"Senior, do you know our leader and Master Ziyang very well?"

Jinfeng walked to Huang Miao and looked up at Huang Miao seriously.

Just through everyone's conversation, he already understood the true meaning of Wugensheng.

Obviously he doesn't agree with this valley.

So an idea immediately appeared in her mind.

She wanted to destroy the valley directly.

It would be a disaster to keep it anyway.

But before she wanted to destroy the valley, she needed to keep the young man in front of her from interfering with her actions.

Whether it is Barron, Wang Zhenqiu or Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao, the four of them have no reason to stop themselves.

Judging from the behavior of the four of them, they don't care much about this valley.

However, there seemed to be something different about the young man in front of him.

Although Huang Miao didn't show it, Jin Feng always felt that the young man in front of him showed great interest in this cave.

After all, it's weird to have such an emotion.

Because this valley may indeed be precious to ordinary people, but it has no effect on them, who are alien beings themselves.

If there is something really useful, it may be these destroyed mountain wall writings.

However, these texts have been completely destroyed, and no records can be seen at all.

She didn't understand why the young man in front of her was so interested in this.


"No, I have never seen Wu Gensheng, let alone any real Ziyang."

Huang Miao shook his head, looked at the erased stone wall, and spoke casually.

He just thought that Jinfeng wanted to ask him about Wugensheng.

"Senior, I want to destroy this valley. Do you agree?"

Jin Feng blinked and looked at Huang Miao seriously again.

"Since the leader has denied this valley, I want to be more decisive and destroy the entire valley with explosives."

"Senior, do you agree?"

This valley is a place of death for ordinary people who wander in by mistake.

Ten deaths and no life.

Because Wu Gensheng had modified the carvings on the mountain wall, the method of San Gong could not be taught.

Ordinary people who enter it will eventually die violently.

Jin Feng also felt that there was no need for such a place of disaster to exist.

"Blow up this place?"


"This valley has other uses for me."

"What's more, although this valley was not built by me, it was not built by rootlessness either."

"How can you destroy it without permission?"

Huang Miao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

He didn't expect that this golden phoenix wanted to destroy this valley.

This valley may not be of much use to ordinary people, but for other living beings it is a perfect place to attain enlightenment.

Of course, this so-called attainment is simply to feel the existence of Qi.

But it has also been very difficult.

If it were the ancient times, when monsters were rampant, this place would definitely become a holy land for monsters.

"But, senior, this valley is of no use to us."

"And if an ordinary person strays into it by mistake, he will surely die."

"It would be a disaster for a place like this to remain in the world."

Jinfeng wanted to continue speaking, but was held back by Xia Liuqing.

He shook his head secretly at her, signaling not to continue.

When he was on Longhu Mountain, he had seen Huang Miao's true form.

Therefore, Huang Miao's heel is clear.

When Huang Miao rejected Jinfeng's proposal, he had already thought about why Huang Miao did not agree to destroy this valley.

Although ordinary people who enter this valley will eventually die.

But I don’t know why, but this doesn’t happen to monkeys in this valley.

"Don't worry, I have already thought of what you are worried about."

"Before leaving here, I will set up a Qi station outside the valley."

"Ordinary people can't find it here."

"Moreover, this valley had its own Qi game many years ago, but that guy Wu Gensheng forced his way in and broke the Qi game."

"Otherwise, you guys wouldn't be able to enter this valley."

Huang Miao spoke calmly, looking at the walls that had been smoothed.

Two rays of light shot out of his eyes, as if he could see the words that had been erased many years ago.

"Okay, you can leave."

"I'm going to retreat here for a while."

"Baby, Zhang Chulan, you two go back first."

"Give Zhao Fangxu the recording on your phone."

"If you have any doubts, please discuss it with Xu San and Xu Si."

Without giving others a chance to speak, Huang Miao directly issued an order to expel the guests.

He was able to confirm it after seeing the words that had been erased from the wall.

It was when those eight people saw the words on the wall that they realized their unique skills.

Huang Miao wanted to try to see if he could use his own ability to restore the erased words on the wall.

Learn the eight new magical skills.

"Let's go Jinfeng."

"Now that the seniors have spoken, there should be no more ordinary people breaking in here in the future."

Xia Liuqing took Jinfeng and walked out of the cave.

Wang Zhenqiu and Zhang Chulan did not refuse. Anyway, for them, knowing the secrets in this cave has already earned them money.

Without Huang Miao, they might not be able to find this place yet.

What's more, there is really nothing here worthy of their nostalgia.

Soon, several people left the cave one after another.

Huang Miao was the only one left in Nuo Da's cave.

Waves of dark innate energy were released from his body and quickly filled the entire cave.

The Qimen Bagua diagram at my feet also began to appear naturally.

Huang Miao's eyes bloomed with two dazzling blue lights, and a huge black body of law condensed behind him.

The powerful pressure caused the entire cave's stone walls to shake violently.

Even the whole valley was trembling.

The expressions on the faces of the little Nascent Soul figure at the Dantian and the little Divine Consciousness figure in the Consciousness Sea are somewhat serious.

Everyone is sitting cross-legged and meditating.

The huge Qi Men Tu appeared under the feet and began to rotate slowly in the counterclockwise direction.

And streams of black energy even wafted out from the Qimen Bagua diagram at his feet.

At first glance, it looks like some evil magic circle is going on.

Huang Miao was sitting in the center of the Qimen Bagua Diagram, and the Qi in his body was surging crazily, causing the pattern of the valves under his feet to move.

A drop of sweat left his forehead.

This time, it seemed to be particularly difficult when using the Qimen Pattern.

Wang Zhenqiu and the others who had just walked out of the valley couldn't help but look back when they felt the amazing aura coming from the valley.

"Senior's strength is truly unimaginable with this aura."

It was difficult for Xia Liuqing to speak. Even though they were so far apart, he couldn't help but shudder after feeling the majestic aura behind him.

That feeling of oppression seemed to be innate.

The sky above the valley, which was originally clear and clear, was now shrouded in dark clouds.

Gusts of dark wind kept howling from the valley.

The monkeys outside the valley were all prostrate and kneeling on the ground.

"Brother Miao won't be struck by lightning again."

Zhang Chulan looked at the terrifying scene of the impending mountain rain behind him, and couldn't help but recall the scene when he first saw Huang Miao crossing the thunder tribulation.

The two scenes are somewhat similar. The same dark clouds were gathering, and the same aura of terror was exuding.

But now that Huang Miao has successfully transformed into a human form, why does he continue to be struck by lightning?

This is not reasonable.

Feng Baobao touched his chin and stared at the dark clouds behind him for a while, then nodded solemnly.

He picked up Zhang Chulan and continued running out of the valley.

"Huang Miao really wants to continue to attract thunder!"

"Let's run."

Feng Baobao keenly sensed that the surrounding lightning molecules began to become extremely active.

There is a high probability that thunder and lightning will fall soon.

By then, their location may not be safe.


"Sister Bao'er, are you kidding me?"

"Brother Miao is really going to be struck by lightning again!"

Zhang Chulan was stunned, he just made a joke.

I never expected that thunder would actually fall. What on earth was Huang Miao doing?
Got struck twice by lightning for nothing?

Wang Zhenqiu and others also heard Feng Baobao's words, followed Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao, and ran backwards quickly.

Don't dare to delay.

Although they had never seen thunder, judging from the terrifying pressure behind them, the power of thunder and lightning was definitely not something they could withstand.

Even the monkeys that were originally prostrate in the valley were now restless.

The terrifying atmosphere in the valley made them feel that their lives were threatened.

In the dark sky, there was a thunderous explosion.

The dazzling light illuminated the entire sky.

The sound of thunder sounded like a dragon roaring.

"Fuck, for real!"

"There really is thunder falling from the sky!"

Wang Zhenqiu turned his head and looked back in horror. The dense thunder and lightning directly divided the dark sky behind him into many parts.

Baring his teeth and showing his claws, it was very frightening.

"It really thundered, it was magical."

Barron couldn't help but look back and marvel. Although thunder and lightning are very common, this was the first time he had seen man-made thunder rolling down from the sky.

He could even feel the innate energy contained in the thunder.

The common thunder and lightning he had seen in nature before were all formed naturally, and he could hardly feel the innate energy in them.

However, the thunder that just struck from the sky contained rich innate Qi.

This kind of thunder and lightning is more like a certain move, just like the Yang Wu Lei that Zhang Chulan used before.

It's just that the power of this thunder and lightning is many times stronger than Zhang Chulan's Yang Wu Lei.

"Who is this person, who can really trigger thunder?"

"What is he doing?"

"This is the kind of thunder that can only be seen in ancient books!"

As Wang Zhenqiu ran, he turned around and took out his cell phone to take pictures of the dark clouds behind him.

With the development of science and technology and the decline of alien culture, it is now almost impossible to see the thunder being triggered again.

Even he had only seen records about sky thunder in ancient books.

Usually it is only when some people with great perseverance or great supernatural powers do or complete something that is not allowed by heaven and earth that they cause thunder to fall.

He never thought that one day he would be able to see the sky thunder.

The restless monkeys in the valley all rushed towards the outside of the valley crazily the moment the thunder fell.

Roaring and running away regardless.

The other animals around the valley, without exception, all face the valley at this moment.

Kneel down on the ground devoutly.

It's like going on a pilgrimage.

One after another, thunder struck the earth from the dark clouds, hitting the deepest part of the valley.

The power was so powerful that the ground beneath everyone's feet began to tremble.

"Fun, fun, so fun."

"I really want to go back now to see what outrageous things this Mr. Huang did in the cave."

"It's actually able to cause such a strong thunder to fall."

Wang Zhenqiu held up his mobile phone, his face full of excitement.

I feel more and more that this trip to the Qinling Mountains is interesting.

If the power of the sky thunder was not so great, even if it was slightly close to the coverage area of ​​​​the sky thunder, it would be wiped out by a thunder blast.

He wanted to go back immediately and find out what Huang Miao was doing.

To be able to trigger such a terrifying thunder, what the other party is doing is certainly not simple.

"If you are interested, you can go back and have a look."

Zhang Chulan was panting and holding on to an ancient tree outside the valley, looking at Wang Zhenqiu who looked excited.

At this time, the valley behind them was covered by thunder and lightning.

It seems to have completely become an insurmountable thunder pool.

Thunder pillars were like dragons, falling from the sky all the time, hitting the valley hard.

Some slower monkeys failed to escape from the valley before the thunder and lightning fell.

In an instant, it was annihilated by lightning and covered in ashes.

"Is this so scary?"

"It doesn't take our actions, the valley will be destroyed by these thunders."

Jinfeng swallowed as he looked at the end-of-the-world scene behind him.

It is unimaginable that such a scene was caused by one person.

Thunder and lightning raged wildly, hitting the ground.

The valley behind them completely turned into a cage of thunder and lightning.

Earth and rocks continue to crumble.

"It's really unheard of. I have never seen such a spectacle in all my life."

"Hahaha, this trip is really not in vain."

"I can't believe if this person really takes over in the future."

Xia Liuqing looked at the scene behind her and couldn't help but laugh ecstatically.

But before he could fully say the next words, Jin Feng jumped up and covered his mouth.

"Shut up!"

"Have you forgotten what you told me before?!"

Jinfeng glared at Xia Liuqing fiercely.

Xia Liuqing had previously said that Huang Miao's preparation to become the head of Quanxing should be kept secret for the time being.

It cannot be known to too many people.

Now this guy has forgotten everything and almost said it!

If Wang Zhenqiu, a loudmouth, knew about this, the news would spread throughout the alien world the next day.

Still keeping it a secret.

"Hahaha, I forgot. I'm so excited."

"Sorry Jinfeng."

Xia Liuqing also realized that she had almost let out a disaster, so she quickly scratched her head and shut up.

This time, he felt Huang Miao's terrifying strength most intuitively, and had a premonition that they would truly rise.

Only then was he so happy that he couldn't hold it back for a moment and almost spilled the beans.

"Lao Xia, what did you just say?"

"I didn't hear clearly. Accept? Accept what?"

"I felt something was wrong in the cave before. Did you and Huang Miao know each other before?"

Wang Zhenqiu, who had been taking pictures with excitement just now, suddenly approached Xia Liuqing in a naughty manner.

I want to find out more about Huang Miao.

He is now becoming more and more interested in this young man whom he has never heard of in the alien world.

(End of this chapter)

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