"There is no need to go through fire and water."

Huang Miao glanced at the people around him indifferently.

As holistic people, how could they go through fire and water for others?

Those who can join Quanxing are basically all for their own selfish interests. Can such people sacrifice their lives for others?

Do not make jokes.

Huang Miao didn't believe what these people said at all.

But he doesn't need these people to go through fire and water for him.

As long as these people can complete the tasks they are assigned, it will be fine.

"I wonder what instructions you have for me next, Master?"

The bald old man standing next to Huang Miao spoke first. His face was no longer as fierce as before, and his tone was slightly flattering.

As the saying goes, those who understand current affairs are heroes.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with him admitting defeat at this time.

For an old person who has lived to this day, why would he care about face?

Hearing the bald old man's words, everyone else turned their eyes to Huang Miao.

As soon as the other party appeared, they knew that he was the mysterious man standing behind Xia He.

But at first they all thought that the mysterious man standing behind Xia He should be an old man like the Tenth Master.

After all, there are only a few aliens in the entire alien world who are capable of controlling Xia He and the other three.

But they didn't expect that the other party was a young man who looked about the same age as Xia He.

Originally, many people had a bit of disdain in their eyes when they saw Huang Miao appear.

After all, how strong can such a young boy be?

However, when they saw Huang Miao take action, their contempt completely disappeared.

I finally understood why Xia He and the other three would listen to each other's orders so obediently.

Now that Xia He has gathered all of them here according to the other party's instructions, the other party is definitely not here just for the empty title of the head of Quan Xing Sect.

There must be something that needs to be done by people like them who have all the nature.

There was a hint of curiosity in many people's eyes.

For someone whose power is already so terrifying, what else does he need people like them to do?

But although everyone was curious, no one dared to ask.

We all witnessed with our own eyes the miserable state of the person who had just asked the other party the question.

Although his limbs have been healed now, the pain of broken limbs will not disappear.

Huang Miao glanced at everyone present and found that their eyes were full of awe, so he pulled a smile into his mouth again.

The example I just made of killing a chicken to scare the monkeys was still very useful.

Next, these people should be able to complete their assigned tasks safely.

"You need to notify all Quanxingmen members about what's going to happen next."

"Everyone will set sail for Nason Island in three days."

"I will arrange the rest after we arrive at Nason Island."

"Your task now is to gather all the members of Quanxing as quickly as possible and set sail in three days."

"If there are still Quan Xing members left in Huaxia after the stipulated time, I will personally take action to resolve the issue."

Although Huang Miao had a smile on his face, his tone was particularly cold when he said the last sentence, and everyone could feel the murderous intent.

It is very clear that with Huang Miao's character, he can definitely do what he says.

Perhaps some people are hoping for the best, thinking that China is so big that Huang Miao will never be able to find them as long as they hide.

However, no one dares to really gamble with his or her own life. If you lose the bet, you will lose your life.

No one would do that.

Although people with complete nature do not care much about the lives of others, most of them still cherish their lives very much.

"Um, Master, I wonder where the Nasen Island you are talking about is?"

After everyone was silent for a moment, someone raised his doubts.

From what Huang Miao said just now, this Nasen Island is not within the territory of China.

Because the relevant information about Nasen Island is very secretive, most people in the world have never even heard of Nasen Island.

Not to mention knowing the exact location of Nason Island.

"Yeah, what is Nathan Island?"

"Is it an island?"

“I’ve never heard of this name before.”

"Which country's island is this? Is it our Chinese island?"

“It’s a really strange name.”

Among the crowd, many people were whispering and exchanging information with each other.

Wanted to see if anyone knew anything about Nathan Island.

"Nathan Island?"

"I've really wanted to hear that name."

Suddenly, the old woman who had remained silent all this time spoke slowly. As a Quan Xing elder, she knew many secrets of the alien circle today.

According to her understanding, because of the Trinity Gate Incident, the evil boy left Quanxing and found a small island to live in seclusion.

The name of the island seems to be Nason Island.

"Mother-in-law, do you know Nason Island?"

"What is Nathan's Island, Grandma?"

"Where did you hear about Nathan Island? Why don't we have any information about this Nathan?"

When they heard Yu Jiao speak, everyone subconsciously looked at her.

After everyone discussed it, they found that no one knew about this Nasen Island, and they thought it was an island made up by Huang Miao.

But I didn't expect that this island actually exists.

Huang Miao also glanced at the old woman beside him with some surprise. Logically speaking, only high-ranking officials from various countries knew the news about Nasen Island.

If there hadn't been a problem with the sacred tree, even a regional leader like Xu Si wouldn't have been aware of the news regarding Nasen Island.

How did this man of all nature clear Nason Island?

Feeling the doubtful gazes of the crowd, Yu Jiao coughed twice and slowly said, "Actually, I don't know much about Nasen Island."

"It's just that I heard someone mention it many years ago."

"Back then, one of our disciples in Quanxing went out to sea to live in seclusion in order to avoid being hunted down by his enemies."

"The place where he lived in seclusion was Nason Island."

"But I heard that the island is cut off from the outside world and almost no one can leave it."

The old woman opened her mouth slowly and told him everything she knew.

She knew very little about the rumors about Nason Island.

If it weren't for the fact that the disciple had a good relationship with him, she wouldn't even know the news about Nasen Island.

"So mysterious?"

“Are there any islands like this in the world?”

"Is it true that there is no island to leave?"

Hearing Yu Jiao's words, everyone present frowned slightly.

They obviously have never heard of such an island. We live in a civilized society today, so how can such a closed-off island still exist?

And with technology so advanced.

Even if that small island wanted to close its doors to the outside world, it probably wouldn't be possible.

The satellites in the sky are not there to do nothing.

"These are just rumors, and I don't know much."

Yu Jiao shook her head. She actually didn’t know much about the rumors about Nason Island.

If Huang Miao had not mentioned Nasen Island just now, she would have actually forgotten the related rumors long ago. She had never been to sea in her life.

There is absolutely no point in knowing such rumors.

"Ah Jiao, you just said that one of our Quan Xing disciples went to that Nason Island?"

"Who is it?"

“Why don’t I have this impression?”

The bald old man suddenly spoke, and his focus was obviously different from others. He was not curious about Nasen Island.

Now that Huang Miao wants them to go to Nasen Island, they have to go eventually. Then they will naturally be able to learn everything about Nasen Island.

He was now curious about who the disciple who left Quan Xing was.

He actually went overseas alone.

"It can't be that guy."

Li Zhangdu also spoke at this time, and someone came to his mind.

A person who, in today's world of extraordinary people, neither Quan Xing nor those famous and upright sects are willing to mention.

According to Yu Jiao, the other party should have left Quanxing a long time ago, and was chased by someone and had to flee to Nasen Island.

There aren't actually that many people who fit this description.

At that time, they were indeed hunted by many famous and upright sects, but it was because it was a time of war.

No matter they are Quan Xing or those famous and upright sects, their main targets are basically those foreign invaders.

It is unlikely that anyone would flee overseas because of being hunted down.

The only person he could think of was the traitor of Trinity Sect, who was also a traitor to all of them.

Evil boy——Li Muxuan.

"Are you talking about that evil kid?!"

The bald old man also thought of that person after Li Zhangdu's reminder.

A hint of murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

As people of all natures, they actually have no principles. They have experienced a lot of betrayal and have betrayed many people.

These people don't take ordinary betrayals to heart.

Because after joining Quan Xing, there is no one worth trusting.

But what Li Muxuan did made their entire being angry.

During the incident with the Trinity Sect, Quanxing and the Trinity Sect were so blood-thirsty that they were determined to fight to the death.

You have to know that the Trinity Sect back then was one of the two largest upright forces in the entire alien world.

Fighting with all of them, it can be said that we are evenly matched.

Many Quan Xing masters died in the battle that year.

If Li Muxuan could stand up and fight with everyone at this time, they would not be angry.

But that guy abandoned everyone and left alone!

The culprit of all this is Li Muxuan, who chose to escape!

Completely disappeared without a trace, leaving the mess to the rest of them.

"Yes, that's him."

Yu Jiao sighed, but her face didn't look too angry.

At that time, Li Muxuan could be said to be a rising star in Quanxing, and many female disciples liked him very much.

This naturally includes Yu Jiao.

It’s a pity that after that incident, Li Muxuan’s image completely collapsed, and even their entire society despised such people.

"That bastard, if he is really on Nasen Island, he is still alive now."

"I will definitely kill him myself!"

Li Zhangdu spoke in a grim tone, touching his crutch with his right hand.

When he was fighting against the Trinity Sect, his master was killed by the enemy and he himself broke a leg.

Now that the Sanyi Sect has been destroyed, these accounts naturally fall on Li Muxuan's head.

"That coward should be dead. If he is not dead, I will send him to see the King of Hell."

There was also a fierce gleam in the bald old man's eyes.

As Quan Xing’s elders, most of them had been injured in the great battle with the Trinity Sect.

They all had a lot of resentment towards Li Muxuan.

Huang Miao looked at the three people indifferently, but did not say anything to stop them.

As long as the three people do not affect his plan, he will not interfere even if Li Muxuan is killed.

Although Li Muxuan's strength is not weak, it is not necessarily that strong either.

The other party left China when he was young and lived on that small island for most of his life, so his strength must not have increased much.

Moreover, he is older now, and his overall strength is at most slightly stronger than Zhang Chulan and the others.

Definitely not as good as the Ten Lords and Quan Xing, these masters.

"Master, I wonder if you know the location of Nason Island!"

"I can not wait any more."

The bald old man clasped his hands together and his eyes finally became excited.

He doesn't have many enemies in this life. Most of them were either killed by him or died of old age.

Among his enemies who are still alive, the old monk from Lingyin Temple is one, but he is too strong and he is no match for him.

Li Muxuan is one of them.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the other party is still alive.

"I'll tell you the location of Nathan Island in three days."

"What you need to do now is to gather all the people as quickly as possible. Nasen Island is not a good place."

"All the people living on that island are aliens."

Huang Miao's voice was not loud, but it could be heard by everyone.

Upon hearing that all the people on that island were aliens, everyone present couldn't help but be surprised.

Can't believe it.

Is there really an island in this world that is made up entirely of aliens?
You must know that in order to control the population red line, security agencies of various countries do not allow large numbers of aliens to gather.

“No wonder Nason Island doesn’t communicate with the outside world.”

“No wonder the news about Nason Island is so secretive.”

“Nations do not allow this kind of existence to be known to the public.”

Xia He pondered for a moment and figured out the key.

She was also surprised at first.

But when she thought about the various rumors about Nason Island that Huang Miao had mentioned before, she figured it out.

I'm afraid that the countries are not allowing the people of Nason Island to leave in order to block the news.

In this world, only such a huge organization has the ability to restrict the freedom of aliens.

Otherwise, just relying on an island would not be enough to trap a group of aliens.

"Now it seems that the aliens on Nasen Island are like a group of livestock kept in captivity."

"That's right. Even their freedom is restricted. They are nothing but animals."

"How can anyone give up his freedom and become a beast?"

"I don't understand."

Huang Miao listened to the discussions of the people around him and did not refute.

As they said, the aliens on Nasen Island had their freedom restricted from birth.

In fact, they are just livestock kept in captivity.

However, these animals kept in captivity have not lost their wildness.

"Master, are all the islanders on Nasen Island vicious people?"

Xia He suddenly spoke.

Ding Shimaan and others also looked at Huang Miao.

While others were laughing at the captive islanders, they were thinking of a deeper problem.

Who would give up their freedom and join Nathan Island?
I'm afraid no normal person would make such a choice.

I'm afraid only those who are forced into a desperate situation will choose to join Nason Island.

Just like Li Muxuan.

Otherwise, no one would be willing to be a captive animal.

There is a high probability that all the people on Nason Island are extremely vicious.

(End of this chapter)

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