I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 74 Father died at the foot of the mountain!

Chapter 74 Father died at the foot of the mountain!
  We meet on a narrow road.

When the brave prevail.

Shen Feng and four others surrounded Li Siyuan and Li Sizhao. Three small gang positions were fighting against one big heaven position. Shen had never fought such a rich battle.

Chi Meng did not enter the court, she was watching the battle outside, and Shen Feng took good care of her in the high-end game.

Looking at this posture, Li Siyuan was pointed in the nose and scolded by Shen Feng, but he did not dare to talk back, and had to put on a shy fat face and whisper to please.

"The commander is joking, he is joking! I don't think the atmosphere is bad, so I want to liven up the atmosphere. Please tell me clearly, what is the reason why you came to see me this time?"

Li Siyuan was still testing him repeatedly. Shen Feng had nothing to say to this kind of person, so he gave him a mysterious smile like a Mona Lisa dog.

"you guess."

Li Siyuan choked and glanced back and forth at the surrounding encirclement. He was already thinking about breaking out.

As for the Tiangang Neijin Pill in his body, the power of the Tiangang Neijin Pill has been greatly reduced by himself during this period of time. Even if it explodes, it is still within the tolerable range.

Even if the remaining power of the strange power cannot be eliminated afterwards, I heard that there is a powerful shaman in Mobei who can remove the elixir for him.

However, as Li Siyuan looked at it, he felt something was not right.

Outside the siege net, a little girl who is not worthy of a small heaven is nothing to worry about.

Inside the siege, this woman... looks so familiar, she is Li Maozhen!

Li Siyuan narrowed his eyes and recognized Song Yunji in women's clothing.

Song Yunji had been with Shen Feng for a long time, and she became less and less fond of wearing men's clothes. Instead, she preferred red clothes. Li Siyuan was able to recognize her immediately at first glance, which showed his extraordinary eyesight.

Not here.

She beat Li Cunxiao just like playing, Li Maozhen is stronger than me.

"Your Highness King Qi, Li Siyuan is polite."

Now that he is not the Holy Master of Tongwenguan, he calls himself by his own name.

Li Siyuan greeted her with his hands in hand, trying to hide his eyes, but Song Yunji ignored him. She only had Shen Feng in her eyes. Only when she was knifed, did she see Li Siyuan's body.

After being bored, Li Siyuan's eyes passed over Shen Feng without any trace, and Shen Feng was directly eliminated by him.

He couldn't take the shocking sword then, and he can't take it now.

Don't consider passing through this.

"Are you... Hou Qing, the corpse chaser?"

I met someone familiar again.

Li Siyuan's face looked a little ugly.

This group of people is not large, so why are there so many experts?

When greeted, Hou Qing was always very polite and responded directly.

"Li Siyuan, when Li Keyong and I were drinking, didn't you call me "adopted father" so sweetly? Why, after not seeing each other for several years, do you wish your father had died?"

Hou Qing has always been a good chatterer. When he heard this, Li Siyuan's face became even more ugly.

These words made Shen Feng amused and touched his point of laughter.

My father died at the foot of the mountain, right?
  "Beauty is like a ray of light, illuminating the wildness in my heart. How can a real man stay depressed and live under others for a long time, just being a follower of orders."

Shen Feng directly sang Lu Bu's version of "Under the Fuji Mountain" to Li Siyuan. Although it was tone-deaf, it still sounded good somehow.

Song Yunji burst out laughing. She looked at Shen Feng with a complaining look on her face, annoyed that he didn't act like a son. She was so cute.

Hearing the singing, Li Siyuan dared not speak out in anger. The corners of his mouth twitched and he focused on the shortest Ying Gou.

Li Siyuan has never seen this little girl.

Her internal energy fluctuates weakly, and she doesn't look very strong.

We can't wait any longer. If we wait any longer, we'll either be beaten to death or we'll be pissed to death!
  "Gua Wa Zi, what are you doing?"

Happy Yinggou is not used to Li Siyuan. There are many of us, so she looks arrogant, just like your shit-eating Jacky Cheung.

As soon as Ying Gou spoke, she became angry.

She has no expert demeanor at all, she just looks like a melon.

Li Siyuan is determined!
  "Third brother, rush with me!"

He roared angrily!
  As soon as the voice came out, Li Siyuan's body jumped up high, and fiercely attacked Ying Gou like an evil tiger pouncing on its prey.

Li Sizhao's reaction was also very fast, without even hesitation, he immediately kept up with Li Siyuan's pace. Li Sizhao remained silent throughout the game because he didn't know his opponent well enough and was prepared to act based on his elder brother's face.

This can be regarded as the intellectual responsibility of the Thirteen Taibao. The wisdom named Yasheng let him know that it seems that the eldest brother has also discovered that the situation is not good, and breaking out as soon as possible is the right way!
  This scene suddenly changed, beyond everyone's expectation. Hou Qing was stunned.

Song Yunji was stunned.

Shen Feng was dumbfounded.

The three of them stood motionless and allowed Ying Gou to be charged by them.

This script is interesting.

Shen Feng had never seen the scene of Li Siyuan charging Yuan Tiangang. He really didn't expect that the big-eared thief was quite tough at the critical moment.

Ying Gou was also dumbfounded. He just said, "Look at me."

With her childish nature, she could be kicked away by the invincible Tomoe. How could Happy Yinggou defeat the wolf-like and tiger-like Holy Master of Tongbunkan?
  This is Boss Baye’s boss!

Ying Gou stood there dumbly, not knowing what to do after being charged.

At this moment, she had only one thought in her mind: The three melon boys next to her should come and save her sister!
  Looking at Ying Gou who was at a loss in front of him, Li Siyuan's perverted smile began to appear.

Guess it right!
  She is the weakest!

I, the majestic Holy Lord of Tongwenguan, can take care of this girl at will with just a raise of my hand. Fighting and running are all in my hands!
  Li Siyuan slammed his palm on Ying Gou's head. With the impressive internal power of the Holy Qiankun Kung Fu, he would succeed if he didn't succeed.

At this moment, Li Siyuan even regretted a little.

He was too nervous just now, and this palm was too hard, and he was afraid of beating the little girl to death.


Life should be like Lu Bu, but it's just another escape!

At this moment, Shen Feng's calm words suddenly sounded: "Don't kill him."

At this moment, a voice came from the bottom of Yinggou's heart: "Get out of the way and change people."

At this moment, Li Siyuan also heard Shen Feng's words, and he thought silently: "Bad handsome man, I can lend you some good words."

Li Siyuan thought Shen Feng was talking to him.

But once the divine palm comes out, you can only leave it to fate whether to kill or not.

This moment is long, but it will pass.

The next moment, Li Siyuan's big hand instantly covered the top of Yinggou's head, but his palm was still only a centimeter away from Yinggou's hair.

So close to the end of the world is the natural chasm.

Ying Gou slowly raised his head, and the brown pupils in his eyes gradually deepened and turned into a sad and cold scarlet.

Happy Yinggou, offline!
  Cold Ying Gou (Ring Granny, Red Nightshade, Tongtiandai Xiaogua), number one!
  Her red eyes passed through Li Siyuan's big hand and looked into his unbelievable small focused eyes. Yingying tilted her head slightly to express doubts.

"Are you seeking death?"

not good!

Li Siyuan's heart was ringing with alarm bells!
  He reacted very quickly, and quickly swung out a palm with his other hand, pressing it on the protective aura above Yinggou's head.

There was a muffled sound from Peng.

No defense breached.

But Li Siyuan didn't mind.

Li Siyuan put his hands on Ying Gou's body-protecting Qi, pushed hard, and his fat body flew backwards with the force.

Then, he passed by Li Sizhao who was rushing over.

The two looked at each other in the distance, and Li Sizhao suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Ying Gou watched Li Siyuan fly away in a hurry, but she didn't deliberately stop him. Shen Feng said she couldn't kill him.

But facing the charging Li Sizhao, she raised her little hand and squeezed it fiercely.

A scarlet inner force appeared out of thin air and instantly enveloped Li Sizhao's body. The next moment, Li Sizhao's fiercely charging body was crushed into pulp by this bloody inner force in the air.

Li Siyuan, who had not yet flown far, was covered in scarlet from the sudden explosion of blood.

Li Siyuan staggered to the ground. He stared at Ying Gou in shock and swallowed hard.

Ignoring Li Siyuan, who betrayed his teammates, Yinggou lowered his eyes slightly, and his gaze fell on Li Sizhao, who was still looking at him, turning a blind eye to his horror.

"He said he couldn't be killed, but he didn't say he couldn't kill you."

Yu Jie's voice came out from her petite body, but at this moment, no one felt it was inappropriate.

(End of this chapter)

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