"What, Brother Miao, are you going to Tangmen too?"

"Zhang Chulan and the others have already set off for two days, so they might not be able to catch up at this time."

"Brother Miao, the Tang Sect has told Nandotong Company that outsiders will no longer be allowed to enter the Tang Sect. Do you really want to go?"

On the plane, Huang Miao was talking to Xu Si and Xu San on his mobile phone.

After charging the mobile phone he used for communication not long ago, he found that Xu San and Xu Si had already called him many times.

They were all curious about where Huang Miao went during this period.

Huang Miao originally had no intention of answering the two of them, but after thinking about it to prevent himself from going to Tangmen, he still ran away.

I made a phone call to both of them.

I asked Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan about their movements.

According to the plot, Lu Liang's characters only appeared in Tangmen after Zhang Chulan left for Tangmen.

If Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao are still in the company, or have returned from Tangmen.

If he goes to Tangmen now, he will miss Lu Liang again.

Fortunately, the news Xu San gave him was not too bad.

Although Zhang Chulan has been to Tangmen for two days, considering the time on the road, they should not have left Tangmen yet.

"Brother Miao, are you really going to Tangmen?"

"Mr. Zhao from the headquarters is dragging us to find you. It seems that there is something very important that he wants to invite you to take action on."

"Director Zhao has already said that as long as you agree, all conditions are easy to negotiate."

Xu Si was still chattering on the other end of the phone.

It seemed that Huang Miao was eager to agree to Zhao Fangxu's request.

Obviously this matter is very important to the company.

"What big thing can happen to Fatty Zhao? Last time he asked me to investigate the matter on Nathan Island."

"It's made very mysterious, but in the end it's just about asking something."

"Okay, let Fatty Zhao wait for me at Jinmen after I come back from Tangmen this time."

"But I have agreed in advance that if he comes to me again for some trivial matter, I will let him taste the taste of my air-splitting palm."

Huang Miao was too lazy to talk nonsense with Xu Si, so he hung up the phone immediately after speaking.

For now, finding Lu Liang is the most important thing for him.

As for other things, they are not worth mentioning.

Putting his phone back into his pocket, Huang Miao stood on the plane and looked down at the distant Sichuan below.

Put your hands in your pockets and lean forward slightly.

Jump directly from the plane.

That's right, in order to rush for time this time, Huang Miao naturally didn't buy any tickets and just stood on the plane.

Use the black Qi shield to cover his whole body.

Inside the civil aircraft, a little girl with braids was sitting quietly eating a lollipop in her hand.

His eyes stared curiously at the white clouds outside the window.

It seems that the white clouds outside the window are regarded as cotton candy.

Her mother sat aside and read a book quietly.

The entire cabin was quiet, and many people wore eye masks and fell asleep.

Suddenly, the little girl stared out the window with her big, watery eyes, and stopped licking the lollipop with her tongue.

He saw a blond young man looking at each other through the plane glass.

He also smiled and gave her a heartfelt gesture.

"Superman Mommy and Uncle Superman show up."

After being stunned for a moment, the little girl turned around with wide eyes and grabbed the arm of the woman next to her.

"Mom Flying Man. There was an uncle Superman outside the plane just now."

"It just flew away all of a sudden."

The little girl grabbed the woman's arm, turned her head and continued to look out the window.

But nothing appeared outside the plane window except white clouds and blue sky.

"Niuniu, did you have a dream just now?"

"Remember what mom told you? Yelling in public."

"How can there be a Superman in this world?"

The woman patted the little girl's head, naturally not believing what she said.

Just think that the little girl accidentally fell asleep and had a dream.

"But...but I really saw it."

The little girl muttered and lay on the plane glass again.

I want to find the handsome uncle who was outside the plane just now.

However, Huang Miao was falling rapidly, so it was naturally impossible for the little girl to see him.

In order to rush for time, he directly chose to jump off the plane midway.

When he was on the plane, he deliberately opened the evil map and chose the location closest to the Tangmen Martial Arts School to skydive without a parachute.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, only Huang Miao dared to do such extreme sports as skydiving without a parachute.

It's a pity that Red Bull sponsorship is missing.

In the Tang Sect, 10,000 meters away below, Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan all gathered in a cave.

Beside them were Zhang Lingyu and the three Lu brothers and sisters.

The cave was relatively empty, and the five people stood in the relatively center of the cave.

In addition to them, there are also Xia Liuqing and Jinfeng who are all-natured people.

The two groups of people stood clearly opposite each other, separated by a distance.

Among them were two white-haired old men sitting opposite each other, with a chessboard in front of them.

The two of them were playing chess leisurely.

The old man on the left has short hair, a strong body, and a calm and authoritative face.

The temperament on his body is obviously developed by being in a high position for a long time.

This person is none other than Tang Miaoxing, the current head of the Tang Sect.

The old man sitting opposite Tang Miaoxing had messy long hair, as if it hadn't been taken care of for a long time.

The clothes he was wearing were also very shabby.

His face was covered in dirt.

If the other party hadn't been able to sit opposite the Tang Sect's headmaster with a calm expression, Zhang Chulan and the others would have thought that the old man was some kind of tramp.

The two sat opposite each other and played chess leisurely.

He didn't pay any attention to Quan Xing and Zhang Chulan around him.

Outside the dim cave, there were many young people with the word "Tang" printed on their clothes, holding torches and walking into the cave one after another.

Fortunately, the cave is spacious enough to accommodate so many people.

Zhang Chulan swallowed and looked slightly nervously at the people in the Tang Sect around him.

If the other party chooses to take action at this time, he really has no ability to guarantee that everyone can leave the cave alive.

They were already surrounded by Tang Sect disciples.

The other party uses the key to catch turtles in an urn, and beats dogs with the door closed.

They and their personalities have truly become dogs behind closed doors.

The scene was very silent.

For a moment, everyone was silent.

Whether they are full-blooded people or people from the Tang Sect.

They all remained quiet and looked at the two old men sitting in the center of the cave playing chess.

"Hey, I lost."

Suddenly, Tang Miaoxing threw the chess piece in his hand.

He sighed helplessly.

He looked at the chessboard in front of him and shook his head.

It's clear that the situation is over.

The attention of everyone present was attracted by Tang Miaoxing's words.

Tang Miaoxing stood up slowly, squinting at Quan Xing and the others standing not far away. Finally, it fell on the most inconspicuous Granny Jinfeng among the crowd.

"Grandma Jinfeng, you and your all-sex accomplices broke into our Tang Sect without permission."

"We didn't do anything to embarrass you when we caught you."

"It's okay if you escaped by chance. Now you want to trespass into our Tang Sect's holy land. Are you going too far?"

"Falling down for what?"

Tang Miaoxing's voice was a bit cold and his eyes were sharp.

Everyone present could not help but feel nervous.

Both the Tang Sect members and Quan Xing are secretly mobilizing their Qi, ready to take action at any time.

The only person who had not changed at all was the white-haired old man sitting cross-legged opposite Tang Miaoxing.

Tang Miaoxing's words did not cause any fluctuation in his mood at all.

It was like a wooden figure, just staring at the chessboard in front of him quietly.

Jinfeng took a deep breath.

Take a half step forward.

He bowed his hands to Tang Miaoxing.

"Tangmen Zhang, I know that all this is our fault."

"Even if I get to this point and get killed by you Tang Clan people, I won't have any complaints at all."

"But no matter what, I want to meet Xu Xin, one of the thirty-six thieves from your Tang Sect."

Jin Feng's tone was particularly sincere and exciting, and he directly named Xu Xin, who was still alive among the thirty-six people.

It was obvious that they had made a lot of preparations before coming to Tangmen.

"Want to see my junior brother?"

Tang Miaoxing glanced at the golden phoenix not far away with cold eyes, his hands behind his back in a condescending manner.

His aura suddenly rose.

The majesty of the door leader exudes naturally.

"You are all like this. You can do whatever you want. You never care about what other people do."

"The outside world says that your Grandma Jinfeng is different from other all-sex members. Let me tell you, there is no difference!"

Tang Miaoxing snorted coldly and seemed not to be in a happy mood.

Then he turned his attention to Zhang Chulan who was standing aside and had not yet spoken.

"Zhang Chulan, what's going on with you?"

"Are you guys from this company planning to cooperate with Quan Xing to break into our Tang Sect restricted area?"

Zhang Chulan stood there, countless thoughts suddenly flashed through his mind.

The look in Tang Miaoxing's eyes became a little complicated.

He has realized that something is wrong with this matter. Whether it is them, those in Quanxing, or even the entire Tang Sect, they have been used by Tang Miaoxing.

The other party was waiting for them to forcefully break into Tang Tomb.

Zhang Chulan blinked, and his expression turned into a serious one.

"Chief, don't talk nonsense. You have slandered us upright juniors."

"We saw people like Quan Xing breaking into Tang Tomb and coming to stop Grandma Jinfeng and others from their random behavior."

"It's fundamentally different from them."

Zhang Chulan started talking nonsense seriously.

The sudden contrast made everyone present unable to react.

Even Jin Feng looked at Zhang Chulan with a confused expression.

That's not what I said when I first planned it.

"Hey, it's a pity that we juniors are powerless. Although we tried hard to stop them along the way, we still couldn't stop Grandma Jinfeng and these personalities."

"It's because this junior is incompetent, Headmaster."

"Damn it, this kid really doesn't want Bilian. He can tell lies with his eyes open. Does he pretend that we don't exist?"

"Fuck, I'm so mad!"

"Zhang Chulan, this bitch, is so fucking shameless."

Several Tang Sect disciples who were responsible for organizing Zhang Chulan and his group immediately turned pale with anger when they heard his words.

Even if this guy makes it up, there is a limit. Do you really think they are fools?

"Hahaha, hahaha"

"So, I have misunderstood you."

When Tang Miaoxing heard Zhang Chulan's words, he laughed twice, and the expression on his face was finally no longer so cold.

The old man opposite him, who had always had no expression, also turned his head slightly to look at Zhang Chulan.

"Is this Zhang Huaiyi's grandson?"

"It's really his seed, exactly the same ghost spirit."

Xu Xin chuckled and shook his head.

"Zhang Chulan, no matter what you say, the result is that you entered the Tang Tomb and saw my junior brother Xu Xin, who was once declared to have been executed."

"What do you think we should do now?"

"In that incident back then, we announced to the outside world that our junior brother was dead."

"Now if people outside know that my junior brother is still alive, those disciples from other sects may cause trouble for our Tang Sect."

"Do you think I have to silence all of you here now?"

Tang Miaoxing looked at Zhang Chulan with a grin, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

As a professional killer, Tang Miaoxing's murderous intent was rarely revealed easily.

But every time it is revealed, it can make people scared.

An ordinary stranger would probably pee his pants under such murderous intent.

However, Zhang Chulan had already seen through Tang Miaoxing's plan, so naturally he would not be frightened by him.

On the other hand, Zhang Lingyu and Lu Lin were planning to use their own methods.

However, Zhang Chulan secretly stopped the two of them before they started practicing.

"Chief Tang, what you said makes sense."

"But since we have indeed done our best for you, please spare us."

"As for Jin Feng and Xia Liuqing, they are indeed hateful, but they did not cause irreparable damage."

"If not, see if it works."

"I have a way. Your junior brother doesn't have to die, and neither do we. Even Grandma Jinfeng and the others can be safe and sound."

"A solution that satisfies all three of us."

Zhang Chulan looked at Tang Miaoxing with a smile, looking like he was bargaining.

Tang Miaoxing slowly restrained his murderous intent and looked at Zhang Chulan with interest.

A flash of appreciation flashed deep in his eyes.

Although the other party is still young, his mind is more mature than some old people.

Definitely a thoughtful little fox.

"Oh, is the third way friendly to all three of us?"

"Tell me."

If Zhang Chulan couldn't think of a way, then he, the head of the Tang Sect, would have to speak out.

But if it was really him who spoke, the matter would not be so reasonable and satisfactory after all.

But now, this little fox should understand what he means tonight.

Zhang Chulan turned to look at Xu Xin, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the chessboard and turned into a wooden man again.

This person didn't seem to care whether he could get out of this tomb.

The indifferent person doesn't look like a living person at all.

Although he was not allowed to have new thoughts, he could see Tang Miaoxing's thoughts and continued to speak according to Tang Miaoxing's words.

"Let's just bring Master Xu back to life and let him see the light of day again."

"As long as your junior brother can survive reasonably, all conflicts will be resolved."

"Are you right, Chief Tang?"

Zhang Chulan smiled and looked at Tang Miaoxing, who was expressionless. (End of chapter)

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