I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 75 Worth a jump!

Chapter 75 Worth the jump!
  The dust settled in just a moment.

Ying Gou stood at the front in a boss stance, making a fist with one hand and tilting her head slightly, showing off her domineering attitude.

Shen Feng and the other two fell behind in three directions, just like Ying Gou's three younger brothers.

Unlike Li Siyuan, as long as Ying Gou takes action, whether he can survive or not is truly left to fate.

"Okay, Li Siyuan."

Hou Qing held the flute in his right hand and gently patted the palm of his left hand with the flute to put pressure on Li Siyuan.

"If you ask me, there is no problem with you breaking through, but the problem is why you want to pick the strongest one."


Murder, but also torture?

Hou Qing's words really hurt Li Siyuan.

When Li Siyuan saw that neither Shen Feng nor Song Yunji had any objections, he knew that he had won the prize again.

Wrong choice again!
  You should be chosen!

Li Siyuan looked at Hou Qing angrily, but saw that Hou Qing no longer wanted to talk to him. His eyes swept over the mass of flesh and blood of Li Sizhao without leaving any trace, and the corners of Li Siyuan's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Third brother, you died so miserably!
  Ying Gou looked at his stupid look and tilted her head towards Shen Feng: "What do you say? Should I kill him or not?"

"What are you going to kill? Are you going to kill a pig? You just know how to kill it."

Shen Feng replied angrily, "This melon kid never uses his head when he has fists."

Shen Feng walked straight towards Li Siyuan and stood still in front of him.

"There were so many people just now that it was inconvenient to say some things. Now, I'll give you a chance to reorganize your language."

As Chen Feng spoke, he pointed at Li Sizhao on the ground. When he said there were many people, he was referring to him.

"Commander, I am still useful! I can do things for you, and I also know a lot of information."

Li Siyuan decisively gave in and knelt on the ground, expressing his loyalty and value to Shen Feng. He knew that if he had no value, he would have died long ago.

Of course Shen Feng knew that he was useful, and he showed up this time specifically to provide him with insurance.

Shen Feng took out three Tiangang Neijin Pills from his arms. They were about the same size as those Li Siyuan had eaten before. His face turned green when he saw them.

"Don't say that I don't believe you. It's really that people like you are unworthy of trust."

Shen Feng sneered at Li Siyuan's loyalty. He directly exposed Li Siyuan's background: "I feel it very clearly. You spent a lot of effort and destroyed a lot of the Tiangang Neijin Pill that I asked you to take last time."

"But it's not a big problem. I have done too much while cultivating my internal strength. If you want to eat it, I will take care of it."

Shen Feng really didn't lie to him.

The best way to cultivate your inner strength is to use up your inner strength and then re-concentrate it. Each time you will gain more upper limit.

Use internal strength, and it cannot be used in vain. If you have nothing to do to vent, it is also good to create Tiangang Neijin Pill.

It’s not wasted anyway.

Li Siyuan had a green face, telling himself in his heart that at this moment, Lu Bu was also able to bend and stretch, and then he killed all three Tiangang Neijin Pills.

"Commander, you should trust me this time, right?"

Li Siyuan had a pale face, greeting Shen Feng with his mouth, and greeting Shen Feng's parents in his heart. Yuan Tiangang was really not here, otherwise he would have been able to see Li Siyuan's thoughts, and then Gangzi would have told him that some people's parents were not allowed to greet him. .

"Guess again."


Shen Feng didn't know what Li Siyuan was thinking, but this didn't affect Shen Feng's mentality when it came to messing with him.

He waved, and Chi Meng jumped over after seeing the call.

Already taking the new Tiangang Neijin Pill, there were still three people to take it. At such a close distance, Shen Feng detonated it and killed him in an instant.

When the danger is over, Chi Meng can play. “Little brother, how are you doing?”

When the voice came, Shen Feng didn't look back, he stared at Li Siyuan and replied: "Take out your insects, take the ones that can kill, feed him four or five, we will have double insurance."


Hearing this, Chi Meng raised the flute and began to play the flute to control Gu.

Hou Qing, who loved to learn, suddenly brightened up. He immediately put the bone flute to his mouth and began to imitate Chi Meng's gestures.

Shen Feng was very pleased to see this scene.

It's good to love learning. If you start teaching early, Hou Qing will be your second strategic resource.

As the sound of the flute emerged, four or five colorful bugs flew in front of Li Siyuan, making his face turn greener.


Chi Meng put away the flute and said to Li Siyuan openly.

It seemed like I was inviting him to dinner.


Deceiving too much!

Li Siyuan roared in his heart, then he suppressed his nausea and ate the bug obediently, which made Song Yunji turn her head away.

A little uncomfortable.

However, Shen Feng kept staring at him. His face that was smiling just now was expressionless at the moment, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Only when you endure what ordinary people cannot endure and do what ordinary people cannot do can you be a man.

Li Siyuan, a person who can leave a mark in history books, can also be regarded as a figure.

Therefore, it is better for this kind of person to die completely. Once he is finished, Shen Feng will kill him.

Cross the river and tear down the bridge without hesitation.

"Li Siyuan, I know that you are here to kill Yelu Abaoji. You are now Yelv Cige's ally. This is the deal he gave you. I might as well tell you that Abaoji can die, but he cannot Die now."

Shen Feng got straight to the point, and then made a fatal threat to Li Siyuan: "Yelu Cige, now is your last life-saving straw. As long as Li Keyong is alive, the Central Plains will not be able to tolerate you. You said, at this time, Yelu Cige is in power in the Central Plains. When he was weak, I took the opportunity to kill him..."


Li Siyuan really took this threat and he almost cried.

If there is no external force, how can he make a comeback!

Although Yelu Cige and Li Siyuan used each other to beat the snake, Yelv Cige was his seven inches for Li Siyuan who had no external force.

A smile resumed on Shen Feng's face: "I don't mind your association with barbarians. All I want is information about Mobei. And your current location is very convenient."

Li Siyuan rolled his eyes and pretended to be aggrieved and said, "But Commander, if I can't kill Yelu Abaoji, can Yelu Cige still trust me?"

"It depends on your ability."

Shen Feng was unmoved, but instead poked his heart: "For me, it doesn't matter whether I have you or not. If you can't handle Yelu Cige, I can also handle Yelu Abaoji. The problem is Not big."

"Of course, if you dare to give me false information that is inconsistent with the information I got from Abaoji, I suggest you find a cliff yourself. Otherwise, life may be very difficult."

Li Siyuan's face looked ugly. Shen Feng's dual-line operation was reasonable, but it was difficult for him to operate.

When Hou Qing heard the sensitive word "jump off the cliff", he jumped out immediately.

"Li Siyuan, I have been observing the stars at night recently, and I have found quite a few good cliffs that are worth jumping on. If you have not chosen a direction, I can recommend them to you for free."

Hou Qing looked serious, and Li Siyuan's expression became even more ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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