hearing Huang Miao's words, everyone looked at Elijah and Gusta with different expressions.

Except for Hongda, most people have never heard of Nathan.

The expressions of Gusta and Elijah also changed, and they frowned and looked at Huang Miao.

"How do you know Nathan?"

Their Nason Island is almost isolated from the world. Except for a few islanders like them who can go out, almost no one can leave Nason Island.

Even if they leave Nathan Island, they will be careful to hide their identities.

Do not expose information related to Nathan Island.

Except for those senior aliens, outsiders should have no information about their Nathan Island!
How could the young man in front of him know the identities of the two of them?

Huang Miao looked at Elijah's right hand, which was about to draw the gun, and at the next moment, tyrannical pressure burst out of his body.

Directly hold Elijah and Gusta in place.

"Please make it clear, two of you, I'm the one asking now."

"All you can do is answer the questions."

(End of this chapter)

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