In front of everyone, Tang Miaoxing slowly took off his shirt and suddenly turned to look at Zhang Chulan.

"Zhang Chulan, I know it's not easy for you during this time, but don't think that anyone cares about your family's things!"

"No matter what the Eight Wonders are, our Tang Sect has our own pride!"

"The myth of Alchemy still lives on!"

Tang Miaoxing seemed to be talking to Zhang Chulan, but he also seemed to be warning people in the Tang sect.

As long as there is Dan Eater, the Tang Sect's special skills are no weaker than the Eight Wonders of Skills. Even the comprehenders of the Eight Miracle Skills have died under Dan Eater!
"Senior brother."

Zhang Wang looked at Tang Miaoxing's back and stretched out his hands, but in the end he lowered his arms and nodded silently.

Tang Miaoxing slowly sat down cross-legged in front of everyone.

The atmosphere was very solemn and quiet, and no one made a sound.

The younger generation of the Tang Sect did not even dare to take a big breath, and carefully controlled their breathing for fear of disturbing the old head of the Tang Sect.

Although many people have not seen the inheritance of alchemy, it is not difficult to see it from the conversation between Zhang Wang and Tang Miaoxing.

This inheritance is very dangerous.

Many Tang Sect's predecessors died because of the inheritance.

Everyone's eyes fell on Tang Miaoxing, only Zhang Wang still lowered his head.

He already knew the outcome.

His expression was no longer excited, angry and sad, but became very calm, but he seemed to have aged more than ten years in an instant.

I completely lost the energy I had at the beginning.

Tang Miaoxing slowly closed his eyes and ignored everyone.

All the Qi in the whole body was mobilized at this moment, and Qi floated out of the body like a gossamer.

The inheritance of alchemy has begun.

The formless Qi, which seemed like an atmosphere, emitted from the body, and then slowly retracted, and so on.

Perhaps feeling the subtle change in the atmosphere, Zhang Wang, who had been lowering his head, finally raised his eyes to look at Tang Miaoxing in front of him, and then looked at Huang Miao not far away.

A look of hope suddenly flashed through Kong Ji's eyes.

Huang Miao stared at Tang Miaoxing with a calm expression and began to observe how the other party inherited the alchemy.

After personally experiencing the horror of pill bite, Huang Miao became more and more interested in this pill bite, which is known as the most powerful poison in the world.

It can be said that as long as one does not understand the third level of reverse rebirth, or the divine spirit and the Liuku Immortal Thief, there really is nothing in this world that can withstand the alchemy bite.

Even the rootless divine spirit may not be able to resolve the pill bite.

After a few breaths, a little blue light lit up from between Tang Miaoxing's eyebrows.

A blue Qi penetrated the body, emitting a faint blue light.

Xingqi, the middle Dantian and the upper Dantian connect the two up and down to form the lines of the alchemy diagram.

Seeing this scene, the inner disciples who had been staying in Tangzhong all year round suddenly flashed a joyful look on their faces.

The first step of alchemy has been completed.

Some people even started breathing rapidly because they were so excited.

The first step of alchemy is to move Qi. As long as this Qi is walked through the lines, refining can begin.

Over the years, they have been practicing in seclusion in Tangmen, but many of them have not even completed the first step.

It can be said that 99% of people are stuck in the first step.

Now that I see Tang Miaoxing completing the first step so easily, how can I not be excited.

Tang Miaoxing, who was sitting in the cave, looked unchanged, still closing his eyes and concentrating, and silently began to refine the light blue Qi in his body.

The light blue Qi is integrated into the body bit by bit, and starts to flow upward from the middle Dantian.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Suddenly, Zhang Wang, who was standing behind Tang Miaoxing, seemed to feel something, and his expression darkened.

Tang Miaoxing also slowly opened his eyes at this moment and spoke in an indifferent tone.

"Qiu Shan, Zhang Wang, Tang Xin, the future of Tang Sect depends on you."

The frightened expressions on the faces of the disciples who had stayed in the inner sect all year round all disappeared, and their expressions were dim.

The outer disciples who entered Tang Tomb for the first time didn't understand what was happening, but they saw many cracks appearing densely on the light blue light spot between Tang Miaoxing's eyebrows.

Started to spread around.

The poison of Elixir began to spread.

Zhang Wang and Tang Qiushan both lowered their heads silently, unable to bear to continue reading.

Several disciples from the inner sect stepped forward and knelt in front of Tang Miaoxing with serious expressions and sullen faces, without saying a word.

He stared hard at the old head of the Tang Sect.

At the same time, Zhang Wang and Tang Qiushan slowly knelt down.

Although the outer disciples below him didn't know why, they knelt down too after seeing everyone kneel down in unison.

This is the Tang Sect's highest respect for those who died from the inherited elixir.

Zhang Chulan looked around, not only swallowed, but also looked at Huang Miao after much hesitation.

"Brother Miao, what are they doing?"

"Mr. Tang, has he failed?"

When you see the blue light spots slowly spreading between the eyebrows, it should indicate that the inheritance has failed, because the spreading lines are almost exactly the same as those that appeared when Huang Miao was swallowed by the pill.

"Well, it failed."

"The poison of pill bite begins to spread."

Huang Miao nodded without changing his expression, looking thoughtfully at the long-disappeared blue dot between Tang Miaoxing's eyebrows.

He seems to have understood how to pass on alchemy.

"Brother Miao, do we people have to stay away?"

Zhang Chulan scratched his head, a little confused.

Someone is going to die in Tang Sect. Isn't it good that outsiders like them are still here?

And looking at the gloomy faces of the Tang Sect disciples around him, he doubted whether these people would be angry with him after Tang Miaoxing died.

After all, if they had not broken into Tang Tomb, Tang Miaoxing would not have died.

Although all this was Tang Miaoxing's own plan, once the people of the Tang Sect were carried away by anger, they didn't care about so much.

And even if it was Tang Miaoxing's own plan, no one could prove it.

"No need."

"Everyone watch carefully."

"This is also part of Tang Miaoxing's plan."

An indifferent tone came from Huang Miao's mouth. The sound was not loud but could clearly reach the ears of everyone present, especially those of Quan Xing.

Among those people in Quanxing, some already wanted to leave secretly.

I was just afraid that I would be besieged by these Tang Sect members who were so angry that they lost their minds.

But when they heard Huang Miao's voice, everyone stopped.

He swallowed unconsciously.

Although Huang Miao said this sentence, his voice did not fluctuate at all and his tone was very calm.

But they have no doubt that as long as they dare to take another step outside, the other party will definitely take action.

Because a strong black aura has been emitted from his feet, blocking the entire exit of Tangzhong.

Huang Miao looked calmly at Tang Miaoxing, who was still sitting cross-legged on the ground, fulfilling his last wish.

Normally he would not waste time, but this time he made an exception.

Quanxingzhongren, who was about to leave, silently took back his steps and returned to his original position.

If they don't leave, they may be attacked by people from the Tang Sect after a while.

But if they leave at this time, they will definitely die in the hands of this terrifying existence.

They can still tell which one is light and which is serious.

Not long after, the meridians throughout Tang Miaoxing's body were filled with elixirs.

Tang Miaoxing could no longer maintain the posture of sitting cross-legged, and instead lay on the ground.

His body was shaking unexplainably, his breathing was very rapid, and his lips were bitten.

Blood mixed with sweat could not stop flowing from the corners of his mouth. It was as if after extreme endurance, the cruel pain finally broke out, and he let out heart-rending screams.


Tang Miaoxing's pupils shrank sharply, and screams echoed throughout the valley.

It scared many people present.

Huang Miao put his hands behind his back and stared at Tang Miaoxing quietly.

Zhang Chulan and the others couldn't help but take two steps back. Obviously, they didn't expect that the Tang family leader, who had always been unsmiling, would let out such a heart-rending scream.

Completely unimaginable.

"Is this the inheritance of Alchemy?"

"If you can't pass it on, you'll just die from the elixir in your body?"

A few full-blooded people murmured in low voices.

They originally wanted to see if they could secretly learn this Tang Sect's secret skill, but now they no longer have this idea.

Even if you tell them the cultivation method of Danyan, they will not be able to practice it.

Once it fails, it is extremely painful.

"Help me! Help me!"


"Please help me, kill me!"

"Zhang Wang, Qiu Shan, Xia Liuqing, I will spare you, come and help me!"

"Kill me, little friend, kill me!"

Tang Miaoxing was lying on the ground. He could no longer bear the pain of the elixir bite. He lay twisted and rolled on the ground and looked at everyone present.

Hope someone can give him some relief.

Zhang Wang's body trembled and he resisted the thought of taking action.

A girl in the crowd finally couldn't help it and ran to Tang Miaoxing crying, wanting to help Tang Miaoxing interpret it.

But before she could make a move, she was held down by an inner disciple behind her.

"Everyone is looking at me, staring hard!"

"Don't insult the door manager!"

"All those who plan to inherit the Danqiu have come here to witness with their own eyes the whole process of inheriting the Danqiu!"

"Including failure, that's part of inheritance!"

"It is because this kind of process is difficult for others to accept, so the inheritance process of Alchemy has been kept secret."

"But the sect leader chose Senior Tang Xin to open the Tang Sect. After he resigned as the sect leader, he chose to do one last thing for the Tang Sect."

"Inherit the alchemy!"

"Either you succeed in inheriting the alchemy, or let everyone witness the Tang Sect's consciousness of inheritance and use your own life to open up the last secret of the alchemy for the Tang Sect!"

The inner disciple's voice was deathly silent, as if there was no emotion at all.

His face was extremely gloomy.

"Watch, everyone watch, don't miss this scene!"

Listening to the inner disciple's words, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but look at the old man who was struggling desperately on the ground again.

The eyes are very complicated.

There is admiration and confusion.

Among all the people, Huang Miao was the only one whose expression was extremely calm from beginning to end.

The person in front of me and the Trinity Sect Master back then were actually the same type of people - martyrs.

Gradually, calm returned to the Tang Tomb. Tang Miaoxing lay on the ground, his chest no longer heaving.

There were bloody scratches all over his body, and his split nails left deep scratches on the ground.

The atmosphere in the entire Tang Tomb was deathly silent and solemn.

Huang Miao turned his head silently and walked straight outside the Tang Tomb.

During this trip to Tang Tomb, he had already completed the training of both hands. If it wasn't for Tang Miaoxing's last journey, he would have left long ago.

Although the pill-eating poison is powerful, it is still a small trick after all.

Huang Miao had no intention of practicing.

Although he is in the third level of reverse rebirth, even if the inheritance fails, nothing will happen to him.

But in today's alien world, there really is no one worthy of his sneak attacks and poisoning.

As Huang Miao turned around, Feng Baobao immediately followed.

Zhang Chulan and others, as well as everyone else, silently bowed to Tang Miaoxing, and then walked out of the cave without saying a word.

It's not like they had never killed anyone before, but Tang Miaoxing died in such pain in front of them.

It still brought great shock to everyone's hearts.

Zhang Chulan could also vaguely understand Tang Miaoxing's final plan, why he wanted to make the Tang Sect's alchemy inheritance ceremony public.

It had to be witnessed by all of them.

Although he is not greedy for Tang Sect's unique skill, it is inevitable that no one else will take advantage of the so-called incurable poison of pill bite.

Now that the Tang Sect is in the midst of internal and external troubles, those who are greedy for elixirs are likely to take the opportunity to attack the Tang Sect.

But now, I am afraid that no one in the entire alien world will be interested in the Tang Sect's elixir.

After seeing Tang Miaoxing's miserable death, even if the method of Danqie's cultivation was really made public, no one would dare to practice it!

If only people from the company like them go out to promote it, I'm afraid some people won't believe it, but if even the full-natured people here don't dare to practice alchemy.

Then others will have to think about it.

As we all know, all people are crazy, even the kind of crazy people who don't want their lives.

Who dares to touch something that even they don’t dare to practice!

At this time, the sky was dark and silent.

Zhang Chulan and others followed Huang Miao on the path down the mountain.

The cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Jingle bells ~ jingle bells ~
The caller ID showed that it was Zhao Fangxu.

"Hello, Director Zhao."

"What's the matter?"

Zhang Chulan answered the phone somewhat unexpectedly, wondering why Zhao Fangxu called them at this time.

And he still called himself a junior.

"Chu Lan, have you almost settled the Tang Sect's affairs?"

Zhao Fangxu's voice came from the other end of the phone, and Zhang Chulan subconsciously pressed the speakerphone.

"Well, it's basically done."

"Director Zhao, are you planning to talk to Brother Miao?"

He didn't know why Zhao Fangxu called him. After all, he was just an ordinary employee of the company.

There is at least two levels difference between him and the biggest chairman.

"No, I'm looking for a treasure."

"You and Bao'er, come to the company headquarters immediately."

"It would be best if Senior Huang Miao is willing to come together."

"As for other matters, it's not convenient to communicate on the phone. Let's wait until you come to the headquarters."

Zhao Fangxu gave a brief explanation and hung up the phone.

But Zhang Chulan was slightly stunned. It was not convenient to communicate on the phone?
Moreover, he and Sister Baoer have to go to the headquarters in person!

This thing doesn't seem simple.

Zhang Chulan's mind began to spin rapidly, but he couldn't think of the reason at all. If it was because of the Tang Sect, then it didn't have to be like this.

After all, Zhao Fangxu has long known about the Tang Sect.

"Brother Miao, do you know why Director Zhao suddenly came to us?"

(End of this chapter)

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