My days at the helm of senior kayaking at WBG

Chapter 170 This stick will turn you into ashes!

Chapter 170 This stick will turn you into ashes!
It doesn't even make sense to release resources.

Although GEN said that they did not want to have too much entanglement with Weibo in the early stage, as long as the opponent's willingness to take resources was relatively strong, then they would simply give the resources to the opponent to minimize a mistake on their side.

But the current situation is not right. The first defensive towers on the top and bottom lanes have been demolished.

In this case, if even this little dragon group doesn't come to watch, then they will really be like the many games they lost before, easily giving away the rhythm that they should have obtained.

Even though he is a weakling in the competition, after coming to the international arena so many times, Chovy still summed up some experience.

He knows that because he likes to develop and preserve his strength in the early stage, he often misses a lot of opportunities. The coach helper has also mentioned this problem to him before.

It’s not just his current coach who said this before he took office.

Chovy naturally knows how serious his problem is, but it's not like he hasn't tried other methods.

For example, in the early stage, you can help your teammates without taking resources.

It's just that the effect is minimal. He is not particularly confident about giving resources to his teammates, because his teammates will always use their hard-earned advantages to suddenly give away kills to resources in the mid-to-late stage.

Now it's 14 minutes, when Weibo has started to move Xiaolong.

Especially at this time, you will inevitably choose to press forward.

It is better to believe in others than to believe in yourself.

Especially when I was on the same team as huanfeng in the first half of last year.

But because he has TP, he can actually take care of Xiaolong Tuan this time.

When fighting the civil war, he was not so impatient. Now when fighting foreign wars, especially against the Koreans, his anger immediately rose.

Just like many players with honors in LPL now.

Jiang Huai has been in the command position on Weibo for so long, and has gradually become familiar with how to clearly identify the situation on the field.

Even if Xiaolong is finally taken by the opponent, the opponent must lose at least two people. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to come back later, and we can only hope that the opponent makes mistakes.

"Come on, Xiaolong, I'm ready."

Give your teammates psychological expectations in advance and inform them of the strange movements of the opponent.

Gradually, he began to actively communicate with his teammates. At this time, Brother Shy, because he had killed Dolan alone before, had greatly increased his confidence and was no longer the same as before.

In this wave of fighting against dragons, Xiao Peanut is well prepared. He has flash, punishment, and ultimate moves.

After all, humans are not machines. When he heard Jiang Huai's command to retreat first, King Ning's first thought was to get closer to the edge of the dragon pit. In this case, he could dodge immediately when the other side rushed towards him.

At that time, Brother Shy was very shy and often did not speak during team communication, only listening to the arrangements of his teammates.

"I can come, I'm relying on you."

"Take it off first."

Brother Shy, who had just killed Dolan alone, went home to replenish his health. Because he had no TP, he had to walk from home to Xiaolongkeng.

Noticing that the opposing lineup suddenly began to gather together, Jiang Huai realized that something was wrong.

It's just that the moment teammates receive instructions, there will still be some deviations.

One is Chovy, and there is a little peanut.

But if Chovy's idea is contrary to his own, then he will raise objections. After the two people negotiate, they will always listen to Little Peanut in the end, because Little Peanut is always right and Chovy is always wrong.

There are only two people in the core command of the gen team.

That's why Chovy always plays the core hero in the middle.

Give clear instructions in the team voice.

First pull the little dragon out of the dragon pit, and then prepare for a wave of team battles on the outside of the dragon pit.

Although Prince Ning sometimes couldn't figure out what Brother Shy was thinking, he knew what Brother Shy would definitely do.

Out of consideration for the overall situation, he was determined to lead his teammates in this wave of team battles first.

Realizing that the opponent might have to go all-in this time, he immediately gave the signal to his teammates.

Although that would put him out of touch with his teammates, he would still leave a way out for himself.

Now he has finally opened up, telling his teammates his thoughts just like he did when he was in ig.

So he immediately pulled his position towards Brother Shy so that he could enter the venue with him later.

Jack spoke in the voice of a grumpy man.

When the battle at Xiaolong Pit was about to begin, he had just walked near the first tower in the middle to prepare to clear out troops.

Chovy knew that if he didn't fight for it at this time, the possibility of fighting for resources in the future would be very slim.

But fighting a foreign war is different.

In a civil war, it doesn't really feel that big to win against the opponent or be defeated by the opponent. After all, those opponents have already fought it countless times. In fact, they know who will lose and who will win.

Although it is said that Jiang Huai has covered everything in this wave and has explained everything that needs to be explained to his teammates.

Although it was said that after Dolan accidentally died in the last wave, he handed over his ultimate move.

"If it doesn't work, fight!"

Under normal circumstances, Little Peanut is unlikely to influence Chovy's decision-making.

The unique national sentiment of the Chinese makes it easier for players to unite when competing in foreign countries.

Especially when encountering a powerful opponent like the Korean team, Chinese players share the same hatred.

Jiang Huai's current position is in the most dangerous place, but he can dodge out at any time with the flash in his hand.

King Ning took Xiaolong to the Xiaolong pit.

Although that direction is not conducive to his team's counterattack, it can allow him to escape better.

"Dolan, Dolan is down."

The commentators keenly saw a TP in the bottom lane, Dolan's wine barrel with a big belly, starting from the bottom lane and slowly moving towards Xiaolong Pit.

Jack and Jack were standing in the same position. In order to prevent Jack from getting hit, On could be said to have used his special skills.

Playing with Lulu, sometimes giving him a shield, and sometimes speeding up, it was like putting Jack in a stroller and pushing him quickly like a baby.

If Jack can be saved in this way, and Jack can still save his own life, then On can really say that he has nothing to say.

"What do you mean, Weibo? It feels like the other side is going to take action."

After realizing the gesture, I realized that GEN had slowly moved towards Xiaolong.

Although King Ning fought with Xiao Peanut for punishment at the last moment and finally won, Gen's original plan was to fight for punishment at the bottom and start a team at the top.

It is best to open one or two C positions at the first time and let teammates fight together. As a result, the wine barrel directly pushed forward with the E skill, scaring Jack into the dragon pit.

This position is quite insidious. Dolan’s purpose is to drive everyone into the dragon pit, and then cooperate with Luo and Xia from the front, and Chovy who is late to Shanshan to enter the scene, and wrap everyone in Weibo inside. dumpling.

This is a careful plan that has been made before the game and implemented many times.

Gen's team battles are really particular, and everyone's position has been refined over time. Unlike Weibo, everyone is just squandering their personal talents.

Dolan's hat proves that his worth is in place.

When playing in a group, he can appear in the right position and drive the opponent who should be a threat to his own C position.

In just an instant, Luo activated his ultimate move and flashed W at the same time. Taking advantage of the gap where the opponent had no time to react, he lifted both King Ning and Jack up.

“This wave has raised two people, something seems to be wrong on Weibo!”

Wang Duoduo suddenly discovered that Weibo's location was in quite poor condition, and Brother Shy was still thousands of miles away from here. Maybe he had just arrived after the wave of battles was over.

"No way? Why are you standing like this? How did the coach teach you?"

"It's blocked in the dragon pit."

"It's over. It's over."

"Why is it brother again?"

"This wave is bad."

"You won't be overturned by gen, right?"

The team battle has just started and there are still only a few people in the live broadcast room, but the audience in the live broadcast room has already begun to worry.

Their moods began to change, and they watched helplessly as Little Peanut locked onto Jack with a big move, blasting him from the ground to the sky, and then fell heavily to the ground.

In just such a moment, if the distance of Chovy's ultimate move is enough, he will definitely lock Jack in the dragon pit, making him unable to move, and at the same time cooperate with his teammates to directly annihilate him.

However, at that critical moment, On's stroller was finally pushed in front of Jack, put him in the car, and took him away by force!
When Little Peanut locked Jack and knocked him away, and everyone wanted to focus on the fire jacket, Lulu used a wild growth move, which immediately raised Jack's health and gave Jack time to surrender. Flash out and jump out of the dragon pit.

Although there is Dolan waiting for the two of them above the Dragon Pit, Dolan's development is not good. He was knocked dizzy by Brother Shy's street light on the road. At this time, the wine barrel is just a puffy figure. He's just a fat man, he can't withstand the damage from Jack Zelie's Q skill.

"Can kill, can kill."

King Ning shouted loudly.

Although he didn't have a big move at this time, he saw Brother Shy rushing towards GEN's flank. If he could drag Brother Shy over, GEN would definitely lose at least one person.

"The damage of the big tree and the rock bird was very high. Boyo and King Ning successfully took away the little peanut!" Wang Duoduo began to speak faster because he suddenly saw Jiang Huai and a WE take away peyz who originally wanted to evacuate. The ground was uprooted and bounced to the left. In front of brother hy's electric fan.

"Another WE! Another perfect rock protrusion! Peyz couldn't hand it over in a flash! He was sent to the west by Brother Shy with a stick! This is Weibo's top-middle cooperation! Remember their names! The shy, boyo!”

Obviously being aroused by Weibo, Zhao Zhiming also became excited when commenting.

"The top and middle cooperate, and we will hit the West!"

Suddenly, a famous scene was created, causing LPL viewers to rush to repeat it.

"This stick will turn you into ashes!"

"This stick will turn you into ashes!"

"This stick will turn you into ashes!"

The mood at the scene was completely aroused. Although MSI was the home stadium in London, there were many Asians present, not only Koreans but also overseas Chinese.

They were very excited when they saw that their team in the LPL could perform so well.

Especially when I see the cooperation between Jiang Huai and Brother Shy, one lifts the other and the tacit cooperation is perfect.

"Yalei, Sun Wukong has come out, the Golden Cudgel, right?" Zhi Ge smiled.

"EW is really painful this time, peyz just disappeared."

Let me follow.

"The damage of the rock bird, Brother Shy is the last one, and the rock bird is the main damage." Brother Crystal said, "The key point is that peyz didn't even dodge, and just disappeared. It's still too outrageous."

In 2018, the river god descended to earth!
The weapons master in 2023 can decide the world with one stick!

Although it was just a broken street lamp by Jax on the roadside, it exerted the power of the golden cudgel.

And at this time, Jack was already chasing Dolan in the bottom lane, chasing him under the tower and climbing over the mountain. Follow up with two Q skills and take advantage of the situation.

"Weibo got two heads in this wave. Not only did Xiaolong gain, but even the economy completely widened the gap with gen."

When Wang Duoduo said this, he felt relieved.

The audience at the scene and online also felt that Weibo’s external battle was really powerful.

"You have to play like this. They are indeed my favorite team."

"Boyo's strength is too great."

“There’s really nothing to say about the cooperation between top and middle school.”

"Oen's ultimate move was very quick. Otherwise, Jack would be gone. Who would have thought that this was a counter-encirclement wave."

A team battle only took 16 seconds.

Gen lost two generals in 16 seconds.

At this time, GEN, especially Chovy, noticed that he was starting to feel a little tired, so he couldn't help but touch his forehead, trying to see if he had a fever.

In that wave just now, I never expected that Jax's support would be so fast. If Jax's support was slower, he would be able to lock the rock bird in the defense tower and wait for Xayah's ultimate move. With a wave of damage of your own, you can definitely get a double kill.

But who would have thought that Jax's damage would be so exaggerated. An ew combined with the damage of Rock Sparrow would immediately kill Xayah, without even using the flash of his ultimate move. What about purification?

I'm not an ob position, so I don't know what the status of my teammates is.

The moment Chovy saw peyz die, he immediately clicked on his purify and found that it would take some time to refresh.

When was it used? Why didn't he remember it?

I'm afraid the only people who can explain this are the more attentive spectators and the coach who is watching this tragedy in the lounge.

Helper shook his head.

He had thought that purification would be a foreshadowing, but he did not expect that this foreshadowing would be so fatal.

When Jax, the former shy brother, changed lanes and met peyz for the first time, he went up to counterattack Storm, but actually fainted Xayah and scared peyz's purification out.

That's why his purification didn't get better at this time.

I really don’t know if it was calculated by the opponent or something, but the GEN coach helper is just scratching his head right now.

(End of this chapter)

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