On the outskirts of Kyoto, an originally abandoned clubhouse was now brightly lit.

Dozens of black luxury cars parked neatly inside the club.

Countless security personnel wearing black suits and sunglasses stood orderly throughout the club.

It seemed that he was protecting some important person in the club.

The place that was originally deserted is now very lively.

Although none of these security personnel carried firearms, everyone's eyes were filled with glints, and they were obviously not ordinary people.

They are all elite employees drawn from various regions by Nadutong.

In the club, Zhao Fangxu, as the chairman of Nadutong, was communicating with several blond and blue-eyed foreign elders.

All other company directors were also present.

In the club, those who are qualified to enter and become VIPs, including the youngest ones without exception, are all directors.

Even the person in charge of the district like Xu Si, who has access to everything, is not qualified to be a VIP.

"Hahaha, long time no see, Mr. Zhao."

"We haven't seen each other since last time."

Zhao Fangxu was communicating familiarly with several senior leaders of foreign alien forces, when suddenly a short old man appeared behind him.

"Director Zhao, long time no see."

The old man was wearing a suit and leather shoes with his head on his back.

Behind him were two young juniors.

It is Nobu Ishikawa, the current head of the island nation's Buddhist sword Ishikawa Ryu, who is also the leader of the Fish and Dragon Society.

"Director Zhao, could you please lend me a moment to speak?"

"Before the banquet begins, I have something to discuss with you."

Ishikawa Shin greeted the people around him slightly comfortably, and then looked at Zhao Fangxu.

Zhao Fangxu glanced at the other person and knew what he was going to say, but he still nodded.

The two then walked towards the corner of the venue.

"Mr. Zhao, I am deeply sorry for the previous misunderstandings and conflicts between our people and your company."


Zhao Fangxu waved his hand and interrupted Ishikawa Shin's words.

"No need to say more, Mr. Ishikawa, Hirumaru and Tacit have disappeared for decades. I completely understand your feelings."

"But this is our land. If you come to visit, we will definitely welcome you."

"But if you have other purposes, please achieve them through us."

Zhao Fangxu pushed up his rimless glasses and spoke calmly, looking at Nobu Ishikawa in front of him without hesitation.

"Let me make it clear to you. If we really covet this leech pill, you will never see this demon knife."

"I know that your Ishikawa family has paid a lot to protect this sword, but I personally guarantee that if we really get the Hirumaru, we will definitely give it to you."

Ishikawa Shin frowned slightly, but looking at Zhao Fangxu's serious expression, he knew that no matter what he said today, it would have no effect.

He could only nod silently.

At this time, a middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes suddenly walked towards this side, his face full of displeasure.

"Director Zhao, Mr. Ishikawa, do you think this Nathan's king takes himself too seriously?"

"As the host, I didn't even show up at this time."

"She doesn't really think of herself as a king, and thinks of this place as Nathan?!"

"I think we need to do a good job of educating him on who he is."

As the heir to the Moss family and now the representative of Behemoth here, he is highly respected wherever he goes.

But the king of a small barbarian land dared to ignore him!

It's simply too much!
Zhao Fangxu also glanced at his watch and frowned slightly.

It is indeed nearly half an hour different from the scheduled time. Logically speaking, this time should have arrived long ago.

Did something unexpected happen in the middle?
Zhao Fangxu squinted his eyes as countless possibilities flashed through his mind.

It's just that whether it's security or escort, it can be said to be foolproof, and even if there is a sudden attack, they should be able to get the information.

There shouldn't be any news until now.

Just when Zhao Fangxu was confused, the door of the banquet hall slowly opened.

A young man wearing a welcome uniform pushed open the door and said to everyone present with some embarrassment: "Sorry for being extra late, the king is here."

The person coming was none other than Zhang Chulan.

However, no one paid attention to Zhang Chulan at this time. Everyone present turned their attention behind Zhang Chulan.

Only a few high-level officials with high-level access looked at Zhang Chulan in a daze as he pushed in the door, and Zhao Fangxu had a bad feeling in his heart.

The job he arranged was to put Zhang Chulan in charge of peripheral security, so how could he appear here?

But before he could think about it, several Nathan guards escorted a woman into the venue hall.

The four Nathan Guards have all appeared in the world before, and the leaders of various countries present have seen more or less photos of these people.

Will not admit mistakes.

"Nathan Wei appears."

"It seems that the person surrounded by them is the so-called King Nathan."

"Yes, looking at the serious expressions on the faces of these Nathan Guards, it must be King Nathan."

"I just didn't expect King Nathan to be a woman."

Everyone in the venue looked at the five people walking in from outside, and immediately started talking.

After all, King Nathan is also a very mysterious existence in their eyes, and they have never seen him before.

However, Xu Si and Zhao Fangxu's eyes widened when they saw the true appearance of King Nathan.

The expression on Zhang Chulan's face was the same as when Zhang Chulan just walked in. They were all frightened and turned pale.

I didn't know what to do for a while.

Because King Nathan surrounded by four Nathan guards is none other than Feng Baobao!

"What's going on Feng Xusi!"

"What are you doing!"

Zhao Fangxu swallowed, his face quickly returned to its original calmness, and he suddenly pulled Xu Si aside.

"I don't know what's going on with Director Zhao."

"I have been in the clubhouse just now and have no idea what they did."

Xu Si was also confused, his brain was completely shut down at this time.

I don’t understand at all why Feng Baobao appeared here and became the Nathan King. The most important thing is that those Nathan Guards are genuine Nathan Guards!
It's definitely not someone pretending.

Looking at Feng Baobao who walked into the venue with a dull look on his face and greeted everyone, Xu Si was now filled with questions.

In addition, everyone else present was confused when they saw the young and dull girl in front of them.

The Nathan Guards they came into contact with were all shrewd and capable beings.

It is natural to think that the so-called King Nathan must be a man with deep thoughts.

It was difficult to connect the imagination in their minds with the girl in front of them who seemed like an idiot.

Feng Baobao walked step by step towards the center of the banquet. Zhang Chulan, who was acting as the doorman, also came to Zhao Fangxu before anyone noticed.

He spoke in a low voice: "Director Zhao, don't be stunned. It's time to go through the process."

"I will explain other things to you in detail later."

"From now on, this one will be the king of Nathan Island." Zhao Fangxu's face was covered in cold sweat. If someone else knew that King Nathan was pretending to be a member of their company, he wouldn't know what to do!

The look in Zhang Chulan's eyes became a bit colder. He, the chairman, was completely unaware of such a big change.

These young people pay less and less attention to him as the chairman.

He snorted coldly: "You'd better explain it to me clearly!"

But after saying these words, the unhappy expression on Zhao Fangxu's face immediately disappeared, and he stepped forward with a smile on his face.

As a veteran actor, his acting skills are naturally impeccable.

The only thing he is worried about now is that Feng Baobao, a girl with a weak head, will mess things up.

"Hello, dear king."

"Welcome to China."

Zhang Chulan also immediately stepped forward and came to Feng Baobao with a bad look on his face.

"This is our omnipotent chairman, Mr. Zhao Fangxu."

"Is this fat guy your leader?" Feng Baobao nodded, looked at Zhao Fangxu, and spoke in a somewhat lame dialect that you couldn't tell he was from there. At first glance, it sounded like he had never been exposed to Chinese dialect.

Zhao Fangxu had a dark look on his face, and he had already made up his mind that after this incident was over, he would teach Xu Si and Zhang Chulan a lesson.

However, there was still no emotion on his face, and he still nodded with a smile.

"Dear King, let me introduce to you the friends who are here to meet you this time."

"This is the director of the European Jade Society - Williams Bingsai."

"The president of the Children of the Earth—Lilia Mina."

"Thailand Stranger's House - Master Banzhuang."

Zhao Fangxu led Feng Baobao to the main leaders of each alien organization in turn.

Everyone present looked at Feng Baobao with confusion and scrutiny.

After all, the appearance of this person was so far from the King Nathan in their minds that they had to doubt the authenticity of this King Nathan.

Because no one has seen this so-called King Nathan before.

Just because there are two Nathan Guards guarding here, we can be sure that this is the real King Nathan, because since the birth of the Nathan Guards, their responsibility is to protect King Nathan and the sacred tree.

After Feng Baobao met everyone, Zhao Fangxu winked at Xu Si and asked him to accompany Feng Baobao to prevent her from causing any trouble.

And he himself found Zhang Chulan directly.

"Tell me what's going on!"

Zhao Fangxu pulled Zhang Chulan into the corridor with a serious look on his face. Xiao Zizi, who had changed his outfit, was standing beside him to keep alert.

This matter was no small matter, and he had to know what exactly happened.

Zhang Chulan swallowed. Although Zhao Fangxu was not very powerful, he had been in a high position for so many years.

The sudden momentum still made him a little nervous.

"Director Zhao, I know you are in a hurry, but please don't be anxious yet."

"This is actually what happened. My fourth brother said before that if you encounter someone making trouble, you will take action directly no matter which country it is."

"But we didn't expect that Nathan's people would cause trouble themselves."

"What do you mean? I didn't understand!"

"Is Nason Island making trouble on its own?"

"Just get to the point."

Zhao Fangxu frowned and spoke coldly.

He doesn't have time to listen to that nonsense now. If Zhang Chulan doesn't give him a reasonable explanation, he will definitely deal with this kid.

Zhang Chulan nodded, recalling the recent experience in his mind.

"To put it simply, Sister Baoer beat up King Nathan."

"Then King Nathan asked Sister Baoer to pretend to be her and attend the banquet."

This simple sentence really made Zhao Fangxu so frightened that he broke into cold sweat. This fat man, who had been the chairman of MDR for many years, felt the deep hostility that God had brought to him at this moment.

They, a peace-loving country in China, actually beat up the king of an island.

If things get serious, it won't end well.

Zhang Chulan was still explaining everything that happened tonight in detail, and Zhao Fangxu's brows never relaxed from the beginning.

After a while, Zhang Chulan finally finished telling what had just happened.

Zhao Fangxu glanced at Xiao Zizai, who was silent beside him, with a solemn expression: "Xiao Xiao, do you know what to do?!"

"Yeah, it's clear."

Xiao Zizai pushed up his rimless glasses and nodded confidently.

Turn around and go to action.

Just looking at Xiao Zizai's leaving figure, Zhao Fangxu glanced at Zhang Chulan in front of him and Feng Baobao who was eating cake in the distance.

He immediately stopped Xiao Zizai and asked again with some worry.

"Wait a minute."

"Tell me first what you know what to do?"

None of these temporary workers were worry-free. He had to make sure that Xiao Zizai really understood what he meant.

Xiao Zizai smiled coldly, his mouth forming a curve that looked evil no matter how he looked.

"I think it would be a good idea for us to simply kill the real King Nathan directly and let our people take over Nathan Island."

"Fuck you!"

"You're being bullied by me, so I'm asking you to upgrade your alert, upgrade your alert!"

"I'm talking to idiots like you, and if I believe what you say, there's something wrong with you!"

"Let Erzhuang quickly grasp all the initial entry information that she can mobilize, and then those who contact the company must strictly control the identities of those entering and exiting!"

"Chu Lan, take a good look at Feng Baobao later."

Zhao Fangxu was so angry that he almost couldn't breathe. He knew that these temporary workers were masters who were not afraid of big troubles.

"Oh oh oh, good, good."


Xiao Zizai and Zhang Chulan both nodded, and they followed the leader's direct orders.

If they are asked to guess what the leader means, then they should do what they want.

"You all should be more serious."

"King Nathan can't be joking with such a big move, and he will definitely not be joking with people like us."

"They asked Feng Baobao to be a substitute. They must be guarding against something, and they must have noticed that there is something worth guarding against."

Zhao Fangxu sounded determined. Although Nason Island is isolated from the world, these people who can become Nason Guards and Nason Kings are definitely not fools.

There is no way Feng Baobao is pretending just to make a joke.

Suddenly, Zhao Fangxu's tone paused, as if he thought of something.

Suddenly his eyes widened, and a look of disbelief flashed in them.

"No way!"

"Something that hasn't happened in hundreds of years will happen just this time!"

Zhao Fangxu's voice was not loud, as if he was muttering to himself.

A cold sweat appeared on his forehead again.

If it is as he guessed, then the scene must be properly guarded! (End of chapter)

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