Chapter 202 Soul Cultivation
"Both hands?"

"Is it one of the Eight Wonders of Double Hands?"

"Lu Liang, could the technique you demonstrated before be the legendary Eight Wonders?"

After hearing Huang Miao's words, everyone present was stunned.

They all looked at Lu Liang, who was so nervous that he was sweating on his forehead.

Quan Xing and others were even more shocked. They had all seen the method Lu Liang had shown before, and it was indeed very miraculous.

Even severe injuries to severed limbs can be easily treated.

But they never thought that the method used by Lu Liang turned out to be one of the Eight Wonders of Double Hands.

Lu Liang's face was turning blue and white. During this period, he could be said to be cautious for fear of exposing his cultivation of both hands.

Nothing was revealed to anyone.

But he didn't expect Huang Miao to tell him so openly and openly.

When he was dealing with Zhang Chulan as Quanxing before, he didn't find the Eight Magic Techniques very troublesome.

After all, Zhang Chulan was the only one in trouble at that time.

But now that he has taken control of his hands, Lu Liang can be said to be highly nervous.

I was afraid that something would go wrong and someone would catch me.

He now understands why Zhang Chulan was so cautious back then.

"Ouch, both hands!"

"I didn't expect you, Lu Liang, would be where you are today. You could learn all the eight extraordinary skills."

"It's not easy."

Zhang Chulan approached Lu Liang with a mean look on his face and put his arm around his shoulders.

"Everyone, listen up. This Lu Liang has now mastered the Eight Magic Skills. From now on, we are brothers."

"If Lu Liang doesn't know anything about the Eight Magic Skills from now on, come and ask me. Although I haven't learned the source of Qi Ti, it doesn't affect my guidance."

Zhang Chulan could remember the time when Lu Liang and Xia He kidnapped him, if Huang Miao and Sister Baoer hadn't appeared in time.

I'm afraid he was really brought back to fullness by these two people.

Now things are going well, things are changing.

Now it's Lu Liang's turn to have a headache. The Eight Magic Skills are not a good thing.

"Fuck you Zhang Chulan, stop gloating here."

Lu Liang snorted coldly and turned away from Zhang Chulan.

I can't help but see how this kid is adding insult to injury.

After Zhang Chulan learns about this matter today, I am afraid that the entire alien world will know about it in a short time.

And because he is a complete person, those in the alien world will not deal with him as secretly as they deal with Zhang Chulan.

Those lunatics who want to obtain the Eight Magic Skills will probably do whatever they can to attack him.

Because of the nature of Quanxing itself, even the company cannot interfere too much in this matter.

If there is anyone who can help him now, it is probably the man in front of him.

Lu Liang was silent for a moment and looked up at the blond young man who had already walked in front of him.

Now in the alien world, only this senior can help him overcome the difficulties. Even his great-grandfather Lu Ci does not have this strength.

In terms of strength, the person in front of him can definitely defeat all strangers.

As long as he is willing to stand up for himself, he should be able to dispel most people's petty thoughts.

At least these people don't dare to continue to blatantly deal with themselves.

Their eyes met, Huang Miao ignored Lu Liang's gaze, and just said coldly: "Show it, let me see."

He had indirectly seen Double Hands before. In Judy's incident, Qu Tong used Judy's mental power to use Blue Hands.

But that time, after all, he relied on the mental power of others, and the abilities of both hands were not really displayed.

When Lu Liang heard this, he naturally did not dare to hesitate.

"Hey, having two hands is actually an auxiliary ability."

"It doesn't have any strong offensive capabilities."

With a sigh, Lu Liang slowly stretched out his hands. The next moment, a light blue light and a reddish light appeared on Lu Liang's left and right palms respectively.

It is the legendary double hands.

Everyone present turned their attention to Lu Liang's hands, and they were already familiar with the name of the Eight Magic Skills.

Naturally, I want to have a good experience.

Huang Miao closed his eyes, and when Lu Liang used his hands, a flash of surprise flashed between his eyebrows.

Lu Liang ignored everyone's gazes and walked towards Ding Zhangan who fell on the ground.

At this moment, all the bones in Ding Jian'an's body were basically shattered by Huang Miao's full blow, although they were being healed bit by bit with his own Qi.

But it's very slow.

Ding Ji'an can become one of the two heroes and is proficient in hundreds of schools of knowledge, so naturally he will not be eliminated so easily.

"Mr. Ding, let me do it."

Lu Liang came to Ding Zhangan and sighed.

Slowly squat down.

I saw a palm full of red energy falling on Ding Shanan's body, and the next moment a wave of innate energy rushed into Ding Shanan's body from all directions.

The red hands in both hands can target the physical body, and even serious injuries can be easily repaired.

Under the touch of the red hand, the innate energy between heaven and earth continued to pour into Ding Shian's body.

With the help of this innate energy, the bones and internal organs that were originally shattered healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ding Shian's breath gradually became calmer.

He looked seriously injured just now, but now his face was rosy and his breathing was smooth.

If they hadn't seen the blood still remaining in front of him, no one would have believed that Ding Shimaan was lying on the ground like a dead dog a few breaths ago.

"Is this so amazing?"

"The flesh and bones of living and dead people?"

"This is the legendary flesh and bones of the living and the dead. He recovered from such a serious injury in the blink of an eye. It is indeed one of the legendary Eight Wonders."

"With this ability, as long as the breath has not expired, it should be possible to recover."

Many Tang Sect disciples who saw the magic of both hands for the first time couldn't help but sigh.

This is an absolute miracle!

Even those who had already seen Lu Liang's methods couldn't help but be shocked when they saw this miraculous scene again.

Perhaps only this method of technique can be worthy of the title of Eight Wonders.

Ding Zhangan stood up from the ground and first clasped his fists at Lu Liang to thank him.

Without Lu Liang's intervention, his injury would have taken him at least half a year to recover from his injuries.

"This is the power of the red hand in Shuangquan's hand, which can cure any disease in the world."

“It’s easy to regenerate a broken arm or change your appearance.”

Lu Liang looked at his palms that were exuding red flames. Even when he was using this method, he had to sigh at the terror of the person who created this magical skill.

With two hands, he can treat almost any disease.

Even when using both hands, hands are not needed.

Just use that red Qi to complete it.

Back in the dungeon of the Lu family, his legs and feet were cut off by the master with a knife and made into human pigs.

However, after he successfully realized that he had two hands, his hands and feet grew back almost within a few breaths under the influence of red Qi.

"As for the blue hand, it's actually similar to the Lu family's soul-brightening technique before." "They both act on the soul."

"It's just that you need to use your own Qi when you use the Bright Soul Technique, but now you don't need any Qi to use the blue hand in Shuangquan's hand."

Lu Liang did not show the ability of the blue hand. The blue hand in Shuangquan's hand has the same effect as the bright soul technique.

At this time, he had already guessed the origin of Lu Jiaming's soul technique, which should be a simplified version of Shuangshou and Lanshou.

"Don't you need Qi in Blue Hand?"

Huang Miao squinted his eyes and looked seriously at Lu Liang's palm that emitted blue light.

What surprised him just now was Lu Liang's blue hand, because he did not feel Qi in Lu Liang's palm just now.

Instead, it is similar to the power of the soul.

"Senior, I beg you to help me."

"If other people knew that I now have both hands, they would look for me like crazy."

"Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you will definitely find me."

"Senior, please help me."

Lu Liang sighed and knelt down in front of Huang Miao.

Now the only one who can protect him is Huang Miao.

Even Zhang Zhiwei of Longhushan today is not capable of withstanding such great pressure.

After all, it could be seen in the case of Zhang Chulan that unless the Heavenly Master planned to overturn the table, it would be impossible to protect him, the successor of the Eight Wonders.

What's more, Zhang Zhiwei has no reason to overturn the table for his sake.

The only person with tyrannical strength and unscrupulous behavior is probably the person in front of me.

"Tell me, how do you understand these full hands?"

Huang Miao stared at Lu Liang's hands for a long time, but still couldn't see how he used Xing Qi to use both hands.

The Eight Magic Techniques, a technique that can reach the sky, cannot be understood simply through observation.

A cloud of black energy spread out from Huang Miao's body, covering his and Lu Liang's bodies in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, the Qimen formation quickly expanded from Huang Miao's feet again, covering the entire cave.

When the formation appeared, the auras of Lu Liang and Huang Miao disappeared instantly.

Within the formation, Lu Liang felt that the world was spinning before his eyes. After he recovered, he found that he was no longer in the cave.

There is nothingness all around, as far as the eye can see.

It feels like being in the starry sky of the universe.

"Don't worry, no one here can hear you."

Huang Miao put his hands behind his back and spoke calmly.

In addition to time-related spells, Qimen spells also include space-related spells.

To put it simply, the location where he and Lu Liang are now is equivalent to the legendary space rift.

There are very few warlocks who can enter this space, and those who want to locate him and Lu Liang in the cracks in the space.

It's almost impossible to go long.

"Is this the ability of the Eight Wonders?"

Lu Liang looked around curiously. Ever since he mastered both hands, he felt a very familiar energy fluctuation in Huang Miao's body.

Not only could he feel it on Huang Miao, but he could also feel it on Zhang Chulan. This energy fluctuation should be the energy of the Eight Wonders.

It was obvious that both of them had actually practiced the Eight Wonders.

"Yes, this kind of technique is difficult for people who have not mastered the Eight Wonders of Skills to perform even if they know the training method."

Huang Miao nodded without hiding anything.

Practicing the Eight Wonders is nothing to him.

Only those who have bad brains and want to find excitement dare to ask him for the Eight Magic Skills.

"Fenghou Qimen?"

Lu Liang blinked and recalled the Qi Men Tu at Huang Miao's feet just now in his mind.

"I didn't expect that senior has obtained Wudang's Fenghou Qimen."

"As long as senior can protect my safety, I am also willing to tell senior how to practice both hands."

"However, there are some differences between the practice of both hands and normal magic. Seniors, please be mentally prepared in advance."

Lu Liang naturally had no doubts about the cultivation qualifications of the immortal family in front of him.

After all, it is possible to deduce the terrifying existence of the third level of rebirth through observation. In theory, it is not a problem to practice other techniques.

However, the cultivation of both hands is different from the normal method. The cultivation of blue hands focuses on the soul, not the Qi.

Even the Bright Soul Technique mastered by the Lu family is an innate ability that was awakened by chance under certain circumstances.

Bright Soul Technique is the prerequisite for practicing both hands.

Without the innate soul-clearing technique, even he himself might not be able to cultivate complete hands.

"the difference?"

"If I'm not wrong, the blue hand in Shuangquan's hand should focus on soul cultivation."

"There are very few techniques in the alien world that can cultivate the soul. The so-called dual cultivation of life and life can only be accomplished by Chuyang Shen."

"But this technique is too difficult to get started and practice."

"So you, the elders of the Lu family, used some trickery and a special method to enable some of your Lu family members to awaken the innate ability of the soul, the Bright Soul Technique."

"In this way, the power of the soul can be exercised more effectively."

"Lay the foundation for practicing both hands."

"It's just that if you want to practice both hands, you need to improve the Soul Brightness Technique to an extremely high level. You are the only one in the Lu family who has achieved this in so many years."

Huang Miao spoke calmly, his eyes were like two sharp blades shooting into Lu Liang's eyes.

From the very beginning when he entered Lujia Village, he had thought about why Lu Liang was the only one in Lujia Village who had mastered both hands while also practicing the Bright Soul Technique.

Originally, he thought it was Lu Ci who deliberately told Lu Liang how to practice both hands in some way.

But after contacting Lu Ci later, he found that there must be something wrong with his idea.

It was obvious that Lu Ci didn't know how to practice both hands.

"My guess is right, Lu Liang."

Lu Liang swallowed, and his breathing became heavy and tense.

If he didn't know the horror of the person in front of him, he would have doubted whether the senior in front of him had been spying on him.

The other party's guess is basically consistent with his own situation, that is, under extreme pain, the power of the soul has been sublimated again.

And because his limbs were crippled, he could only practice the Bright Soul Technique every day.

Finally, at a certain moment, I naturally realized how to cultivate both hands.

"That's right, senior."

"The prerequisite for cultivating both hands is to have a strong enough soul."

"To put it bluntly, the tenacity of my soul now, even those masters of the Yangshen can't compare to me."

"Senior, although you are an immortal, it is difficult to improve your soul through ordinary cultivation."

"So. If your soul level cannot reach the cultivation standard of the Full Hands, even if you get the cultivation method of the Full Hands, it will be in vain."

"Soul power?"

"Actually, my soul power is pretty good."

Huang Miao smiled faintly, and his eyes suddenly burst into blue light.

(End of this chapter)

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