"Go, go, go, little brat like you, stop talking here about adult matters."

"It has nothing to do with you."

Xia Liuqing glared at Wang Zhenqiu and turned away.

As two people who were masters and apprentices, Xia Liuqing knew Wang Zhenqiu's character very well.

This guy is just a troublemaker, eager to make things worse.

He had no intention of telling Wang Zhenqiu about the matter.

"Hey Lao Xia, look at our friendship, just tell me about it."

"I promise not to tell anyone."

Wang Zhenqiu stepped forward and grabbed Xia Liuqing's arm cowardly.

It seems that we want to find out.

"Fortunately, the place where the thunder disaster occurred this time was in the deep mountains and old forests like the Qinling Mountains."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid the third and fourth brothers who have just settled down will be very busy again."

Zhang Chulan ignored Wang Zhenqiu and Xia Liuqing, but turned to look at the horrific purgatory-like scene behind him, and couldn't help but sigh.

Every time Huang Miao made a big move, the final impact would cause Xu San and Xu Si to break their legs.

The influence caused by ordinary strangers can be easily eliminated.

After all, the impact is not too big.

At most, it only involves dozens of people.

However, every time Huang Miao made some movement, it was a strange phenomenon from heaven and earth.

Almost every time there is a trending search.

If it weren't for this time in the deep mountains and old forests of Qinling Mountains, I'm afraid I wouldn't know what Xu San and Xu Si would look like.

On the other side, Huang Miao was sitting cross-legged in the cave.

The scene inside the cave at this moment is completely different from when Feng Baobao and others left just now.

The damaged walls that were originally covered with moss seemed to have been repainted.


Green grass even grew inside the cave.

The Qimen Bagua Diagram at Huang Miao's feet rotates counterclockwise little by little, and the scene in the cave is also changing as the Qimen Diagram rotates little by little and becomes visible to the naked eye.

Rich black Qi kept emerging from Huang Miao's body, maintaining the operation of the Qimen pattern.

Originally, considering Huang Miao's strength, running some Qimen patterns should be as easy as drinking water.

Even the King Ling couldn't hold on to Luanjin Tuo for a long time, but Huang Miao had it at his fingertips.

No burden at all.

However, this time, the strange pattern he ran seemed to consume a lot of money.

Drops of sweat kept falling from his forehead.

On the surrounding stone walls, the originally polished words began to appear.

If the scene in the cave were to be seen by a magic master, his jaw would probably drop in shock.

Because the strange gate pattern operating under Huang Miao's feet was reversing the time and space in the entire cave.

In other words, the situation in the cave has returned to the situation at a certain point in the past.

As a warlock, the highest pursuit is naturally to control the world.

The so-called control of the world naturally includes two aspects: time and space.

However, in theory, immortals who have achieved the magic can control the reverse flow of time, but this is limited to theoretical IQ.

No one has been able to accomplish this since ancient times.

Even the sages of the human race in ancient times could not do such a thing as reversing time.

After all, the measure of time is like a river flowing eastward, gone forever.

Even Wang Ye, who has mastered Fenghou Qimen, can only affect the flow of time a little.

And even affecting the speed of time is unimaginable to other Shuzi disciples.

No matter what spell it is, its impact on the changing pattern of time is very limited.

Most warlocks pay attention to following the trend. The so-called following the trend is to move the Qimen pattern according to the established laws of time, space, etc.

If the Qimen pattern has changed even in time and space, it can no longer be called a trend.

This is why, every time Wang Ye uses Luanjin Tuo, there will be such a powerful consumption reason.

Sail against the current.

Naturally, it consumes much more than just sailing with the current.

However, at this time, Huang Miao was not only affecting the flow of time, he even began to reverse the flow of time.

It is equivalent to going upstream in the long river of time.

One can imagine the pressure that needs to be faced.

If he hadn't mastered a few of the Eight Magic Skills to protect himself, and successfully transformed into a human being.

Even immortals who have practiced for thousands of years cannot reverse time and space at all.

Huang Miao raised his head with difficulty and looked at a few lines of text that had appeared faintly on the mountain wall.

The words carved by Master Ziyang in the cave are not the Eight Wonders, but a way to communicate with the soul of this world.

This side of heaven and earth refers to the illusory foundation of heaven and earth.

Through spiritual communication with the Great Dao, everyone can gain something in the field of sincerity.

Whether it is Zhang Huaiyi, Ma Benzai or other people who have mastered the Eight Magic Skills, they are all sincere in one aspect.

Zhou Sheng wanted to master the changes of all things in the world and no longer be limited by the various changes in the world within the four disks.

Only then did I realize Fenghou Qimen.

Zheng Zibu hopes that drawing a talisman will no longer consume a lot of energy and time, and top-level talismans can be carved at any time.

Therefore, after communicating with Dao Dao, I understood the Tongtian Rui.

Feng Tianyang hoped that all the spirits in the world could be used by him, so he created the Juling Commander.

Several of them have reached the Zhicheng stage in some aspect.

And those who also came to the Twenty-Four Festival Valley but were unable to comprehend the Eight Wonders of Skills have not achieved Zhicheng.

In fact, this is a normal situation, because humans are the leader of all spirits, and their minds will slowly become enlightened after birth.

It is easy to be nourished by various emotions from the outside world, causing the mind to become extremely complicated and no longer possess the innocence of a child.

It is difficult to reach the stage of Zhicheng.

This is why Huang Miao felt from the beginning that this valley was not prepared for humans.

Compared with the complicated thoughts of human beings, the thoughts of immortals after being enlightened by spirits are much simpler.

Of course, Huang Miao is an outlier among the immortals, whether it is Liu Kunsheng who practices in Changbai Mountain or the little fox who practices in Tianshi Mansion.

Their minds are much simpler than humans.

Liu Kunsheng believes in strength and is not good at any conspiracy.

The little fox is as innocent as a little girl who has never experienced anything in the world, which is why she was fooled by Huang Miao.

Except for a very few immortals, most immortals no matter how long they have practiced.

In fact, the mind can always maintain the word sincerity.

If Liu Kunsheng was lucky enough to be able to come to this cave back then, he would definitely be able to realize the ninth magical skill.

Therefore, in Huang Miao's opinion, Ziyang Zhenren's original intention of building this cave was to point out a way to heaven for the practicing spirits.

Whether it's the stone carvings on the mountain wall or the vaguely written words in the cave.

Or maybe it was the Qi Bureau originally arranged outside the valley.

They are all prepared for the animals that live here in Qinling all year round.

And not human beings. Back then, if Wu Gensheng hadn't used the BUG skill of Shen Ming, he could have forcibly broken through the Qi game set by Master Ziyang.

There is no trace of human beings in the valley here.

Huang Miao took a deep breath.

We can vaguely guess the original intention of Master Ziyang in building this cave.

Be it the monkeys outside the valley or other animals.

Under normal circumstances, one should have obtained Qi through the valley and gradually developed spiritual wisdom.

After years of practice, those animals that gained Qi turned into fairy spirits with spiritual intelligence.

A group of spirits with superior qualifications and character came to Jiuqu Panhuan Cave and realized the secret of what it means to be human in the cave.

Become a human being.

Become an upright person.

In the end, these fairy spirits who transformed into humans finally understood the word "sincerity".

Open the mechanism to enter this cave.

In the cave, he understood the true magic of heaven-reaching immortality and transformed into an immortal.

To put it bluntly, this valley is for creating immortals!

Help the mountain spirits to transform into humans first and then immortals.

But it's a pity that this pattern that was supposed to cultivate immortals was destroyed intentionally or undoubtedly by Wugensheng.

Of course, Huang Miao didn't think there was anything wrong with Wu Gensheng doing this.

The principle that the law should not be imparted lightly is a rule that all strangers abide by nowadays.

In fact, the essence of the pretentious things done by Ziyang Zhenren and Ma Xianhong are the same.

They are all artificially creating aliens, but Zhenren Ziyang has greater ambitions. He is not just limited to aliens but creating immortals.

Maybe in the dynasty that the other party was in, there was no particularly obvious opposition between strangers and ordinary people.

Strangers can use their abilities honestly.

But with the development of science and technology, we have gradually come to the end of the Dharma era.

Even if he is as strong as Huang Miao himself, he does not think that his physical strength alone can withstand the attack of the torrent of modern technology and steel.

Ordinary firearms and artillery may not be too deadly a threat.

But large-scale weapons of destruction such as hypersonic missiles, laser weapons, atomic bombs, etc. are no longer something they and others can fight against.

Once the number of aliens exceeds the population red line, the terrifying state machinery of various countries may collectively clean up the aliens indiscriminately.

After coming to this world for so long, and having been in contact with Xu Si and the others for so long, Huang Miao's mind is no longer that of Long Aotian who just traveled through time.

Stability and stability are the goals pursued by all countries today.

Countries may have different policies towards aliens, but the most serious bottom line is roughly the same.

It cannot affect ordinary people!

This is why even the notorious all-sex maniac rarely attacks ordinary people.

"Wugensheng's vision is indeed different from ordinary people's."

"When I accidentally broke into this valley, I had already anticipated the current situation."

Huang Miao murmured to himself and looked at the words looming on the mountain wall.

The scene in front of me became more and more unreal.

When he first entered the valley, he actually didn't understand why Wu Gensheng did this.

Why destroy those lines in the valley.

It's just that they mistakenly believe that the Dharma is not taught lightly.

But as he just activated his innate energy, he reversed the flow of time.

His mind also began to become surprisingly clear.

Soon I thought of the real reason why Wu Gensheng did this.

"Extraordinary people. Ordinary people in the age of the end of the Dharma"

Countless words strung together into a huge mystery in his mind.

"Actually, judging from the conflict between Chu and Han, we can see that strangers and ordinary people are not incompatible."

"Even back then, the number of aliens was much greater than it is today. There was no so-called population red line."

Huang Miao murmured to himself.

Recalling what Xiao Zizai told Black Guan when he went to Biyou Village with the temporary workers.

Chu and Han quarreled!

The battle between the ancient overlord who is a stranger and Liu Bang, an ordinary person.

Although Liu Bang is just an ordinary person or a stranger with low strength, there are many powerful strangers around him.

Whether it is Fan Kuai, the soldier Han Xin, or the sage Zhang Liang, these people are not ordinary people.

Apparently aliens were common in that era.

In other words, in that era, there was no such thing as a 'foreigner'. These so-called strangers would all be regarded as some kind of powerful 'people'!
There may be differences between 'people' and 'people', but they are only between 'people' and 'people'.

But now that the Age of Ending Dharma has arrived, the difference between aliens and ordinary people can no longer be defined as 'human' and 'human'.

Both ordinary people and aliens themselves subconsciously believe that "others" no longer belong to the category of "human beings".

"When did the differences between aliens and humans begin?"

"In other words, when did the so-called Dharma Ending Era begin?"

Huang Miao frowned slightly as one thought after another appeared in his mind.

His eyes looked at the alchemy book of Ziyang Zhenren Zhang Boduan that was preserved on the mountain wall.

Another thought came to his mind.

He, Wu Gensheng, and even Zhang Chulan and Wang Zhenqiu all understood the truth that the Dharma should not be passed on to the six ears. As the founder of Dan, there was no reason why Zhang Boduan was unclear.

Could it be that he had another purpose in creating this cave?

The Dharma-ending era transforms into immortals
Huang Miao blinked, somewhat believing the idea that suddenly appeared in his mind.

It is very likely that Zhang Boduan has discovered that the Age of Ending is coming, so he created this valley in order to change or delay the arrival of the Age of Ending.

"Northern Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty."

"It seems that in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, there were very few records about strange people."

"It should be from that time on that aliens have formed a certain difference from ordinary people."

"Wait. Why do I think this way?"

Suddenly, a crisp sound sounded in the cave, and the Qimen pattern under Huang Miao's feet shattered.

A mouthful of blood spurted out from Huang Miao's mouth, and the blue light in his eyes quickly dissipated.

The words that had just appeared faintly on the mountain wall disappeared again at this moment.

The huge demon body behind him also disintegrated and dissipated in an instant.

All the thoughts that originally existed in his mind disappeared at this moment.

Huang Miao's eyes widened as he looked at the four big characters that appeared in front of him at some unknown time - Spiritual Qi Resurrection.

Did he write these four words unconsciously?

But when was he in the unconscious stage?

and many more!

Just now
Huang Miao stared at the four big characters in front of him. Did he already see the erased words when he reversed time?

Are the thoughts in his mind just now the result of communication with Dao Dao?

But what does this mean?
Resurrection of spiritual energy?

How to recover?
(End of this chapter)

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