I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 44 Beauty Trap!

Chapter 44 Beauty Trap!
  Outside Shuzhou City.

Shen Feng went all the way south, and his destination was Raojiang. Chi Meng went all the way north, and his destination was the Central Plains. Shen Feng estimated that the center point of the transfer between the two was in the Shu Kingdom.

Shen Feng looked at the stars and calculated Chi Meng's position, but a mathematical problem suddenly appeared in his mind.

It is known that two people are walking towards each other. Assume that Shen Feng's speed is a, Chi Meng's speed is b, and the distance between the two is c. Under the premise of not taking a break and not making mistakes, how long will it take for them to meet?

The answer is of course c divided by a plus b…

Chen Feng's thoughts were suddenly startled and he shook his head.

It really happened in a previous life.

What do you want to do with this thing when you have nothing to do?

Let’s look at the stars.

Chen Feng stared slightly, and he suddenly discovered that the southern star was slightly brighter, and his walking path suddenly changed for a moment, and he was drawing a new star map.

Seeing this, Shen Feng secretly thought: "Is it because of my attitude? I have changed my attitude towards Chi Meng, so her fate has also changed. It seems that my future trip to Raojiang will Maybe it will change the fate of many people.”

Let’s talk about the future in the future.

The most important thing now is to find Chi Meng first.

But looking at the stars, it should be nearby.

Shen Feng followed the stars, and not long after, he heard a delicate voice in a jungle.

"Beibeibei, you know Beibei. I asked about the bad handsome man in the Central Plains, not the map of the Central Plains. Do you know where the bad handsome man is?"

"I really don't know!"

"I don't know why you said you can tell fortunes?"

"To support the family!"



Hearing this voice, Shen Feng knew from his buttocks that Chi Meng was threatening people.

He stopped and thought for a moment, then took out the mask from his pocket and pressed it on his face.

The first appearance of the show should be this rather unique.


Chen Feng strode forward from behind the tree and made a shining appearance.

He wore a mask and looked upright.

"Under my rule in the Tang Dynasty, how can there be injustices against people and things?"

"Who is it?"

A little girl turned her head when she heard the sound, revealing her face. With purple hair and purple eyes, make-up dotted between her eyebrows and eyes, two flower temples tied around her face, and a high ponytail hanging behind her, she has a youthful atmosphere.

And when she turned around, she saw a handsome figure in her eyes, holding a sword diagonally. Even if she didn't know the face under the mask, his temperament was so sharp. Coupled with the lines he spoke, he looked heroic.

"Which one are you?"

"Datang, a bad person."

This is their first meeting.

"Are you a bad person?"

Chi Meng was surprised and happy, and asked with a happy face: "Then you must know a handsome bad guy!"

Shen Feng did not answer directly. He said in a deep voice: "Let go of that old man!"

Chi Meng looked back at the old fortune teller behind him and waved to him nonchalantly, signaling him to leave.

In fact, Chi Meng also knew that there was a huge crowd of people looking forward to fortune-telling, and it was because she was sick that she sought medical treatment.

But she really had no choice.

"He has left. Can you tell me now? Do you know a bad guy?"

Chi Meng's eyes were filled with anticipation, and he stared straight at Shen Feng.

"I know."

"That's great! Where is he?"

"Don't tell you."


The two of them stared at the mask with big eyes. Shen Feng thought silently in his mind. He seemed to have rejected many people, including this one.

Chi Meng was immediately furious and stamped his feet: "You! Why are you like this! You lied to me too!"

Shen Feng shook his head and corrected: "I just said let go of the old man. I didn't say that if you let him go, I would definitely tell you."

Chi Meng was stunned for a moment, thought about it, and found that there was nothing wrong.

Suddenly ignored, Chi Meng became angry and unreasonable, and simply became unreasonable.

Chi Meng no longer hesitated, directly stretched out his hand towards Shen Feng and grabbed Shen Feng's mask. She wanted to see what this pretender was like.

When facing others, Shen Feng stretches out his claws towards him, and his defensive posture has long been instinctive.

Without even thinking about it, his hands moved first.

He raised his left hand directly, grabbed Chi Meng's wrist, and twisted it.


There was only Chi Meng's cry of pain, but no sound of broken bones. This was because Shen Feng's mind caught up with his hands at the last moment and he quickly relaxed his strength.

At this point, Chi Meng's wrists were obviously red and swollen.

Chi Meng gritted her teeth and endured the pain. She took out an ocarina from her arms with her other hand and stabbed Shen Feng straight at it.

Chen Feng raised his brows, took a step back, let go of Chi Meng's wrist with his left hand, touched his waist with his right hand, and the Tiangang was unsheathed.

Turn around and swing the sword!
  The next moment, Chi Meng's ocarina stopped in mid-air, still several inches away from Shen Feng's chest.

And in Chi Meng's throat, the sharp sword tip lightly touched her skin, and as the cold air spread, goosebumps appeared on Chi Meng's neck.

Chen Feng turned his head sideways and looked back under the mask. Gu Bo's calm eyes only had one meaning.

My sword is longer than your flute.

Chi Meng's life was hanging by a thread, and there was nothing more sad than death. He couldn't help but put down the flute in his hand, and sobbed softly: "Kill me."

"Why should I kill you?"

Facing Shen Feng's reply, Chi Meng looked down and gestured to the sword in his throat: "You're like this, don't you want to kill me?"

"Please understand, I am acting in self-defense."

Shen Feng's voice was very firm.

Logically speaking, this answer is correct.

Chi Meng was a little confused. She tried to take two steps back. Shen Feng did not stop her and slowly lowered her sword.

Chi Meng put the flute back into his arms, and Shen Feng sheathed his sword.

It seemed as if the scene just now was just a discussion of harmonious friendship.

Chi Meng rubbed her red, swollen and sore wrists, feeling inexplicable sadness in her heart. The long-suppressed mood finally stopped, and her sobs gradually became louder.

"You bully people...you bully people!"

She squatted on the ground and cried loudly, like a homeless kitten.

Crying makes me feel better.

If you suppress it for too long, you need to vent.

After the catharsis, the road ahead is still long.

Shen Feng looked at the little poor girl squatting on the ground. When she calmed down a little, Shen Feng also squatted in front of Chi Meng.

"Okay. Little girl, be good and stop crying."

Shen Feng comforted him softly. As he spoke, he took off his mask.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng put Tiangang on the ground, used the hand with the sword to kill Chi Meng, and added: "Jianghu, don't believe in tears."

When Shen Feng said his first words, Chi Meng instinctively looked up because she was squatting very close to him, and saw Shen Feng's face free from the mask.

That handsome face and his sharp eyes that pointed directly at people's hearts occupied her entire field of vision.

Chi Meng looked at him blankly, with tears of grievance still hanging from the corners of his eyes.

The two looked at each other quietly.

In Lihua's daze, Chi Meng automatically ignored the second half of Shen Feng's words.

And this one glance lasts ten thousand years.

"Little brother, you look...so good..."

(End of this chapter)

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