I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 52 Jin Yi never travels at night!

Chapter 52 Jin Yi never travels at night!
  The road is facing the sky, go to one side.

Shen Feng was driving the carriage with his right hand, and he kept spinning two Bagua abacus beads in the palm of his left hand. During the boring journey, the two beads were shiny with the oil he rolled on them along the way.

Shen Feng also pulled a car full of treasures all the way north, and he was just like a wealthy landlord.

He also had his two daughters-in-law with him in the car, who were particularly beautiful.

The status symbol of the landlord and old man looks more like it.

Shen Feng's eyesight was amazing. He saw a town in front of him, so he drove the carriage there. Their family of three hadn't seen anyone in a while. They couldn't just eat dry food. Chi Meng was still growing.

"Waiter, please bring some good wine and good food to the table!"

Shen Feng parked the carriage in front of a restaurant in the town and greeted the waiter casually.

As soon as the waiter saw Shen Feng's appearance and the two beauties, one big and one small, who got off the car, he knew that the rich man was here.

"Okay, wait a minute!"

Shen Feng poured tea for his wife, then picked up the tea and washed the Bagua beads that were dirty on his plate.

The destination of his trip was Gaya Temple.

I just came out of Li Chunfeng's tomb, which is very close to here, so I stopped by.

Unlike Li Xingyun, they were looking for Foyi Baina to crack the secret of Longquan treasure.

Shen Feng didn't care about this. The answer was Qianling, and Gangzi knew where Qianling was. Besides, even if he didn't say anything, Shen Feng still believed that Wen Tao could handle it.

He only eats ready-made meals.

Shen Feng's target was the two monks from Gaya Temple.

The comet Huiming in the bad world, and Huijue, the abbot of Bodhidharma Academy.

The world is undecided, and the people are living in pagodas.

As a bad person, are you still chanting sutras here?
  Shen Feng sneered at this.

Yuan Tiangang gave Huiming the task of guarding the Buddha's Yibaina at Gaya Temple. After Li Xingyun found the Buddha's Yibaina, he then went to find Huijue, then Qianling, and finally got the Longquan Treasure Box. That's it, Not even Jin Ziying from Longquan Treasures has been seen yet.

This customs clearance route is as long and smelly as the mission tree in Europa Universalis 4.

That's all my money!
  Shen Feng felt so uncomfortable that he just wanted to flip the table.

At this point in time, I happened to be following Li Xingyun.

By the time Shen Feng went to Gaya Temple, Huiming had already given Li Xingyun Buddhist robes, so he would be fine!

Captain Tiangang has not returned to his position!
  Follow me to conquer the world, the rich and nobles will return to their hometowns in dreams, and their brocade clothes will never travel at night from now on!
  How good.

Of course, it's not like Shen Feng didn't think about the consequences of being rejected.

That's even simpler.

The disobedient Captain Tiangang should accompany the dead Lu Youjie.

In fact, Huiming was just passing by. The main target of Shen Feng's trip is Huijue, the abbot of the Bodhidharma Temple of Gayage Temple.

This monk is quite interesting, and he has many identities.

This is all secondary.

The most important thing is that the Dragon Vein of the Tang Dynasty is with him.

At this time, Huijue was actually in Fengxiang Mansion!

You are in the traitor's house, holding the precious dragon vein, are you looking for someone to fuck you?

Shen Feng endured it again and again, but finally endured it.

Let’s talk about it when we get back.

Because Shen Feng didn't want to get too close to Li Xingyun. Getting too close would mean fully exposing his actions to Gangzi's eyes. He could hide a little bit and try not to mess with their mission tree. route.

If Hui Jue had not been left to help Wen Tao and Li Xingyun solve their doubts, and Shen Feng was not sure whether he had left the dragon veins at Gaya Temple, otherwise Shen Feng would have fucked him in Fengxiang when he left.

Shen Feng now just asks the army to focus on monitoring his position so that they can attack at any time.

After all, it was a bald donkey, which was too eye-catching.

All the bald donkeys in Fengxiang Mansion were openly inspected by Shen Feng using Qi Nation's troops. Don’t keep an eye on the masters, it will only make them alert.

There were many elements of spies among monks in ancient times. It was perfectly normal for the army to use the normal reasons for investigating spies to investigate monks.

Huijue was not a spy yet, so he was not suspicious at all.

Chen Feng decided to go to Gaya Temple to gather Huiming first, and then go to Bodhidharma Temple to find out if there is no dragon vein jade, it means that the thing is on Huijue's body.

As Shen Feng sat with his wife waiting for dinner, his thoughts became clearer and clearer in his mind, and the Bagua abacus in his hand became brighter and brighter.

"This is... Li Chunfeng's Bagua divination?!"

At this moment, a surprised voice sounded behind Shen Feng.

Chen Feng was startled for a moment, then suddenly looked back, and in his sight, an old slovenly man appeared in front of him.

At the same time, the slovenly old man teleported in front of Shen Feng with one step, and grabbed his two Bagua abacus with two dirty hands.

Facing others grabbing things, Shen Feng instantly became angry.

The hand holding the bead in his left hand didn't move, and he stretched out his right hand directly. The empress sitting opposite Shen Feng also moved. Her hand and Shen Feng's hand were stretched out at the same time, and then they held the two old sloppy arms at the same time and twisted them. .

  Chen Feng smiled at his daughter-in-law. The husband and wife were united and their strength was as strong as gold.

"Ouch! It hurts to death!"

The old sloppy man sat down on the ground, holding his broken left hand with his right hand, and kept wailing.

The empress looked at Shen Feng with a little doubt in her eyes.

Because the broken left hand was broken by her.

Shen Feng was actually merciful. He obviously didn't use too much force, so the old man's right hand was not broken.

Chen Feng put the beads back into his pocket. He squatted on the ground and didn't mind the old man's mess. He held his broken left hand with both hands and squeezed it with his backhand to straighten his bones.

Although the arm is still broken and needs time to recover, the old man is obviously not in so much pain.

"This is my thing."

Chen Feng took out the Bagua abacus again and swore his sovereignty to the old man.

"I can play with you, but you can't steal it. Understand?"

Do you think I am Li Xingyun?

Do you think how many small gang positions of my wife and I can beat you together?


The old man nodded repeatedly and looked at the beads handed over by Shen Feng. He hurriedly took them with his good right hand and squatted there muttering to himself: "What a good thing! It's such a good thing! But...but I don't know how to use it. !”

Shen Feng twitched the corner of his mouth.

There are only two beads. The other beads and the Bagua abacus are still in the car. You need three balls for divination. These two beads can only be used as a dribbling ball in your hand. You can use it if you can.

Suddenly, the old man looked up at Shen Feng with a look of expectation on his face: "I'm looking for my son. Do you know where my son is? This is your bead, can you figure it out?"

Shen Feng nodded gracefully and gave him a Mona Lisa smile.

There are very few people who can recognize Bagua Bagua.

Not only can he recognize him, but he is also a homeless old man, and his skills are actually quite good. Then there is only one person.

I never expected that before Zhang Zifan could find you, I would meet you first.

"Zhang Xuanling, come with me. I will take you to find your son."

This is a ready-made throne, it will be in vain if you don’t use it.

If we form a good relationship now, when Chi Meng returns to Miao territory, won't he be a proper thug?
  By the time Zhang Xuanling regained his memory and healed his old injuries and his broken left hand, he would be much more reliable than Zhang Zifan.

Moreover, his wife's status as a real person is also a good one. Shen Feng is not interested in wives, but he is very interested in thugs.

At the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, Shen Feng decided to pack it up and take it away.

(End of this chapter)

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