The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 310 Borrowing Tao Fruit from Previous Life

Chapter 310 Borrowing Tao Fruit from Previous Life

The Central Territory is the birthplace of Eastern Wasteland civilization. There are many mysterious ruins and many prehistoric ruins, the origin of which cannot be traced at all.

In this vast wilderness, there are many ancient cities scattered, not connected, but they are blooming with the bright fire of civilization, which has been flourishing since ancient times.

The Tianduan Mountains are located in an area of ​​the Central Territory that is rarely visited and rarely visited by humans. It is a vast expanse of wilderness for tens of millions of miles.

This mountain range is very majestic, majestic and powerful, tens of thousands of feet high. From a distance, it looks like a vast black mass with no end.

Ji Hongjing and others came across the void from the Southern Territory, entered this magnificent mountain range, and paid attention to the movements in all directions.

Each mountain peak is exceptionally grand, towering into the clouds. The most peculiar thing is that the tops of the mountains have been flattened, like huge platforms, standing above the clouds.

This is the famous Tianduan Mountain Range. It is said that it was too tall and was cut off by the sky. All the peaks are equally high and very neat. The mountains are all black. Against the background of clouds and mist, they look majestic and boundless.

"No matter how many times you look at the Tiandu Mountains, you will always be impressed by the power of the ruthless emperor." Ji Hongjing said while looking at the neat peaks.

"Is this mountain range artificially cut off?" Crocodile Ancestor was shocked. These mountains are not ordinary mountains. Even if they are broken, you can still feel their majestic momentum. You can imagine what kind of sacred mountains they will be when they are complete.

Ji Hongjing asked: "Do you know the location of Ye Fan's layout?"

Ji Haoyue pointed to the central area of ​​the Tianduan Mountains and said: "Ye Fan used the seeds of the Kirin elixir to pretend to be a little girl, and spread the news that she was the elixir of immortality, attracting the enemy here."

"My spiritual thoughts are also here." Crocodile Ancestor stared at a golden crocodile body that was ten thousand feet long and said coldly.

All kinds of killings started at the same time, and several beginningless killing arrays showed their power at the same time. This was just a divine thought of Crocodile Ancestor. After more than twenty years of practice, he was comparable to a great king, and he was worthy of being a god.

"Fortunately, it's not too late!" Ji Hongjing breathed a sigh of relief and ordered, "Crocodile Tongtian, you go collect your divine thoughts, and I will suppress the divine thoughts."

The ten-thousand-foot-long golden crocodile was like a thick mountain ridge, walking hard through the killing array and rushing towards Ye Fan and the others.

Ji Hongjing learned from the Black Emperor that his little girl Feixiang had left. He didn't know where she was now. He opened his eyes and looked at the center of the mountain. A battle had already occurred there, and the Wushi Emperor's confusion array and killing array were activated. The scene on the Broken Mountain was shocking. Human hair, broken bones, stumps, heads... blood soaked everything, and the cold wind howled.

Only such a supreme being can have such a method to cut down the majestic mountain peaks stretching for tens or millions of miles with one sword, creating such a wonderful scene that makes people fascinated and endlessly reverie.

Ji Haoyue was also curious, as this was inconsistent with Beidou's historical records.


"This is the ancestral land of the Holy Spirit. It used to be a restricted area and was cut off by the ruthless emperor with a sword. However, this emperor's reputation is not very good. Even if he has great achievements, it is difficult to spread it widely."

The Crocodile Ancestor took one step forward, forcibly breaking through the Black Emperor's Beginningless Formation and appeared in front of the Wan Zhang Golden Crocodile. He said coldly: "How dare you ignore my summons with a wisp of spiritual thought?"

The Golden Crocodile was so frightened that he no longer cared about Ye Fan and others. He turned into a human form and could not even think of resisting. He knelt in front of the Crocodile Ancestor and said tremblingly: "Master, it is the divine fetus that controls me. , I dare not disobey you!"


In the great formation, the dark wind howled and rain of blood poured down. A yellow whirlwind blew across the whole sky and earth. Along with the rain of blood, a black demonic shadow and the ten-foot-long golden crocodile jointly fought against the beginningless formation.

Crocodile Ancestor sneered: "In that case, why don't you come back?"

His mind showed a sign of struggle, and suddenly his face turned cold. His whole body was radiant, and Zen chanting sounded around him, as if there were three thousand golden Arhats chanting sutras.

The golden ancient temple rises and falls, protecting it, various ancient runes appear, and a golden bell blocks the way of Crocodile Ancestor, and he turns into a golden crocodile shadow and runs away. "A Buddhist forbidden weapon also wants to stop me?"

A big golden hand shattered the ancient temple, and the force was still strong. He pinched the shadow of the golden crocodile. The shadow suddenly became weak and begged: "Master, it is the divine fetus that controls me. Please spare my life, master. I have been born." Lingzhi, I can be your subordinate.”

"I don't need it." Crocodile Ancestor squeezed his hand gently, and the golden crocodile's shadow suddenly turned into golden light, which was photographed into his mind and received the memory of his spiritual thoughts.

"The divine fetus." Crocodile Ancestor sneered. Through his spiritual thoughts, he knew what had happened to the divine fetus in the past twenty years.


A strange wave awakened Crocodile Ancestor, and he turned around to look. The Five Emperors Canopy trapped the divine mind of the Dacheng Holy Body. Time and space solidified, suppressing eternity. The Disk of the World was suppressed on his head. Ji Hongjing sat cross-legged on the Disk of the World, his hands moving quickly. Forming seals and reciting the scriptures orally, each ancient character has the power to open up the world and purify the evil spirits, and penetrate into the mind of the gods.

The mind of the gods was like a fierce ghost, constantly roaring, and there were two things on its shoulders that were neither humans nor ghosts. They were driven away by the world-grinding disk and turned into flying ashes.

"Ant, why do you want to suppress me?"

It was like a sacred mountain appeared, breaking the suppression of the Five Emperors' canopy, and a mutilated nine-aperture stone man appeared. The gods screamed, and the black body like the Demon Mountain quickly became smaller, turning into a black light and rushing into the stone man's body.

Ji Hongjing's face turned cold. Ninety percent of his divine mind was cut off, and even his Dao roots were taken away. Now he is stronger than the king, but he cannot compare with the saint and is on par with him.


An ancient glazed mirror shook the void, and the Holy King's soldiers instantly shattered the nine-aperture stone man and suppressed it.

"Awaken the memories of the past life, borrow the fruits of the past life..." The nine-aperture stone man collapsed, revealing the black ghost. However, there was no Yin energy, and the black divine thoughts made a sound like a curse.

Ji Hongjing's expression changed, and the glazed ancient mirror froze time and space, trying to stop him, but unfortunately it was too late.

Wisps of golden rays of light hung down from his Tianling Cap, protecting his entire body.

At this moment, the divine brilliance dyed his entire body golden, making him extremely holy. There was no trace of yin anymore, and he became extremely majestic.


More golden light gushed out from his Tianling Cap, and the terrifying aura made people tremble. Even the killing light and chaos from the Beginningless Killing Array could hardly hurt him.

At this time, the world was suffocating and filled with a strong sense of oppression, as if a great emperor had been resurrected!

"It's broken. Why is he so powerful as an emperor? Ji Xiaozi, kill him quickly!" Black Emperor shouted, with fear written on his face. All this exceeded their expectations.

The sky-swallowing demon cap flew over Duan De's head. Taking advantage of the fact that the secret technique of divine thought was not completed, Ji Hongjing was still able to kill him with half of the imperial weapon, not to mention the Crocodile Ancestor beside him.

But Ji Hongjing did not listen to the Black Emperor, but the Sound Transmission Crocodile Ancestor protected him. He retreated to Ye Fan and the others with the magic cap on his head, pointed at the center of his eyebrows, and quickly compressed the entire plan into a bright ball of spiritual light.

"I hope we can communicate!"

At this point, he could only pray that Dacheng Holy Body would not attack so quickly and be careful about Nian Nian's life.

(End of this chapter)

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