The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 311 The Great Holy Body Rules the World

Chapter 311 The Great Holy Body Rules the World
The blazing light all over the sky is like the condensed light of thousands of stars. The body of the golden ghost is even more dazzling. The Heavenly Spirit Cap moves the nine heavens and ten earths, as clear as a piece of Taoist bone, and thousands of strands of divine principles hang down.


The overwhelming pressure spread out, and several people almost fell to their knees. The aura of the ancient emperor was overwhelming for eternity, which was frightening!
From the magic spell recited by the god, we can know that he is awakening the memory of the previous life and borrowing the Tao Fruit of the previous life. This is the recovery of part of the magical power of the Great Holy Body of the previous life!
The divine radiance cleanses the yin energy. This is a holy body with immeasurable light. It is sacred, majestic and inviolable. Nine heavens and ten earths tremble because of him!
His body is surrounded by divine chains of order, like a fairy phoenix reborn from the ashes. He possesses immeasurable divine power, and the heaven and earth roar for him.

All kinds of auspicious lights and colors fell down, as if worshiping a supreme emperor, and various visions appeared!
Even the ancient glazed mirror has lost contact and cannot be activated. The same is true for the heavenly scepter and goddess furnace of Ye Fan and others. This is a terrifying scene.


This is what everyone feels. He has unparalleled combat power and has the appearance of an ancient emperor.

"He awakened the memory of his previous life and obtained the Tao Fruit of the Great Holy Body!"

"Senior, what should we do now?" Ye Fan asked.

Ji Hongjing ignored it and stared at the divine thought, ready to use the divine thought light ball at any time.


"Swept across nine heavens and ten earths, reversed the reincarnation of heaven and earth, so what if I am invincible in heaven and earth? In the end, I have to face the ups and downs of the world alone. I see my beauty grow old and quiet, and my relatives and friends turn into loess one by one to bid farewell to them. I am the only one who survives. Immortal. After choosing to leave here, and after endless years, I finally died in a foreign land, with invincible glory and endless melancholy..." He said to himself sadly, his eyes dimmed, and he looked at the whole place. Donghuang.

"it's time!"

"Kill them..." This is the voice of the gods.

The bright divine light ball was raised high by him, and the majestic body turned around to face Ji Hongjing and the others. The sky-swallowing demon cap suddenly made a clanging sound, and streaks of fairy light fell down, surrounding them.

The divine power of the Dacheng Holy Body surges in all directions, making the nine heavens and ten earth tremble!
"We are finished. Even the perfect imperial weapons brought at this time can't stop him. A Dacheng Holy Body has revived. Only the resurrection of the great emperor can deal with him." The Black Emperor asked Ji Hongjing sadly, "Ji boy, what are you going to do? Well? We were all killed by you."

"I'm back again, back to the land where I was born..." He whispered to himself softly, feeling endless sadness, for fear of being shocked by the magnificent mountains and rivers.

The Black Emperor was frightened, and took out the chessboard pattern that he had already prepared, and if he wanted to take a few people with him, he would cross the void.

This is the feeling of the Jidao Imperial Soldier, giving rise to a sense of urgency and threat!
"Kill...them..." A weak divine thought came out from the heart of the Dacheng Holy Body, making everyone feel cold. The divine thought has not given up controlling the Dacheng Holy Body yet.

However, the moment his eyes swept over the god-like golden figure in front of him, the chessboard pattern turned into powder and ceased to exist.

Ji Hongjing's heart tightened and he quickly shouted: "Senior, please be careful and take care of your life!"

In front of him, the golden body shook, and the last divine radiance dropped from the Tianling Cap. He opened his eyes suddenly, and in an instant it was like the heaven and earth were opened!
The world trembled, chaos surged, and all the formations arranged by the Black Emperor were destroyed. An invincible fighting spirit surged into the sky, and through the induction of heaven, it swept the entire Eastern Wilderness in an instant!
At this moment, all living beings trembled, everyone was frightened, as if they were on a sacred land, as if they were facing a god, and no one knew how many living beings worshiped him.

With dazzling brilliance and a majestic aura, the Dacheng Holy Body stood there, combined with the avenue of heaven and earth, forming an aura that made all living beings want to worship.

However, another more oppressive and irresistible wave of spiritual thoughts immediately suppressed it. The Dacheng Holy Body looked down at the mountains and the land, with endless brilliance and sadness in its eyes.

"Let's go quickly, there's no way to survive if we stay any longer!"

"Perhaps, we are not in danger." Ye Fan was in a daze, staring at the Dacheng Holy Body in front of him. He did not sense the gloom, but only the majesty and holiness.

"Please don't seek death!" Ji Hongjing kept praying. The divine mind was already so weak that even if it was rescued, it would take a lot of effort to raise it back.

The Dacheng Holy Body looked at the spiritual light ball that was raised high, and received all the information at a glance. His eyes looked at the ancient restricted area, as if he saw the road to immortality, and murmured: "Hengyu, Void , the road to immortality, darkness and turmoil..."

He lowered his head and looked at Ji Hongjing and said, "I understand what you mean. The thoughts of the gods will be left behind. The evil thoughts are born from me, and I will purify them." "Thank you, senior!" Ji Hongjing bowed and thanked, greatly relieved. Tone, the Dacheng Holy Body Gong takes part in creation, purifying evil thoughts and saving him a lot of effort.

Ye Fan and others were very curious about the content of the spiritual light ball, while Heihuang and Duan De stared at Ji Hongjing in disbelief. The more they knew, the more absurd they felt.

"How did you do it?" Black Emperor asked in a low voice, attracting several people to look at him.

"Like-minded people, do you understand?" Ji Hongjing said.

Everyone rolled their eyes. At this time, the Dacheng Holy Body scared away an ancestor king who was hiding in the distance. He looked at the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Cap, and finally his eyes fell on Ye Fan: "Is the inheritance of the Holy Body cut off?"

Ye Fan saluted seriously and said: "Senior, please give me a gift!"

"Senior, please give us the supreme holy law!" Duan De also followed suit and wanted to inherit it.

A beam of light penetrated Ye Fan's eyebrows, and he couldn't help but said to himself: "I have gotten it."

At a glance at the Dacheng Holy Body, Ye Fan's experience seemed to pass quickly in his eyes, and he said: "The inheritance method of the human race's Holy Body requires spiritual awareness. There are many routes that will be cut off after death. You can't find it through the corpse."

"Senior, please give me some advice." Ye Fan saluted again.

"Enter the realm of saints and rebuild every secret realm with this method. This is the capital of our invincible physique." After the Dacheng Holy Body finished speaking, he said no more, looked at the mountains and the earth and sighed softly.

Duan De, Heihuang, Li Tian and others all scratched their heads and were restless. They all saluted and asked their seniors to teach him and let him pass on a Taoist law.

Ji Hongjing also wanted to get the Dacheng Holy Body to teach the Dharma, but the memory of Daoguo was not long in the world, and the Holy Body had unfulfilled wishes, so he would not bother him this time.

The gods want to follow him from now on, so they have plenty of time to ask for advice!
"I want to go see this land. You go to this place and wait for me." Dacheng Holy Body passed down an address to Ji Hongjing. It was deep in a mountain range in the Southern Territory. He took steps and walked into the distance.

With one step, the mountains, rivers and earth are moving, the wind and clouds are changing, the avenues are intersecting, and all kinds of strange phenomena are born.

"Oh my god, how strong is he? The ancient emperor could only travel like this." The Black Emperor was shocked.

In the distance, the real dragon soared into the sky, the immortal phoenix hovered, and the Xuanwu opened the road... streaks of auspicious colors and divine brilliance paved a golden avenue, and the great sage stepped on it and disappeared into the sky.

Only the light of the Dao is flickering, turning into thunder in the nine heavens and remaining, and the heaven and the earth send down extraordinary spectacles for it, recognizing its supreme Dao fruit. This is rare in the ages, and not many people have been able to achieve it throughout the ages.

"Where is he going? Chase him quickly!" Duan De said. The memory of the past life of the Dacheng Holy Body was opened. It was an immeasurable treasure. If it could be obtained, it would be equivalent to stealing an emperor's tomb.

"What a high level of skill!" Ji Hongjing praised and stood still, causing everyone to stop and look at him.

"Boy Ji, let's work together to carve a great formation in the void. Hurry up and catch up. That's the Infinite Divine Treasure. Are you not tempted?" the Black Emperor said anxiously.

"Can you catch up?" Ji Hongjing rolled his eyes at it.

The great sage took one step forward, and the sun, moon, mountains, and rivers all retreated. Dao patterns appeared under his feet. He left the central realm in one step and disappeared in an instant.

This speed was too terrifying. His steps seemed to penetrate the void. The golden avenue and various wonders of heaven and earth followed him away. It was impossible to catch up with Ji Hongjing's current ability.

(End of this chapter)

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