I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 45 The road to Shu is difficult!

Chapter 45 The road to Shu is difficult!

The sunny weather is really suitable for picking up girls and men.

At such a close distance, the breaths exhaled were intertwined with each other, and the palms on his head were warm. Chi Meng couldn't help but blush while muttering to himself.

Like Shen Feng, she is also an out-and-out pretty girl.

As for Shen Feng's appearance, his way of doing things and his charisma, the bonus has been overwhelming.

Don't ask, just ask one word.


Facing Chi Meng's directness, Shen Feng was obviously startled.

The names he heard most often were Shen Xiaoshuai, Shen Goufeng, and Shen Goudan. This was the first time he heard someone call him little brother.

The most common comments he heard were that he was not a son of a man, that he was wily and decisive, but for the first time, someone praised him.

In the soft voice, Shen Feng felt a little strange in his heart.

A girl of this age should be held in one's arms and carefully loved.

Shen Feng and Chi Meng looked at each other and wanted to say something.

He held it in for a long time and farted out.

"I know I'm good looking."

self boasting.

I, Shen, never lack self-confidence.

Chi Meng curled her lips when she heard this: "Brother, you have such a thick face..."

The chat genius Shen Feng didn't answer. He gently picked up Chi Meng's red and swollen hand and pressed his palm on her wrist. The inner strength of Tiangang Jue surged out of his palm.

Chi Meng's wrists were warmed and nourished by the internal energy of the extreme sun, which made Chi Meng's wrists feel warm and comfortable. After a while, her red and swollen wrists were mostly healed.

Shen Feng put down his hand and let Chi Meng take care of the remaining injuries, letting her savor the pain he gave her.

Chi Meng rubbed his slightly sore wrist, raised his head and smiled: "Thank you, little brother."

Shen Feng nodded slightly.

You see, this is called PUA.

Beat her and raise her well.

She also had to say thank you.

Shen Feng is an old master, a typical black-cut-black character.


"My name is Chi Meng."

Shen Feng put the mask back in his pocket. It was no longer useful.

What he wants is the visual effect just now, which is comparable to Louis Koo's version of Yang Guo's fateful encounter.

As for Shen Feng, what he wanted was to waste her life.

He said softly: "Miss Chi Meng, you didn't tell me just now, why are you looking for a bad handsome man, and why should I take you to find him? Everything has an effect and a cause, what do you think?"

Chi Meng thought about it thoughtfully, but still shook his head and said: "No. I can't say. You said you are a bad person, but there is no evidence. I can't believe you so easily. Unless you can lead me to find the bad person." Handsome, I can tell you."

Shen Feng was a little surprised.

I really didn’t expect that Chi Meng, a girl with a bit of a love brain, had an IQ that was always online, making her a bit hard to deceive.

"Miss Chi Meng, you said, I have already led you to find the bad guy, so I still need to know, what do you want to do with him?"

Shen Feng instantly caught the loophole in Chi Meng's words. When he was doing things, he never held back his words and always spoke in a flawless manner.

"It makes sense!"

How could Chi Meng be able to overcome Shen Feng's logic? After thinking about it, she couldn't refute it. She simply gave up on these things that required her to use her brain and played something she was good at.

"Little brother, you are right. But, I really need you to help me find a bad guy, so I'm sorry!"

Chi Meng took two steps back and snapped his fingers.

When Shen Feng looked at her affectionately, she secretly cast a stone poison.

Now, it's time to use the poison.

Snapping his fingers, Shen Feng looked at her without changing his expression.

Chi Meng looked confused and snapped his fingers again.

Chen Feng smiled lightly and couldn't help but shook his head. "Miss Chi Meng. I am a great person, and my sense of smell is better than that of a dog. I can smell the smell of insects on you from a long distance away. So, you might as well act cute to me instead of bewitching me."

Shen Feng stood up straight, raised his right hand, and suddenly made a fist. Then, he punched himself in the stomach.


Shen Feng bent over violently and vomited out a mouthful of acidic stomach water. In that disgusting acidic water, there was an even more disgusting dead insect.

Chi Meng couldn't help but open his mouth wide, staring blankly, with a face full of doubts about life.

This scene was so intuitive and rough that it really shocked her.

Chi Meng grew up in Raojiang, accompanying insects and living with voodoos. He has seen too many voodoos, and he has also seen more people who control and resolve voodoos.

They are either good or evil, and they are all present in the world. However, Chi Meng has never seen anyone who can solve the poison like this.

Chi Meng knows a lot about insects, so he can roughly understand it. Chen Feng's punch first killed the poison in his body, and then eliminated it through vomiting.

Because it is a stone poison, it lurks in the stomach, so it can be vomited out. If it was a skin voodoo or a flesh voodoo, it would probably be knocked out directly from the surface of the skin by Shen Feng's punch.

Chen Feng stood up straight, raised his right hand, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth calmly, and stared at Chi Meng with a dagger-like look on his face.

Grandma Shi Yao had given her too much medicine. Except for the all-purpose Muggle Croton, which took effect too quickly and had no solution, everything else was trivial.

"You must be poisonous!"

Chi Meng's outlook was shattered, her big eyes lost color, and she murmured to herself.

The perfect filter that Shen Feng showed her at the beginning was shattered to pieces due to the vomiting just now.

However, people like him are really real.

Shen Feng glanced sideways slightly, besides you are a dog, he unlocked a new comment.

As expected of Miao Jiang's little cutie, if you open your mouth, it's poison, if you shut it, it's poison.

Cute and quite unique.

"You should know that with my strength, I can live in peace with you, which is really polite to you."

Shen Feng said in a deep voice: "There is only one chance. It depends on you whether you are willing to hold your future."

The brave man of the stick launches into action.

Without romance, Shen Feng's romance remains as direct as ever.

Chi Meng sighed inwardly, did she have any other choice?
  If you bet, just bet.

Just bet that this good-looking (crossed out) poisonous little brother is not a bad person.

"Take me to find the bad guy. Time is running out. I will tell you everything I know on the way."

"Okay. We've settled."

Chen Feng stretched out his hand to Chi Meng, with a smile on his face again: "It's difficult to travel a thousand miles in Sichuan, let's set off now."

Chi Meng put his hand on Shen Feng's and followed him. In the fingertips, a small Gu worm hid from Chi Meng's finger and into Shen Feng's cuff.

Chen Feng tilted his head slightly and smiled at Chi Mengmi.

Chi Meng lowered her head guiltily. She knew that he had discovered her again.

Shen Feng didn't pay attention to her little movements. He also knew that this was her only sense of security.

Walking on these thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, Chen Feng looked back at the end of the world, his eyes full of coveting for the fertile fields in Sichuan.

"Chi Meng, don't worry. Shu, we will come again."

There is a long way to go.

The ancient west wind sends me away, so what?
  Do it and cherish it, don't imitate Yang Yuhuan.

There was once a Tuibei picture, the fifth image of Wuchen.

The prophecy said:

Yang Huafei,
  The road to Shu is difficult.

Only by cutting off the bamboo can we see the sun.
  There is no history of peace.

Song said:

Yuyang's drums and drums passed through Tongguan,
  On this day, the king was lucky enough to visit Jianshan Mountain.

Wood Yi is like encountering a ghost under the mountain,

The golden ring is scheduled to be buried here.

(End of this chapter)

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