"Let my junior brother come back to life?"

"Hahahahahaha. Boy, are you kidding!"

"That's such a strong tone. Who do you think Zhang Chulan is?"

Tang Miaoxing's mouth curled up into a slight smile, and he looked at Zhang Chulan with interest.

The boy in front of me is indeed as good as the rumors say, a ghost and a ghost.

As he finished speaking, his eyes swept over Zhang Chulan and then looked at the other disciples of the Tang Sect.

I have to say that compared to Zhang Chulan, the Tang clan disciples like myself seem a bit too dull.

If this boy is a disciple of their Tang Sect, then he, the head of the clan, really doesn’t need to worry about the future of the Tang Sect anymore.

With this kid here, the Tang Sect cannot be damaged now or in the future.

But unfortunately, this kid has nothing to do with their Tang Sect.

Zhang Chulan didn't notice the way Tang Miaoxing looked at him, but the smile on his face remained.

"Tangmen Zhang, you see what you said is right."

"Of course I, Zhang Chulan, am nothing, but if this direction can make so many of us happy, then why can't we fight for it?"

"I am a key member of the company. Please wait for me for a while and I will ask you for instructions now. You will wait a moment."

After guessing Tang Miaoxing's thoughts, Zhang Chulan picked up the phone without any panic.

The reason why the other party negotiated this deal with juniors like them was naturally not because of them.

Instead, they value the power behind them, and they have access to the company everywhere!
Tang Miaoxing knows very well that today's era is already different from the last century.

There is not so much fighting and killing. In this era, both ordinary people and strangers need to follow the rules.

You can no longer do whatever you want based on your own preferences.

And the rules of their alien world are naturally formulated by the Nadutong Company, which represents the state machine.

As long as the people from the Nadutong Company say something, then his junior brother can truly walk out of this Tang Tomb.

Zhang Chulan just took out his mobile phone in front of everyone's eyes.

Directly dialed the number of the company chairman Zhao Fangxu.

"Hey Director Zhao, yes, yes, it's me. Yes, I'm in some trouble."

"Well, that's what happened."

"Okay, okay, no problem."

"Okay, you can tell Chief Tang in person."

As soon as the call was connected, Zhang Chulan immediately turned into a dog-legged person, bending down and bending his knees with a face full of flattery.

I don’t know what I talked about with the person on the other end of the phone. Anyway, I just nodded and bowed.

"Chairman, wait a moment. I will send the phone call to Mr. Tang immediately."

Zhang Chulan responded and handed the still-on-call mobile phone to Tang Miaoxing with a flattering look on his face.

The note on the phone screen is very conspicuous - Fatty Zhao.

"Mr. Zhao Fangxu, the biggest leader of our company."

"Would you two like to talk?"

Tang Miaoxing glanced at Zhang Chulan but said nothing.

He directly picked up the mobile phone handed to him.

"You all know, right now I'm in a dilemma."

"Originally, this matter was not in compliance with the rules at that time. It doesn't matter that my junior brother was trapped and died in this tomb."

"But now that Quan Xing has made such a fuss about this matter, what do you think I should do?"

Tang Miaoxing's tone was calm, and there was no so-called arrogance when facing Zhao Fangxu.

However, he still expressed his demands without being humble or arrogant.

In fact, Zhao Fangxu naturally knew what he was thinking. When he was young, he had come into contact with this being who surpassed tens of thousands of people in the alien world.

Although Zhao Fangxu is not strong enough, his ideological consciousness and brains are beyond question.

When dealing with such smart people, there is no need to talk too much.

"Hey, Quan Xing and these people are indeed abominable."

"On the other hand, if Tang Clan is as big-hearted as you, your knowledge will generally be much nobler."

Zhao Fangxu on the other end of the phone pretended to sigh, and then officially began to give Tang Miaoxing a high hat.

"I understand very well the situation of the Tang Sect back then. On the one hand, it was such a special environment, and on the other hand, it was the feeling of being from the same sect."

"I can understand being caught in the middle and making this choice."

"Sighful and admirable!"

"Thank you, thank you for your understanding."

"Then how do you think I should handle this matter now?"

Tang Miaoxing looked grateful, but casually kicked the ball to Zhao Fangxu.

This matter must be spoken by Zhao Fangxu himself in order to achieve the greatest effect.

After all, decisions at such critical moments must be made by leaders.

If he had taken notice first, things would have changed again, and those sects back then might have secretly made trouble for the Tang Clan.

"No, no, no, you don't have to ask me."

"This is an internal matter within your sect, Chief Tang. I am not qualified to give you advice or anything."

"I'm just expressing my attitude on behalf of the company."

Zhao Fangxu, who was on the other end of the phone, did not answer the question and did not clearly put forward his ideas to Tang Miaoxing.

Everyone is smart, so how could Zhao Fangxu not know what Tang Miaoxing was thinking.

It's just that if he, the chairman of the company, speaks about this matter in person, then all the pressure from all parties will fall on the company.

It has nothing to do with Tangmen itself.

After all, Tang Miaoxing could say that all this was Zhao Fangxu's intention.

This is definitely not possible.

Zhao Fangxu would definitely not let this happen.

All he could do was give Zhao Fangxu a guarantee.

"This is what our company or my idea is."

"We definitely don't have much opinion about your disciple, a person who has been hiding for decades."

"After all, this is a new era, and everything that happened back then is in the past."

"From now on, as long as you, the disciple, can keep your peace and do not violate the laws of the country, it will be your own business."

"Our company has no right to interfere."

"As for those who trespassed into Tang Tomb, in my eyes, they only have behavior and no style."

"So in my opinion, these behaviors are indeed abhorrent and should be punished and corrected!"

"But considering the causes and consequences, the most important thing is not to handle this matter with the perspective of the older generation."

"If you really want to convict them, just go straight to the local police."

"As for the issue that you are worried about about your junior brother's information being leaked, I have a slightly different view."

Zhao Fangxu coughed twice. Those words just now were just for the occasion.

Tang Miaoxing wanted to release Quan Xing and Zhang Chulan so casually, so he naturally needed a reasonable explanation.

Just now he was just giving the other party a step up.

But what he said next represented his and the company's attitude towards Xu Xin, one of the thirty-six thieves.

"No matter what your junior brother did back then, it doesn't matter whether everyone's treatment of these thirty-six people was excessive or not."

"This matter was over that year."

"Now I don't allow anyone to continue to make trouble through the incident back then!"

"Our company's attitude is the same not only towards you, Tang Clan, but towards everyone."

"Whoever causes trouble, we will cause trouble!" "If there are still people who are still holding on to this matter, then I can only tell them that times have changed."

At the end of the conversation, Zhao Fangxu's tone on the other end of the phone suddenly became a little heavier.

With the ears of everyone present, naturally everyone could clearly hear the strong warning in Zhao Fangxu's mouth.

His words were naturally not directed at Tang Miaoxing or the Tang Clan.

It was just to enlighten Tang Miaoxing and warn those present present.


The corners of Tang Miaoxing's mouth rose slightly again. As expected, dealing with smart people is easy.

Everything can be understood without going into too much detail.

With Zhao Fangxu's words, today his junior brother who had been trapped in the Tang Tomb for decades could finally see the light of day again.

In the future, no one will openly question the Tang Sect about this matter.

Bang bang bang~ bang bang bang.

Just as Tang Miaoxing hung up the phone, the sound of applause suddenly came from outside the cave.

I saw a short and thin old man with a gloomy face and blue veins on his forehead, clapping his hands, staring fiercely at Tang Miaoxing and Xu Xin, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground opposite him.

"What a plan, Chief!"

"Can I ask you, when did you start getting interested?"

"Are you going to let that bastard go?"

The short old man is Zhang Wang, the current principal of Tangmen Foreign School.

There are several old people from the Tang clan who are still alive today.

Zhang Wang stared at Tang Miaoxing, as if he wanted to eat Tang Miaoxing alive in one bite.

"Haha, junior brother, don't talk nonsense."

"What do you mean I let this bastard go on purpose?"

"That's all a helpless act forced by these all-sexual monsters."

Tang Miaoxing laughed and seemed not to care about this angry junior brother.

"I'm so mad at you!"

"Just leave these words of yours to fool outsiders."

"The Tang Sect, which indulges all-brained people, what are you going to tell these disciples who have always trusted you!"

Zhang Wang interrupted Tang Miaoxing with a dark face, not believing Tang Miaoxing's so-called rhetoric at all.

Not long ago, he figured out all of Tang Miaoxing's plans!
Everything today is this guy's plan.

No, from the very beginning when Zhang Chulan came to their Tang Sect, this guy had already started plotting!

Zhang Wang clenched his fingers into fists, trying to contain the anger in his heart.

"Tang Miaoxing, why haven't I discovered that you are such a calculating person in all these years?"

"For you to be the head of our Tang Sect, you are really undermining your talents!"

Everyone present, whether Zhang Chulan and the others, Quan Xing who came to make trouble in the Tang Sect, or their own members of the Tang Sect.

They were all plotted by Tang Miaoxing!

Zhang Wang was so angry that his body began to tremble. Although he felt that Tang Miaoxing was not qualified as the head of the Tang Sect for so many years.

But I know that all of this person's actions are for the good of Tang Clan.

Therefore, Zhang Wang has been holding back his temper.

But today's incident completely ignited his anger.

Even if this guy wanted to release Xu Xin, who was regarded as a sinner by the Tang Sect, he actually allowed these outsiders to enter their Tang Sect's holy land!

You must know that even the outer Tang Sect is not allowed to enter this holy land!

"Tang Miaoxing, is this the way you promised to protect the Tang Clan!"

"Have you forgotten the oath you made when you first joined the Tang Clan?"

Tang Miaoxing looked at this junior brother who had lost control of his emotions and was about to reach the critical point.

I sighed slightly in my heart.

He naturally knows this junior brother very well.

He knew that no matter what he said at this time, he could not calm Zhang Wang's anger.

Ever since Zhang Wang's master died for his country, protecting the Tang Sect was his only thought.

"Don't worry, there will be an explanation, there will be an explanation."

Tang Miaoxing took a deep breath and patted Zhang Wang's shoulder, his tone inexplicably relieved.

"Come the same."

Then he looked at the outsiders following Zhang Wang.

There are three people in total.

The person standing in the middle is a handsome young man wearing glasses, wearing green casual clothes.

Looks a bit quiet.

It was one of the few who broke into the Tang Sect last night.

He is not famous, and I have never heard of such a number one figure in the alien circle before.

However, judging from last night's battle, the opponent has the means of the Three Corpses of the Corpse Demon Sect.

The strength is good.

As for the tall, skinny middle-aged man standing next to the young man, he did know him.

The three corpses of the whole nature - the corpse demon Tu Junfang.

He was also one of the few who broke into Tangmen last night.

I heard that he was crippled by the Heavenly Master not long ago, but I don’t know why he has recovered from all his injuries in just one month.

His strength is considered a good one in the entire alien world.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to join forces to fight against the Heavenly Master.

However, among these people, the one that Tang Miaoxing feared the most was the dark-skinned man with the mole between his eyebrows.

Judging by the Qi emanating from the opponent's body, the opponent's strength should be the strongest among everyone present.

Even he himself is definitely no match for the opponent.

"Who is this little friend?"

Tang Miaoxing's eyes fell on the dark-skinned man with his hands in his pockets.

He could think of only one person with such strength.

"Junior Ding Zhang'an has met the head of the Tang family."

The dark-skinned man bowed his hand to Tang Miaoxing politely, and his behavior had nothing to do with the notorious Quan Xing.

However, the person who reported his life was a famous person in the world.

Ding Shian, one of the two top heroes in the alien world today!
The most powerful master in the universe.

In today's alien world, all the aliens who still appear frequently are divided into three levels according to their strength.

The person standing at the top is undoubtedly the current Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain Celestial Master Mansion - Zhang Zhiwei.

Naturally, there is no need to elaborate on his strength. He is fundamentally different from other aliens.

But if Zhang Zhiwei is thrown away, the two recognized masters in the alien world today are the man in front of him and Na Ruhu, one of the ten.

Even the strength of several other ten men is not as good as these two when fighting alone.

If the gap between Zhang Zhiwei's strength and ordinary aliens is 1:100.
Then the strength of Na Ruhu and Ding Shian is 1:10 compared to other ordinary aliens.
Although the strength of the two is not as good as Zhang Zhiwei, looking at the current Chinese alien world, they are only inferior to Zhang Zhiwei.

"Hey, two heroes."

"I've admired you for a long time."

Tang Miaoxing chuckled twice. He didn't have much hostility towards this alien who wanted to pursue strength and join Quanxing.

(End of this chapter)

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