Xu Si stood up from the sofa, his expression suddenly became more serious, and he looked out the window at the dark night sky.

"If there is nothing wrong with King Nathan, I'm afraid he will never leave Nathan Island in his life, let alone show up."

"Don't talk about us, even the Nathan Islanders can hardly see King Nathan."

"So this time King Nathan left Nathan Island and convened a meeting with high-level officials from various countries. Something big must have happened."

"But on the surface, it seems that I intend to talk to the world. You can also understand it as seeking supplies."

"After all, Nason Island is an isolated island, so it's normal to have no supplies."

"It's just that Director Zhao and several other directors on the board of directors have always believed that this matter is not that simple."

"Fourth brother, what do we need to do?"

Zhang Chulan filtered the general situation in his mind and felt that there was nothing suspicious about it.

No matter what the purpose of this King Nathan's coming to China, it seems that it has nothing to do with these people. He is not in his position and has no political agenda.

This matter is not something they should be concerned about and have a headache about.

Just leave the question to the company's directors.

They just have to follow orders.

Xu Si walked back to the sofa and threw a pile of information placed on the coffee table to Zhang Chulan and others.

"Your job is very simple. The venue for the meeting has basically been set up."

"There are no people on the road itself, and the procedures have been completed."

"The company will directly block that road that day. When the time comes, Xu San will take you to be responsible for verification. Anyone without documents will not be released."

"And basically the car and the driver are our people."

"They are basically all in the same format and easy to recognize."

"If you are an ordinary person, you can just dissuade them yourself, but if someone in the circle is looking for trouble, then just take it down for me!"

"It doesn't matter what country they are from."

Xu Si's tone became a little more serious, and his eyes became a little sharper. People from any country could not cause trouble in China.

These foreign forces entering China must be strictly monitored.

"Okay, this is a simple matter, just leave it to us."

"If someone in the circle is looking for trouble, let Sister Baoer do it directly."

Zhang Chulan took a general look at the document and made an OK gesture.

Indeed, as Xu Si said, this mission is relatively simple.

It's equivalent to starting from the beginning and being responsible for reception.

There is no difficulty at all.

At least it's not that difficult compared to the plan in Biyou Village.

at the same time.

On a huge cargo ship transporting goods in the open sea, a black shadow appeared out of thin air on the cargo ship's plywood.

At the same time, in the guest room below the cargo ship.

A blond middle-aged man suddenly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the splint as if feeling something.

"Elijah, what's wrong?"

Next to the middle-aged man, the white-haired boy looked at his companion with confusion, apparently noticing his abnormal behavior.

"Nothing, I'm going to the plywood to smoke a cigarette."

"Alfonso, stay here and protect the king."

Elijah shook his head and patted the white-haired boy on the shoulder.

After a brief explanation, he walked towards the deck alone.

The white-haired boy named Alfonso frowned slightly, looking at Elijah's leaving back with some confusion, and then looked at the girl in the cabin who had her eyes closed to meditate.

The girl who closed her eyes and meditated seemed to sense Alfonso's gaze, her lips and teeth opened slightly.

"Let Mr. Elijah leave. He has been performing tasks outside Nathan Island all year round and is more experienced than us."

"Maybe I found something strange."

The girl's voice was very calm, even giving people a soft and weak feeling.

I am afraid that no one can connect such a weak-looking girl with the mysterious King of Nathan Island.

"Okay, King."

When the young man named Alfonso heard the girl's words, he nodded and ignored Elijah who left.

They are all the most loyal Nathan Nine Guards, so he will naturally not doubt his companions.

He just felt that Elijah's behavior was a little abnormal. It stands to reason that they must be cautious on the way to China this time.

Don't reveal your location.

That's why they take freighters.

You must know that if the golden branch is broken, the mysterious man who killed the king may take action secretly at any time.

The sea breeze blew his golden hair, and Elijah appeared alone on the plywood.

Under the dark night, a figure could be vaguely seen on the deck.

Elijah looked at the figure not far away with a complicated expression. Unexpectedly, the other party had already found them before their group approached the Chinese Inland Sea.

And he can appear here quietly.

Such strength is really unimaginable.

As the footsteps approached step by step, Elijah could clearly see the figure not far away.

He is tall and tall, with a majestic figure and blond hair. He is facing the sea and his back is turned to him.

He didn't seem to notice anyone coming from behind.

But Elijah knew that since he walked out of the cabin, the other party must have noticed him.

Taking a deep breath, Elijah stopped when he was a few meters away.

"Elijah met sir."

Elijah spoke in somewhat broken Chinese, which sounded a little awkward.

However, the figure with its back to him did not turn around. It was already facing the dark sea calmly, and a cold voice reached his ears.

"How are you thinking?"

This figure is none other than Huang Miao who left Tangmen.

He was bound to win Nathan Island, so he had to make early contact with the 'rebellious' Nathan Guard.

If he wants to complete his plan, both the sacred tree that has survived for thousands of years and the most powerful alien organization in the beautiful country are his enemies.

Although Huang Miao is confident in his own strength, necessary preparations must be made in advance.

At least I can't really act alone.

Listening to Huang Miao's calm and almost emotionless voice, Elijah didn't speak at first.

The expression on his face also became somewhat complicated.

It seems that he is making some kind of choice in his heart.

After a moment, Elijah suddenly took a deep breath, his eyes became firm again, and he looked at the back in front of him.

"Sir, Elijah agrees to your proposal as long as you can fulfill your promise."

"Whether you are recognized by the divine tree or not, you will become King Nathan in Elijah's heart."

As soon as the words fell, Elijah knelt down on one knee facing Huang Miao and put one hand on his chest.

This was the most solemn knightly ceremony in ancient Rome.

Allegiance means!
Elijah, who could only be loyal to King Nathan, now chose to express his loyalty to Huang Miao.

"You will be glad you made the decision today."

From the beginning to the end, Huang Miao didn't look back, his tone remained extremely calm, and he didn't seem to care too much about whether Elijah was loyal to him.

Just after Elijah made his choice, Huang Miao, who was standing by the splint, leaned forward slightly. The next moment, his body fell straight into the sea. Under Elijah's shocked and puzzled eyes, the figure that should have fallen into the sea disappeared into thin air.

"This magical magic from China."

"Sir's strength seems to have improved a lot compared to when we met before."

"Maybe he can actually fulfill his promise."

After a moment, Elijah slowly stood up from the ground, his expression returning to calm.

In fact, he was still loyal to Nathan in his heart, but it was not King Nathan alone, nor was it the sacred tree.

But the real people of Nathan.

As long as the people of Nathan can be truly liberated, no matter whether the other party is Behemoth or the gentleman in front of him, he can cooperate and even be loyal.

And compared to the Behemoth organization, he was actually more willing to cooperate with Huang Miao.

After all, the other party's promise is too tempting for him. If the other party can really fulfill his promise, then not only will the current Nason Island not be destroyed, but it will also become an open Nason Island.

A Nathan who can communicate normally with the world.

Of course, all this is unknown at the moment. After all, he is not sure whether Huang Miao can really fulfill his promise.

Elijah faced the endless sea and murmured to himself: "Sir, don't let me down."

The prerequisite for him to completely obey Huang Miao's orders is that the other party can make him see hope.

The hope of freeing Nathan.

Call ~
With a sigh of relief, Elijah threw the cigarette butt in his hand into the sea.

As if nothing happened, he turned around and walked back to the cabin with a calm expression.

No matter what the final result was, at this time, he was still one of the Nine Guardians of Nathan who was loyal to King Nathan and all of Nathan.

A few days later, it was the same silent night.

On a remote road somewhere in the suburbs of Kyoto, a black car parked on the side of the road.

There is also a barrier in front of the car.

Several men and women in suits were standing next to the car at the moment, looking into the distance as if waiting for someone.

These men and women are Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu.

"That's awesome."

"This hearing aid can actually change languages."

Zhang Lingyu pointed to the small plug in his ear with excitement. This is a small magic weapon that can recognize language conversion.

"Hahaha, of course."

"This is an imported product, don't damage it."

Zhang Chulan laughed twice and looked at Zhang Lingyu as if he had never seen anything on the market before.

When he first saw this thing, he was also surprised.

If there is such a thing, why should he learn a foreign language?

Several people were chatting and laughing. This mission was almost not difficult. Almost all the guests who came here showed their IDs in a good mood.

As for ordinary people, they haven't encountered it at all, because the road itself is remote enough.

Even if there are no checkpoints, there will basically be no cars coming.

"Stop chatting, another car is coming."

At this time, Xu San, who was standing aside without speaking, suddenly spoke and looked at the light spot not far away.

On the dark road, a driving SUV slowly drove towards them.

The speed was not fast, and it seemed that they had been spotted a long time ago.

"They must be guests too. You guys wait here while I go take a look."

Xu San greeted a few people and walked towards the SUV.

Zhang Chulan and the others didn't take it seriously. They had done this kind of work many times tonight.

There were no surprises.

When Xu San walked to the SUV, Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu also planned to move the checkpoints and were ready to let Xu San give the order.

However, just as Xu San was waiting for the people in the car to show their IDs.

There was a crisp sound, and then Xu San's whole body seemed to be hit by something, and he lay straight back!

Zhang Chulan and the other three were suddenly startled when they heard the sound, and all looked in the direction of Xu San.

"Third Brother!"

The sound of the roaring engine covered up the exclamations of the three people, and the SUV with its dazzling high beams suddenly accelerated towards the three people.

I want to break through the level directly.

"Sister Bao'er, stop the car!"

Zhang Chulan spoke directly, and Feng Baobao rushed towards the SUV that was speeding towards him even before he spoke.

"Uncle Junior, let's go rescue Third Brother!"

Zhang Lingyu transformed into a streak of white lightning and rushed towards Xu San who fell to the ground to prevent the group of people from taking further action against Xu San.

Zhang Lingyu's reaction was not slow either, and she followed Zhang Chulan closely.

Although all three of them relaxed their vigilance at first, when the noise occurred, all three of them entered combat mode at the same time.

The three of them performed their duties as if they had practiced it countless times.

Feng Baobao was the first to come to the side of the SUV and drew out the sharp blade.

The sword energy breaks through the air.


A cutting sound was heard, and the car's tire was split into two instantly.

With one clean blow, he stopped the speeding SUV.

Due to the loss of control of the tires and the effect of inertia, the entire SUV was driven at a huge speed, and the remaining tires skidded on the ground, moving laterally for a long distance before it came to a stop.

The car door was also opened at this time.

Feng Baobao quickly jumped up high, holding a steel knife and attacking the people in the car from top to bottom.

Zhang Lingyu and Zhang Chulan also came to the side of Xu San who fell to the ground at this time, and asked eagerly: "Third brother, are you okay?"

At first, they thought that Xu San was attacked by a firearm, but when they got closer, they discovered that this did not seem to be the case.

There was just a pebble on Xu San's forehead.

"It's okay." Xu San patted his head and shook his head, looking at the SUV stopped by Bao'er with some confusion in his eyes.

For some reason, the group of people suddenly attacked him with stones.

Obviously this kind of force cannot really hurt people, but these people still insist on doing hurtful things.

At this time, Feng Baobao had already kicked the woman who was the first to get out of the SUV, and then pinned her to the ground and kicked her violently.

Nine people also got out of the car.

Looking at the faces of the people who came out, Zhang Chulan, Zhang Lingyu and Xu San all had confused faces and did not understand what happened at all.

If the photos given by Xu Si are correct, aren't these people the Nine Guardians of Nathan Island?
Zhang Chulan and the three of them blinked, and then all looked at the woman who was pushed to the ground by Feng Baobao and kicked violently.

After swallowing, I suddenly had a bad premonition in my heart.

If these nine people are the Nine Guardians of Nathan, then the woman who was pinned to the ground and ran away

"Fuck stop it!"

Among the nine people, the boy who was in the lowest grade and was the youngest in each group came to his senses and shouted loudly.

The expression on his face was extremely ferocious, staring at Feng Baobao.

The voice was hoarse, almost a roar.

"How dare you. How dare you beat our noble king!"

(End of this chapter)

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