The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 307 The dust has settled

Chapter 307 The dust has settled
The gambling on stones has reached a climax, and the legend of Tianfang is aroused. Whether it is the Nine Heavens Divine Jade or the Great Holy Dragon Pearl, they are rare treasures that are difficult to find in the world, not to mention the ancient emperor's scriptures of the Divine Silkworm clan and the fairy vines that can produce the materials for imperial weapons. Seeds are priceless treasures that can make the ancient royal family's hearts flutter.

"With one win and one draw, Ji Hongjing has the upper hand, but the last thing we look at is the total value of the three stones. He may not have the last laugh."

"Tuomo's last stone is a nine-aperture stone man. Ji Hongjing's stone is shaped like a flower. It's just ordinary, so it can't be compared to it, right?"

"That's not necessarily true. It's so difficult to give birth to the Nine-Aperture Stone Man. It's very likely that he has already transformed into a Taoist."

"It's also possible to cut out a Holy Spirit. Didn't you see that several saint kings are on guard?"

In the silver-blood tribe's stone workshop, the gambling game continued. Tuomo stood in front of the six-foot-tall nine-aperture stone man and did not dare to make a move. If there was no treasure in the stone man, he would lose. If there was a living Holy Spirit, he would be dead. The Holy Spirit was born early. He must be filled with resentment, and there was no chance of him surviving at such a close distance.

"Hurry up and cut it." The Silver Blood Tribe behind him urged, and Takumo felt a chill in his heart. The Divine Eye Tribe had the ability to see through stone skin and was well received by all races, but it was far inferior to the Silver Blood Tribe. If the Silver Blood Tribe was offended, the Divine Eye Tribe would It may not necessarily be destroyed, but his lineage will definitely not survive.

"If I had known better, I wouldn't have taken the lead." Tuomo regretted it extremely. He couldn't get off the tiger. If he lost the bet, he would still die.

"Fight!" He took courage and began to cut the stone. Layers of stone skin fell off, and most of the six-foot stone man was gone in the blink of an eye, but still no treasure appeared.

"The stone is dark red and looks like a human body. It seems that the stone man's pregnancy failed."

"Okay." Ji Hongjing agreed.

Immortal Ancient, that piece of ancient history has long been unrecorded, and few people in the world know about it. He was very curious about the fairy grass of that era, but the fairy grass was about to die, and giving it to Lu Wan, the flower god, might be able to save it.

"Xiangu, what is that? A place?"

"What kind of treasure is it? Tell me quickly." Takumo, who was the closest, asked anxiously as all four of his divine eyes were blinded by the divine light.

"I accidentally got an ancient book that records that the Scarlet Pearl Immortal Grass grows beside the Sansheng Stone. If you eat it, you can see the past, present, and next lives. It is also called the Resurrection Grass. It has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. However, these are just rumors. That ancient book mentioned Only one Immortal Ancient appeared, and was finally taken away by an invincible strong man. "

"Cherish life and stay away from gambling!"

Everyone was silent, the truth was too cruel to him!
"Hmph!" The Silver Blood Clan and the Ten Thousand Dragons Nest Royal Clan snorted coldly and turned to leave. Even Ji Hongjing's last stone was empty, and Tuomo also lost.

The Nine Phoenix King looked at Tuomo, who looked like a madman, and sighed: "That was just a fairy light left after the Holy Spirit transformed into a Tao, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye."

Ji Hongjing sighed, he had the celestial eye and the divine magic of Huiyuan, so why didn't he go to the Holy City to gamble on stones? In addition to owning a mine, gambling also ruined his family and his family because of the loss of fighting spirit.

The divine light quickly disappeared, and everyone slowly regained their sight. They quickly looked at the Nine-Aperture Stone Man, but saw nothing.

"You don't even have any resentment. The stone man has been dead for at least a million years, right?"

Takumo couldn't hold it up anymore and collapsed to the ground, his chest heaving, he opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of blood, and stopped moving.

"A treasure has come out, a treasure has come out, who knows what it is?"

A great king passed away like this. Ji Hongjing's mood was waning, and he hastily cut the last flower-shaped stone. A spiritual grass with red beads and withered leaves appeared in his field of vision, causing Lu Wan to exclaim: "Crimson Pearl Immortal Grass! "

The stone became smaller and smaller, and when it was about to disappear, Takumo cut it with a knife, and a bright divine light erupted, making everyone unable to see anything.

"What is the Crimson Pearl Immortal Grass?" Everyone was curious and looked at her.

Tuomo became more and more desperate. Jie Shi's hands couldn't help trembling, and he murmured: "It's impossible. My divine eyes clearly saw the bright divine light?"

The divine light was so dazzling that everyone couldn't see what it was for a while. They only heard a sigh, coming from the Nine Phoenix King.

"I don't know either." Lu Wan shook his head, looked at the dying grass, and said to Ji Hongjing, "Senior brother, can you give me this fairy grass? I want to see if I can feed it."

At the end of the bet, Ji Hongjing won, not counting the Crimson Pearl Immortal Grass. Not only did he own the five kinds of Nine Heavens Divine Jade as bets, but he also owned the Purple Jade King Se and the Divine Silkworm Emperor's Broken Scripture that Tuomo cut out.

In addition to the three stones for the gambling, he also selected a lot of stones from various major stone workshops. Except for a few ancient royal stone workshops that asked to be unlocked now and they could buy them back first, other royal stone workshops did not dare to ask him to do this.

The stones from the remaining ancient royal stone workshops have yielded many good treasures. Among them, the stones from the Golden Clan have yielded a Medicine King, and the stones from the Qilin Cliff Stone Workshop have yielded a piece of mutton-fat white jade divine iron the size of a baby's fist. Another small piece of Purple Jade King was found from the stone in Blood Phoenix Mountain. Everyone's eyes changed when they looked at him, and the Nine Phoenix King asked: "Did you just learn a little Origin Technique?"

Ji Hongjing smiled and said, "It's not bad."

Everyone was speechless. It was foreseeable that no major stone workshop would welcome him in the future.

He gave the ink jade king se to Fairy Caiyun. Fairy Caiyun smiled and said: "You are destined to have the Nine Heavens Divine Jade today, and you have almost collected all nine kinds of Divine Jade!"

Ji Hongjing's heart moved. The nine kinds of sacred jade are all treasures for refining the holy weapons passed down from generation to generation. If they are collected together, they might be able to refine a set of quasi-emperor magic weapons.

The sacred jade cut out by Qilinya and Xuehuangshan Shifang had to be recycled, so he exchanged it for Daluo gold essence and cut some more gold essence for them as a reward for the two fair men.

The Nine Phoenix King was quite satisfied and said with a smile: "My little friend, please come to Blood Phoenix Mountain as a guest. My ancient prince is devoted to the Tao. He missed the Ten Thousand Races Conference because he was in seclusion. After hearing about my little friend's sanctuary, he was very curious and wished he could see it. , you can go to Blood Phoenix Mountain to share your experiences with him.”

"Definitely." Ji Hongjing said casually. He would not go to a place like this before he was strong enough.

The King of Medicine cut out by the Golden Tribe's stone workshop must be recycled in exchange for a piece of blood diamond, and he agreed.

"It seems that I really have a destiny with the Nine Heavens Divine Jade today!"

Eight kinds of divine jades were gathered in one day, and the last one was enough to issue a reward through the Ji family. It would not be difficult to find them all.

Wanlong's Nest wanted to recycle the Great Holy Dragon Pearl, but unfortunately Ji Hongjing was not satisfied with the treasure they took out, so he refused directly, and the anxious Wanlong's Nest steward was in a hurry.

The original Lake Ancestor King who came in a hurry wanted to exchange the immortal gourd seeds from him, but he refused.

"It takes millions of years for the seeds of the fairy gourd to mature, so they are useless to you. Why not exchange with us? Primordial Lake will not treat you badly." Primordial Lake Ancestor King was unwilling to give up and persuaded him again and again.

Ji Hongjing refused: "The Ji family is an imperial clan and will live forever. A million years from now, maybe one of the descendants will be able to attain enlightenment and serve as a tool for him to carry out the Dao."

Yuanhu continued to persuade, but Ji Hongjing interrupted: "Fellow Taoist also knows that I have many kinds of immortal gold. Unless Yuanhu can exchange the immortal gold with me, I will not sell the seeds of the immortal gourd."

The original King of Lake Ancestor was speechless. Ji Hongjing came out with five lanterns in the Ten Thousand Tribes Conference. Many people died from envy of the five kinds of immortal gold. Even the ancient royal family was envious. There were no weapons of this level in the ancient times.

Moreover, it is impossible to exchange immortal gold for it. It is still possible to distinguish between the treasure that can be used now and the treasure that can only be used in millions of years!

Ji Hongjing ignored the ancestor king and invited Princess Shencan and others to have a banquet with the god king. The restaurants in Tianfang were no worse than the top restaurants in the Holy City. They all had immortal banquets and enlightenment tea.

After drinking for three rounds, Ji Hongjing said to Princess Shencan: "Senior, I should return the ancient emperor's fragmentary scriptures to you, but I am really curious about the scriptures of Shencanhu. I wonder if you can exchange them with me."

Princess Shencan smiled and said, "As expected, as the Holy Prince said, you are obsessed with ancient scriptures."

"Uh..." Ji Hongjing was speechless and asked, "Did the Holy Prince tell you about the exchange of Nine Transformations Heavenly Skills?"

The princess nodded and said: "You gave him the number secret, and the secret number Dou helped him connect with the God King, but it hasn't been fulfilled yet."

The God King smiled and said: "Hongjing always has obstacles in his heart. I didn't create Dou Zi Mi, so why not pass it on to others? What's more, you passed on a lot of my Nine Secrets during the Ten Thousand Races Conference. I was shocked. Jump, if you want to teach Douzi Secret from now on, you don’t need to ask my opinion.”

Ji Hongjing touched the back of his head, and Princess Shencan said with a smile: "Having principles is better than having no principles!"

She glanced at Taoist Silkworm. The son of the Divine Silkworm Emperor drank a glass of wine leisurely and said: "You are nothing like the ancient scriptures, but our clan has talents and magical powers in every change. It is not rare for the Nine Secrets. You want to take it." Exchange it for something else.”

"What does Taoist Taoist want?" With the achievements of Shencan Emperor, it is not surprising that he created a secret technique that surpasses the Nine Secrets. Ji Hongjing took stock of the treasures he had and found that not many of them caught the eyes of Taoist Shencan.

"The fairy gourd seeds you cut out."

(End of this chapter)

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