Chapter 171 Totally Pizza!

Gen this team really can't look at his results in the competition.

I don’t know what the situation is. In short, this team is doing well in its own league, but once it reaches the competition, it will be pushed to the ground and blasted by others.

Especially the LPL teams. I don’t know how many times I have defeated them. Anyway, I will definitely gain something every time.

Especially for teams that play an early game, when they meet GEN, their early game will be destroyed. In this case, they will have no voice in the later game.

We completely count on chovy to carry the game, but can chovy carry?
It's very difficult.

Taking advantage of the fact that they had just won Xiaolong and their morale was at its peak, Weibo directly went to win Canyon Pioneer at 16 minutes.

At this time, they were still five people together, ready to go head-to-head with GEN.

Gen originally wanted to create some space for his own jungle peanuts to grab the canyon. At least he had to get some early resources.

As a result, when this silly boy Dolan showed his face, Jiang Huai saw him, and he instantly raised his backhand with a W. In conjunction with Brother Shy's counterattack, he entered the field and was stunned again.

GEN has no escape route, and all they have is a warrior sage Jax holding a golden cudgel.

As a result, Jiang Huaisa Stone Array suddenly fainted him on the spot.

In desperation, GEN could only strategically abandon Dolan and not save him.

"Save ad, save it!"

When Delight was about to lift him up, he caught one of Lulu's big moves and got bigger at the same time. His backhand hit him in the face, and his two Q skills destroyed peyz's health.

When Wang Duoduo said this section, the audience at the scene and online were all amused.

So they focused on the remaining people of GEN.

Weibo has no vision, but Jiang Huai had a hunch that something was wrong.

Before dying, he blocked Jiang Huai with a big move.

"Dolan was really anxious when he discovered that the other side was playing in a canyon. Now he was skating directly on the acupressure board."

This wave not only seemed like the Canyon Pioneers were about to give up, but even their lives were about to be sacrificed.

Although at that moment, Xia had already handed over her ultimate move Feiyu, she could successfully reverse the situation and even get three kills by pulling out the barb.

In the eyes of many LPL viewers, such a player cannot understand why he still has a job.

On the road, no one will accept it, no matter who it is, they can make two moves.

It's just that players like this will still disappoint people in major competitions, just like the domestic left-handed mid laner who can be noticed every time in the LPL in terms of strength.

Little Peanut's fight for punishment failed because Chovy was focused on the fire.

In order to protect the little peanut, chovy directly bypassed him with another wave of TP.

As a result, he didn't expect that although Jiang Huai was frozen by the Ice Girl's ultimate move, before he was frozen, his W and E skills had been released, so his right hand was also lifted back at that moment. , and combined with Jack's continuous follow-up and pursuit, the blood volume dropped as fast as snowflakes.

As a result, once it comes to the competition, it immediately becomes ugly and vulnerable, and now it is even more famous.

In the end, no one expected that Jack’s Zeli played so well.

On the front, King Ning has already obtained the Canyon Pioneer.

The hand flashed and couldn't be delayed any longer. GEN's defeat came faster than expected.

Chovy just came out of there and was immediately tagged by everyone on Weibo.

Dealing with the Ice Girl first would make it impossible for them to complete the encirclement.

When playing in the league, Dolan was called "General Dolan" in the LCK.

Peyz originally wanted to find a way to use his ultimate move immediately after chovy pushed forward to see if he could hit a few people.

Every time, you can see the left hand killing everyone in the LPL, but once he reaches the international league, he immediately turns into a softie.

It's just that Dolan is not like this in the minds of Korean audiences. He is all-powerful in his league and can bring many surprises to the team every time.

Chovy knew that it was not easy for him to escape, so he hurriedly asked Delight to come over to see if he could save peyz.

Who could have imagined that Jack pushed forward very quickly alone.

I have to say that Dolan still has the effect of the show.

In this case, no matter how he thought about it, there must be someone behind him, so he directly pinned a signal to the location where the ice girl was most likely to appear.

As long as adc is still alive, they will have more to play later.

The excessive output scared Chovy back.

Although Dolan's reaction was very fast, he immediately activated his E skill the moment he was stunned, trying to escape in the opposite direction.

Little Peanut didn't dare to move forward at first, but as soon as his teammates arrived, he immediately started to behave strangely.

But Brother Shy has already broken through the little peanut and walked towards Chovy.

Little Peanut got stuck in a position and wanted to see if he could get the Canyon Pioneer while King Ning wasn't paying attention.

However, after Weibo took over the canyon, he didn't want to retreat directly. Even though he was here, he had to collect something to go back.

Chovy has already performed all his operations in this wave. He has long recognized the Weibo team. Jiang Huai's Rock Bird is the top priority. As long as Jiang Huai's actions are blocked, in this case, he can cooperate with his teammates. After completing a wave of double-teams, it is possible to completely crush Weibo's formation.

Because there was one missing top orderer, Xiaohuahua and Delight had no choice but to counterattack Weibo who had discovered their traces.

"This time, Brother Shy seems to be finishing the harvest. How can Gen save himself in such a mess?"

Wang Duoduo looked at such a chaotic situation and thought to himself, fortunately, this is a team that is best at handling melees.

Weibo will never show mercy when faced with such a situation.

"Kill them all, kill them all!"

The LPL audience was very excited. Judging from the audience screen cut out in the lower right corner, many people were surprised by this scene, but some people felt sorry for it.

If you look closely, you can see that the logo on his back is GEN.

The Koreans really suffered when they came to the scene. Their No. 1 seed seems to be completely out of shape now.

If possible, they even hope that Weibo will be their LCK team.

It’s just a pity that Weibo this year is too powerful.

Although Jack was lifted up by Delight, in that short moment, he still relied on his excessive output to forcibly kill peyz.

Xia's barb was handed over, and the damage was exaggerated, but he did not get three kills because of it. Instead, Jiang Huai's golden body saved his life, and at the same time, he slowly took away Delight.

Jax's detour in the middle was very sharp.

According to GEN's team voice, the first requirement for this wave of melee is to keep the C position.

Chovy had already escaped in panic, leaving only the newly resurrected Dolan who was falling to the ground.

In order to keep Chovy, GEN paid a heavy price.

Little Peanut was entangled by Brother Shy, but at the most critical moment, he used his ultimate move to deflect Brother Shy's counterattack storm, and successfully escaped in a cross-dodge.

At this point, the two sides are pulling away.

16 minutes 50 seconds.

The general trend of GEN is over.

Weibo has led nearly 8000 economies. When the LCK commentator saw his No. seed being beaten like this, every commentator not only shouted, but even shouted multiple times - "Total pizza!"

This Korean saying means it’s going to be over.

LCK is going to be finished.

It was really shocking that their number one seed was humiliated like this on Weibo.

Although as long as you are an old viewer, you won't feel particularly strange when you see Gen's performance in foreign wars being so impressive.

After all, the Samsung team's performance against them in the LPL has never been very good.

The one that is more powerful in foreign wars is skt T1.

T1 has not yet competed with Weibo.

If he was just a gen, it would be easy to deal with him.

"That's awesome! Weibo melee!"

The professional anchors in the LPL couldn't help but applaud when they saw this.

It is said that teams that like to fight are very powerful when they meet the LCK. Now it seems that this sentence has really come true.

Weibo is a team that handles melee very well. Once the operation of gen is disrupted, it will not know how to continue.

The chain of command was in complete disarray.

Once again, at 18 minutes and 48 seconds, as the Canyon Pioneer hit a wave, Weibo demolished the first tower in the middle and had the opportunity to control Xiaolong again.

The rhythm is completely controlled by Weibo.

At this moment in Weibo's lounge, Danny already felt that he had a chance to win, and stood up from his chair happily.

At first, he felt that the overall strength of a team like gen was online, and it had a very professional e-sports training model.

Judging from the clubs he took over, such as Caotai Banzi Weibo, which is a halfway house, killing them instantly is as easy as an elephant trampling an ant.

He originally thought that only by relying on Weibo's pure personal talent to muddy the situation could he possibly win the game, but now it seems that things are not that complicated.

GEN's overall strength doesn't seem that outstanding in Danny's opinion.

Not only Chovy, Little Peanut, or Peyz Dolan, they all seemed a little less interesting to him.

After 20 minutes of the game, GEN's lead seemed to be only Chovy's 50 CS advantage.

That's right, it's 50 CS.

He is worthy of being known as the super mid laner who can finish the last shot. If Chovy wants to participate in the League of Legends last shot competition, he will definitely be ranked first.

With his talent for last-hitting, when he met Jiang Huai again, it was obvious that Jiang Huai had already used his basic skills to suppress his left hand in the LPL. However, when he met Chovy in the competition, he found that he had no idea why. In short, Chovy's last hit was always ahead of him, which surprised him.

And this feature also deserves explanation and repeated study.

"I just don't understand why Chovy is 50 dollars ahead? It seems like he is there in every wave, but he doesn't seem to have a big effect. Where is this 50 dollar advantage? It's really confusing. "

Wang Duoduo is very strange.

Zhao Zhiming is even stranger.

It's hard to say anything else. Just from the output screen of the previous wave, Jiang Huai's 150-dollar Rock Bird is definitely more powerful than Chovy's -dollar Ice Girl.

"Maybe this is Chovy's personal talent."

Xiye commented as a person who had been there.

I think back then he was all-powerful in the middle lane and was arrogant.

If he were to judge Chovy from a professional perspective, he would definitely feel that Chovy is a rare and talented mid laner.

It's just that the current competition results don't seem to be able to prove him.

The only thing that can reflect his greatness is this super basic skill.

However, in the game League of Legends, with powerful last-hitting skills and strong basic skills, what can you do?
Like Brother Ba, do you activate the script and finish the last hit perfectly under the tower?
If you want to be a bastard, you can't do it like this.

"This is the gold content of supplementing one!"

The LPL audience has already begun to laugh and joke.

They have tentatively admitted that Chovy's CS skills are the best in the world.

But so what?
GEN has already lost its momentum. If they can't regain their rhythm, the whole game will probably end immediately.

19 minutes 09 seconds.

We don't have much time.

Brother shy took a look at the time in the game and felt that this attack was indeed a bit too long, so he activated the counterattack storm and pushed up a wave of E skills, which stunned Chovy and forced him to use his ultimate move.

GEN's positioning at this time was quite hasty.

They didn’t seem to realize that Weibo’s group launches were so rapid.

In their subconscious mind, if Weibo wants to start a group, no matter what, it should be the Rock Bird Pioneer who opens the wall, or the Big Tree who opens the wall first.

In this case, it will also give them time to adjust their positions and react.

In the end, who would have thought that Brother Shy's counterattack would knock out their mid laner in a very prominent position.

And everyone who follows up on Weibo can directly follow up with flash messages.

On even started Shuria's war song, and rushed forward with a wave of acceleration. In one breath, everyone left in Gen was left in place and involved in the melee.

Another melee.

Another inexplicable group start.

Listening to the strange screams of other players in his team, Jiang Huai felt as if he had entered the Huaguo Mountain.

But watching my team win successively in the game, and feeling like I don’t fit in, it’s a bit unreasonable.

"Nice, nice! Kill kill kill!"

He stood up with a W and lifted Chovy in front of his teammates.

At this moment, Jiang Huai suddenly seemed to understand why ig was so high-spirited when he won the championship.

With this team atmosphere, this is what it feels like to play a game!

From GEN's perspective, this jungle area is pitch black.

Before they could slowly move forward, they suddenly saw five big men jumping out of the grass and eating their mid laner.

Then Dolan was so frightened that he threw his Q skill backwards, and an E skill hit Jax who jumped in his face.

A very funny wave of meat bombs, very much like Mr. Sima.

GEN's subsequent output was unable to keep up, because Jiang Huai had already used a big move to block the road and cut off the retreat of everyone on the opposite side.

If they want to leave, they can only hand in the flash, but after handing in the flash, they still have to be jumped over the tower by Weibo.

In less than 20 minutes, Weibo directly hit a wave of group annihilation in the middle, which made everyone in the LPL and LCK look stupid.

If it weren't for the Baron buff in this wave, Weibo would really have to go directly to the base in one wave, and then log off immediately after the fight.

(End of this chapter)

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