Chapter 203 Soldiers and Puppet

The next moment, Huang Miao's soul naturally emerged from his body.

He did not perform any Yang Shen techniques, but simply relied on the strength of his soul to allow his soul to wander outside of his body.

His soul power is much more powerful than ordinary people due to the eight magical skills he cultivates.

What's more, after the last contact with Qu Tong, he has risen to another level.

He has long since reached the standard of practicing both hands.

"Such a powerful soul power!"

Lu Liang's eyes widened as he looked at Huang Miao's soul flying out of his body.

Without using the techniques of Chu Yang Shen, the soul can be freed from the shackles of the body.

Even he couldn't do it himself.

"Now you should be able to practice both hands without any problems."

As his soul reentered his body, Huang Miao patted Lu Liang's shoulder in a calm tone.

As long as he is willing, there is no skill that cannot be practiced.

Whether it is the Eight Magic Techniques or the Third Level of Reverse Life, in Huang Miao's opinion, they are just techniques, but some techniques have a higher entry level.

A truly strong person never cultivates skills, but the most basic life.

As long as you have a strong enough life, you can still be invincible even if you use the simplest magic.

Just like Ding Shi'an, he just tempered his life and didn't practice any fancy techniques.

It’s different to be the second best in the world.

If you want to defeat someone like Ding Shi'an, you can only surpass him in terms of your own life cultivation, just like Huang Miao and Zhang Zhiwei.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to defeat Ding Shian with ordinary magic.

"Ok, Ok."

Lu Liang nodded, Huang Miao's soul was far stronger than he imagined.

It is indeed a monster that has lived for thousands of years.

"Senior, the full-hand ability is actually more of a auxiliary ability, not too aggressive."

"It's very simple to practice. You only need to stabilize your mental power and learn to control it."

"All the cultivation methods naturally appeared in my mind after my spiritual power broke through."

A blue soul was pulled out of Lu Liang's mind and displayed in the palm of his hand.

It is his own soul memory.

"This part of the soul of the senior contains the cultivation methods for both hands."

Lu Liang handed the light blue ball of light to Huang Miao's palm.

Shuangquan Hands is a technique for dual cultivation of body and soul. It does not have paper-based cultivation techniques like Tongtianlu or Fenghouqimen.

Duanmuying has engraved the cultivation method of both hands into the souls of the Lu family from the very beginning.

Others want to obtain the cultivation method and can only obtain the souls of the Lu family.

"Memory? Soul?"

"It's really a novel practice method."

Huang Miao looked at the soul in the palm of his hand and took it directly into his mind without hesitation.

With how powerful his soul is, he is not afraid of Lu Liang doing something small for him in this memory.

After all, Lu Liang had just cultivated his hands, and his soul strength was not as terrifying as Qu Tong's.

This is also the reason why Huang Miao didn't ask Qu Tong to learn how to use both hands from the beginning. That woman's mind was like a snake or a scorpion.

If you are not careful, you will be plotted by her.

Although Huang Miao was confident in the power of his soul, the other party had practiced his hands for many years and was more proficient in the use of souls.

He didn't want to capsize in the gutter.

After all, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

As the memory entered Huang Miao's mind, scenes appeared in Huang Miao's mind like a revolving lantern.

It was Lu Liang who obtained the fragment about the cultivation method of both hands.

Huang Miao frowned slightly, as more and more memory fragments flooded into his mind.

No wonder Lu Liang had to confirm the strength of his soul before, these memory fragments were too lengthy.

If the soul power is not strong enough, being flooded with so many memories all at once may lead to brain death at worst, or dementia at worst.

Even Huang Miao couldn't process so many memory fragments at once in a short period of time.

hum~ hum~ hum~
There was a ringing sound in his ears, and Huang Miao felt a dull pain in his head. This level of mental shock was really not something that ordinary people could bear.

The mental shock was like a bursting dam, constantly pouring into Huang Miao's mind.

The space beneath his and Lu Liang's feet shook.

While maintaining the operation of the Qimen Formation, Huang Miao's mental energy was rapidly depleted while receiving mental shocks.

Looking at the frowning Huang Miao in front of him, Lu Liang looked worried.

At first, his spirit reached a new level under the painful torture of jealousy, and because of the physical pain, he could temporarily ignore the mental pain.

Only then can we barely accept the mental impact.

Although Huang Miao's spiritual power was stronger than his, it was because the memories he had accepted were not limited to the training methods of both hands.

And my own memories from that time.

Regarding that memory, even Lu Liang, who experienced it personally, did not want to recall it a second time.

The huge pain can even cause a person to collapse directly.

Huang Miao frowned, unaware of Lu Liang's worries.

When he accepted the memory about Lu Liang, he noticed something was wrong. The painful memory of Lu Liang had entered his mind along with the mental shock.

It felt like a pot was about to explode in my mind.

However, although Huang Miao frowned because of the severe pain, there was no trace of panic on his face.

With this level of mental impact, it was still unable to shake his spirit.

After all, there is a guy who looks like a Nascent Soul sitting in his spiritual world.

In Huang Miao's spiritual world, a figure of Huang Xian as white as jade is sitting cross-legged in the center of the spiritual world.

Like a statue.

It is the spiritual body sitting cross-legged and in Niwan Palace, which can also be called Yuanshen.

The ripples caused by the mental impact all disappeared without even being able to get close to the Huangxian figure.

As if blocked by an invisible wall.

The Yuanshen in the upper dantian and the Yuanying in the middle dantian are Huang Miao's biggest trump cards.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Everyone in the Tang Tomb was fixated on the black ball in front of them.

Huang Miao and Lu Liang had been inside for more than thirty minutes.

"Sister Bao'er, don't you still feel the breath of Brother Miao and Lu Liang?"

Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao in confusion. Huang Miao could not feel the breath normally after being able to emerge.

But why can't that guy Lu Liang feel it?
The black cloud blocked his vision, making it impossible for him to see what was going on inside.


"Not at all."

Feng Baobao shook his head slightly.

Ever since the black ball appeared, the auras of Lu Liang and Huang Miao disappeared.

"Brother Miao, there won't be any accidents, right?"

Zhang Chulan blinked. It stands to reason that with Huang Miao's strength, even if he faced Ding Zhangan, there would be no accident.

Not to mention Lu Liang.

It's just that if you don't be afraid of anything, just be afraid of the eventuality.

That guy Lu Liang has mastered one of the Eight Wonders of Hands, so he must have some hidden tricks.

It’s impossible to just treat illnesses and save people.

Ma Xianhong, who also practices the Eight Magic Skills, is said to be able to face the siege of temporary workers everywhere with ease.

"Don't worry, Zhang Chulan. Senior can't have any accidents." "Although the third level of reverse life may not be as magical as the eight magical skills, senior can practice the third level of reverse life to the third level. So as long as he doesn't want to get hurt, there are no problems in this world." No one can hurt him."

"Even rockets or cannons can't hurt the senior in the triple energy state."

Lu Lin stepped forward and patted Zhang Chulan on the shoulder.

As a practitioner of the third level of rebirth, he is very aware of the power of rebirth, even if this technique cannot reach the sky.

But there's no denying its power.

In his completely transformed form, Huang Miao is integrated with heaven and earth in a sense.

The innate energy cannot be destroyed under any circumstances. As long as the innate energy remains alive, Huang Miao will not die.


"I'm not worried about Brother Miao getting hurt. With Brother Miao's strength, no one can really hurt him."

"I'm just afraid that this guy Lu Liang will use some underhanded tactics."

"Just now he clearly had red and blue hands, but he only showed the ability of the red hand, not the ability of the blue hand."

Zhang Chulan shook his head slightly. He was naturally confident in Huang Miao's strength.

But when he saw Lu Liang releasing his blue hand, he immediately thought of the Lu family's Bright Soul Technique.

This guy originally planned to use this ability to retrieve his own memory.

Just when Zhang Chulan and others were discussing, the black Qi in front of them suddenly moved.

is dissipating rapidly.

And the Qimen formation covering the entire Tang Tomb under their feet also disappeared at this moment.

Huang Miao and Lu Liang walked out of the darkness side by side.

The expression on Lu Liang's face was obviously much more relaxed than before.

After walking out of Heiqi, he clasped his fists respectfully towards Huang Miao.

Huang Miao casually took out a capsule from his pocket and threw it to Lu Liang.

Inside the capsule is the puppet soldier he refined.

"There is a puppet soldier in the capsule, and his strength is not weaker than the current ten guys."

"In case of danger, you can activate it directly."

"Thank you, Lu Liang, for protecting me, senior."

When Lu Liang heard Huang Miao's words and took the bite bag, his face suddenly became happy. Naturally, he did not doubt what Huang Miao said.

Even if the puppet soldiers in the capsule are not as strong as the ten men, they should not be much different.

You must know that in the entire alien world, the level of combat power of Shi Lao is already considered to be the top.

As long as he doesn't encounter a pervert like Ding Shian, he has no opponent at all.

Lu Liang quickly put away the capsule in his hand, planning to wait until Huang Miao left to study the puppet soldiers in the capsule.

With this soldier by his side, no one in the alien world can touch him.

After all, those who want to obtain the Eight Wonders are greedy, but they are not stupid.

Everyone knew that the Tongtian Ru was in Lu Jin's hands and that Ju Ling sent generals to join the Wang family in Tianxia, ​​but why didn't anyone try to snatch it away?

Isn't it because they are afraid of the strength of Feng Zhenghao, Lu Jin and Wang Ai?

Now that he already has a combat power comparable to that of the Ten Guys, he is naturally not afraid of those people paying attention to him.

"Ten guys?"

"Brother Miao, what did you just say about puppet soldiers? What about the strength of ten men?"

"Brother Miao, what are you talking about?"

Zhang Chulan's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Lu Liang put away the pouch with joy on his face.

Although I don’t know what the so-called puppet soldiers are in the bag that Huang Miao gave to Lu Liang.

But since Huang Miao has said that he is not weaker than the current Shi Lao, there is no need to doubt the strength of this puppet soldier.

Naturally, Zhang Chulan didn't want to let go of such a good thing.

"Brother Miao, look at our relationship, even that guy Lu Liang has a puppet soldier."

"You can't favor one over the other, give me one too."

"You don't know, just because I participated in the Luotian Festival, my reputation in the alien world is so bad now."

"Many people wanted to put a sack on me and beat me up."

"Brother Miao, help me."

"Give me some of those things you gave Lu Liang."

Zhang Chulan approached Huang Miao with a mean look on her face, thinking about asking for a few.

After all, with a few bodyguards who are as good as Ju Lao by his side, he can definitely walk sideways in the alien world.

"Get lost."

Huang Miao glanced at Zhang Chulan, resisted the urge to slap him, and said two words lightly.

Although he wants to refine these puppet soldiers, he can refine them at any time.

But refining it also consumes more energy.

If you only need ordinary magic to integrate it, it will not be easy.

But Huang Miao naturally did not refine these puppet soldiers for decoration.

Tang Miaoxing and Xu Xin listened to the conversation between Huang Miao and Zhang Chulan, and their eyes lit up.

Could it be that this mysterious young man is still a weapon refiner? And what kind of puppet soldiers he has refined can be comparable to the ten guys?

Xu Xin and Tang Miaoxing were a little suspicious.

There are also weapon refiners in the Tang Sect.

And with the combination of machine skills and weapon refining methods, they can actually create puppets.

But this kind of puppet only has the strength of an ordinary alien at best, and it is simply impossible to reach the level of ten people.

If anyone else said this, they wouldn't believe it.

But from the beginning, the young man in front of him gave him too much shock.

Nowadays, even if it is unbelievable, as long as it happens to the other party, they will inevitably believe it.

After all, there is only one person who can relieve their Tang Sect's elixir bite in hundreds of years.

"This, this little friend, is the puppet soldier I heard you and Lu Liang talking about just now."

"I wonder if you can open the eyes of us old guys?"

"Let's see what kind of treasure it is?"

Tang Miaoxing took a deep breath and hesitated for a moment before speaking.

If it is true as Huang Miao said, a soldier puppet can rival ten men.

In any case, he also wanted to see something, and it was best to let the other party leave one in Tangmen.

"Yes, Brother Miao, are those puppet soldiers really that strong?"

"How about you take it out and show us."

Zhang Chulan also nodded and blinked at Huang Miao.

He had made up his mind that as long as Huang Miao could produce a second soldier puppet, he would ask Huang Miao to give it to him no matter what.

A thug of this strength is obviously useless next to Huang Miao.

Only giving it to people in need like him is called making the best use of everything.

Being able to have a combat power of Shi Lao's level to protect you at any time makes you absolutely feel safe.

Huang Miao glanced at Zhang Chulan and others, and he could naturally tell what the other party was thinking.

However, these puppet soldiers have other uses for the time being, and they will definitely not be exposed casually.

He was going to take the puppet with the poison to Nathan Island.

As for the other puppets with eight magical skills, except for the one given to Lu Liang for self-defense, he planned to give the rest to Xia He and the others.

Not long ago, he received a message from Xia He and others. Among Quanxing, there were several masters from the older generation who seemed not to want to acknowledge his identity as the leader of Quanxing.

In this case, Huang Miao doesn't mind teaching them how to be obedient dogs.

"You don't have to think about the puppet soldiers."

"The number that can be used now is limited. If you want to see it, you can let Lu Liang display it."

(End of this chapter)

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