Chapter 187 It’s hard to fly with wings
Huang Miao looked at Ruyi who was swinging toward him, and blue talismans appeared in front of him out of thin air.

There was a bang.

The energy burst out from the talisman collided hard with Ruyi Jin.

Block Lu Ci's attack for Huang Miao.

"Amulet method?"

"This guy is still a member of the Taoist sect!"

The talisman method requires preparing the materials for making talismans in advance, and it is very troublesome to draw a talisman.

Many strangers voluntarily gave up using talismans.

Nowadays, only people in the Taoist sect still retain the means of talismans.

"People from the Taoist sect are here to sneak around our Lu family?"

"What's the purpose!"

After Lu Zhong and others reacted, they each began to use their methods.

Prepare to step forward to help Lu Ci.

But before they could step forward, Lu Ci suddenly shouted angrily at them.

"do not come!"

"You retreat!"

Lu Ci had a dark face and stared coldly at Huang Miao, who was surrounded by various talismans.

The strength of Ruyi Jin in his hand increased a bit again.

However, it was still unable to break through the various talismans around it.

"Who the hell are you?!"

"What is your relationship with Lu Jin!"

After seeing the talismans appearing around Huang Miao, Lu Ci had already realized that the method Huang Miao used was the Tongtian Lu that Lu Jin had used before.

Lu Jin had used this method in front of several of them during the Luotian Dajiao.

Lu Ci's memory is still fresh.

The talisman that the mysterious young man in front of him had just used to resist his Ruyi Jin was exactly the same as the one displayed by Lu Jin at the Longhu Mountain pavilion.

"No, this skill cannot be taught to you by Lu Jin."

"With Lu Jin's temper, he will never teach Tong Tian Lu to others at will."

"Where on earth did you learn this unique skill?"

Lu Ci looked at Huang Miao with his eyes like a hungry wolf.

Nowadays, apart from Lu Jin, who has practiced Tongtian Ru, there is only the little girl from the company who won second place in the Luotian Dajiao in Longhu Mountain.

It's just that in such a short period of time, it is impossible for that little girl to cultivate Tongtianlu to this level.

Zheng Zibu, who created this magical skill, is dead. Logically speaking, no one except Lu Jin and that little girl would do this.

Could it be the successor of Zheng Zibu?
Before he was hunted down, had he secretly passed this technique on to others?
Suddenly, countless thoughts appeared in Lu Ci's mind.

Huang Miao looked at Lu Ci indifferently, showing no interest in explaining to him.

The whole body is surrounded by talismans, and the protective array composed of various magical talismans is unbreakable.

Lu Ci's Ruyi Jin cultivation has indeed reached perfection, and given him some time, he will definitely be able to break the talisman barrier formed by the Tongtian Lu.

But Huang Miao naturally wouldn't give him this time.

As several talismans were thrown out, a siege formed around Lu Ci.

Heavenly Master's Five Thunder Talisman.

White thunder and lightning roared, appearing from various talisman patterns.

"not good!"

Lu Ci was startled and secretly thought something was wrong.

The figure quickly retreated, trying to escape from the center of several talismans.

When he was at Longhu Mountain, he had seen the power of the Tongtian Ru.

The talismans drawn by Tongtianlu are all top-grade talismans and are powerful.

Even with his strength, he could not completely resist the five thunder talismans of the Heavenly Master in front of him.

However, no matter how fast he was, there was no way he could be faster than the lightning.

Lu Ci had just touched the ground with his toes and jumped up from where he was.

The several blue talismans in mid-air burst into bright light at the same time.

Between the lightning and flint, the dazzling light turned into thunder and lightning, rushing towards Lu Ci.



Everyone in the Lu family was shocked. They didn't expect that the young man in front of them was so strong.

You must know that their family leader is one of the top ten in the alien world. As the saying goes, the older they get, the more demonic they become.

In the entire alien world, the aliens who can be compared with his father are the heads of the four major families and the heads of famous sects.

Now he is trapped by a young man who doesn't look very old.

Thunder and lightning crashed on Lu Ci's body.

Even with Ruyi Jin's defense, the power of the talisman made dust fly all over Lu Ci.

"Cough cough~"

Lu Ci coughed twice and pulled away from the thunder and lightning.

The cuffs on his arms were completely black, obviously burned by lightning.

"Good means, good means."

Lu Ci waved the ashes on his arm, slowly straightened up and looked at Huang Miao.

The cruel look in his eyes became even stronger.

The strength of the young man in front of him was really terrifying. He originally thought that the strength of juniors such as Zhang Lingyu and Zhuge Qing was already surprising.

But I didn't expect that the little-known boy I met today was stronger than Zhang Lingyu and Zhuge Qing.

If Luo Tian Dajiao were played by this young man, there would really be no guarantee who would win.

"He's really a mad dog that bites everyone he sees."

Huang Miao waved his hand, and the protective talismans around him slowly dispersed.

Looking at Lu Ci, whose eyes were still fierce, he couldn't help but complain.

This guy's personality is really different from Wang Ai, if he is facing Wang Ai at this time.

The short fat man would most likely settle the matter and let him go.

Wang Ai doesn't care about dignity or face at all.

But Lu Ci was different.

Even though Lu Ci was injured, he still planned to fight with him.

"Why did you come to our Lu family?"

Lu Ci narrowed his eyes and stared at Huang Miao fiercely.

On both hands, Ruyi Jin's ability was activated again.

Be ready to take action at any time.

Lu Zhong and others on the side also dispersed and slowly surrounded Huang Miao.

After a while, their descendants from the Lu family will arrive.

Nowadays, basically all the children of the Lu family are in the Lu family village, no matter how strong this young man is.

It is impossible to defeat all their villagers.


"Of course, look at this guy Lu Liang."

"But Lu Liang should be no longer in your Lu family now."

Huang Miao glanced at the people surrounding him and didn't pay attention at all.

Indeed, even with his current strength, he is not truly invincible.

As long as there are enough people, even ordinary people can defeat him.

But the problem is that for him, there are not enough people in the Lu family!

The people of the Lu family wanted to use the human sea tactic, but it was not feasible.

"I would like to advise you, don't make yourself uncomfortable."

"Although I am in a good mood today, if I continue to push my limits, I will become angry."

"He broke into our Lu family without permission and told us not to feel uncomfortable!?"

"Where do you think this is? You can come and leave whenever you want!" "It's too much to bully others."

When Lu Zhong and others heard Huang Miao's words, they couldn't help shouting.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people.

It was obvious that the other party had trespassed into their Lu family's chassis, but now they were actually told not to push further.

Who is taking advantage of the situation!
"Uncle, let's do it together. I don't believe we can't take down this guy."

"Since the other party is here to find Lu Liang, he is either a complete demon or has something to do with Lu Liang's disappearance."

"As long as we catch him and interrogate him properly, I don't believe we can't find out."

Lu Gong looked at this young man of similar age to himself, his eyes full of anger.

With his eyesight, he still couldn't tell the depth of Huang Miao's strength.

I just thought that his grandfather didn't really take action just now.

"That's enough, stand down."

Lu Ci scolded him coldly, his voice without much emotion.

He walked towards Huang Miao with squinted eyes.

Lu Zhong and others were stunned, not understanding what their father was planning to do.

"Haven't you noticed yet? I don't care about you guys at all."

Lu Ci walked towards Huang Miao step by step. When Lu Zhong and others gathered around him, the young man opposite didn't even change his eyes.

This situation usually occurs when a high-level predator faces low-level prey.

That is simply uncaring indifference.

"Come to our Lu family to find Lu Liang. Are you familiar with that beast?"

Lu Ci walked up to Huang Miao and calmed down the Qi in his body.

Judging from the previous confrontation, the opponent's strength is likely to have surpassed his own.

The Lu family is already in a state of distress because of Lu Liang's matter. If they provoke another powerful opponent at this time, they will be in trouble.

Not a wise choice.

"It doesn't count as familiar."

"I've met a few times."

Huang Miao looked at the old man who had restrained his sharp claws in front of him. Sure enough, no matter what his personality was, how could a person who could become the head of a family be a stupid person?

It is definitely a wise choice to stop on yourself at this time.

Otherwise, if he really makes himself angry, he will really make these guys from the Lu family pay a price.

"If you can see Lu Liang, please help me pass a message to that little beast."

"As long as I, Lu Ci, am alive, the Lu family will never let go of this little beast like him."

"It's best for him not to show up in the circle in his life."

Lu Ci's tone was cold, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

It seems that Lu Liang is really going to be driven out and killed.

Huang Miao looked at the ferocious old man in front of him with interest, and he chuckled in his heart.

As expected of Lu Ci, who puts his family's children first, he still didn't forget to mention Lu Liang at this time.

Although he didn't know how Lu Ci made the Shuangquan Hands the Lu family's natural superpower, now he definitely knew that Lu Liang had completely mastered the Shuangquan Hands.

Why don't you show your face in the circle?

As long as he is still alive, the Lu family will never let Lu Liang go.

In fact, they were just subtle reminders of Lu Liang.

The first is to tell Lu Liang that his current situation is very dangerous and he cannot appear in the circle at will.

This was also the reason why he wanted all members of the Lu family to hunt down Lu Liang.

Lu Liang must be allowed to hide his head and tail and live cautiously.

In fact, if he really wanted to hunt down Lu Liang, Lu Ci didn't need to make such a big fuss.

As for the second one, it is actually more like telling Lu Liang that as long as he, Lu Ci, is still alive, as long as he is alive for one day.

Lu Liang is still a descendant of the Lu family, and the Lu family has the ability to keep Lu Liang.

Of course, these words are nothing more than Shi Lu Ci’s hidden meaning, and only a truly smart person can decipher them.

However, based on Lu Ci's understanding of Lu Liang, he was sure that Lu Liang would understand after hearing these words.

"If you meet Lu Liang, I will tell him for you."

"But what he chooses is his business."

Huang Miao waved his hand, turned around and walked swaggering towards the outside of Lujia Village.

He was not interested in the affairs of Lu Liang and the Lu family. The most important thing for him now was to find that guy Lu Liang.

Then master the cultivation method of both hands.

However, Lu Liang's hands evolved from the innate power of the Bright Soul Technique, so there should be no specific training method.

Looking at Huang Miao's leaving figure, Lu Zhong and others turned to look at Lu Ci in confusion after they could no longer see him.

"Dad, why did you let him leave so arrogantly?"

"Yes, Master, this guy broke into our Lu family without permission, so you just let him go?"

"Since the other party came to look for Lu Liang, it is very likely that he has already contacted Lu Liang."

"As long as we catch him, we will definitely be able to interrogate Lu Liang's whereabouts."

Lu Gong couldn't help but speak.

He didn't understand why he let the other person go so easily.

It is obvious that people from the Lu family will be here soon.

When the time comes, the opponent should be unable to fly.

Moreover, due to Taiye's temper, except when facing the Heavenly Master, he would give in a little or two. When facing other people, it is impossible to choose to calm down and calm down.

Lu Ci squinted his eyes and glanced at the great-grandson.

Then he looked in the direction Huang Miao left.

Without much explanation, he turned around and left in the other direction.

But before leaving, he still said something coldly.

"You continue to follow my previous orders and arrest Lu Liang."

"As for today's matter, do not disclose it to anyone else."

Lu Ci carried the dagger still stained with blood and walked toward the center of the village alone.

His whole body exuded a cold aura that kept strangers away.

However, Lu Zhong and the others who were standing there were still looking at his back with puzzled faces.

Very surprised by Lu Ci's order.

"Grandpa, what happened to Grandma today?"

"Since Lu Liang escaped, I found that the master seemed to be a little strange."

"According to his past temper, even if he risked his life to fight the whole clan, he would not be able to let the other party leave."

Lu Gong looked at his grandfather.

Although he didn't have many opportunities to come into contact with the great-grandfather of the family, Lu Gong thought that he had figured out the temper of the great-grandfather.

Logically speaking, the blond young man should not be allowed to leave their Lujia Village.

You must know that Lujia Village has never accepted outsiders into the village.

Not to mention that the other party still sneaked in and found Lu Liang, whom they detained as a traitor.

However, Lu Zhong and others also looked at the direction Lu Ci left in confusion.

In their impression, their father was definitely not a good-tempered person.

It is impossible for the other party to escape so easily.

"Although I don't know why my father would do this."

"But since father has given the order, we will obey it."

"Father must have his own ideas."

After Lu Zhong was silent for a moment, he spoke to everyone in a deep voice.

Although Lu Liang was his grandson, he was actually very angry about Lu Liang's escape.

So much so that I haven’t thought about it seriously in the past few days.

Now that Lu Gong reminded him, he always felt that his father's handling of Lu Liang's matter seemed a little different from before.

It's like doing things very deliberately.

(End of this chapter)

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