I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 51: Transform into a dragon when encountering a storm!

Chapter 51 Transform into a dragon when faced with a storm!

Hidden Soldier Valley.

Yuan Tiangang stood in front of the seven-star bead, quietly watching the direction of the stars.

As time went by, when both Li Xingyun and Shen Feng entered Li Chunfeng's tomb and they both moved the Bagua abacus, the seven-star abacus belonging to Yuan Tiangang also lit up.

Looking at the Big Dipper abacus that kept flashing in front of him, Yuan Tiangang couldn't help but murmured: "Could this be God's will?"

He knelt down weakly in front of the seven-star abacus, silently reciting the hexagrams: "The death of Ziwei means seven killings. The army breaks out, and the greedy wolf catastrophes. This is the change of the stars in Longchi, this is the change of dynasty..."

"Impossible! Impossible!!"

Yuan Tiangang lifted the table angrily, stood up, and said in a cold voice: "In the end, it was me, Yuan Tiangang, who buried Li Xingyun with my own hands."

He clenched his hands and looked at the seven-star arithmetic beads scattered on the ground, silent.

"No, there are still students."

After silently rethinking, Yuan Tiangang suddenly understood the situation of the world: "Li Xingyun, you must not miss this glimmer of hope."

Yuan Tiangang was a little unmotivated. He liked to strike first, so he was not satisfied with this result.

Walking back to the table, Yuan Tiangang was about to put away the seven-star abacus again, but when his hand was placed on the overturned table, he froze in place.

Dreaming back to that time, it felt like meeting him for the first time.

The young man was smiling at his honest-looking dog.

"Gangzi, I'll lift the table to show you."

Yuan Tiangang murmured these words, and he suddenly woke up: "This hexagram is not right!"

Yuan Tiangang moved his hands together and mobilized his true energy. In just a moment, he put all the scattered seven-star abacus beads back into place. The next moment, the seven-star abacus shined brightly!

Yuan Tiangang's eyes were greatly moved, and he said in a deep voice: "Isn't the golden scale an object in the pool? It turns into a dragon when it encounters the storm. The divine dragon rises to kill, Chen Feng, it turns out to be you."

Shen Feng is really not here.

Otherwise, he would have to say one sentence at a time, three points for vitality and seven points for hard work. Only by loving hard work can you win.

Yuan Tiangang was very proud of his new hexagram, and he was still interpreting it in a cryptic manner.

Suddenly, the next moment, the light of the seven-star abacus beads suddenly decreased, and all the beads were trembling, as if they would collapse at any time.

Yuan Tiangang couldn't help being stunned, but he reacted instantly.

He suddenly became furious and slapped the table with his hands in a helpless and furious manner: "You bitch! How dare you use the Eight Trigrams Abacus?!"

"Bullshit. I've already gone to the tomb, so I'm the one who robbed the tomb. If the thieves don't leave empty-handed, how can I leave empty-handed?"

At Li Chunfeng's tomb, Shen Feng turned to explain to the empress. He sneered at her uneasiness: "Who did you just say? You said Wen Tao didn't even dare to touch him? What a disgrace to a tomb robber! Do you know? He is a disgrace!"

Seeing the empress who was unwilling to take action, Shen Feng made a disdainful criticism. He turned to look at Chi Meng: "This damn thing is hopeless. Your sister was scared to death by Gangzi. It seems that she can't be counted on. Girl, come and lend a hand, take it apart and carry it away.”

Chi Meng was already very dissatisfied with the bad handsome man. Chi Meng listened to whatever Shen Feng said, and she did whatever he said.

"When we get home, I'll count it out for each of you, and Jiutian Shengji can also come and play. Don't die suddenly in those inexplicable places with nothing every day."

Shen Feng was mainly talking about Fen Yintian.

That Longquan treasure box is just a Gouba.

Even looking at a box can make someone look dead, and the death has no value at all. This is a fucking talent.

Just dismantle it.

Shen Feng held the blueprint in his hand, and he directed Chi Meng to dismantle it randomly. The Bagua abacus was quickly broken into parts by the two of them and packed away.

This is the most valuable thing in Li Chunfeng's tomb.

Among all Li Chunfeng's collections, the value of Bagua Abacus is also outstanding. It can be said that it is second only to Tuibeitu and Yisizhan, and even the Seven-Star Jue cannot compare with the world trend of this thing.

Although you cannot calculate yourself, it is good to use it to calculate others.

"Brother Chunfeng, you don't want your babies to eat dirt in the field, right? I'll take it to play with and let them see the sunshine. No need to thank me."

Shen Feng bowed to the tombstone with a shy chubby face. This was the only respect and dignity shown by a tomb robber. Although he didn't know it yet, Yuan Tiangang was already thinking about how to beat him.

The problem is not big.

Shen Feng packed large and small bags, grabbing whatever he saw and picked up a bunch of good things. He took his two women with him as if they were going to a shopping mall. They were browsing the cemetery and graves.

After a while, Shen Feng was satisfied and the trip ended successfully.

"Let's go back. Remember to find a carriage later, otherwise it will be too much to pull away."


Chi Meng responded repeatedly. Her little face was flushed with cold in the Bingying Tomb, and she was very cute. The empress looked at the heartless duo and sighed helplessly.

As she got to know Shen Feng more and more, she gradually realized that this man was really poisonous.

However, she doesn't hate it, but rather likes it.

In the Hidden Soldier Valley, Yuan Tiangang was already conscious, and his breathing began to quicken.

If Taizong Li Shimin is his white moonlight, then his best friend Li Chunfeng is his pot of old wine, a wisp of breeze, and a cup of warm tea.

But now, the wine was lifted by the heavy wind, the wind was blown by the heavy wind, the tea was blown up by the heavy wind, and even the cups used to warm the wine and drink the tea were spitted by the heavy wind and turned into his shape.

Li Chunfeng's Bagua Abacus and Yuan Tiangang's Seven-Star Abacus are inextricably linked.

Looking at the languid seven-star bead, Yuan Tiangang knew that Li Chunfeng's grave had been dug up by Shen Feng.

The more Yuan Tiangang thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He clenched his sandbag-sized fists tighter and tighter.

For him, an apprentice cannot be robbed by his friends, but a friend cannot be robbed by his apprentice.

Gangzi couldn't help but think of Shen Feng's mantra.

It's as uncomfortable as eating shit!
  "Chen Feng! I am handsome...I am handsome...hehe...hahahaha!"

Yuan Tiangang said something cool, but he really didn't know what to say, and in the end it turned into a horrifying laugh.

His head gradually lowered, and the eyes behind his mask, as well as the inner fire in those eyes, burned extremely fiercely.

"The Longquan Treasure Box will eventually be finalized. When I command the world, you will have to go home after all."

Yuan Tiangang murmured, he put away the seven-star abacus casually, put his hands behind his back, looked up at the horizon, and the stars in the sky bloomed for him.

Even without the seven-star abacus, he is still the best in the world.

"Chen Feng, my master, I'm waiting for you to come home."


The heavy wind outside the sky felt an ominous premonition, and he couldn't help but tighten his anus.

This made Shen Feng frown. He took out three Bagua beads from his pocket and threw them away.

In the past, divination used only copper coins and leaves. Now that we have good things, the leaves have already grown and the copper coins have been spent.

Shen Feng vividly interprets the phrase "from frugality to luxury".

Shen Feng couldn't help but stand out when he saw that the three Bagua abacus beads that were thrown landed together strangely on the carriage, stacked in a straight line, and the round beads did not fall to the side.

"What the hell is this?"

Chen Feng vomited, shook his head helplessly, and stuffed the beads back into his pocket one by one.

Even if there is no hexagram, it doesn’t count.

Li Chunfeng's Bagua abacus failed to calculate Shen Feng because Shen Feng was a visitor from outside the world and did not belong to this destiny.

But with Shen Feng's way of doing things, it would be unrealistic to figure out Yuan Tiangang.

Purely because of the food.

Small things, no big problems.

Shen Feng comforted himself in his heart. He chanted the hexagram of Tuibeitu casually, hoping that Gangzi and Chunfeng would protect him.

So Chen Feng sang the sixth image Ji Si, which had the same pronunciation as Li Chunfeng's Yi Si, which was a good omen.

The prophecy said:

Not everyone is the capital, not the emperor is the emperor.

The haze is gone, and the sun and moon are shining again.

Song said:

The towering banner and the two capitals,
  Chu Yu went eastward again today.

Qiankun recreates the people's happiness,

Come and see peace in a year or two.

"Gangzi, Brother Chunfeng, see you in peace!"

Chen Feng sang loudly, raised his whip, and headed towards his peace.

(End of this chapter)

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