"Okay, go about your business as instructed."

"Xia He, Ding Shiman, the rest of you stay."

After a moment, Huang Miao waved his hand and asked the rest of the Quanxing people to leave, leaving only a few real high-level people.

These talents are the real high-end combat power of Quanxing today.

"It's the headmaster."

Everyone responded, not daring to resist in the slightest.

Only Xia He and a few others were left.

Ding Shimaan and the others looked at each other, and none of them were as nervous as the others.

They all had contact with Huang Miao before.

Knowing Huang Miao's temper, although his personality is a little strange, he is not a cruel person.

"Master, I wonder what is the matter that you want us to stay here for?"

Seeing that most everyone else had left, Ding Shimaan spoke first.

He didn't know what other people thought about the Nason Island, but he really wanted to see it.

There are some extremely vicious people there, so there must be a lot of good guys among them.

Now he has confirmed his current strength through the old Taoist priest and Huang Miao.

As for the Tang Sect's Dan Shi, I have also experienced it.

He is now worried about having no one else to fight with, so going to Nason Island is a good choice.

Now, even if Huang Miao didn't ask him to go to Nasen Island, he would go there on his own.

He would love to be able to fight with other masters.

Xia He and the others also looked at Huang Miao. Huang Miao had already assigned the tasks to others, but he did not tell them what to do.

Now that he's staying, there must be other reasons.

Huang Miao glanced at a few people indifferently, then waved his hand.

He signaled to everyone not to be nervous.

"What happened on Nathan Island is bigger than you think."

"So I need you to go to Nasen Island a few days in advance, not to mention completely subjugating those aliens on Nasen Island."

"But we must at least control a gathering place on Nathan Island."

“It will be convenient for others to land on the island.”

Nathan Island is not a small island, although it is just a small black dot on the map.

But don't forget, it's a map.

The real Nasen Island is at least as big as a prefecture-level city.

Otherwise, the Nathan Islanders would not have come to live on this island.

The alien population living on Nasen Island today is comparable to that of some small countries.

Huang Miao alone would not be able to completely suppress so many people.

That's why he needs people like Quan Xing to take action.

However, before the main force arrived on the island, he also needed some people to find out the information about Nason Island in advance.

The island has been isolated from the outside world for hundreds of years, and people outside know very little about Nasen Island.

Even Huang Miao himself was not particularly clear.

The safest way is to let all the masters of Quan Xing go to Nasen Island in advance to gather information.

And his next plan is not just aimed at the Nason Islanders.

We also need to deal with the forces of other countries.

Behemoth, like him, had long coveted the island.

There are also those people from the Yulong Society. Although they will not attack Nasen Island openly, they will definitely want to get a piece of the pie in secret.

During this meeting, many people had already considered dividing Nason Island.

Especially when they saw that King Nathan was just a little girl, those ambitious people could no longer control their greed.

If Huang Miao wants to completely control Nasen Island, he not only needs to control the islanders of Nasen Island, but also needs to deal with the major external forces.

At least the strength displayed should be enough to make these people fear you.

Only then can Nason Island be saved.

"Master, do you want us to enter Nasen Island in advance?"

Xia He immediately understood Huang Miao's thoughts.

Ding Shimaan's eyes suddenly lit up.

It would be best if you could enter Nason Island in advance.

The sooner he enters Nason Island, the better he will be able to compete with others.


"I need you to enter Nasen Island in advance and get familiar with the island's affairs. It would be best if you could establish your own business."

"But once you arrive at Nason Island, all of you can do whatever you want. There is no plan."

"You just need to familiarize yourself with the situation on Nasen Island."

"As for whether it's a high-profile or secret investigation, that's none of my concern."

Huang Miao nodded and glanced at Ding Shimaan and the others.

I have to say that the abilities of people like Quan Xing are actually quite suitable for controlling people's minds.

If they work together, they should be able to establish a considerable force on Nason Island even in just a few days.

The two biggest forces on Nason Island today are the paradise and the market.

If Ding Shimaan and others work together, they should be able to establish a third force soon.

After all, whether it is Xia He's charm technique or Lu Liang's double-handedness, they are both good ways to control people's minds.

The other three of the four madmen also have their own ways of controlling people's minds.

The Three Corpses Tu Junfang can also use his three corpses to simply control people's minds.

As for Ding Shimaan, a person of his strength can just sit back and control the force and intimidate those villains who want to cause trouble.

Ding Shimaan and the others looked at each other and none of them objected.

Even Lu Liang, who was the weakest, nodded.

"We will naturally obey the orders of the leader."

Everyone spoke in unison. They all knew Huang Miao's character, and Huang Miao was not discussing with them now.

Instead, inform them.

The other party has become the leader of Quan Xing, so naturally he has the right to command them.

In fact, even if the other party was not the leader of Quanxing, they would not be able to resist Huang Miao's orders.

It's just that it's more legitimate now.

"Yeah, okay."

"You guys go and prepare yourself. I'll have Xia He send you the location of Nasen Island in a bit."

Huang Miao waved his hand and asked these people to leave.

The biggest problem in controlling Nason Island is to find a way to deal with Behemoth.

They can pay a price to destroy King Nathan, or they can destroy all the people they lead.

Although his strength is much stronger than that of Nathanwei today, don't forget that Behemoth has a powerful country backing him up.

If you really want to take over the small island of Nason Island.

They just have to pay enough.

Even with Huang Miao's current strength, it is impossible for him to really fight against the state apparatus.

Fortunately, Huang Miao, who was familiar with the original work, knew that this time Behemoth only came with one formation, not all of them.

With Huang Miao's strength and the many masters of Quan Xing.

This time, Behemoth's formation can be defeated.

However, simply defeating is far from enough.

This time Huang Miao intends to end the battle with great force and hurt Behemoth's group of guys. Only in this way will these people be afraid.

So they didn't dare to continue to pay attention to Nason Island.

As the saying goes, hit with one punch to avoid a hundred punches.

He wanted to let Behemoth and those behind them see that the Nasen Island under his rule could not be manipulated at will.

If you don't have the determination to pay enough.

We can’t take Nason Island.

But how to make Behemoth and the people behind them afraid of him was a headache for Huang Miao. His current strength was indeed unmatched in the entire alien world, but the problem was that the strongest part of Behemoth's group of guys was not aliens.

It's weapons and technology.

As the saying goes, no matter how good your martial arts skills are, you are afraid of being stepped on.

Those people hold the powerful weapons that can make all living beings equal in their hands. It is not easy for Huang Miao to withstand those weapons by himself.

The best way is to get rid of these people before Behemoth uses his real killer weapon.

Then use this as a threat to negotiate with Behemoth's people.

Huang Miao sat cross-legged, constantly imagining himself and what he would encounter after going to Nasen Island.

How should he deal with it.

At this time, Ding Shimaan and his group had just left the abandoned factory.

There was no communication with each other.

Separate each other.

Although Huang Miao’s suggestion just now was for them to work together and take care of each other on Nasen Island.

Then build up power and control people's hearts.

But later Huang Miao also said that they could be allowed to do whatever they wanted.

Don't worry too much.

So they all chose to enter Nason Island in their own way by default.

Don’t be fooled by the fact that people like Ding Shiman and Xia He seemed to be getting along quite well just now.

However, they all knew that all that was just for Huang Miao's sake.

We can become all-rounders, but everyone has a different personality, so how can they really want to communicate with each other and cooperate?
Only the Four Madmen have common interests and can cooperate with each other to form a team.

Everyone else wants to go it alone.

"Everyone, now that you know the location of Nason Island, I will take my leave."

"See you at Nathan Island."

Ding Shimaan clasped his fists and bowed to everyone, then flew towards the distant forest alone at an extremely fast speed.

He couldn't wait to get to Nason Island.

I just want to make a big scene quickly.

I don't care what other people think or do.

If it wasn't for the purpose of allowing people from other forces to attack him with confidence and boldness, Ding Shimaan wouldn't even have joined Quan Xing.

In his eyes, you, Quan Xing, are just a tool to help him achieve his goals.

Among all the people in Quanxing, there are only a few with whom he can have a few words.

Not to mention real heart-to-heart talk.

It was the appearance of Huang Miao that made him surrender, otherwise he would not even come here to attend the meeting.

If you have that much time, wouldn’t it be nice to exercise properly?

"In that case, we'll leave too."

"Goodbye, everyone on Nathan Island."

The four madmen looked at each other and bowed to Lu Liang and Tu Junfang.

In fact, with their strength, Danlundan is not qualified to be the first to go to Nasen Island.

But the abilities of the four of them work together perfectly, and ordinary people are no match for them.

In addition, they were the first group of subordinates Huang Miao conquered, and their performance during this period was quite satisfactory.

Huang Miao then allowed four people to enter Nasen Island first.

"Lü Liang, how are you going to get to Nasen Island?"

Tu Junfang glanced at the direction Ding Shimaan left, and then glanced at the direction the four Zhang Kuang left.

Then he asked Lu Liang who was wearing glasses beside him.

His strength is not as strong as Ding Shimaan, so it is naturally impossible for him to rashly enter Nasen Island alone.

Although Nason Island is described by other all-natural people as a group of pigs kept in captivity.

But he knew clearly that ordinary people could never enter that magical island.

Moreover, given Huang Miao's personality, if the strength of the aliens on the island is not very good, the other party will not be interested.

Nor would they allow all of them to go to Nason Island together.

No matter which point, it can be seen that Nason Island is very extraordinary.

Even with his current strength, he is considered a master in the entire alien world.

But there are still some things to consider before going to Nason Island alone.

Tu Junfang is no fool.

I can figure out a lot of things.

Originally, he was planning to go to Nasen Island with the Four Madmen. After all, in Quan Xing, his name of the Three Corpses was connected with that of the Four Madmen.

The relationship is pretty good.

But from what we saw just now, the four madmen clearly have their own plans.

I don't want to go along with him.

Now the only person he can choose to cooperate with is Lu Liang.

As for the three old men of Li Zhangdu, he had no interest in dealing with them.

After all, they are not from the same period, and the three are still the elders of Quan Xing, even if Quan Xing does not abide by the principle of respecting teachers.

But he also didn't like being with a few elderly people who were about to be buried.

In comparison, Lu Liang is more suitable.

Although Lu Liang's strength is not very strong, he has now mastered the method of controlling the three corpses that he taught.

The younger generation is not too weak.

Moreover, he also mastered the terrifying magic that could change the body and soul.

It is very helpful to Huang Miao's plan. If he wants to control the islanders of Nasen Island, Shuangquanshou is undoubtedly the best means.

The most important thing is that this kid Lu Liang has a puppet on him!
That was the puppet soldier bestowed upon him by Huang Miao himself.

Whether it was in the Tang Clan’s Tang Tomb or in the abandoned factory before, Tu Junfang had witnessed the horror of the soldier puppets.

The soldier puppet controlled by the four crazy people can release mysterious poisonous insects.

It's really terrifying.

The soldier puppet controlled by Lu Liang was no less capable.

Both are obviously products of the same level.

With this soldier puppet, even if Lu Liang's own ability is weak, it will be a great help.

"Well, let's act together."

In response to Tu Junfang's question, Lu Liang pushed his glasses and did not refuse.

He had a good relationship with Tu Junfang, because he had saved Tu Junfang's life, and the other party owed him a favor.

Although later the other party taught him how to control the three corpses.

I still haven't been able to repay the debt of gratitude for saving my life.

Now the relationship between the two of them is both that of a master and a disciple, as well as that of a lifesaver.

Lu Liang felt that Tu Junfang would not attack him.

Ever since he mastered the Shuangquan Hand, Lu Liang didn't dare to trust other people. Even with the protection of the soldier puppets, he was still terrified during this period.

The only people who can be trusted are Huang Miao, Ding Shiman and Tu Junfang.

Huang Miao has already mastered the Shuangquanshou technique, so it is obvious that he will not do anything to his disadvantage again.

Ding Shimaan has his own pride and will not covet the Eight Wonders.

As for Tu Junfang, because of the affection between them, the other party already regarded him as the successor and would not attack him.

Apart from these three people, Lu Liang doesn't trust anyone in the entire alien world.

It would be best if I could act together with Tu Junfang now.

As for the three old men, Li Zhangdu, they have not acted with Ding Shimaan and others since they left the abandoned warehouse.

Lu Liang and his companions would not cooperate with them, so naturally they would not cooperate with Lu Liang.

As all-round elders, they also have their own pride.

So, after leaving the abandoned factory.

The group of people split into four groups, each heading to Nason Island. (End of this chapter)

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