One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 201 It’s hard to persuade the devil with good words

Chapter 201 It’s hard to persuade the devil with good words

Ding Zhangan stood in front of Huang Miao with his hands clasped in fists.

The strength of the person in front of him was definitely beyond his imagination, and Ding Shian knew that he was definitely no match.

However, he would definitely regret not stepping forward to challenge.

Only by being lucky enough to fight against a strong man of this level can he see his own strength better.

"Stay out of the way!"

However, when faced with Ding Shi'an's request for a fight, Huang Miao didn't even look at him.

He raised his hand and slapped Ding Shian with an ordinary slap.

I have no interest in fighting this guy at all.

Now in the entire alien world, except Zhang Zhiwei, everyone else is the same in his eyes.

"Strong, too strong!"

Even though Zhang Chulan knew Huang Miao's strength, he still couldn't believe that he could easily fly away Ding Zhangan, who was known as the second best in the world, with one palm.

However, Huang Miao's slap now completely woke him up.

He was obviously shocked mentally and physically, but his body was still able to respond even in this situation.

One of his arms was broken, his body was covered in smoke and dust, and a deep crater was knocked out of the stone wall behind him.

"What the hell is this Huang Mao? How can he not be able to control his strength to this level?"

It hit the stone wall with a loud bang.

The moment she saw the divine spirit appear, she had doubts about whether the blond young man in front of her was rootless.

The smoke gradually dispersed, and Ding Shian's figure slowly appeared.

Ding Zhangan's eyes widened suddenly, and he was stunned on the spot as if he had been struck by lightning.

Can't believe my eyes.

She doesn't know how strong Xiao Ding is, but since he can be called two heroes by strangers in the world, his strength is certainly not weak.

"Ding Shian was slapped away. These are some of the most powerful people in the alien world today."

Even the leader would most likely not have such great strength.

Just after seeing this slap, Jin Feng was sure that the other party was definitely not pretending to be without roots.

It was very difficult to even raise my hand.

After all, their leaders have many methods, and they may have the ability to change their appearance.

"I'll go. Brother Miao is kidding!"

"No, is it true or not?"

Suddenly there was a burst of smoke and dust flying around the stone wall.

"Cough cough cough cough cough."

At most it's just a matter of one slap or two slaps.

When he was in Twenty-Four Festival Valley before, he felt that Huang Miao had not reached this level yet.

Huang Miao had never shown his true strength in front of him before, so in Zhang Chulan's impression, although his strength was very strong, he never had an accurate understanding.

Whether it was Zhang Chulan or the disciples of the Tang Sect, they all couldn't help but open their mouths wide after seeing Ding Shi'an being slapped away.

Huang Miao's movements were obviously not fast, but Ding Zhangan's body seemed unable to respond.

Huang Miao stood there, looking at the empty space in front of him, and waved his palm casually.

"Why do I feel that senior's strength is much stronger than the last time we met."

However, he was slapped away by Huang Miao.

"It's so powerful. It's much stronger than Ruhu, and even better than when I met the old Heavenly Master."

"I don't know. You know I have no idea about strength."

Although Ding Shi'an's strength is not as good as his eyes, the opponent is worthy of being the two strongest people under Zhang Zhiwei, and his physical body has been cultivated to a certain extent.

Just when his palm was about to hit Ding Shian's head, the opponent subconsciously used his hands to block and parry.

Powerless! Can't resist!
His body seemed to be frozen in place, unable to react at all.

Ding Zhangan and the other ten guys, in Huang Miao's eyes, they are not much different from juniors like Zhang Chulan.

Huang Miao slapped Ding Zhangan on the head with an ordinary slap.

There was a muffled sound, and Ding Shian'an whole body flew out from the place like an arrow from the string.

Just for a moment, he only felt the same sense of powerlessness that came over him again, exactly the same as when he faced Zhang Zhiwei.

Jin Feng shook his head, his eyes filled with astonishment.

"So strong?!"

Xia Liuqing swallowed her saliva and asked in a low voice to Jin Feng beside her.

"But this slap alone is not enough to defeat me!"

"Please show your true strength and fight me seriously once."

Ding Shanan took a deep breath, his whole body was wrapped in light blue Qi, and his broken arm quickly recovered.

His eyes were still full of fighting spirit.

He could be sure that the strength of the young man he faced at this time was definitely not inferior to that of the Heavenly Master.

Although I don’t know how the person in front of me has cultivated to this level, there is no doubt that the other person is definitely an obstacle to achieving my ultimate goal.

No matter what, we must test out the other party's true strength.

Huang Miao frowned slightly and looked at Ding Zhangan in front of him.

Sometimes I really can't understand his brain circuit. He is obviously a person who cherishes his life very much, why he insists on constantly seeking death.

If Xu Xin had not removed the alchemy from the beginning, Ding Zhangan would never have been able to leave the Tang Tomb today.

Are you still going to fight with yourself now?
"Xiao Ding, stop messing around!"

"You are no match for this senior."

"Come back soon."

Xia Liuqing couldn't help but speak and wanted to stop Ding Zhangan.

After all, the other party came to Tangmen to save him and Jinfeng this time. If something unexpected happened, it would not be good.

"Mr. Xia, it's not easy to meet such a strong opponent."

"If I can't play against each other, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"Don't worry, I cherish my life."

"If I can no longer bear it, I will give in."

Ding Zhangan took a deep breath, his expression extremely serious.

He had no intention of giving up at all, he really wanted to try fighting Huang Miao.

"Sister Bao'er, I finally found someone with a worse head than you today."

Zhang Chulan looked at Ding Zhangan, who had a high desire to fight, and couldn't help but shake his head and complain.

Sister Bao'er's brain circuit is already novel enough, but he didn't expect that he would see an even more novel person today.

Seek a beating yourself!

"Zhang Chulan, don't talk about me. Most of the time, I am the best."

"If I were him, I wouldn't go ahead and do it."

Feng Baobao scratched his head and spoke honestly.

Knowing clearly that Huang Miao is no match for him, why must he continue to attack?
Huang Miao narrowed his eyes and turned slightly to look at Ding Zhangan.

I just gave this kid a lesson. I thought he would know the right measures and retreat when faced with difficulties.

But I didn't expect that the other party was still planning to refuse.

Do you really think you have a good temper?

"Boy, I'll give you a chance to leave now."

"I won't stop you."

"After three more breaths, you won't be able to leave if you want."

Huang Miao had three fingers deep in his mind, intending to give Ding Shian another chance.

In the near future, the task of conquering Quanxing by the four crazy people should be completed. A master like Ding Shigan will be Quanxing's powerful master.

It's not like he has ruined the other party like this. But if this guy still doesn't know what's good and what's good, he won't give in.

Then Huang Miao planned to teach the other party a lesson.

Anyway, now that Lu Liang has successfully awakened both hands, he can be saved no matter how serious the injury is as long as he doesn't die immediately.

"Since you don't want to take the initiative, then I can only do it!"

Ding Jian'an didn't give Huang Miao a chance to continue counting down, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the place.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Huang Miao.

The speed was so fast that many people present did not even see how Ding Shian disappeared.

Only the sound of whizzing through the air was heard.

Ding Shian's right hand turned into a fist, and all the strength of his body was concentrated on one point. The Qi that originally protected the whole body was also concentrated on the right fist.

The fist wrapped in blue Qi flames suddenly hit Huang Miao's head.

He knew that he was no match for Huang Miao, so he chose to strike first and used his strongest attack from the beginning.

"So fast!"

"Is this the strength of Ding Shimaan? His movements are completely invisible to the naked eye."

"Wonder how the blond guy would handle it."

Everyone in the Tang Clan held their breath. Whether it was Tang Miaoxing, Xu Xin or other Quanxing members, their eyes all fell on Huang Miao.

Now that Ding Shanan has chosen to take action, it depends on how Huang Miao responds.

Many people present wanted to truly see Huang Miao's true strength.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, Huang Miao's strength has always been a mystery.

Neither Zhang Chulan nor Xia Liuqing had ever seen Huang Miao actually take action.

The only time that could be regarded as a formal fight was when Longhushan and Wang Ai fought, but that time Huang Miao was just to test the power of Tongtianlu.

No other means were used.

Moreover, apart from Wang Ai and his grandson, only four people had witnessed that fight.

Others didn't even know about this. They only knew that after returning to the Wang family from Longhu Mountain, Wang Ai, his grandfather, and his grandson announced that they were going into seclusion.

"Good words can't persuade a damned person."

"Ding Shian, you really went too far."

Huang Miao spoke calmly as he faced Ding Zhangan's punch, squinting his eyes and emitting two gleams of coldness.

In an instant, an unparalleled powerful aura radiated from Huang Miao's body.

The huge black figure appeared behind Huang Miao in the blink of an eye, looking ferocious and terrifying.

Huang Miao stood with his hands behind his back and stared at Ding Zhangan, looking down on all living beings like a god.

The huge black shadow statue behind him raised its pitch-black claws high and struck Ding Shian from top to bottom.

The terrifying pressure raised a layer of smoke and dust in the cave.

Ding Zhangan's expression changed drastically. He didn't expect Huang Miao to have such a hand. He subconsciously twisted his body and punched upward with his right fist.

Accompanied by a huge roar.

The entire cave began to shake up and down.

The air wave spread from the place where Huang Miao and Ding Zhangan were fighting, and the strong wind made everyone present unable to open their eyes.

The dark figure behind Huang Miao gradually disappeared, and the winner was decided.

A full blow in a serious state was simply not something Ding Shian could withstand.

That is to say, Ding Shi'an's strength is strong enough. If it were an ordinary person, he would have been beaten to pulp by that palm.

"Is it over?"

"what's the result?"

"Who lost and who won?"

"Can the terrifying pressure just now be really released by humans?"

Everyone covered their mouths and noses, trying to see clearly what was going on inside through the smoke and dust.

In fact, the outcome of this competition was already determined when Huang Miao slapped Ding Zhangan away.

But logically speaking, masters need to be in a stalemate for a long time to fight, and it is impossible to determine the winner with one blow.

Unless the gap between the two sides is too big, it would be like the old Heavenly Master fighting Quan Xing on the grassland.

As the smoke gradually dispersed, Huang Miao's figure appeared in everyone's sight again.

With his hands in his pockets, even his standing posture did not change at all, and it seemed that he did not move at all.

But when everyone saw Ding Shian in front of him, they all couldn't help but take a breath.

Ding Zhangan, who was full of energy just now, was lying on the ground gasping for air, and blood kept spurting out from his mouth.

His body sank to the ground, and a large piece of the surrounding earth sunk down.

All the bones in his body were basically shattered by a slap, and he didn't even have the ability to stand up again.

The second most powerful person in the world, when faced with Huang Miao's full blow, he didn't even have the qualifications to resist.

He was slapped directly to the ground.

"This, this, this."


"Hey~ Why are you so strong? Who is this guy!"

"It can't be that the Heavenly Master has changed his appearance."

When they saw Ding Shian's tragic situation, many people subconsciously took a breath of cold air.

They thought Ding Shian would lose, but they never thought they would lose so miserably.

This is simply a unilateral crushing, and there is no way to fight back.

Could it be that another top figure is going to appear in their alien world?
"Let me go, is this Brother Miao's strength?"

"Hahaha, I just said there's nothing wrong with following Brother Miao."

Zhang Chulan's eyes shone, as if he had discovered a new continent.

He had long known that Huang Miao was strong, but he didn't expect that he could be so ridiculously strong.

If he had known that Huang Miao's strength had reached such a terrifying level, he would have hidden himself and pretended to be a fool.

As long as he stayed with Huang Miao, he didn't believe that the alien world would dare to do anything to him.

With his eyes shining golden, Zhang Chulan had a mean expression on his face and couldn't help but lick his mouth.

From now on, he must hold on to Huang Miao's thigh firmly and never let go.

As long as Huang Miao supports him, no one would dare to do anything to him, even if he offends the entire alien world.

After seeing Ding Shian's condition, several people in Quanxing subconsciously took a step back.

His eyes stared at Huang Miao who was walking towards them with fear.

Whether it was a few people who had known Huang Miao before, or people who had never seen Huang Miao before today.

There was only fear left in my heart.

If the opponent can turn Ding Shimaan into a useless person with one slap, then I'm afraid he won't even need a slap against them.

"Lu Liang, tell me honestly, do you really have no conflicts with this little brother?"

Quan Xing and the others who were huddled behind the stone already regretted coming to Tangmen.

Who knew he could meet a guy with such terrifying strength.

"No, definitely not."

"If I had a conflict with this person, do you think I would still be alive given my abilities?"

Lu Liang swallowed, his face turned pale with fright.

Ever since he mastered the Eight Wonders, he has always been confident and never panicked.

However, facing Huang Miao again today, he finally knew that even if he mastered the Eight Magic Skills, he could be crushed to death at will in Huang Miao's hands.

Under everyone's shocked and horrified gaze, Huang Miao came to Lu Liang, looked down at the young man in front of him who was covered in cold sweat and said lightly:

"How is your practice with both hands going?"

(End of this chapter)

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