Chapter 325 Moon Poem
In the magnificent royal palace of the Ziwei Dynasty, Ji Hongjing hid in Princess Yue Shi's sleeve and passed through many obstacles to a secret place.

There is a suspended divine island here, which is heavily guarded. The divine generals guarding the gate are all extremely powerful. There is a king dragon hidden in the mist around the divine island, staring at the entrance of the secret land with a pair of ruthless eyes.

There is a golden holy mirror on the top of the entrance gate. Everyone who enters the secret place must walk under the holy mirror. If there is anything strange, they will be taken down.

Ji Hongjing restrained his aura, shrunk his body to the extreme, and hid it between the texture of Princess Yue Shi's skin to avoid the detection of the holy mirror.

"Princess!" The gatekeeper is neither humble nor arrogant. His identity is not simple, and he doesn't have much respect for Princess Yue Shi.

"Two imperial uncles, I'm here to deliver the elixir."

Princess Yue Shi opened the food box, and a bowl of steaming elixir exuded powerful medicinal power. The corner of the guarding god general's eyes twitched. Such elixirs are extremely rare for extremely powerful people like them. Princess Yue Shi But he gave a bowl to the divine infant every morning and evening.

The god general checked the food box and found no abnormality and then sent a message to the secret place. An old man's voice came from the secret place: "Come in."

Princess Yue Shi covered the food box and walked into the secret place. She couldn't help but feel nervous when she passed the holy mirror. Fortunately, the holy mirror didn't notice anything unusual and let her pass.

"Ancestor!" Yue Shi saluted the old man at the entrance of the secret land. This was a saint. He was the one who brought back the divine infant last year and started the prosperity of the Ziwei Divine Dynasty.

After entering the secret place, a fairy treasure land appeared in the field of vision. The spiritual energy condensed into fog, the grass was delicious, the fallen flowers were colorful, there were spiritual beasts and birds everywhere, and there were countless pavilions and pavilions.

Princess Yueling did not dare to stay any longer. She was afraid that Ji Hongjing would kill someone if the ancestor continued to speak.

"The divine infant possesses the power of immortality. How can its origin be simple? I'm afraid that before the divine dynasty prospers, it will be destroyed!"

"Hmph, with the Divine Infant here, my clan can recover its peak vitality and blood, why are we still afraid of them?" The old man snorted coldly, "At that time, the Divine Dynasty was the largest force in Ziwei, and anyone who dared to disobey would be destroyed!"

There is a heavily guarded courtyard in the small world. There are several guards patrolling the three floors inside and three outside. Each guard is a powerful slayer, and the leader is a semi-saint.

"Ye Fan of the Holy Body is nothing to worry about. Whether you can become a saint is a matter of two opinions. Besides, if you become a Taoist, how can you be afraid of becoming a Holy Body? Ji Hongjing of the Ji family..." The old man said after a moment of silence, "Keep the matter of the Divine Infant a secret." , Just don’t let him know? If the news is leaked, ask the Great Sage to kill him. If the news can’t reach Beidou, what will happen if the Ji family has imperial soldiers?”

"What about the enemies from outside the territory?" Princess Yue Shi asked, "The Divine Infant has been here for more than a year. Our ancestors will not know that she has a close relationship with Beidou. If the Holy Body attacks and the Ji family's imperial soldiers invade, the Divine Infant will be destroyed." How can I resist it? Can the sunken island not let the ancestors understand the power of the extreme?"

"That's just your temporary feeling. Maybe it's just an illusion that you saw because of the divine infant's self-rescue." The old man advised: "Every great emperor is accompanied by the elixir of immortality, and the divine infant is the best elixir in the world. Wait for you to prove it." After that, just take the divine baby with you and make it up to her when the time comes."

Princess Yue Shi shook her head and said: "I'm afraid that the divine dynasty will be destroyed before I can prove the truth. My ancestors don't know how many spies from various forces have entered the imperial capital to inquire about news. When the divine dynasty grows beyond a certain level, all major forces will They will all attack together. How can the Divine Dynasty resist at that time? Ancestor, don’t forget the Sun God Sect and the Hua Family. They are of the Holy Emperor’s bloodline, let alone the Ziwei Divine Dynasty!”

This is a small world, at least it was opened by the Great Sage. The Ziwei Divine Dynasty has been operating for many years and has countless spiritual springs. It is most suitable for growing elixirs. There are many masters hidden in the secret.

"Go ahead and fatten up the divine infant so that you can bleed more. This elixir is not one ten thousandth of the immortal blood. It is not enough to go to the treasury to get it."

"Ancestor, I'm going to deliver the elixir to make it numb." Princess Yue Shi stopped trying to persuade her. This was her last effort, but unfortunately she still couldn't wake up the stunned tribesmen.

The old man looked at her and sighed: "If you are willing to use the precious blood of the divine infant to refine the magical medicine, it will only be easy to surpass Yi Qingwu, and it is not impossible to achieve enlightenment. By then, the divine dynasty will surely prosper for thousands of years and become truly immortal." God’s dynasty, why should we make mistakes?”

In this small courtyard, there are two saints playing chess. They are guarding the entrance of the courtyard where the divine infant is detained, which is enough to show that the divine court attaches great importance to the divine infant.

Princess Yue Shi passed all the checks and finally arrived at the innermost courtyard. In a room full of formations, a little girl of three or four years old shrank timidly in the corner. She looked at the door in fear and saw that it was Princess Yue Shi's. Only then did he show a smile.

"Little sister!" the little girl shouted sweetly, feeling relieved. This little sister would not look at her like a cannibal, nor would she bleed her. She would give her delicious elixirs every day. Mu Mu, he would also tell her stories to coax her to sleep. When she fell asleep, it no longer hurt, and she could still dream about her big brother. "Nanny." Princess Yue Shi put the food box on the table, picked up the little girl, stroked her head and said, "Don't be afraid, my sister has brought you your favorite elixir, goo, eat it while it's hot. Bar."

"Yeah!" The little girl nodded happily. This was her happiest time every day.

Seeing the little girl taking small bites of the elixir with a happy face, Princess Yue Shi shed tears, wiped the corners of the little girl's mouth, and said: "Nanny, don't hate them, okay? Just beg for mercy as your sister. If you want to take revenge in the future, you can Find your sister, okay?”

The little girl looked at her with a confused expression. Seeing Princess Yue Shi's face bursting with tears and pleading, she couldn't help but nodded.

Princess Yue Shi burst into laughter. Suddenly, a formation disk fell from her sleeves. Ji Hongjing picked up the little girl, activated the formation, and disappeared in a flash.


The room exploded, and the saint guarding the place rushed in. When he saw the formation disk, he was shocked: "Teleportation formation, break it quickly!"


The two saints broke the formation together, but no one fell out of the void. More and more saints came. Princess Yue Shi said lightly: "It's useless. How can the formation of the Void Emperor be interrupted so easily?"


With a crisp sound, Princess Yue Shi fell to the ground, vomiting blood, and half of her face was swollen.

"How dare you collude with outsiders to steal the divine infant!" a saint said angrily.

Princess Yue Shi covered her face and said nothing. At this time, the emperor rushed towards the emperor. She looked at Princess Yue Shi and showed a hint of distress. She quickly disappeared and said coldly: "Ancestor, please go after me and snatch the divine baby." Come back, as for Yue Shi... put on death row."

"Wait a minute." Princess Yue Shi was desperate, but had to stop everyone, rolled up her sleeves and said, "Look at what this is?"

A strand of golden Dao lines wrapped around his arm, and with a slight push, the power of the extreme Dao overwhelmed the world. The small world creaked and would collapse at any time. Everyone knelt on the ground, unable to bear the power of God.

"This is a warning from Senior Ji. He will no longer pursue the past matters, but if the divine dynasty has any undue thoughts about the divine infant, it will be destroyed."

Princess Yue Shi looked at the crowd, a wisp of blood hanging on her lips, her eyes dim with tears, very poignant: "Are you really going to destroy the Divine Dynasty?"

A great sage appeared in the small courtyard, staring at the golden dharma on Princess Yue Shi's wrist, and said: "This is the dharma that the great sage urged to plant under the imperial army!?"

Princess Yue Shi was heartbroken and said sarcastically: "The ancestor still wanted to kill Senior Ji and hide it from the Beidou Ji family. He never thought that there was a great sage with imperial soldiers beside him, right? He already knew about the divine infant. News, if I hadn’t met him by chance, I wouldn’t have stolen the Divine Infant tonight, but the Ji Dao Emperor’s soldiers would have defeated the Divine Dynasty and snatched away the Divine Infant!”

She touched the golden Dao pattern on her wrist and murmured: "I thought I was a princess, and I would at best be punished for letting the divine baby go. When Senior Ji gave me this life-saving Dao pattern, I thought he was overly concerned. , I didn’t expect it to be really useful!”

She smiled sadly, put down her sleeves and walked out. The power of the Jida had disappeared, but no one dared to stop her.

"Yue Shi..." Emperor Ziwei stretched out his hand to stop her, but didn't know what to say.

Princess Yue Shi paused and walked out resolutely. Since then, the Ziwei Dynasty has lost a Princess Yue Shi, and the Qishi Mansion has gained a Taoist Yue Shi who is dedicated to Taoism.

(End of this chapter)

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