Chapter 181 The leader’s treasure

Gusta's hands were instantly covered with mysterious runes, and he was about to attack Huang Miao directly.

His six senses are sharper than those of ordinary aliens.

The young man in front of him gave him an extremely dangerous feeling at this moment.

If he didn't take the initiative, he even doubted that he would have a chance to continue taking action.

"Gusta, stop!"

"Don't move!"

However, before Gusta could make a move, Elijah stopped his movement.

Elijah pressed Gusta's arm with one hand and winked at him.

"Elijah, this guy."

Gusta was about to say something, but Elijah stopped him with his eyes.

"This friend."

"We came to China only at Liu's invitation and had absolutely no other intentions."

"I hope you can understand."

Elijah touched the sac on his chest, and now he had what he wanted.

You can leave China.

Naturally, I don’t want to continue to cause unnecessary problems.

Judging from the current performance of others, the young man in front of him is definitely not a good person.

Being an enemy of the other party at this time is likely to cause unnecessary trouble.

Now, he just wants to leave China as soon as possible.

Huang Miao glanced at Elijah lightly, and then turned off the recording device in his hand. With Elijah's words, the task assigned to him by Zhao Fangxu was completed.

Seeing Huang Miao's actions, Elijah thought the questioning was over and planned to get up and leave.

But before he could move, the ground beneath his feet suddenly changed strangely.

The huge Qimen Bagua diagram at Huang Miao's feet continued to expand, covering everyone present.

Before everyone could react, the people enveloped in the Qimen Bagua Diagram were as motionless as clay sculptures.

Elijah looked around in surprise and wanted to retreat.

However, no matter how hard he tried, his feet seemed to be firmly fixed on the ground.

Unable to move an inch.

"what happened?"

"what did you do to me!"

At this time, Elijah felt like he was being restrained by some invisible force all around his body, except when he spoke.

He couldn't even do the simplest thing of raising his hand.

And everyone around him seemed to be frozen in time, unable to even speak.

Every movement seems to really turn into a sculpture.

"Don't be nervous. The next questions are more private."

"I don't think you want anyone else to hear it."

Huang Miao spoke calmly, without much emotion in his tone from beginning to end.

As his understanding of Fenghou Qimen becomes deeper and deeper, he is now able to separate the location covered by Fenghou Qimen from the entire world.

In other words, as long as it is within the coverage of his Feng Hou Qi Men Tu.

Huang Miao is equivalent to the ruler of heaven and earth.

The five elements, yin and yang, time and space can all be manipulated by him at will.

He has now changed the flow of time in this world, and the flow of time around everyone except him and Elijah has been fixed.

In the entire space, only he and Elijah could communicate normally.

It is equivalent to the Luanjin Tuo used by Wang Ye, except that Wang Ye can only apply it to one person, while Huang Miao can apply it to groups.

Elijah gradually calmed down and carefully observed his surroundings.

Except for this weird feeling.

The young man in front of him seemed to have done no harm to him.

But the magical ability to make time stand still is really incredible.

Even on Nathan Island, which is full of aliens, I have never heard of anyone possessing this ability.

He is worthy of being an ancient and mysterious oriental stranger.

"what is the problem?"

"As long as I can answer, I will tell you everything."

"But I hope that after I answer the questions, you will be able to allow me and my companions to leave safely."

Elijah took a deep breath and spoke in a deep voice.

With the opponent's ability, he didn't even have the chance to refuse.

To use an old Chinese saying, he is now a hero who knows the current affairs.

Elijah had no doubt that with the ability of the young man opposite him, there must be other ways to know everything he wanted to know.

"Don't worry, I will let you go as long as you tell me the answer you want to know."

"As the Guardian of Nathan, you should know how to return to Nathan Island."

"Tell me the specific location of Nason Island."

Huang Miao didn't care at all whether Elijah stayed or went.

He just wanted to know the specific location of Nathan Island.

The members of Nason Island are mainly composed of two groups. One of the groups is Nason Islanders, which are the so-called believers in the sacred tree.

The other group of people are outsiders and lawless people.

Huang Miao has decided to take this island as his own.

Whether it is the special geographical location or the composition of the members on Nason Island.

Huang Miao was very interested.

"Are you planning to enter Nathan's Island?"

"We don't welcome outsiders on Nathan Island!"

"And due to the special magnetic field, the location of Nason Island is not fixed and is shrouded in heavy fog all year round."

"It is difficult for outsiders to find the specific location of Nathan Island."

"And because the environment in the surrounding sea is extremely harsh, once you enter Nason Island, you cannot get the permission of the sacred tree."

"No one can leave Nathan's Island."

Elijah frowned slightly, not expecting that the question the other party wanted to ask was the specific location of Nathan Island.

Although some outside lunatics will enter Nathan Island from time to time, no matter how strong these lunatics are.

As long as there is no permission from the sacred tree, no one can even think of leaving Nathan Island.

To put it bluntly, Nason Island is more like a large prison compared to the outside world.

The freedom of all those who land on the island is restricted.

He didn't understand why the young man in front of him wanted to enter Nathan Island?
"If you can leave Nason Island, I won't worry about it."

"You just need to tell me the specific location of Nason Island."

Huang Miao shook his head slightly.

Of course he knew the weirdness of Nathan Island.

When you enter Nathan Island, you will be affected by the sacred tree.

Therefore, all strangers who land on the island cannot leave voluntarily.

Even the heavy fog and magnetic field in the sea area around Nathan Island are affected by that sacred tree.

Only during the period of King Nathan's replacement will the sacred tree lift its restrictions on the surrounding sea areas.

In Huang Miao's opinion, the sacred tree that has existed for thousands of years has actually become a fairy in the true sense.

It can even be said to be an existence like the ancestor of the five great immortals.

He has a large number of devout believers who absorb the so-called power of faith all the time.

If it weren't for the fact that the body is a tree, it would be restricted.

It is very likely that the sacred tree has already cultivated into a human body.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"Although Nathan Island often attracts crazy people who cannot survive normally in the outside world."

"But you're clearly not in that category."

"Nathan Island should not be attractive to you."

Elijah stared at Huang Miao with deep eyes, although the young man in front of him always showed a very calm emotion.

But for some reason, he always felt that the other party was very dangerous.

This danger is not just for himself, but for the entire Nathan, or the sacred tree.

"Elijah, it seems you have forgotten what I just said again."

"You only need to be responsible for answering my questions now." "Besides, haven't you already told the organization in Beautiful Country how to get to Nathan?"

Huang Miao spoke calmly and grabbed Elijah's shoulder with one hand.

The calm words made Elijah's eyes suddenly widen.

He looked at the young man in front of him in disbelief.

"What did you say?"

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"do not know?"

"Are you sure you don't know?"

Huang Miao's cold eyes only glanced at Elijah, as if he had directly seen through the other person's heart.

As the guardian of Nathan, the man in front of him always wanted to destroy Nathan and the sacred tree.

Of course, Elijah’s actions had nothing to do with him.

Whether that sacred tree is dead or alive has nothing to do with him.

All he wants now is to find a way to get to Nathan's Island.

According to the memory in his mind, after the Nathan Island incident, most of the aliens on Nathan Island were taken away by the beautiful country's organization.

Now he is worried that he has no place to find raw materials to feed the Gu insects and more devout believers.

Both the Nathan Islanders and those crazy people were treasures to Huang Miao.

He would not allow him to be taken away by the other party just like that.

"How did you know the news?"

"No one from Behemoth can tell you this news."

"Who are you anyway?"

"What kind of identity do you have!?"

"Are you also from Behemoth? It's impossible that there are no strangers among the top brass of Behemoth."

"And if you are from Behemoth, you can't continue to ask me how to get to Nathan Island."

"Who are you anyway?"

Elijah's eyes were locked on Huang Miao, as if he wanted to see through Huang Miao's identity with his eyes.

A drop of cold sweat flowed down from his forehead involuntarily.

Telling Behemoth the location of Nathan Island is his biggest secret.

Don't let anyone know before taking action.

Even the top brass of Behemoth are only known to a limited number of people.

Huang Miao narrowed his eyes, and an invisible pressure burst out from his body.

Waves of rich Qi were released from under his feet and rushed towards Elijah.

"It seems you are not going to cooperate well?"

"In that case, then"


"Sir, wait a minute."

"I said."

Feeling the severe pain coming from his shoulder, Elijah did not dare to hesitate any longer and spoke quickly.

No matter what the other person’s identity is.

But since the other party deliberately made this place so that only the two of them could have a conversation.

Then we don’t want the situation to escalate further.

In this case, I guess I will not publicize my cooperation with Behemoth.

Huang Miao slowly put away his pressure, and a smile appeared on his face again.

He patted Elijah on the shoulder.

"very good."

"There is an old saying in China that he who knows the current affairs is a hero."

"You should understand."

"Don't worry, sir, I will tell you everything about how to enter Nason Island."

"But before that, I still want to remind you, if you are not sincere in entering Nathan Island."

"Because of the obstruction of the sacred tree, even if you really know how to enter the island, you cannot break through the obstruction of the sacred tree."

"If you really want to enter Nason Island, it is best to enter when the old and new kings of Nason Island alternate."

"At that time, the sacred tree will lose control of the waters around Nathan Island."

"Please believe me, I won't keep you waiting too long when the two kings alternate."

Elijah spoke slowly, and now more and more people knew his secret.

Although I don’t know how the young man in front of me knows his inner thoughts, but just in case, the plan to break the sacred tree must be advanced as soon as possible.

There was only this chance to destroy the sacred tree, and he couldn't miss it.

Then he squatted down and simply drew a navigation map on the ground.

Roughly mark the location of Nason Island on the map.

The location of Nathan Island changes slightly with the ocean tides.

Elijah could only roughly outline the possible range of Nathan Island.

Half an hour later, the Qimen Bagua diagram at Huang Miao's feet slowly dissipated.

Everyone who has been imprisoned in the gap of time is now back to normal.

However, the few people who were imprisoned by the contact did not notice anything strange at all.

"Elijah, news about our Nathan"

Gusta was even prepared to prevent Elijah from revealing information about Nathan to the outside world.

But before he could finish speaking, he realized that Elijah was sweating for some reason and fell to his knees weakly.

It seems to have endured a great deal of consumption.

But except for him, no one else changed at all.

Elijah slowly raised his head, as if all his strength had been exhausted.

"Sir, please let us leave now."

Just a moment's dislocation of time flow caused Elijah to use up most of the energy in his body.


Huang Miao faintly spit out two words.

Then he winked at Xia Liuqing and others.

The crowd then consciously made way for Elijah and the others.

"Elijah, what's wrong with you?"

"Why do you feel so weak?"

Gusta helped Elijah, a little confused.

It was clear that a second ago, Elijah was still fine.

Why did it suddenly look like this?
Hongda and others also looked at Elijah curiously, not understanding why he became like this.

"Do not ask."

"leave here."

Elijah took a deep breath and shook his head at Gusta.

He didn't even have the courage to look back at the young man.

"Brother Miao, what did you just do to that foreigner?"

On the other side, Zhang Chulan also looked at Huang Miao doubtfully.

In fact, it wasn't just him, everyone else also looked at Huang Miao curiously.

Although I don’t know why Elijah suddenly became like this, it is undoubtedly related to Huang Miao.

But just now Huang Miao clearly did nothing in their eyes.

"Nothing, just asking a private question."

Huang Miao waved his hand and did not communicate too much with Zhang Chulan and others on this matter. Instead, he looked towards the entrance of the cave not far away.

At this time, many ordinary people had already poured into the cave.

"Do you want to continue to visit the rootless treasure?"

Being reminded by Huang Miao, Jinfeng also reacted and immediately looked towards the entrance of the cave not far away.

"Oops, the master's treasure!"

"Hey Jinfeng, slow down and wait for me."

"Those ordinary people are also in danger now, let me protect you."

Xia Liuqing hurriedly followed Jin Feng's footsteps.

(End of this chapter)

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