When Lu Liang and others heard Huang Miao's words, they looked at each other.

Inexplicably, it makes sense.

That's right, there should be no one in the entire alien world who would make a move on this man.

Although Huang Miao seems to have little reputation in the alien world, this immortal has long been in the eyes of those big forces.

There is really no one who would touch this bad guy in his spare time.

Just like what he just said, even if there is a life gun, it is useless.

"Everyone, your matters should be settled."

"Then it's time to resolve the conflict between us."

Tang Miaoxing glanced at Huang Miao and dared to continue speaking after seeing that the other party had no objection.

"Today you all broke into our Tang Sect's restricted area. Although the company was mediating this matter, it is still a shame for our Tang Sect."

"So next, I hope to stand here quietly and watch what happens next."

"If anyone wants to leave early, don't blame me, the Tang Clan, for being unkind."

Tang Miaoxing took a step forward. The current scene was originally a game designed by him.

It was just Huang Miao's interference that caused a small setback. Fortunately, it returned to normal at this time.

Everyone looked at Tang Miaoxing.

Tang Miaoxing coughed twice, walked to Xu Xin, and patted Xu Xin on the shoulder.

"Listen, Tang Sect members, this is your predecessor of the Tang Sect in the past, and also your new sect leader after I stepped down as the Tang Sect's sect leader - Tang Xin."

Tang Xin?

After listening to Tang Miaoxing's words, not to mention other Quanxing people, even the Tang Sect's own people were deceived.

Didn't you always call this senior Xu Xin before? Why did you suddenly change your last name?

And he is also the head of the Tang Clan?

This is a lot of information.

"Your new head may have committed a crime back then."

Tang Miaoxing ignored everyone's surprise and kept talking to himself.

Only this time, before he could speak, he was interrupted by a scolding not far away.

Zhang Wang had a ferocious face and glared at Tang Miaoxing. He clenched his fists and walked towards Tang Miaoxing step by step.

"Tang Miaoxing, are you crazy?"

"In order to release this scum of the Tang Sect, you colluded with the Tang Sect members behind my back and allowed them to break into our forbidden areas at will."

"I won't settle this account with you for now!"

"But what do you mean by what you just said? I didn't hear it clearly. Say it again!"

Zhang Wang had a dark face and stared at Tang Miaoxing.

There was a cold aura emanating from his body, as if he was ready to attack Tang Miaoxing at any time.

The calm atmosphere in the cave had just returned, but it suddenly became tense again.

Neither Zhang Chulan nor Quan Xing expected that things would develop like this.

Are they going to witness the infighting within the Tang Sect?

However, Tang Miaoxing didn't seem to notice Zhang Wang's gloomy expression, and his tone was still very calm.

"Junior brother, why are you so nervous?"

"I'm asking everyone to come and meet the new head of our Tang Sect."

"is there a problem?"

"The outer disciples present listen to the order!"

"You immediately escort these outsiders out of the Tang Sect, and inform all the outer disciples in the old campus about their equipment numbers and quickly come to the Tang Tomb!"

Zhang Wang seemed to roar and spoke, and the momentum around him was like a volcano that had been suppressed for a long time, completely erupting.

Very excited.

He suddenly turned his head to look at Zhang Chulan and Quan Xing, and finally fell on Huang Miao.

"Senior, please forgive me. What happens next is an internal matter of our Tang Sect. I'm afraid it's not convenient to reveal it to the outside world."

"Please also take these company juniors and Quan Xing and a few others out of Tangzhong."

When facing Huang Miao, even Zhang Wang, who was already furious, had to suppress his temper again.

Speak loudly and angrily.

No matter how angry he was, he never completely lost his mind.

He knew very well that once he angered this master with mysterious origins, he would not be able to bear the consequences.

Huang Miao glanced around, then looked at Tang Miaoxing not far away.

His hands were spread out casually, unmoved.

Several outer disciples on the side were also hesitant.

After all, it was against the rules to allow outer disciples to enter Tang Tomb.

Without the gate chief's order, I'm afraid no one would dare to enter Tang Tomb.

"Master Wang, there is no order from the chief."

"Just say that the sect leader is dead. The only ones left in Tang Tomb are the traitors of the Tang Sect. Tell them to come over and quell the rebellion."

Zhang Wang scolded him sternly, he was on the verge of losing his mind at this time.

He would never allow Tang Miaoxing to do whatever he wanted!

Tang Miaoxing alone has the final say in this Tang Sect!
Even if he was held accountable afterwards, Zhang Wang was willing to become the sinner of the Tang Sect in order to preserve this sect that had been passed down for thousands of years!
"All inner disciples obey the order. No matter what happens, you are not allowed to attack the outer disciples."

"The Tang Sect does not allow members of the same clan to kill each other."

Tang Miaoxing spoke lightly, and then looked at Huang Miao, who was standing motionless.

He bowed respectfully.

It can be regarded as a thank you for being able to stay.

If the other party really planned to take the company and all the people away, he had no choice.

After all, even the most proud Dan Qi of their Tang Sect could not do anything to the other party.

He really couldn't figure out how to deal with this person.

If he really let the company and all these people leave today, his plan would not be so perfect, or it would have failed.

Today he wants to break the old rules of the Tang Sect for so many years and give the Tang Sect a new look.

He is also preparing to make the so-called secrets of the Tang Sect known to the public.

Pill bite!

He wants the people in the company and Quanxing to see with their own eyes what the inheritance elixir is!

Only by making these people clearly aware of the horror of the Alchemy inheritance can these people who may have ulterior motives for the Tang Sect completely give up.

"Tang Miaoxing, what on earth do you want to do!"

"You just made it clear to me!"

Veins popped up on Zhang Wang's face, and he had no idea what Tang Miaoxing was doing.

This guy obviously doesn't intend to fight with me, but he wants to break the Tang Sect's rules!

Are you sure that you won't take action against him?

"why why!"

"Why exactly!"

"Who did you do all this for?"

Zhang Wang's eyes widened and he realized something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

He didn't understand what Tang Miaoxing was doing.

In his understanding, although Tang Miaoxing likes to delve into research, he actually pays special attention to the inheritance of the Tang Sect.

It is impossible to casually pass on the position of head of the Tang Sect to a traitor!
There must be a reason for doing this, but Zhang Wang doesn't know what the reason is.

"Tang Qiushan!"

"Tang Qiushan, although your surname is Tang, you must have a reputation in your heart. You have always been able to handle it evenly."

"Why, why did he do this!"

"Say it!"

Zhang Wang turned to look at another old man aside.

He, Tang Miaoxing, and Tang Qiushan were the only remaining members of the older generation of the Tang clan.

In these years, Tang Miaoxing managed the inner sect and managed the outer sect himself. Although Tang Qiushan did not participate in the management and seemed unknown, he had a very good reputation in both the inner sect and the outer sect.

In these years, he has never treated the inner and outer sects differently. Logically speaking, it was impossible for the other party to let Tang Miaoxing behave like this.

"Don't be anxious, junior brother, didn't I just say that?"

"Everything has an explanation for everyone."

"Just give me some time and I will give you an explanation."

Tang Miaoxing's tone remained calm, showing no sign of anger, which was extremely inconsistent with his usual style of conduct.

Taking Zhang Wang's hand away from his collar, Tang Miaoxing turned to look at the company and Quan Xing.

"I have tried my best to deal with these people in the company and Quanxing, and now it seems that the results are pretty good, and it should be justified."

Then he looked at the few outer disciples, and his tone was rare and kind.

"As for you little guys, I know you are all good players in the outer sect."

"When Junior Brother Zhang asked you to take action this time, he definitely told you not to hold back."

"How was it? How did it feel?"

"Isn't the feeling of real fighting different from what you imagined?"

Tang Miaoxing's eyes swept over several outer sect disciples. These disciples were all good prospects of their Tang sect.

After this battle, he should be able to grow stronger.

Flowers grown in greenhouses cannot withstand wind and rain. Although society has changed now, they cannot fight so unscrupulously.

But the traditions that the Tang Sect should preserve should at least be experienced by these little brats.

"No matter what you received from this fight, or what you noticed."

"After today, the seniors from the Tang Sect will definitely work with you to resolve the shortcomings. Take your time and don't be in a hurry."

"Actually, all these troubles in the past few days have been almost resolved."

"The only problem that remains unsolved now is probably one."

"The problem is with me, the head of the Tang Sect."

Tang Miaoxing took a deep breath, his expression became more serious again, and he looked at Zhang Wang, who still had a warm and angry look on his face.

"Junior brother, you have changed your impatience after all these years."

"You didn't even hear me finish what I said."

"What I just said is that after I step down as the Tang Clan's Clan Chief, this Tang Xin will become the new Clan Chief of our Tang Sect."

"Now I am still the head of the Tang Clan, I still have the final say!"

"So, you are yelling at me first."

Zhang Wang stared directly at Tang Miaoxing, looking at that serious and unusual face, he seemed to have thought of something.

The anger on his face disappeared instantly, and instead he swallowed nervously.

"I know that you have a lot of dissatisfaction with me as the door leader."

"I am not the same."

"Throughout the years that I have been the head of the Tang Sect, I know that I have done a lot of wrong things and acted inappropriately."

"Of course, it didn't bring Tangmen back to greatness."

"Actually, for these problems, I can still make sure that I am not a sage or a sage, and I can't fault it. If I can't pioneer, it's actually good to be a stickler."

“But there’s one thing I can’t always persuade myself to do.”

Tang Miaoxing's expression was solemn, and his eyes were a bit dim.

Zhang Wang suddenly raised his head and confirmed his suspicion. He wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Tang Miaoxing.

"As the head of the Tang Sect, I have a fatal flaw!"

"There's a big flaw!"

"I don't know how to swallow pills!"

Tang Miaoxing tore off his shirt directly, revealing his strong muscles.

"So, I plan to solve my biggest flaw today, right now!"

"I want to master the pill bite!"

Tang Miaoxing's tone was firm and he didn't want to be sloppy.

Obviously this plan has been planned for a long time.

In the past, he couldn't be so determined because the Tang Sect needed him as the sect leader, but it was different today.

Now Xu Xin can come back with a new look and inherit the position of head of the clan.

Then he can inherit the alchemy without any scruples.


"Does the old sect master plan to inherit Danqie?"


"It really opened my eyes to what kind of road technique I was going to do today!"

"Yes, it's incredible!"

Both the inner and outer disciples of the Tang Sect stared at Tang Miaoxing with shocked expressions, which really surprised them.

This is the secret skill of their Tang Sect, and now I am lucky enough to witness it with my own eyes.

How could they not be excited.

There were only some disciples who understood what Alchemy was, and there was no excitement on their faces.

Instead, he looked heavy.

Zhang Wang, who was angry just now, had only fear in his eyes.

Staring straight at Tang Miaoxing, his pupils shook up and down.

"Tang Miaoxing, you are crazy!"

"Do you know what you are talking about!"

Cold sweat flowed down Zhang Wang's wrinkled cheeks. He looked at Tang Miaoxing, his mouth slightly open for a long time and unable to close.

The words Tang Miaoxing said seemed to be something terrifying.

Zhang Wang's whole body began to tremble slightly.

The next moment, when no one is paying attention.

Zhang Wang suddenly flew towards Tang Miaoxing, becoming extremely excited again.

But before he could get closer, Tang Miaoxing grabbed his wrist.

"Now that things have happened, do you still want to stop me? Junior Brother!"

Tang Miaoxing stared expressionlessly at Zhang Wang, who was sweating profusely in front of him.

With a very cold tone, he called Xu Xin behind him.

"Junior brother Tang Xin, come here!"

Xu Xin, who changed his name to Tang Xin, dragged his shabby clothes and walked to Zhang Wang calmly.

Under everyone's puzzled gaze, he knelt down directly in front of Zhang Wang, looking like he was ready to die.

"Come on, junior brother, beat him to death!"

"Kill him now and all problems will be solved!"

"As long as he dies, I will not be able to step down as the sect leader, and naturally I will not be able to accept the baptism of Alchemy."

Tang Miaoxing pointed at Xu Xin who was kneeling on the ground with a serious tone.

Obviously he wasn't kidding.

As long as Zhang Wang can kill Xu Xin, all the farce today will be over.

Tang Sect will become the same as before.

"Tang Miaoxing, you think I don't dare!"

"This bastard should have died decades ago!"

"He is no longer from our Tang Sect!"

Zhang Wang's face was ferocious, with murderous intent on his face, as if he would attack Xu Xin in the next moment.

However, only a few powerful people present could see that although Zhang Wang was full of murderous intent, he never exuded real murderous intent.

Tang Miaoxing chuckled twice and patted Zhang Wang on the shoulder.

"Okay, junior brother, stop pretending!"

"That's not what I said when I begged this bastard for mercy."

"Come on, junior brother, either take action or get out of your way."

"Don't moan like a girl!" (End of Chapter)

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