The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 306 Unraveling the Stone

Chapter 306 Unraveling the Stone
The stones for the competition have been selected. Naturally, when it came time to decipher the stone, Tuomo would decipher the Tianyin Stone first. There were three saint kings here, and they were not afraid of the weirdness in the stones, so they could decipher the stones with confidence and boldness.

The Tianyin Stone was untied, revealing the palm-sized purple jade king. God King Jiang Taixu said: "I didn't expect that in addition to the five kinds of jade in the gambling money today, I also saw a kind of nine-day jade, and it also formed twenty-five strings." With a little sacrifice, it becomes a holy weapon passed down from generation to generation."

Fairy Caiyun showed affection, but couldn't help but worry about Ji Hongjing, and asked in a low voice: "Are you sure of winning?"

Ji Hongjing smiled and said: "This piece of purple jade is just suitable for seniors. Just think of it as a gift from me to help you harmonize with the God King Qin Se."

He waved his hand and smashed the dragon's head stone. His careless look made everyone's eyes twitch. How could the stone be broken like this? Who doesn’t cut the stone skin carefully and carefully?


A piece of divine source the size of an adult's fist floated in the air, and a round bead could be faintly seen under the bright divine light. Waves of dragon energy emitted, causing the entire Tianfang to tremble.

The steward of Wanlong's Nest stood up in shock and shouted: "Dragon Ball, a Great Sage-level Dragon Ball!"

The three saint kings all stood up in shock and worked together to seal the dragon ball, thus protecting Tianfang from being crushed by the great sage's power and falling to the ground.

The steward of Wanlong's Nest stared at the dragon bead and cried loudly: "This is the dragon bead of the great sage of our clan. The dragon head stone has been in our clan for millions of years. Why is no one determined to unlock it? The great sage dragon bead, I just changed it to a king’s weapon…”

Ji Hongjing smiled and said: "I have some friendship with Shencanling. I believe they will not harm me. I believe what this fellow Taoist said."

Takumo took a deep breath and carefully unpacked the stone. Pieces of stone skin fell off, and his hanging heart gradually relaxed.

King Qitian asked curiously: "Did you see what it was?"

"It's shipped, isn't it another Nine Heavens Divine Jade?"

He untied the Dao Tu Stone that he had exchanged from the Shencanling Stone Workshop little by little, and soon revealed the aura of the divine source.

"Stop arguing, what do you look like crying?" the Nine Phoenix King reprimanded, telling the steward to shut up. The ancestor king continued: "Dragon beads can also cast the legendary holy weapons, and their size is similar to that of the Purple Jade King, but the dragon beads gather together are larger. The essence and divine principles of the Holy Body are of inestimable value, and are more precious than the Purple Jade King."

"What is contained in the divine source? There seems to be a Tao diagram on it."

The steward nodded and said: "It is a brocade made of divine silkworm silk. On it is a Taoist picture from the heavenly skill of my divine silkworm clan."

The steward was like crazy and kept talking, which made the three saint kings impatient.

"The divine marks on the Dao Tu Stone may have given birth to an Immortal Sutra!"

Tuomo's face was ashen, but fortunately there were still two stones that had not been unlocked, and Ji Hongjing's remaining two stones were very cheap, so he still had a chance to make a comeback.

There was an uproar in the stone workshop. The divine silkworm had nine transformations, each transformation taking over the fortunes of heaven and earth. The heavenly power of this clan was first-class even in the ancient imperial scriptures, and no one did not yearn for it.

Ji Hongjing was also curious about the ancient scriptures of the Shencan Clan, but unfortunately he never had the chance to exchange them with the Shencan Clan. Unexpectedly, there was a Tao Picture here. Although there was only one, its value was no less than the Great Saint Dragon Pearl.

Ji Hongyuan nodded, and the three saint kings said nothing more. The steward of Shencanling Shifang guarded the covered divine source, waiting for the gambling game to come to an end before discussing the ownership of the scriptures.

Moreover, the divine silk is also a thing passed down from generation to generation. The brocade silk in the divine source is not big, only the size of a face towel, but it is enough to make a holy weapon.

The onlookers were talking a lot, and just by the little light revealed, they could tell that this stone was definitely worth the money.

The steward looked troubled, he couldn't let everyone see the picture.

The steward saluted the three saint kings and said: "I would like to ask the three seniors to forgive me for any offense. It is true that the things in the divine source are too special for Shencanling. Please forgive me."

Everyone stepped on their feet to see clearly what was in the Shenshenyuan. The steward of the Shencanling Shifang quickly stopped in front of Tuomo and covered the Shenshenyuan with a piece of black cloth.

The three saint kings looked at each other in confusion. The king of gods was confused: "We have never seen the Tao map, so we are not sure whether it is true as you said."

"You have to think carefully. If you agree, we will treat this treasure as the Ancient Emperor's Broken Scripture, and its value is higher than the Great Sage Dragon Ball." King Qitian said solemnly.

Fairy Caiyun looked at Ji Hongjing worriedly. The two remaining stones he had were not of high value and didn't look anything special. What's more, Tuomo still had a six-foot-tall stone man with nine orifices that he hadn't cut yet.

Ji Hongjing stood in front of the ordinary stone from the original Hu Shifang and carefully solved the stone, which was not as bold as the dragon head stone.

This stone is blue-grey and gourd-shaped. It was thrown in the corner of the stone workshop and no one cares about it. It only cost 30,000 kilograms to buy it. Layers of stone skin were untied, almost all of them were waste. Takumo breathed a sigh of relief and sneered: "How can a piece of waste stone compare to me?"

Ji Hongjing ignored him and continued to carefully dissect the stone. In the end, only a thumb-sized stone was left. Almost everyone thought that the stone was useless.


A bit of the stone skin peeled off, and the radiance of the divine source was revealed, illuminating the stone square.

"I didn't expect that some divine source would emerge in the end!"

"What's the use of a divine source bean?"

"I bought it from 30,000 kilograms, at least I won't lose anything!"

The words spoken by the Silver Blood Tribe and the Ten Thousand Dragons Nest Royal Family behind Takumo were extremely harsh and unbridled ridicule.

Ji Hongjing raised his head and gave them a cold look. They were so frightened that they shut up. He lowered his head again and concentrated on unraveling the stone, revealing a divine source bean.


He directly broke open the Shenyuan Bean, revealing a seed with a strong breath of life, as if it would sprout at any time and grow an evergreen plant.

"This is..." The three saint kings all stood up and looked at the seeds. They all felt that the aura was very extraordinary, but they could not identify what kind of seeds they were.

The three saint kings looked at each other, unable to recognize how to price the treasure?
At this time, a road separated outside the stone square, and Princess Shencan led Taoist Shencan. In addition, there was an elf that looked like a divine phoenix flying around.

Everyone bowed, and Princess Shencan said: "I received the message that Tianfang cut out my clan's Tao map, and I came right away."

The steward of Shencan Shifang quickly informed a few people about what happened here. Princess Shencan smiled and said: "Then we can talk about it after the gambling is over and it is determined who hands the scriptures fall into."

King Qitian pointed at the seed and asked, "Princess, do you know what kind of seed this is? We can feel the sublime Taoist atmosphere in it, but we can't identify what it is. It's hard to put a price on it."

Princess Shencan took the seed and looked at it with Taoist Shencan. Princess Shencan shook her head and said she couldn't recognize it. Taoist Shencan picked up the seed and looked at it carefully for a moment, then said: "I have seen the ancient imperial soldiers left by Emperor Yuan. This seed is similar. The Yuanhuang gourd is navy blue, and looks like it is grown from a real plant, rather than refined. This seed is also a gourd seed, most likely a fairy vine seed. Moreover, this seed has a rich aura of life. It’s easy to grow.”

The stone workshop was boiling again. This was an immortal vine that could produce the ultimate imperial weapon. Although it was just a seed, it was also a priceless treasure, no less valuable than the Ancient Emperor's Broken Scripture.

The silver-blooded man quickly said: "It's hard to say whether this is the fairy vine seed that bears the Yuanhuang gourd. Even if it is, it will probably take millions of years to bloom and bear fruit, and whether it can be fed is a matter of two opinions."

Everyone's restless hearts calmed down. In a million years, everyone would have turned into withered bones.

Taoist Shencan shook his head and said: "You can't say that. For the ancient royal family and the human imperial family, a million years is not a long time. If Yuanhu Lake gets this seed and cultivates it to maturity early, Yuangu will have the ultimate sacrifice. The weapon for refining the Tao may not be killed by the human race's holy body. The strategic value of this thing to our tribe is no less than the ancient emperor's scripture. As for whether it is the seed of the fairy vine..."

Princess Shencan said: "Ask the Great Sage Huntuo. Not only has he seen the Yuanhuang gourd, but as far as I know, he also used it in ancient times."

King Jiuhuang said: "King Qitian and I will go together and ask. We will return soon."

Ji Hongjing nodded and agreed, and King Jiuhuang and King Qitian left with the seeds. At their speed, it would only take them an instant to reach anywhere in Beidou.

A quarter of an hour later, the two saint kings returned, followed by a strong man in black robes. He was the eldest grandson of the Great Sage Huntuo and a half-sage. The one-meter-long loach carcass that Ye Fan cut out in the Tianfang was the same as that of the great sage. He changed to the Nine Apertures Psychic Divine Liquid.

"The Great Sage Huntuo has confirmed that this is the seed of the Immortal Vine, and his eldest grandson can testify." King Qitian announced.

"How should I calculate the value of this thing?" Takumo asked nervously.

The three great sages discussed for a while, then asked for the opinion of Princess Shencan, and announced: "The seeds of the Immortal Vine are theoretically more valuable than the Ancient Emperor's Broken Scriptures, but they require millions of years to cultivate and are of little value to the present. We unanimously decided that this thing would be the same thing as The diagrams you cut out are equivalent, do you have any objection?”

"I'm afraid the ancestor king of the Primordial Lake has already arrived. For them, it's worth exchanging the Immortal Vine Seeds for a complete Ancient Emperor's Scripture, right? Anyway, I'm happy to exchange it. In a million years, the Ancient Emperor's Arms will be born. The materials are just right for this little guy," the princess said, teasing the little divine phoenix that the divine silkworm had turned into.

If the little divine silkworm has no chance of becoming an immortal and realizing the Tao, he can indeed continue to seal it. Wanzu couldn't help but think about it. Aren't they the same people who have been sealed for millions of years?
The silver-blood clan said helplessly: "Well, according to what several seniors said, the seeds of the Immortal Vine are equivalent to the Ancient Emperor's Broken Scripture, so let's cut the last stone."

(End of this chapter)

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