"Come on, junior brother, as long as you kill him, all the problems today will be solved!"

"The Tang Sect, this dilapidated ship, can still sail on its original track!"

"Maybe there's a slight change, but who knows."

Tang Miaoxing chuckled and spoke lightly.

He knew that Zhang Wang couldn't take action at all.

"Fuck you, you lunatic!"

"If you really want to retire, then let me come!"

"Why this person? Does this bastard deserve to end up in this situation?"

Zhang Wang had a dark face and looked at Tang Miaoxing angrily.

He attributed the reason why Tang Miaoxing wanted to accept the Danqi inheritance to Xu Xin!

I think Tang Miaoxing was deliberately making way for Xu Xin.

Tang Miaoxing spread his hands and still had a relaxed smile on his face.

"That point?"

"Now I want to inherit the elixir of our Tang Sect. This is a great honor, okay!"

"Fuck you, Alchemy is about to become your inner demon now. Only if you can inherit it will you be the demon!"

"You are sending yourself to death now!"

Zhang Wang scolded angrily with a dark face.

Although he did not inherit the alchemy, he had seen how others inherited it. Whether it was senior brother Yang Lie or Xu Xin, they both inherited the alchemy after seeing through life and death that they had no desire or desire.

Tang Miaoxing obviously had concerns in his heart, and his biggest obsession was the elixir itself.

In this case, it would be weird if you could inherit the alchemy!
"Hahaha, yes, you are right, junior brother!"

"Elixir Eater is my inner demon!"

"All the evil deeds I've done since I became the headmaster are because I haven't let go of my obsession with it!"

"So I have to solve this obsession now!"

"Disciples from the outer sect, listen carefully!"

"Tang Shen, Yingjie, Guan Hai, Ting Feng, you were once good brothers and teachers."

"They are the same as the inner disciples you see now. They were all bewitched by me and have been staying here to practice alchemy for these years."

"They are all dead because of the failure to inherit the alchemy."

"All of them are already in Tang Tomb now. This was all caused by me."

Tang Miaoxing pointed his hand towards the depths of the Tang Tomb, his tone becoming more and more excited.

He has acted this way over the years, and actually feels deeply guilty every day. These disciples are the hope of their Tang Sect.

But all because of a dangerous elixir, they abandoned their practice, and even died directly because of it.

"Brother Miao, is this Tang Sect's Dan Eater really so dangerous?"

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but look at Huang Miao after listening to the quarrel between the two.

According to Tang Miaoxing, these people who inherited the alchemy are all dead, but Huang Miao, who has been infected by the alchemy, is standing here intact.

Is this alchemy really that strong?

Huang Miao turned his head and glanced at Zhang Chulan, and also noticed that Zhang Lingyu and several young people were looking at him with questioning eyes.

Obviously I also want to know if this alchemy bite is really that strong?

Neither Ding Zhangan nor Huang Miao seemed to be harmed.

In particular, Huang Miao directly solved the poison of pill bite.

"Have you ever heard that the ignorant are fearless?"

"You are just a frog in a well looking up at the sky now. When you reach the level of strength of Ding Shian, you will truly understand the terror of alchemy."

"Do you really think that the secret knowledge and poison passed down from generation to generation in the Tang Sect can be cracked so easily?"

Huang Miao shook his head, although Zhang Chulan and the others were quite capable among the younger generation, and they were also the heirs of the Eight Wonders.

But things like eyesight are still far behind those of the older generation.

At least Ding Zhangan can feel the terror of Danyan, but Zhang Chulan and the others can't even feel it.

Facing Alchemy, you can only wait for death.

"No matter what I say today, since things have reached this point, it would be unreasonable for me, the head of the sect, if I still don't master Dan Bite."

Tang Miaoxing put his hands on his hips and exhaled a thick breath.

He was completely determined and faced Danqi with a certain death mentality.

Even if he dies today, he must die to inherit the pill bite, otherwise all his plans will be in vain!

He wanted to use his own life to open a new door for the Tang Sect.

What Tang Sect needs is a big change, and the only person who can lead this big change is Xu Xin!

Both he and Zhang Wang are just defenders of the old era and cannot innovate.

Therefore, he decided to use his own life to pave the way for Xu Xin.

"Brother, you. Why do you have to be so persistent!"

Zhang Wang's hands were trembling. After seeing Tang Miaoxing's firm eyes, he completely gave up the idea of ​​persuading him.

He knew that his senior brother, with whom he had not dealt with well, was already determined to die.

No matter how much he tried to persuade, it was of no avail.

"Junior brother, haven't you seen clearly? The only person who can lead our Tang Sect to a new era is the person in front of you!"

"He is different from you and me. He has mastered all external methods except weapon refining at the age of less than twenty."

"In the end, I also inherited the alchemy bite."

"As a disciple who the Tang Sect has high hopes for, he went to become a sworn sworn disciple with a master like Wu Gensheng."

"In the end, if you can survive without any shameful prayers, what our Tang Sect needs is this kind of eclectic genius!"

Tang Miaoxing pointed at Xu Xin, his tone becoming more and more excited.

As the head of the Tang Sect, he sees further than everyone present, and he deeply realizes that Xu Xin is the only variable that can save the Tang Sect.

The most important thing is that Xu Xin is extremely loyal to Tangmen!
This guy had to bear the huge guilt of everyone, including the Tang Clan, just to survive.

He felt sorry for Tang Clan, so he thought about Tang Clan wholeheartedly.

"Junior brother, please remember one sentence, correcting the wrong is not as good as correcting!"

"In the future, after I die, no matter what orders he gives to the Tang Sect, all Tang Sect disciples, including you, must obey!"

"Anyone who dares to disobey is tantamount to betraying the Tang Sect!"

Tang Miaoxing looked seriously at all the Tang Sect members present, especially Zhang Wang and the outer disciples.

After all, after Xu Xin takes over as head of the Tang clan, there is a high possibility that no one will listen to him.

As the old head of the Tang Sect, he must pave the way for you Xu Xin!

"Senior brother, you, you."

Zhang Wang opened his mouth, wanting to say something but finally sighed helplessly.

"Zhang Wang looked into my eyes and promised me!"

"You have to do it!"

Tang Miaoxing grabbed Zhang Wang's shoulders with both hands and stared at Zhang Wang with a very determined look. Zhang Wang must give an attitude.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Zhang Wang glanced at Xu Xin who was kneeling on the ground, clenched his fists, and finally loosened them weakly.


"Hahaha, this is my good junior brother!"

Tang Miaoxing laughed and let go of Zhang Wang's shoulders and twisted his neck.

"No outsider has ever seen Dan Yan alive before, but now he has!"

"No one has ever entered our tomb, and now there is one." "To be honest, even if these are all in my plan, I am still furious when I see it."

"But for the development of our Tang Sect, it's all worth it! Hahaha!"

"I can finally take off all the burdens and inherit the alchemy with peace of mind."

"Elixir bite, pill bite!"

"Is alchemy really so important?"

"Not to mention Zhang Huaiyi's time back then, even now we have all seen with our own eyes that Danqi failed!"

"It's not as magical as the legend says!"

"Is it worth it for you to risk your life for a legend that doesn't exist?"

Zhang Wang took a deep breath and planned to make one last attempt.

He has agreed that Xu Xin will become the new head of the Tang Sect.

Tang Miaoxing doesn’t have to die!
In the worst case, just resign, why must you die?
He really didn't understand that once he resigned as the head of the Tang Clan, it was really that important whether he could inherit the alchemy or not!

What's more, he saw with his own eyes today that Dan Yan was not invincible.

That mysterious young man was clearly suffering from the elixir, but he forcefully forced the elixir out of his body.

"Hahaha, junior brother, please stop deceiving yourself."

"This little friend's method can indeed break our Tang Sect's elixir. Do you think there is anyone else in the alien world who can have such a method as my little friend's elixir?"

"You should have understood the method he used just now, right? It was the third level of rebirth!"

"Trinity Sect's unique skill!"

"And it's still the third level. It's said that no one has ever been able to reach this stage. Even Zuo Ruotong, the head of the Trinity Sect back then, Daying Immortal Zuo Ruotong, has never used the third level to the outside world."

"This little friend was forced to use the third level before he could break through our pill bite."

"Isn't it more proof that our Tang Sect's alchemy has no solution!"

Tang Miaoxing laughed heartily. After facing the elimination of the alchemy, instead of feeling depressed at all, he became even more excited.

In his opinion, Huang Miao's behavior was more solid evidence that the alchemy had no solution.

After all, no normal person can break through the third level of rebirth to the third level.


"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this little friend, just Zhang Huaiyi!"

"Didn't you see it when Zhang Huaiyi broke into the mountain gate?"

"Didn't Senior Brother Yang Lie's elixir become ineffective in front of him?"

"What on earth are you thinking!"

Zhang Wang hated that iron could not become steel, so he tried hard to persuade Tang Miaoxing not to participate in Danyan.

"Hahaha, has it failed?"

"Who told you it failed!"

Tang Miaoxing's emotions seemed to be about time and space. He was very excited and his voice was hoarse.

"When I became the head of the Tang Sect, I made a special trip to the company headquarters."

"Do you know what I went to do?"

Tang Miaoxing's eyes were filled with light as he stared at Zhang Wang.

There was an unconcealable look of excitement in his eyes.

"I went to see Zhang Huaiyi's body!"

Before Zhang Wang could answer, Tang Miaoxing had already answered on his own.

"Although Zhang Huaiyi's final cause of death was a blow to the heart, I still saw many cracks in his heart!"

"Those cracks are exactly the damage caused by the alchemy bite."

"So Zhang Huaiyi back then was not immune to our Tang Sect's elixir bite, it was just that he resisted for a longer time."

"You must know that Zhang Huaiyi claimed to have mastered the Eight Wonders of the Technique, the Ultimate Qi Body Origin, and even he was killed by the pill bite."

Tang Miaoxing's tone was full of excitement.

This is a huge secret that he has been keeping in his heart for so many years. The reason why he has not told Zhang Wang is because he is afraid that Zhang Wang will be like him.

Addicted to the elixir.

Although he himself is addicted to pill bites, it is enough for the entire Tang Sect to have one person like him who is addicted to pill bites. Zhang Wang must not be allowed to become like him.

Otherwise, their Tang Sect would really be doomed.


"Are you saying that the alchemy bite still works?"

"It's just that I didn't kill Zhang Huaiyi immediately."

Zhang Wang was also slightly startled. He really didn't know the secret at all.

After seeing Zhang Huaiyi leave, he knew that Dan Yan did not kill him immediately.

In the end, the final cause of death announced by the company was also due to cardiac arrest, and there was no mention of alchemy.

It took him so many years to think that the alchemy did not work and that Zhang Huaiyi died because of the siege.

But now it seems that is not the case.

Suddenly Zhang Wang frowned slightly, thinking of Senior Brother Yang Lie's last phone call.

He said he wanted to give the Tang Clan one last gift.

Originally he thought it would be the Eight Wonders Skills that Zhang Huaiyi had mastered, but now he thought it was not the case, but the Pill Bite of their Tang Sect!
With the nature of Senior Brother Yang Lie, he would never be so excited about a so-called Eight Magic Skills. He would even be able to leave if he hadn't seen Zhang Huaiyi being swallowed by the pill.

He would not even leave the Tang Clan to hunt down Zhang Huaiyi.

Senior brother Yang Lie must have been so excited when he discovered that Zhang Huaiyi was not really able to withstand the power of the alchemy bite.

Suddenly, countless thoughts flashed through Zhang Wang's mind.

"Hahaha, now you understand, our Tang Sect's myth of alchemy continues!"

"Unless you are like this little friend and can transform your body into Qi, it will be impossible to resist the power of the alchemy!"

Seeing the expression on Zhang Wang's face, Tang Miaoxing burst into laughter.

He was already certain that Zhang Wang would never stop him anymore, even if he knew that the chance of him successfully comprehending the alchemy was 100%, he would not stop him anymore.

Because in the Tang Sect, no one can stop an inner disciple from comprehending the alchemy!

"Hey, senior brother."

"Now that you have made up your mind"

"All Tang Sect disciples, listen up. Everyone, please raise your heads and take a good look at the sect leader in front of you!"

"Next, let's start witnessing the inheritance ceremony of Tang Sect's alchemy!"

Zhang Wang looked at Tang Miaoxing's excited and determined eyes, and finally sighed helplessly.

He no longer had any reason to stop it.

All the Tang Sect disciples present raised their heads.

Especially those outer disciples, all of them had curious expressions on their faces.

They were actually able to witness the Tang Sect's most mysterious inheritance.

You must know that according to the rules of the Tang Sect, they, the outer disciples, have no chance to enter the Tang Tomb, let alone watch the inheritance of Alchemy.

Some people had already swallowed secretly, their pupils staring closely at Tang Miaoxing.

Don't want to miss a moment.

Even Zhang Chulan and others, as well as all the people in the world, all stared at Tang Miaoxing.

Some of them were curious about what the mysterious Danyan inheritance was, and some wanted to see if they could secretly learn this magical method.

After all, they had just witnessed the horror of the pill-eating poison with their own eyes.

Even that terrifying young man had to spend some means to finally resist.

(End of this chapter)

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