I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 76 I’ll beat you to death!

Chapter 76 I’ll beat you to death!
  A cliff worth jumping off?
  Hou Qing's words made Shen Feng instantly have a picture in his mind. It was a group of idiots in the novel of his previous life. One by one, he didn't click on their names.

Relying on luck is nothing, the protagonist must rely on strength.

Shen Feng, who considered himself the protagonist in troubled times, scorned their style of painting.

That is to say, he was a bad person in time travel. If he were to change the world, a hero like Shen Feng would most likely coexist with heaven and earth.

"Li Siyuan, go back. Opportunities must be grasped by oneself."

Shen Feng put one hand on Li Siyuan's shoulder and whispered in his mutilated ear: "In addition, whether you can control Li Keyong depends on your luck. I will be there when necessary. , to give you some help."

These words made Li Siyuan's eyes suddenly tremble.

But there is no doubt about it.

Shen Feng is painting a cake.

Jin Wang Li Keyong, is it difficult to handle?
  Doesn't this mean that once Gangzi takes action, he will be left alone?
  What Shen Feng wanted was to use Li Siyuan's name to integrate the entire Jin Kingdom.

The thousands of high-level spies he deployed have begun to bear fruit in the Jin Kingdom.


"Thank you, Commander. I'll take my leave."

Shen Feng watched Li Siyuan leave. As for how he deceived Yelv Cige, that was his business. Without Shen Feng's guidance, anything that couldn't be done would be useless.

After Li Siyuan left, Shen Feng also led the team to continue moving forward. Tianshan was the focus of his trip.

Even compared to Yelu Abaoji, the importance of Tianshan to Shen Feng is not much different.

"Ling Xiaozi, Tianshan Sword Forging Pavilion. He has such good skills, but he is buried like a fool in Tianshan. I feel sorry for you."

Chen Feng looked at the increasingly clear Tianshan scenery, sighed slightly, and turned to look at Song Yunji: "Daughter-in-law, are you ready?"

Song Yunji solemnly nodded: "Don't worry, our subordinates' deployments are all ready."

"Very well, let's climb the mountain."

Chen Feng took the lead and walked in front with a straight face.

"Are you ready to break out?"

After hearing their conversation, Ying Gou instantly lay down behind Shen Feng and interacted with him.

Happy Yinggou is back online. As long as she doesn't kill her little black fat man, she has never held a grudge. Shen Feng tickled her and spanked her, but she also chose to forgive.

Chen Feng turned his head and looked at Gua Wazi behind him. As soon as he opened his mouth, Song Yunji rushed to say what he said.

"Don't tell you!"

Chen Feng turned his head, glanced at Song Yunji in surprise, looked into her arrogant little face, and nodded approvingly.

Then, Shen Feng added to Ying Gou, who looked like a Muggle, "That's how we do things."

Ying Gou became anxious instantly.

Isn’t this just a way of messing with people’s mentality?

She learned the word mentality from Shen Feng.

"I am a dignified corpse ancestor, and we are the strongest. If you don't tell me, I can't accept it!"

Ying Gou was very dissatisfied.

Shen Feng specializes in dealing with all kinds of dissatisfaction: "Yinggou wants to save face, so she can't spank you. However, if I tickle you, she can accept it, but I don't know if you could accept it just now?"

"Uh...uh, I can accept it..."

Happy Yinggou suddenly felt sad. She ran to Hou Qing and complained: "Brother, look at them..."

Hou Qing nodded, with a look of realization on his face: "I blame me for being too naive before. I didn't expect that this would be such a good way to tickle you. Just use dogtail grass, which is too casual and tasteless. You should use feathers, You also need to use Phoenix Feather, it’s classy!”

Hou Qing was talking to himself, and Yinggou looked at him as if he were a monster. Hou Qing noticed the gaze and turned his head. He said with a kind face: "Ying Gou, from now on, you are not allowed to make unreasonable troubles."


Feeling that she was being fatally threatened, Ying Gou howled loudly, turned around and ran towards Chen Feng, shouting as she ran, "Brother, I'm a coward!"

Compared to Shen Feng, she felt that Hou Qing was more perverted.

The lesser of two evils, Ying Gou lay on Shen Feng's back. She didn't want to walk, so she let him carry her up the mountain.

She has been lonely for half her life, and she actually admires Shen Feng's character.

Shen Feng didn't care about the weight, it was just a cute pendant.

But what he didn't expect was that when everyone reached the top of the mountain, Chen Feng's neck would be covered with Ying Gou's saliva.

This melon boy can really fall asleep.

Shen Feng looked disgusted, wiped the saliva on his neck with his hand, and then put his saliva-covered fingers into Yinggou's mouth, letting her taste his taste.

Ying Gou's eyes instantly enlarged and his pupils trembled. Shen Feng directly pulled his hand to prevent the scale from being too large and causing the red Ying Gou to appear.

Guawazi was dumbfounded for a long time, his taste buds exploding, and finally he came to his senses, then ran to the side and retched.

When I first woke up, I couldn't stand the smell of myself.

Shen Feng ignored me and knocked on the door to worship the mountain. Everyone in Tianshan had already noticed this group of experts when Shen Feng was climbing the mountain. As soon as Shen Feng knocked on the door, the door opened.

A handsome man took the lead to greet him, with his hands clasped in his fists, polite and courteous: "I am Ling Xiaozi, the leader of the Tianshan Sword Sect. I wonder if you are here, what do you do?"

"Coward! I'll beat you to death!"

Before Shen Feng could speak, an angry Lolita voice answered for him first.

Ling Xiaozi looked stunned. He looked around and saw a little boy rushing towards him. Under the greeting just now, Ling Xiaozi instinctively took a defensive posture.

Then he saw the little guy punching and kicking the guest in front of him.

Shen Feng took a few casual blows, but Da Ying couldn't hook him out, so he didn't break his defense at all.

He stretched out a hand and held down Xiao Yinggou's head. His hand was longer than hers, so Xiao Yinggou could only wave his fist in the air, but could not reach Shen Feng.

Shen Feng didn't look sideways. With his other hand, he tilted his hand towards Ling Xiaozi and made a half-cupped fist salute to express politeness: "I am Shen Feng, the apprentice of Bad Handsome, and I am the next Bad Handsome."

Ling Xiaozi looked at the polite guests and the Loli who was restrained by the guests with one hand. He looked confused and instinctively replied: "It turns out that he is a bad-looking apprentice. He is disrespectful and disrespectful. He is polite and courteous."

"Uh, I'm going to beat you to death! Ouch!"

Chen Feng covered Yinggou's mouth with his other hand. There was still her saliva on the palm of his hand. He restrained Yinggou casually, which made her scalp numb immediately and her face looked hopeless.

Shen Feng looked solemn and got straight to the point: "I have come to Tianshan to discuss two things with Master Ling."

Ling Xiaozi replied implicitly: "Your Excellency, you're welcome. Also, my surname is Ling Xiao."

"Okay, Master Ling."

Chen Feng held Ying Gou and walked straight in. He turned to Ling Xiaozi and said, "Please."


Ling Xiaozi had some regrets. This person's style of doing things was different from Yuan Tiangang's, but the core was really similar.

Just as domineering.

"Shuai Shen, please."

Your Excellency becoming Shuai Shen is a kind of recognition.

(End of this chapter)

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