Chapter 324 Divine Infant
A few years ago, before his death, the peerless Tianji Imperial Master of the Ziwei Divine Dynasty deduced with his lifelong Taoist power that if the divine infant descended from the sky, the dynasty would surely prosper.

This prophecy came true. More than a year ago, outside the imperial capital of the Divine Dynasty, flowers suddenly filled the sky, and there were bursts of fairy music. A fairy light fell on the ground, and a baby girl appeared, about three or four years old, like a fairy, pink and pink. Tender jade.

Her tears can bring life to human flesh and bones, comparable to the elixir of death!
A strand of hair she dropped was taken and ground into fine powder by someone. After being swallowed, it directly cured the injury!
This incident was a big deal at that time. Everyone in the imperial capital saw the arrival of the divine baby, which triggered a big fight and blood flowed into rivers. Even the Dacheng King took action several times. In the end, a saint from the Ziwei Dynasty came out and snatched away the child. The divine infant calmed down the turmoil.

People in the imperial capital remained silent about this matter. Teams of guards shuttled through the streets and alleys, prohibiting people from talking about this matter.

But secretly, this topic kept going on. After all, it was the divine infant who had transformed into a flying fairy, and it was the best topic at the monk's wine table.

"Some say it's the elixir that took the form of a human being, some say it's a fairy, some say it's the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, there are all kinds of legends."

In a tea shed on the roadside, a bearded monk was talking without a guard behind his back. Ji Hongjing listened carefully, paid him a piece of gold, turned around, picked up a tea bowl, drank tea, and thought about the news.

After a while, the bearded voice came from behind again, with the exact same words, he sold it to others again.

Ji Hongjing observed for a moment and was very speechless. When the bearded man saw someone who did not look like someone from the imperial capital, he would come up to talk, and then tell the story about the divine infant and collect payment.

He had said the same thing so many times and sold it for how much money, yet he was not afraid of being arrested by the guards?
After walking around the imperial capital, Ji Hongjing found that there were many people inquiring about the news. It could be said that spies from all the major forces in Ziwei were here, including the Dragon Clan, Golden Crow Clan and other demon clans.

Ziweishen has a treasure in the sky but does not have the power to protect it. Now he is probably still dreaming of dominating the ancient star, surrounded by wolves without even realizing it.

"Hey~" Ji Hongjing sighed as he looked at the high-spirited and swaggering descendant of the Ziwei royal family, which prompted a handsome young man next to him to ask: "Brother, are you sighing because you can't understand what the Ziwei Dynasty has done?"

"I lament that the Ziwei Divine Dynasty could have been immortal for eternity, but it ended up destroying itself!"

"Oh, really?" The handsome young master unfolded his folding fan and retorted: "The divine dynasty has obtained the divine infant, and its strength has been improving. For example, the eldest prince who just flew by on a dragon has not only succeeded in killing Dao in more than a year, but also How can it be self-destruction if we go to a smaller realm?”

"The divine infant is born, and the divine infant is dead!" Ji Hongjing looked at the handsome young master and said with a smile, "Princess Yue Shi, do you think what Ji said is right?"

"Yue Shi pays homage to senior!" The handsome young master bowed and saluted, "I would also like to invite senior to pay a visit."

Ji Hongyuan nodded, and the handsome young master led the way, and soon arrived at a princess mansion with carved railings and painted buildings.

"Senior, please have some tea. I'll go change my clothes." Princess Yue Shi poured tea for him personally and brought some good spiritual fruits to Xiao Bai before saying goodbye and leaving.

After a while, a peerless beauty arrived. Her black hair was as shiny as silk, her skin was white and crystal clear, and she had a pair of phoenix eyes full of spiritual energy. They were slightly tilted upward, possessing endless beauty and charm.

Princess Yue Shi of the Ziwei Dynasty once competed with Yi Qingwu for beauty, but unfortunately she was slightly inferior and was the second most beautiful woman in the world.

They are all rare beauties in the world, each with their own characteristics. They are almost equal in terms of appearance alone. However, due to the beauty competition among monks, their qualifications are inevitable, which leads to the defeat of Princess Yue Shi.

Ji Hongjing picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and said leisurely: "The princess is really well-informed. Ji changed his appearance, but he was found by the princess not long after he entered the imperial capital."

"Senior, I misunderstood. I wanted to talk to the eldest brother about something. I happened to see senior holding the little white beast, so I stepped forward to try my luck." Princess Yue Shi asked, "Senior, too, are you here for the divine baby?"

Ji Hongjing nodded, admitted generously, looked at Princess Yue Shi, and asked: "I heard that among all the princes and daughters of the Ziwei Dynasty, the princess's qualifications and cultivation are ranked first. It takes more than a year to obtain the divine infant. The eldest prince has After all, why is the princess still at the peak of immortality?"

"Senior seems to know the divine infant very well. I must have guessed that Yue Shi didn't use the divine infant." "That's why I came back with the princess. I'm curious why the princess doesn't use the divine infant?"

Princess Yue Shi smiled bitterly and said: "The divine infant is a living person, not an elixir, so how can it be used?"

Ji Hongjing narrowed his eyes slightly and said calmly: "Don't other people in the dynasty think this way?"

After Princess Yue Shi was silent for a moment, she said: "I went to see the eldest brother today because I wanted to ask him to join me in persuading the emperor to be kind to the divine infant. I put it aside temporarily when I met the senior."

Ji Hongjing adjusted his posture and said: "Princess, tell me how the Ziwei Dynasty uses the divine infant."

Princess Yue Shi remained silent, while Ji Hongjing Shiran stood up and walked out, saying, "I can guess that the princess is nothing more than making human medicine. Take my leave."

"Senior, please stay." Princess Yue Shi hurriedly stopped Ji Hongjing and said, "Senior, please save the Shen Dynasty!"

Ji Hongjing narrowed his eyes and asked, "How do you say this?"

Princess Yue Shi raised her pretty face and said: "How could the divine baby be a mortal with the power of immortality? When the divine dynasty first bled me to refine the medicine, the moment I picked up the magical medicine, I seemed to see the divine The century-long prosperity and one-day destruction of the dynasty scared me away from using the magic medicine. Afterwards, I went to talk to Shenying and asked her about her past. She mentioned the names of several eldest brothers, the most frequent of which was Zi Zi in the past few years. The humble Ye Fan, and then the senior.”

"Senior said on the street that the Ziwei Divine Dynasty is a divine infant when it rises, and a divine infant dies when it dies. I think seniors must know what kind of existence the divine infant is, so I would like to ask seniors to save the divine infant."

Princess Yue Shi paid her respects again, and Ji Hongjing said leisurely: "Since the princess has predicted the rise and fall of the dynasty, why not persuade the dynasty to treat the divine infant kindly?"

"I tried to persuade you, but everyone went crazy," Princess Yue Shi smiled bitterly. "The divine blood, which can enhance physical fitness and improve cultivation, is comparable to the life-extending effect of the immortal medicine. The illusory opportunity to become an immortal has deceived everyone. From the emperor to the prince, even the ancestors who have lived for thousands of years are crazy. They can't listen to any advice. Instead, they blame me for being alarmist. Even the elder brother who has loved me since childhood can't listen to my words. , took away the magic medicine that I didn’t dare to use and used it myself.”

Speaking of this, Princess Yue Shi shed tears from the corners of her eyes and said sadly: "But I have no way to save the divine infant and save the dynasty. I can only beg the emperor again and again. After many times, he is unwilling to see me. Now I I can only ask the eldest brother, hoping that he can turn around and help me persuade the emperor."

"Is it useful?" Ji Hongjing asked.

Princess Yue Shi was silent. The eldest prince had been killing Dao for more than a year and had broken through a small realm. He had long been addicted to the magical medicine refined with the blood of the divine infant. How could he listen to her?
Ji Hongjing sat down again and asked, "Tell me how you want me to help you?"

"Senior, please take away the divine infant."

"I do have this plan, but although I can fight saints, it's not that easy to take away the divine infant, right?"

The Ziwei Dynasty attaches great importance to the divine infant and arranges it in the imperial palace, hiding it so tightly that outsiders cannot take a look.

Ji Hongjing would not be so arrogant as to break into a secret place of a divine dynasty. It would be no different from seeking death. Facing the Great Sage or even the stronger Sage King, even with the Emperor Talisman given by Ji Zi, he would not be able to hit him. !

What's more, the Emperor Talisman has been used up. His original plan was to sneak into the palace, find the secret place where the divine infant was imprisoned, and then ask the Holy Emperor to take action.

Princess Yue Shi said: "I can't save the divine baby, I can only treat her as well as possible. After learning that she likes elixirs to make her sticky, I will give her a bowl of elixirs every morning and evening, play with her for a while, and coax her at night. She left after she fell asleep, and the imperial court did not stop her. Senior could hide in me and take the opportunity to take away the divine infant. "

Ji Hongjing nodded in agreement, looked at Princess Yue Shi and sighed: "It seems that you have fought for the prosperity of the Ziwei Dynasty for a hundred years."

(End of this chapter)

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