Chapter 183 The law does not spread to the six ears

"This passage? Brother Miao, how come you know the structure of this cave so well?"

"Could it be that you have been to this cave before?"

Zhang Chulan couldn't hold it back and looked curiously at Huang Miao who had slowly walked down the stone steps.

Regardless of whether he entered the valley from the beginning or later, Huang Miao could easily decipher the secret of what it means to be a human being and open this secret passage.

All went too smoothly.

It's like it was done without a little thought.

Combined with the fact that Huang Miao himself is an immortal, his life span is paid.

This made him wonder whether Huang Miao had entered this valley before, so he was particularly familiar with this valley.

"If I had entered this valley before, why would I do it again with you now?"

Huang Miao glanced at Zhang Chulan, the chicken thief, and spoke without hesitation.

With Zhang Chulan's suspicious character, there must have been many speculations in her mind.

Maybe this guy would even suspect that he built this valley himself.

Zhang Chulan, who was glanced at by Huang Miao, had an awkward smile on his face and scratched his head.

Like a child whose thoughts have been read through at a glance.

"Hahaha, Brother Miao, I was just joking."

"Of course I know this valley. You have never been here before."

Zhang Chulan did what Huang Miao thought at first, thinking that this valley was probably built by Huang Miao before.

After all, it is hard to imagine that the strange runes on that passage were carved by human power.

It is very likely that it was done by the Xian family.

What's more, this valley can make those monkeys move, and it looks like a place prepared for the immortal family.

However, since Huang Miao did not admit it, this speculation is naturally invalid.

After all, with Huang Miao's character, if he built this cave, it would be impossible for him to lie about this matter.

Everyone followed Huang Miao into the dark tunnel, and Huang Miao waved his hand.

Many flames fueled by Qi naturally burned out of thin air on both sides of the mountain wall, illuminating the entire tunnel.

The spiral steps are very long, about tens of meters when viewed from top to bottom.

"This valley is really magical. I'm even curious about who built it."

"How did those ancient strangers complete such a large amount of work?"

"It's hard to imagine that such a huge building was completed by ancient people."

Xia Liuqing looked at the steps below and couldn't help but sigh.

The architecture here is simply ingenious. Not to mention ancient people, it is modern people who want to build such a cumbersome cave in such a place.

None of it is easy.

You know, if you look at it from the outside, this valley occupies almost half of the mountain range.

Not to mention there is such a tunnel with a depth of tens of meters.

"Old Xia, although our modern people's technological level is ahead of the ancients, as aliens, our level is not necessarily much higher than those of the ancient aliens."

"It may even have degraded a lot."

Wang Zhenqiu put his hand on Xia Liuqing's shoulder and carefully observed the surrounding mountain walls.

Naturally, he would not think that this valley was built by ordinary people. It was most likely arranged by some strangers working together.

After all, from the beginning, this valley was not prepared for ordinary people.

Whether it is the qi bureaus arranged around the valley or the carvings in the Twenty-Four Festival Valley, it is not something that ordinary people can complete.

"It's really hard to understand the level of aliens in ancient times."

"Over the years, the level of us aliens has indeed declined."

"When I was young, any stranger from the younger generation would be better than most people of your generation."

Xia Liuqing did not refute Wang Zhenqiu's point of view.

He also discovered that with the development of technology, the strength of aliens is now declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just like many so-called young talents today, if they were placed in their time, they would be at the level of ordinary strangers at best.

You can't be called a genius at all.

In their time, there were many freaks like Wang Zhenqiu.

"Indeed, as technology continues to develop, maybe in some time, we aliens will slowly be assimilated by ordinary people."

Jin Feng also rarely sighed. As an old person from the previous era, although she was not interested in worldly affairs, like Xia Liuqing, she could feel the differences of the times.

As a few people chatted, everyone quickly reached the end of the steps.

What appeared in front of everyone was still a pillar-shaped stone chamber.

Once there was a door opened in the stone wall. On the door from right to left were four traditional Chinese characters: "人人愿".

"Is it rare to have a human body?"

"It seems that this cave is really not prepared for people like us."

"Whether it's ordinary people or us aliens, obviously they can't use these four words."

Zhang Chulan touched his chin and looked up at the stone carvings on the door, then looked at Huang Miao beside him.

If among them, who can best understand the stone carvings on the door, it is undoubtedly Huang Miao.

As far as he knew, Huang Miao was struck by thunder no less than three times in order to become a human being.

"The human body is rare; the human body is rare."

Zhang Chulan blinked and recalled the monkeys he encountered in the valley.

Suddenly his eyes lit up.

He seemed to understand who this cave was for.

The only "people" who can use the words "human body is rare" are immortals like Huang Miao.

"Look, look inside."

Wang Zhenqiu, who was the first to walk into the door, suddenly shouted and pointed to a square stone platform inside the door.

Walking into the door, there is still a cylindrical cave.

It's just that unlike the cave outside, there is a square stone platform in the center of this cave.

Xia Liuqing looked at the square stone platform placed in the middle, knocked on it and observed it.

But nothing unusual was found.

"It's nothing."

"It's just an ordinary stone platform."

"Nothing special at all."

"What, besides the stone platform, isn't this still an empty room?"

Xia Liuqing jumped onto the stone platform speechlessly. After all her efforts, she just walked into an empty room with nothing.

Isn't this funny!
Do you think you can really find any treasures? !
I didn't expect the leader to be so bored and put so much effort into making two empty rooms to fool them.

Barron wiped the dust off the stone platform, and then looked up keenly.

"No, Xia, look above."

"It has Jiuqu Panhuan Cave and several big characters engraved on it."

Barron looked up and observed carefully for a moment, and found clues again.

"Have you noticed that the words here seem to be different from the fonts outside."

"It doesn't seem like the same person carved it."

"This is the leader's word."

"I know the master's calligraphy."

At this time, Jin Feng, who looked up at the top of the cave, suddenly became emotional and looked at the top of the cave with bright eyes.

At first glance, I recognized that these words were rootless handwriting.

"Why did the master want to carve the words Jiuqu Panhuan Cave here?"

"Come and take a look, there seems to be something carved on this stone wall before."

"But then it was erased."

Wang Zhenqiu on the other side suddenly spoke again and stood next to the cave wall.

He blew away the dust from the stone wall with great interest.

Some small words can be vaguely seen on the stone wall, but they have all been deliberately erased.

It's like he doesn't want to be seen.

"There are some here too."

Barron walked to the other wall and wiped the dust on it with his hand.

He found that the stone wall in front of him also had characters that could be erased. "I have them here too."

"If you look carefully, a large part of the cave's surface has been deliberately polished. It seems that it was for the things that were originally carved in the temple."

Zhang Chulan also spoke loudly, and words were carved on the entire stone wall of the cave.

But everything behind it was intentionally erased.

It is not yet clear what the carving is.

Huang Miao slowly walked towards a stone wall and waved his hand gently.

All the dust on the front wall was blown away.

Relatively complete stone carvings are exposed.

Unlike other stone walls that have all been polished and erased, some writings can be vaguely seen on this stone wall and have not been completely erased.

"Is this side complete?"

Feng Baobao scratched his head and approached Huang Miao.

Huang Miao looked at the stone wall in front of him with some curiosity.

Although most of it was erased, a lot of text was still preserved.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Chulan and others hurriedly came to Huang Miao's side, leaning their heads to look at the writing on the wall.

"Divine Realm. Degree."

"This method is true. It is wonderful and true. It is all because I am unique and different from others. I know that I am upside down. Who knows the ups and downs and determines the subject and the guest."

"If the golden tripod wants to keep the mercury in Zhuli and the jade pond, it should first put the silver in mercury."

"The magical power of transporting fire is not the end, but a round moon appears in the deep pool."

"This is. This is where I've heard of this."

Wang Zhenqiu murmured to himself and read the words on the mountain wall, always feeling that he had seen them before.

It seemed like he had heard these words there before.

But I couldn't remember it for a while.

Huang Miao glanced at the first few lines of text, and then looked at the signature at the end.

"Zhang Boduan, a native of Ziyang Mountain."

"Yes, yes, this is the alchemy talisman of the alchemist Ziyangshanren!"

"Could it be said that this cave was built by Master Ziyang?"

Wang Zhenqiu's eyes suddenly lit up and he nodded quickly.

After being reminded by Huang Miao, he also remembered where he had seen these words before.

He had visited the former residence of Danzu Ziyang Zhenren a few years ago and saw these words on that wall.

"Zhang Boduan? From Ziyang Mountain?"

"Who is that!"

However, when they first heard Zhang Boduan's name, everyone except Xia Liuqing looked puzzled.

Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao, Barun and Jinfeng obviously had never heard of Ziyang Zhenren.

"Jinfeng. Just say that young guys like Zhang Chulan and ghost guys don't know."

"You have no idea."

"Zhang Boduan is known as Mr. Wu Zhen or Zi Yang Zhenren, the founder of the Southern School of Alchemy."

"If the former owner of this place was Zhang Boduan, then everything becomes reasonable."

Xia Liuqing's tone became excited as if she had really discovered some answer.

If we say that before this, they all did it for everyone. Everything here was definitely done by the joint efforts of many people.

However, if it is Zhang Boduan, then it is quite reasonable for one person to create everything here. You must know that that person is known as the originator of the Southern School!

In Taoism, his status is second only to those of Taoist masters like Laojun.

This level of alien strength may have already reached the legendary level of feathering and ascension.

Even today's Lao Tianshi, who is said to be the best in one person, will most likely not be able to withstand a single move against Master Ziyang.

It is entirely possible for a stranger with the strength of the opponent to use his great magical power to create this valley.

"Zhang Boduan?"

"Is this the answer that the leader has always wanted me to find myself?"

"But even if we know that the owner here is Zhang Boduan, it doesn't mean much."

Jinfeng was a little confused. Now she knew that the original owner of this place might be Zhenren Ziyang, Zhang Boduan.

But it doesn't make any sense.

"Mother-in-law, it's more than that."

"Since Wugensheng has modified the texture of the entire valley, he certainly has his intention."

"Mother-in-law, why do you think Wugenshen did this?"

Wang Zhenqiu stared at the Jiuqu Panhuan Cave above the cave for a while and then spoke slowly.

It seems that he has figured out the purpose of rootlessness.

"Why do you do this?"

"do not know."

"The leader always does things as he pleases, and it is difficult for outsiders to guess the reason."

Jinfeng shook her head. She was not good at using her brain.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible to find the secret of this valley after so many years.

"I think Wugensheng should be denying Ziyang Zhenren."

"In other words, we deny what Master Ziyang did here."

"Look at this wall."

Wang Zhenqiu walked to the stone wall in front of Huang Miao and pointed to a line of text on it.

"If the entire alchemy was engraved on it, probably only this one wall would be needed to complete it."

"But if you look at the surrounding stone walls, they all have traces of erasure."

"In other words, Wugensheng denies Zhenren Ziyang's behavior here."


"Hahaha, the leader is worthy of being the leader, and he can even deny Master Ziyang!"

Xia Liuqing laughed twice, seemingly not surprised that Wu Gensheng did this.

If other people can find this place and see the authentic work of Danzu, they will most likely directly pay homage to it.

However, Wugensheng directly denied Ziyang Zhenren's behavior here.

"But what does Wugensheng deny about Master Ziyang?"

Zhang Chulan looked at the traces on the stone wall that had not been erased, still puzzled.

According to his previous understanding of Wu Gensheng, although the other party has a strange appearance, he should not be such a boring person.

To deliberately deny a dead person.

"Look up and look at the Jiuqu Panhuan Cave above."

"This is an allusion from Journey to the West."

"When the four masters and apprentices came to a place called Yuhua, Sun Wukong and the other three taught their martial arts to the three mortal princes."

"Thus provoking a lion spirit."

"Finally, we lead to the Nine Spirits Yuansheng, who is known as the Demon Clan."

"In our knowledge, the only person who can be called the sage is Confucius, the sage who is known as the teacher of all generations."

"And the person who is revered as a teacher by the Supreme Saint is Zhou Yuan Sage, who is also revered as the ancestor of all teachers."

"The allusion uses the mouth of King Guangmu to tell the monkey the origin of this disaster."

"Because you are a teacher, that's why you caused this trouble."

"This is to warn those who come after you not to be someone else's teacher."

Wang Zhenqiu spoke slowly, telling everyone his own understanding.

Zhang Chulan and others were thoughtful at this time.

It seemed that he understood why Wugensheng wanted to erase the words on the mountain wall and modify the previous lines.

Wugensheng felt that what was taught in the cave was too shocking and should not be taught easily. As the saying goes, the Dharma cannot be taught to the six ears.

"Wang Zhenqiu is right."

Huang Miao also took over the conversation at this time and pointed to the stone carvings of Jiuqu Panhuan Cave above everyone's heads.

"Zhang Boduan's original intention when building this valley should be to select a group of people or creatures."

(End of this chapter)

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