I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 80 I have many people!

Chapter 80 I have many people!
  Life is full of joy, so that the gold is empty for the moon.

The place of great ambition is just a pot of turbid wine.

During the drinking game between Shen Feng and Yelu Abaoji, they frequently exchanged witty remarks while changing glasses. After just one drink, the atmosphere became particularly harmonious, and there was a sense of sympathy in the scene.

After the wine party, keeping warm to see off the passers-by, Yelu Abaoji took the opportunity to stand up and say goodbye. Shen Feng let him do as he pleased, and also gave him travel expenses to practice for him.

On Tianshan Mountain, Shen Feng, who was not drunk at all but very sober, hugged Song Yunji and watched her go away.

Song Yunji leaned her head against Shen Feng, whispered and smiled in his ear: "I saw you guys were having a great time chatting just now. Why don't you go see your good brother off?"


Chen Feng chewed the word softly and asked, "Do you really think he will be a good brother?"

Song Yunji shook her head and rubbed her hair against Shen Feng: "Even if someone like you has a brother, it won't be him."

Upon hearing this, Gangzi's back flashed in Shen Feng's mind.

With his thoughts floating around, he said in a deep voice: "Between countries, there are no brothers, only interests, only victory and defeat, only life and death. There are only conquering and being conquered, surrendering and being surrendered."

"If conditions permit, this good brother of mine will not mind stabbing me in both directions."

"Don't underestimate the king of Mobei, he is also a character who was killed from the wolf pile."

"You can insult his intelligence, but you can't insult his ruthlessness."

Song Yunji raised her eyes, and Shen Feng's face was reflected in her eyes: "As long as you know what's going on."

She agreed, but then changed the topic: "But, I just heard that you said Shuliduo is very moist, right?"

"Not as moist as you."

Before Song Yunji could finish speaking, Shen Feng choked her.

It's all because of the gossipy women in Huanyinfang who have a lot of nonsense, and they can still keep talking about things that they can't fix.

"You dog!"

Song Yunji became angry from embarrassment and hit Shen Feng's chest with her small fist. The blow made him feel suffocated and his chest made a banging sound.

Chen Feng didn't know whether Shuli Duo was moisturized or not, but he really knew that Song Yunji was very moisturized.

She is in a hurry.

"Okay, okay, let's stop making trouble."

Song Yunji's cultivation level was not low, so Shen Feng was a bit overwhelmed when she really hit him, so she had to hug her to calm her irritable mood.

"I just wanted to anger him at the time, so I said whatever I thought of. Besides, in terms of the struggle for destiny, between the winner and the loser, your wife and daughter will be raised by me, and you have no worries. This sentence means that the winner is the greatest. decency and attitude.”

Shen Feng gave him an explanation, which is universal in troubled times.

Song Yunji could understand, her eyes were filled with brilliance, and she asked softly: "What if you fail?"

"I will not fail."

"I mean if."

"It's a pity there is no if."

"Answer me."

Song Yunji buried her head in Shen Feng's arms and listened to his heartbeat: "Every question has an answer, and I want to know the answer."

"If you are willing to accompany me to death, I will go to hell with you and still be the overlord of Gaixia. If you are not willing, I will give you freedom and let you fly."

Shen Feng never hesitated when making a choice, and he gave his sincere answer.

His heartbeat was steady and strong, and Song Yunji knew that he didn't lie to her.

"You let me fly, what about you?"

"When a fish dies, the net breaks."

Shen Feng smiled freely: "The best result of failure in troubled times is death. After all, the end of the road will make your eyes red."

Young people are high-spirited, middle-aged people are full of ambition, and old people are heroes.

Shen Mengde does not love his wife, he loves the country and his promise.

Song Yunji hugged him tighter and whispered, "I don't want you to die."

The corners of Chen Feng's lips curled up. It was cold in Tianshan, so he hugged her to keep warm.

"Tianshan is gone..."


"But we can go down the mountain and enjoy the glory and wealth!"

"Yeah!" "Tianshan Mountain is gone..."


“But we can go down the mountain with our girlfriends and enjoy the wealth!”


"We still have to forge swords after we get down from the mountain..."


"But we all have the status of making swords as masters!"


Chen Feng and Song Yunji stood outside the high platform, watching the mobilization meeting organized by the Tianshan Sword Sect. Ling Xiaozi, who was standing beside him, twitched at the corner of his mouth as he watched.

"Shuai Shen, did you teach these lines?"

"Well, no need to thank me."

Ling Xiaozi clenched his fist, then unclenched it, clenched it again, and unclenched it again.

The way he looked at Shen Feng, he didn't want to thank him at all.

"Our majestic Tianshan Sword Sect is also a famous sect all over the world. How can we be so vulgar?"

"The vulgarity is the elegance."

Shen Feng and Ling Xiaozi were talking loudly and had an absolute advantage: "Look at them, how happy they are."


I thank you!
  Ling Xiaozi sighed and stopped talking.

Faced with the threat of Tianshan split, he still gave in.

He is a pure and decent person, but he really can't bear the thought of some dogs being misbehaved.

Grandmaster’s blessing, I hope Tianshan has made the right choice.

"Stop looking, pack your things and take everything you can carry. It's time for us to leave."

Shen Feng interrupted Ling Xiaozi's remembrance and urged him to move quickly, so that he would not be lazy and urinate more.

After sending Ling Xiaozi away and leaving the outsiders behind, Shen Feng said to Song Yunji: "I won't go back to Qi Country after I go down the mountain. Calculating the time, it's time to wrap things up over in Daliang. I think Gangzi should be done now It has already moved. If you don't go, let alone the soup, even the bottom of the pot will be licked clean by the gangsters."

"Well, I see."

Song Yunji nodded lightly and stretched out her hand to straighten Shen Feng's collar: "Be careful and don't be too promiscuous. After I settle down in Tianshan and handle the affairs of Qi State, I will go to Daliang to find you."

The king cannot move lightly.

The king will have no freedom.

She, the King of Qi, is destined to be inseparable from the Qi people of Qi Kingdom.

You can go out occasionally, but you can't not go back.

"What Daliang are you going to? You are going to Liangshan."

Shen Feng corrected her and said his thoughts: "The Longquan Treasure Box is there, just wait for me there. Don't look at the floating clouds in Daliang, but if you really want to set the tripod, it only takes a moment. If you go to Daliang again, you won't be able to catch up with me. distance."

"The Longquan Treasure Box is the key to the Longquan Treasure. The Longquan Sword asked Wen Tao to take it and follow Li Xingyun, just for this moment to bear fruit."

"We can't take advantage of others."

After understanding what Shen Feng meant, Song Yunji decided to act as he said.

"Then you should be careful. Don't always think that you have everything under control. This is how a car overturns."

"I will."

Shen Feng, who has always been cautious, comforted Song Yunji: "What's more, with Chi Meng following me, Hou Qing following Chi Meng, and Ying Gou following Hou Qing, we alone can't defeat anyone except Gangzi in Daliang. Everyone is fat and beaten."


As soon as these words came out, Song Yunji immediately thought of Shen Feng's famous saying: I have many people.

She sighed secretly, completely relieved.

This piece of shit has always been good at bullying others.

He suffers a loss, which does not exist.

(End of this chapter)

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