Huang Miao had already left the villa at this time and was moving towards the distance at a very fast speed.

He had no interest in the discussion among the crowd.

No matter whether it is Nason Island or other Inhuman organizations, they pose no threat to him.

He doesn't care what these people are up to.

Anyway, in the end, Nason Island can only become his territory.

Now, he was going to deal with Quan Xing's affairs before going to Nason Island.

Ever since the Luotian Grand Ceremony ended, Xia He and his colleagues have been in charge of all the affairs of Quanxing for almost half a year.

I think it should be about the same.

If you want to become the leader of Quanxing and make these lawless guys obey you, there are only three ways.

The first is to do the same as Wu Gensheng and recruit all the masters of Quan Xing one by one.

The reason why Wu Gensheng was able to become the head of Quan Xing was that he could solve the problems of Quan Xing masters one by one.

In the end, most of the Quan Xing masters acknowledged that Wu Gensheng was the descendant of the Quan Xing leader.

Naturally, others will follow suit.

Wu Gensheng naturally became the leader of Quan Xing.

As for the second method, it is to do the same as the black-robed prime minister back then. When the world is at peace, let this group of lawless lunatics find an outlet they are interested in to vent their anger.

In other words, it means subverting the world.

The reason why Emperor Taizu of Ming Dynasty, Zhu Di, launched the rebellion was closely related to this prime minister in black.

It was also because of this that those crazy people in Quan Xing had an outlet to vent their anger and all participated in disrupting the world. The black-robed prime minister who proposed this idea naturally became the leader of Quan Xing.

However, both of these methods are too troublesome.

Huang Miao naturally wouldn't do that.

First of all, in this era, if you want to subvert the world, let’s not talk about whether it is possible.

Even if he could really do it, Huang Miao would not do it.

He is usually unrestrained and seemingly lawless, but he would never do such a conscienceless thing.

What's more, if he really did that, it would undoubtedly be like hitting a rock with an egg.

Times have changed. Quan Xing of this era does not have the ability to stir up the world.

The deceased Quanxing acting leader Gong Qing used this method to become the acting leader.

This gave these crazy people an outlet for their rage, but the price they paid after causing such a big disturbance at Mount Longhu was also very high.

Not only did Gong Qing himself die, but most of Quan Xing’s top leaders were seriously injured, and many of Quan Xing’s strongholds were forcibly taken out.

As for Wu Gensheng's method, Huang Miao had no intention of adopting it.

Although this method is safe, it wastes too much time. Even with his strength, it will take him a year to fulfill the wish of the man with all the qualities.

If he had not appeared, Lu Liang might have been able to become the leader of Quanxing through this method.

After all, the old Taoist priest wiped out all the evil spirits by himself back then.

As a result, most of the masters in the world were seriously injured.

Lu Liang saved many Quanxing masters through his Shuang Quan Hands, and these masters would naturally be grateful.

Just like the Three Corpses and Tu Junfang, they all gave Lu Liang face.

However, now that Huang Miao has appeared, Lu Liang naturally has no chance of becoming the leader of Quan Xing.

Huang Miao will need to adopt the most direct method to become the head of Quan Xing.

If anyone refuses to obey, he will beat him into submission. If he cannot beat him into submission, he will send him to see the King of Hell.

When he is looking for a younger brother, he doesn't care about his strength, as long as he is obedient. Huang Miao believes that there are many people in Quanxing who will be obedient.

As for the issue of strength, he was not worried. After all, in the entire alien world, there was no one who was stronger than him.

Huang Miao's figure flashed rapidly in the mountains and forests, as if he was jumping through space.

The figure kept flashing, and the interval between each flash was hundreds of meters.

His legs were attached with special talismans, which greatly increased his speed.

After several days of research, Huang Miao discovered another use for the Tongtian Lu - it can serve as an auxiliary prop.

Tongtianlu not only possesses various talismans for powerful attacks, but also has many auxiliary talismans.

For example, the Thousand Mile Travel Talisman he is using now can greatly increase his speed.

After practicing the Tongtian Talisman for a period of time, you can really use this talisman to travel thousands of miles.

Even faster than an airplane.

It’s a pity that because of the Jiashen Rebellion, many sects’ advanced talismans have been lost.

Even the Thousand Mile Travel Talisman was something he figured out on his own after reading ancient books.

Somewhere in the suburbs of Kyoto.

Inside an unknown abandoned factory.

In the dim factory, a bonfire was burning slowly.

Countless men and women dressed in different styles gathered here, making the originally spacious factory building look crowded.

The atmosphere was a little dull.

If someone else saw this scene, he would be extremely shocked.

Because all the men and women in the factory at this moment are, without exception, all people of the whole sex.

And he is also a master in all aspects.

In addition to Ding Shiman, one of the two heroes, there are also the three corpses Tu Junfang and many Quanxing elders including Xia Liuqing and Jin Feng.

As well as many elderly people from Quanxing who have not been seen for several years.

His hair is dry and white, and full of wrinkles, just like an old man in his twilight years.

Even people of Quanxing have never seen or even heard of these old people.

"Isn't that the master of our Quan Xing's previous generation, the Quanliu Swordsman - Li Zhangdu?"

"It is said that he was the one who wiped out a certain sect of aliens in the west all by himself. He was notorious for his evil deeds."

"No way, isn't it rumored that he has already died?"

Some young strangers standing at the outermost edge looked at the many old people and whispered.

Their eyes fell on a hunchbacked old man sitting in the front of the campfire. The old man was hunched over and looked extremely skinny.

His eyes were cloudy and he coughed from time to time, looking very weak.

He was holding a wooden cane in his hand and looked like he was walking unsteadily.

"Look at that wrinkled old woman. Why does the little green snake in her hand look so much like the sacred object that the Miaojiang Gu tribe lost back then?"

"Is this true? Aren't the sacred objects of the Miaojiang Gu Tribe only controlled by the successive saints?"

"Who is this?"

Many of the younger generation of Quan Xing people still felt resentful when they first came here.

After all, everyone is scattered all over the world and has their own things to do.

Now that I'm called here, I can't help but feel unhappy.

All the people in Quanxing are lawless. If the four crazy people had not used the Quanxing Order this time, they would not have come.

But now, after seeing these older generation of Quan Xing masters appear.

All the unhappiness in my heart disappeared.

After all, it’s not too bad to be able to see these living fossils of the older generation.

Normally, they couldn’t even see any of them, let alone so many seniors appearing together.

"Why do you think the four crazy people use the Quanxing Order to summon all these old seniors?" "Yes, according to the Quanxing regulations, if it is not a matter involving the life and death of Quanxing, the Quanxing Order cannot be used to summon everyone."

"Once used at will, everyone in Quanxing will attack it."

"I hope the four crazy people won't make us go here in vain, otherwise today will be their death anniversary."

Among the crowd, groups of two or three were discussing with each other.

Everyone was very curious as to why the four of them would use the Quanxing Order to gather everyone together.

You should know that this kind of token has not been used for decades, even when Quan Xing attacked Longhu Mountain not long ago.

No one uses the full sex order either.

And when the old Heavenly Master went down the mountain to clear Quan Xing, no one used the Quan Xing Order.

It can be seen how harsh the use of the Quanxing Order is. If it is not ordered by the leader of Quanxing, Quanxing may be in danger of destruction.

No one can use the full sex order.

The last person to use the Quanxing Order was the previous leader of Quanxing, Wu Gensheng.

While the young people were discussing the reasons why the four crazy people had gathered everyone together, the old men sitting in front of the campfire were also communicating with each other.

"You old immortal, I didn't expect you're still alive. You're really alive."

"I'm so old, I don't have many years left to live. If it weren't for the Quan Xing Order this time, I would have been lying in a coffin."

"At our age, who still has the energy to fight and kill?"

"Haha, is this what the ruthless person who massacred the entire sect said?"

These old people are very familiar with each other. After all, they have been in the same Quanxing for decades, and even though they may have had some conflicts when they were young.

But now as I get older, my old friends are gradually disappearing.

They all let it go.

Those little grudges back then were nothing.

As for those who really had a blood feud with them, they had already been killed by them.

"Xia Liuqing, you are still as affectionate as ever. It's a pity that Jin Feng doesn't have you in her heart."

"Hahaha, I just saw a new word on my phone a few days ago, it seems to be called licking dog."

"That's really fitting, Xia Liuqing."

"You're farting, Li Zhangdu, I advise you to fart cleanly. If you keep spewing shit, I don't mind stuffing you into the toilet."

Xia Liuqing glared at the old man with a cane not far away.

His face was dark, and he looked like he was ready to start a fight if there was any disagreement.

He can allow these people to talk about themselves, but he does not allow them to talk about Jin Feng.

The relationship between him and Jin Feng is clear and honest, and can be witnessed by the sun and the moon.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for so many years. Have you become more capable, kid?" Li Zhangdu tightened the cane in his hand and looked at Xia Liuqing with cloudy eyes.

There was a flash of disdain in his eyes.

Xia Liuqing, the fierce villain, seems to be very strong now, but back then he was not even among the best in the world.

"Why won't you die? If you want to die, I can help you!" Xia Liuqing stared with his eyes wide open, not afraid at all.

I couldn't beat this old guy back then, but now he is about to be buried. Should I still be afraid of him?

Do you really think everyone is like that pervert Zhang Zhiwei, becoming more and more evil as they get older?!

"Hahaha, don't be angry. You are so old, why are you still so easily angered?"

The old woman with a small green snake coiled in her hand chuckled twice and spoke slowly. Naturally, she would not let the two men really fight.

"Does anyone know why those four juniors used the Quanxing Order to summon everyone this time?"

The old woman stroked the head of the little green snake in her hand, her eyes full of tenderness.

She seems like a really kind old grandmother.

However, all the elderly people present knew that this old woman was notorious for having a kind face but a black heart, and was best at using poison and witchcraft.

"Who knows, but if the call is not satisfactory to me, I will tear the heads off these four guys."

"I have been hiding my identity for so many years. I haven't killed for a long time."

The burly, dark-skinned, bald old man had a fierce look in his eyes and licked his lips.

Seems particularly excited.

"Hide your identity? Isn't Master Jie Kong's cultivation ruined? Why do you still dare not show your face?"

Jin Feng pushed her glasses. Although she was not interested in Quan Xing's affairs, as a Quan Xing person, she had heard about the deeds of these people to some extent.

This bald old man who looks like a farmer seems to be a traitor of Shaolin.

When he betrayed his master, he also killed an old monk who was highly respected.

The old monk is the master of Master Jiekong, one of the Ten Great Masters today.

It is said that the old man has been hiding from place to place in order to avoid being hunted down.

"Haha, even though that bald ass's cultivation was ruined, his eldest disciple is no pushover either."

The old man spat and spoke harshly.

Whenever I thought about how miserable I had been over the years, I became extremely angry.

If his strength was not inferior to that bald monk Jie Kong, he would have torn the other party into pieces long ago.

All the masters of the previous generation gathered together, while the masters of this generation stood quietly aside.

Neither Ding Shiman nor Tu Junfang spoke a word.

Today, their strength is not worse than that of their older predecessors, and is even stronger.

But the other party's seniority is still there.

Since masters like Ding Shimaan and Tu Junfang did not speak, other Quanxing members like Lu Liang naturally did not dare to interrupt.

However, Lu Liang and the others had some guesses as to why the four madmen had gathered them here.

After all, many people know that there is a connection between the four crazy people and that senior.

Whether it is the Four Madmen or Xia Liuqing, they are now actually considered subordinates of that senior, even after Ding Shimaan and Tu Junfang left the Tang Sect.

Having witnessed the terrifying power of that senior, no one dared to disobey his orders.

Within their entire nature, no matter what era, the strong are respected.

"It's almost time to gather, why haven't those four juniors shown up yet?!"

"They are so arrogant that they made so many of us wait for these four people? Who do they think they are?!"

The bald old man glanced at the bright moon outside the window, becoming a little impatient, with a hint of irritability in his eyes.

A palm slapped the ground, and the hard concrete floor instantly shattered into pieces.

Even though he is in his seventies, the energy and blood in his body is still as strong as that of a young man.

It's obvious that he was an expert in horizontal training back then.

"Amitabha, Senior Jie Du is really impatient. The agreed time has not yet arrived."

A peaceful voice came from outside the abandoned factory and immediately reached everyone's ears.

Hearing the sound, everyone present turned their heads to look towards the gate of the abandoned factory.

The gate of the abandoned factory was opened, and four people of different heights, weights and shapes appeared outside the gate.

Under the moonlight, the shadows of the four people were stretched very long.

Seeing the figures of these four people, everyone in the abandoned factory had a gleam of light in their eyes.

The four madmen are coming!
Several old men sitting in front of the campfire looked at the four people who walked out of the factory in recent years with different eyes.

This is the first time they meet the so-called Four Madmen. (End of this chapter)

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