I am the Tao of bad people

Chapter 81 It’s not the right time!

Chapter 81 It’s not the right time!
  Mo Chou has no confidant, no one in the world knows the king.

Chen Feng wields his sword and rides his horse, walking to the end of the world. The end of the world is where his heart is.

And what his heart wants is Daliang at this moment.

The bad guys' reports came to Shen Feng one by one over time, and he also filled in his thoughts bit by bit in his heart.

Without Shen Feng stirring up the situation, all the plot trends are in Yuan Tiangang's game.

Not surprisingly, after Li Xingyun was rescued by Yuan Tiangang, Zhong Xiaokui, the undercover agent of Ghost King Zhu Youwen, immediately reported to Zhu Youzhen.

Yuan Tiangang took action and the fake show came true.

The original work still required Zhong Xiaokui to deceive Zhu Youzhen, but now there is no need to do so.

Yuan Tiangang was very restrained when he took action. Zhu Youzhen was arrogant and did not notice the obvious danger, so he was like an iron-headed boy who was never afraid.

But Zhu Youwen is different.

He is a martial arts prodigy. When Yuan Tiangang appeared, although he didn't have many fights with Yuan Tiangang, Zhu Youwen was discerning enough to know that this was a big shot. Once he made a move, he would be thunderous.

Zhu Youwen knew that if he wanted to plot the Longquan treasure, someone must restrain Yuan Tiangang, otherwise he would not be absolutely sure and would be easily picked off.

And my younger brother is sitting on the top of the beam, and he is a powerful fighter. What a good thug.

Therefore, Zhong Xiaokui, under Zhu Youwen's instruction, effectively deceived Zhu Youzhen.

This girl was quite smart, and all the little words she said were on point, and she fooled Zhu Youzhen into a daze.

What Zhu Youwen wants is the treasure, and Zhu Youzhen wants the throne.

After the brothers withdrew their troops from Li Cunxu, Zhu Youzhen needed Li Xingyun to abdicate for him, so that his ascension to the throne would be justified.

As a result, as soon as Gangzi took action, Li Xingyun was gone.

Can Zhu Youzhen endure this?

After he listened to Zhong Xiaokui's words, he immediately led his troops to the Hidden Soldier Valley.

After receiving Shi Yao's letter, Yuan Tiangang immediately left the Hidden Soldier Valley.

To Gangzi, Zhu Youzhen was just a withered bone in the grave, and there was no need to shed the blood of a bad person on his body.

The flags of the beams were crossed out by Gang Zi.

This action allowed Zhu Youzhen to pounce without saying anything, and also allowed Li Cunxu, who sent troops privately, to take the opportunity to make a surprise attack and successfully captured Bianzhou. Fortunately, Zhu Youzhen decided to make Luoyang his capital this time, otherwise he would have lost even his old nest.

Even so, Li Cunxu is only one step away from Luoyang.

For Daliang, the capital was already under attack, and the situation in Luoyang was precarious.

Zhu Youzhen happened to miss it without knowing it. When he saw that there was no one in the Hidden Soldier Valley, he wanted to blow it up. Shi Yao then suggested to wait and see, saying that he would wait for the bad commander to come back and catch all the bad guys.

These words made Zhu Youzhen give up bombing the valley, and Shi Yao clearly deceived him again.

But this scene made the very sensitive Zhong Xiaokui, who was also an undercover agent, confused. Theoretically speaking, normal logic shouldn't be like this, so you have to test it anyway.

So, Zhong Xiaokui came to test it out at night. As a result, the little girl was beaten up by the old aunt, so she had to give up. She was both an undercover agent and had a sensitive identity, so she didn't dare to stir up trouble again.

Within a few days, news came that Bianzhou had been captured. Zhu Youzhen was so angry that he had to raise troops and leave the Cangbing Valley, vowing to kill Cunxu's son.

With such a commotion, Luoyang was in danger, and Zhu Youzhen didn't even have the time or interest to bomb the valley. He knew the priorities to some extent. An empty valley with hidden troops was not worth his time in rescuing Luoyang.

When Zhu Youzhen led his troops back to Bianzhou, he originally wanted to bombard the city directly, but the army marched for a long time, so under Shi Yao's persuasion, he rested and set up camp to prepare for another battle tomorrow.

And Shi Yao was also planning to go see someone at night.

Zhu Youzhen was drugged so much by Shi Yao that she fell into a coma. At this moment, she was lazily leaning on Zhu Youzhen's golden dragon chair, with a note wrapped around Shi Yao's delicate fingers.

There are four words on it.

Meet in Bianzhou.

This is Yuan Tiangang's order. “Time flies so fast, the time flies by, and the years go by for more than a year.”

Shi Yaoqian's hand shook, and the note on his finger was shot towards the candle nearby. The paper passed through the tip of the flame and turned into a wisp of smoke.

"It's finally over...it's finally possible..."

She thought about it in her heart, and in a daze, her soft eyes suddenly turned cold.


The cold drink just fell.

The door curtain outside the army tent moved automatically without wind. A figure passed through the curtain and came into view. Shi Yao could see his face clearly.

He was not the person she was going to see tonight.

But he was the one she wanted to see.

Shen Feng walked straight to the stunned Shi Yao, suddenly stretched out his hands, passed one hand through Shi Yao's legs, held her slender waist with the other, and picked her up from the dragon chair to the princess. .

Shen Feng turned around, leaned his back on the dragon chair, sat down directly on Zhu Youzhen's dragon chair, and put Shi Yao in his hand on himself.

The soft body could be seen clearly through the thin fabric. Shen Feng's movements were too casual and he didn't expect it to feel like this.

"Grandma Yao, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you. This dragon chair feels quite good when you sit on it."

Shi Yao stared at Shen Feng blankly, and suddenly laughed. She stretched out her finger and tapped Shen Feng's forehead, and chuckled: "If you let your master see you sitting on the dragon throne, you will remember his death when you look back." On a small notebook.”

Chen Feng waved his hand indifferently, Yuan Tiangang was not Ye Shenyue.

He's not afraid.

"How have you been lately? Did that coward Zhu Youzhen take advantage of you?"

After staying with Ying Gou for a long time, the words in Shen Feng's mouth came naturally.

Shi Yao was lying in Shen Feng's arms, and her thin gauze clothes could feel his warmth. With her temperament, she would naturally not blush, but facing this bitch, her heart inevitably felt ripples.

"He took advantage of me, not as much as you do now."

Shi Yao's tone was faint. He had grown up and his mentality had changed.

"Why are you here? Aren't you in Qi country to accompany the beauty? Grandma, I am old and yellow, so I don't have any place in your heart."

Uh...how do you answer this?
  The title of grandma is separated by generations!
  Chen Feng was choked by Shi Yao and was speechless.

He simply stopped talking and quietly enjoyed the rare warmth at this moment.

Chen Feng was sitting on the dragon chair, and Shi Yao was lying in his arms, just like his beloved concubine.

Shi Yao raised her eyes and looked at his profile. When Shen Feng didn't speak, she stopped being harsh on him. She moved her neck and lay down in a more comfortable position.

She put her ear against his heart and could hear his heartbeat clearly.

He was also a little confused. Shi Yao pursed her lips and rubbed her head against his chest, making her lie more comfortable.

Hmm...who were you going to meet just now...

When the thought came to mind, Shi Yao suddenly opened his eyes wide, holding Chen Feng's chest with his strong hands. Just as he was about to struggle to get up, the curtain outside the tent moved again.

The sound of the wind is very light.

But in their hearts, there was an inexplicable guilty conscience.

"I waited outside the forest for a long time and asked why you didn't come."

A masked man suddenly stood in the tent. He tilted his body, and his eyes under the mask squinted at the adulterer and the adulterous couple.

"It seems that this handsome man came at the wrong time."

(End of this chapter)

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