The four people at the door walked slowly towards the abandoned factory, and the Quanxing people outside subconsciously made way for them.

Although the four madmen are among the crowd, their strength is not that strong.

After all, their reputation requires the cooperation of four people, unlike Ding Shimaan and Tu Junfang.

But even if he is not the strongest, he is still much more powerful than those of them who can only stand on the periphery of the whole nature.

These four people have their own names after all.

No matter in which era, anyone who can have his own name is not an ordinary person.

The four arrogant people quickly walked to the center of the crowd. Many people looked at them, but did not stand up.

Just looked at the four people quietly.

The atmosphere of the entire abandoned factory became a little weird.

"You four are finally here."

Xia Liuqing coughed twice and spoke first.

Since no one was willing to speak first, he would be the first to speak.

Anyway, he is already Huang Miao's subordinate.

"Old Xia, it seems like you and these four juniors have known each other for a long time?"

Hearing Xia Liuqing's words, several old men sitting around the fire looked at Xia Liuqing in surprise.

Then he looked at the four arrogant people with a more serious look in his eyes.

The older generation of them basically no longer show up, but they know a little about the rumors about the four people.

Back when they were in Longhu Mountain, the four of them seemed to have competed with Lu Jin, and their results were remarkable.

"Hahaha, of course I know them. These four are actually quite strong."

"And they can cooperate with each other. Even top-notch masters can fall into their trap."

Xia Liuqing nodded. Unlike other old guys, he would get together with these young people when he had nothing to do.

Naturally, he was more clear about the strength of the four people.

The bald old man glanced at the four people indifferently and then looked away.

The abilities of these four people are indeed very useful to some people who are not firm in their dual cultivation of sex and life.

Although the older you get, the more you see things.

The older generation in the extraordinary circle is basically difficult to be influenced.

But there are still a small number of elderly people whose mental problems exist.

Take Lu Jin for example. Because of what happened between Sanyi Sect and Wu Gensheng back then, he had a demon in his heart and would be easily influenced by the abilities of these four people.

Also, as someone with an irritable nature, he would be easily affected by any ability used by the four people.

So when the four people appeared, the bald old man had already become cautious and guarded against their abilities.

Although in public, the four of them would not attack him.

But don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the eventuality.

Although the other few people did not think that their personalities would be affected by the abilities of these people, they were still influenced by the shadow of the tree of life.

The four madmen are still very famous in the circle of extraordinary people, and they are all more cautious.

Quan Xing does not prohibit internal fighting.

Back then, they were all assassinated by people from Quanxing, and they also attacked other people from Quanxing.

"What do you four youngsters want to do by using the Quanxing Order to gather everyone together?"

Li Zhangdu, who was sitting opposite the bald man, slowly stood up with the help of a crutch, still without revealing any aura.

He seems to be just an ordinary old man.

However, in the eyes of the four madmen, the old man in front of them changed his appearance in an instant.

Although he is still skinny, his aura is like a sharp sword hidden in a scabbard.

Waiting for a blockbuster.

Obviously, if the private party does not give a reasonable explanation today, this sharp blade hidden in the scabbard will be unsheathed today.

The old woman next to Li Zhangdu also looked at Xia He and the other three with an inexplicable look.

The small green snake in his hand was spitting out its tongue, and its scarlet eyes stared at the four people coldly and ruthlessly.

They are all the older generation in Quanxing, and now they are invited here by four younger generations using the Quanxing summons.

Naturally, it looks a bit ugly on the face.

If it's not something they're interested in.

There is no way these four youngsters will be able to get out of this abandoned factory.

"Amitabha, these seniors are really impatient."

Gao Ning took two steps forward, clasped his hands together and chanted a Buddhist name in front of the few people.

I didn't take their threats seriously at all.

The other three people also looked normal. They had received news from Mr. Huang Miao that he would be present at the party in person.

As long as Mr. Huang Miao is present, everything will be solved.

"Tell me, what's the matter!"

"Don't blame me for not giving you a chance. If the reason for the call is not what we want, I don't know how I will treat you, the younger generation."

Li Zhangdu rubbed the wooden crutch in his hand.

Looks calm.

A vague aura enveloped the four people.

As a master swordsman, Li Zhangdu has mastered the legendary sword intent and is among the top extraordinary people.

Ordinary people would feel like a thorn in their backs when touched by the sword intent.

"This matter must be of interest to the seniors, that's why we gathered everyone together this time."

"It's to discuss the matter of the head of Quan Xing."

"Everyone knows that since the disappearance of the previous leader Wu Gensheng, our Quanxing has been in a state of being leaderless."

"This time, we gathered everyone here to discuss the matters concerning our Quan Xing Sect Leader."

"After all, as the old saying goes, a country cannot be without a ruler for a day. The reason why Quanxing is being suppressed by all the famous and upright sects is because we haven't found a suitable leader."

"Although we are strong, we are all scattered."

"I wonder if you agree with what I said?"

Xia He twisted her slender waist and slowly walked to Gao Ning with a smile on her face.

The tone sounded as if it was very nonchalant, and he didn't take the matter as a big deal at all.

"Master Quan Xing!"

"Discussing the head?"

"You are crazy!"

"It's funny. When was the leader of Quan Xing decided through discussion?"

"That's right. Besides, Quanxing hasn't been without a leader for a long time. Before Wu Gen was born, we hadn't had a leader for many years."

"Isn't he still fine?"

"Are these four people crazy? They actually want to decide the leader today."

"It's really boring. I thought something big was going on, but it turned out to be because of this!"

"Hahaha, I think the Four Crazy's proposal this time is a good one."

"It is indeed time for us Quan Xing to find a leader, but I wonder how these four crazy people are going to elect a leader?"

"Haha, what a bullshit leader! Anyway, I joined Quan Xing without thinking of obeying anyone."

"I don't recognize the leader."

As Xia He's voice fell, everyone in the audience immediately started talking.

The abandoned factory, which was not quiet to begin with, was now even noisier.

For a moment, it seemed like a vegetable market.

Some people are disdainful, while others are ready to take action.

After all, many of those who can become complete people are ambitious.

If one could really become the leader of Quanxing, he would be second to none.


"You guys think you can appoint the leader?"


Li Zhang narrowed his eyes, looking at Xia He and the other three, rubbing his dry palms on his crutches. His tone became colder again.

He didn't know whether these four people were crazy or were deliberately making fun of them.

What right do you have to decide who will be the leader of Quan Xing?
"Don't worry, Lao Li. Since these four juniors have already told us the purpose of summoning us, let's continue to listen."

"See what they want to do."

The kind old lady with gray hair rubbed the small green snake on the back of her hand.

He looked at Xia He with a smile.

The tone was quite loving.

There was no unusual emotion expressed.

The fact that they were able to make a name for themselves in Quanxing and have not yet been destroyed by the righteous sects shows that these four people are obviously not brainless idiots.

Today I dare to gather everyone here to discuss the matter concerning Sect Leader Quan Xing.

Some preparations must have been made.

She wanted to see what these people wanted to do most.

Li Zhangdu glanced at the woman beside him, nodded slightly, looked at the four Zhang Kuangs meaningfully, and sat down again in silence.

He is not an impulsive person.

It was just because of his admiration for Wu Gensheng that he heard that these people wanted to re-establish the leadership of Quan Xing.

I felt a little excited.

But after being comforted, he was willing to watch these people continue their performance.

Anyway, no matter what, as long as the result does not satisfy him.

Today, the sharp sword that he has hidden for more than ten years is about to explode.

The bald old man with the hottest temper, unusually, did not speak.

He looked with a slightly strange gaze at Xia Liuqing and Jin Feng, who had remained silent.

Although he has a hot temper, he is not really stupid.

How could someone who has lived from the Republic of China to the present, and is a complete person, be really stupid?

Originally, he thought that after hearing the words of the four arrogant people, both Xia Liuqing and Jin Feng would definitely be unable to sit still.

After all, no one in the entire Quanxing is more crazy about worshipping Wu Gensheng than Jin Feng.

You should know that this Jin Feng, in order to follow in Wu Gensheng's footsteps, directly joined Quan Xing.

Now that he heard that someone wanted to re-establish the position of the leader to replace Wu Gensheng, how could Jin Feng sit still?
You know, even Li Zhang got a little excited when he heard this.

On the other hand, Jin Feng and Xia Liuqing's reactions were not affected at all.

It was as if he had known about this in advance.

The bald old man's pupils suddenly shrank.

He looked at Jin Feng and Xia Liuqing with astonishment.

Know in advance?

Xia Liuqing often hangs out with these youngsters, so maybe he really knows some secret things.


Could it be related to Wu Gensheng?

Could it be that Wu Gensheng, who had disappeared for many years, was still alive in the world and was about to reappear?
If Wu Gensheng reappeared and took over as the head of Quanxing Sect, Jin Feng and Xia Liuqing's reactions would be understandable.

However, if it was really Wu Gensheng who appeared, Jin Feng and Xia Liuqing should be even more excited.

This time, it is not the turn of the four younger generations to announce the position of the leader of Quanxing Sect. I am afraid that Jin Feng will have to be responsible for it personally.

The bald old man frowned slightly.

Many possibilities suddenly appeared in my mind.

But no matter what, today's incident doesn't seem as simple as it seems.

The bald old man took a deep breath and silently recited the Diamond Sutra in his heart to suppress the restlessness in his body.

He had decided that no matter what happened today, he must not be the first to take action.

Li Zhangdu sat down again and took two deep breaths.

He closed his eyes and said nothing more.

He also had to wait and see what these four juniors were going to do.

I was so excited just now that I didn't have time to think about many things.

Now he also found that there was something strange about today's incident.

Why after the four arrogant people said that they would establish the leader of Quanxing Sect today, many people looked very calm.

Not the slightest bit of surprise.

It wasn't just Jin Feng and Xia Liuqing who acted too calm.

Even Ding Shiman, who is now known as one of the two heroes, was very calm.

You must know that he is the strongest person in the entire Quanxing now, and he is also the one most likely to become the leader of Quanxing.

According to the other party's temper, it is impossible for him to remain so calm after hearing that someone will become the leader of Quanxing.

Could it be that the person who is to be established as the leader of Quanxing this time is Ding Shimaan?

This is possible, but isn't it rumored throughout Quan Xing that Ding Shimaan is a martial arts fanatic?

I don't like power and I'm afraid of trouble.

Could it be that after being slapped by the old Taoist priest, his personality changed?
For a moment, Li Zhangdu's thoughts were in a mess.

I don’t know how to sort it out.

Seeing that the two Quan Xing seniors remained silent, the others were not as calm as they were at the beginning.

Some people even walked directly in front of Xia He.

"Xia He, you four arrogant people said that you are planning to select the leader of Quan Xing Sect. I wonder how you plan to choose?"

"Or do you already have a candidate?"

"If you want me to agree, as long as you, Xia He, can accompany me for one night, I can agree."

"Hahaha, I want one too!"

"As long as Xia He, this bitch, can accompany me for one night, I will follow you in choosing the leader."

All the extraordinary people who can appear here have some strength.

Not too afraid of Xia He.

What's more, they are numerous and powerful.

Many people whistled and looked at Xia He greedily.

A few lustful ghosts couldn't even stop swallowing their saliva.

They had long coveted Xia He's body.

"Ignorance is fearless, haha."

Lu Liang, who was standing next to Tu Junfang not far away, looked at the men who walked up to Xia He with a sneer of disdain on his face.

I don’t know what these people are thinking.

Don't you know that they are all lawless people?

Does electing a leader require voting?

How funny!

In addition, all the other aliens who remained silent also chose to watch coldly at this moment.

I plan to see how Xia He and the others plan to solve it.

Even though the four madmen are very powerful, it is still very difficult for them to deal with so many aliens at once.

The people from Quanxing who had originally planned to leave also stopped at this moment.

When there is something exciting to watch, everyone naturally wants to join in the fun.

Xia He looked at the people who walked up to her, still smiling charmingly.

There is tenderness in her eyes and eyebrows.

"If you want me to serve you, it's not impossible, but you have to get my body first, and you have to defeat the person behind me first."

Xia He used her charm to easily arouse the lust in these people's hearts.

The slender hand pointed backwards.

Behind the four arrogant men was a man wearing a straw raincoat and a bamboo hat. (End of this chapter)

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