The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 326 The Ancient Road of the Human Race

Chapter 326 The Ancient Road of the Human Race
On the green grass, laughter like silver bells spread all over the place. The white unicorn was carrying a little girl chasing a butterfly, which scared the butterfly and flew around. The unicorn suddenly went up and down, left and right, making the little girl laugh. .

Ji Haoyue looked at the little girl and said in surprise: "The Black Emperor said that the little girl had transformed into an immortal and ascended. Unexpectedly, she actually appeared in Ziwei Ancient Star. How did she get here?"

"It's the big brother!" Ji Hongjing shrugged. There was no hope for his brother. He calculated the time. About the third year after Ye Fan fell into the Eye of the Sea, the little girl transformed into an immortal and ascended away from Beidou. When she arrived at Ziwei Missed Ye Fan perfectly!

Ji Haoyue knew the origin of the little girl. When she heard that the Ziwei Divine Dynasty was bleeding people to refine the medicine, she couldn't help but gasped: "Are they looking for death?"

If the ruthless emperor wakes up, how many steps will it take to reach Ziwei? Even in the ancient restricted area, across the endless starry sky, the Ziwei Divine Dynasty can be destroyed with one finger!
"For the sake of Princess Yue Shi, the Ziwei Dynasty has escaped disaster." Ji Hongjing said with a smile, "In exchange for a hundred years of prosperity, it will last for thousands of years, and make a lot of money!"

Ji Haoyue shook her head and sighed: "If they could treat my daughter well, they might be able to survive forever. What a pity, what a pity!"

Ji Hongyuan nodded, not everyone can seize this opportunity!

He asked: "By the way, how is the matter you were asked to investigate?"

"The Taiyin Sect does have a token. It is in the hands of the Taiyin Sect leader. I snatched it."

Ji Haoyue handed over a token, which was the same as the Tianxuan token given by the old madman. Ji Hongjing took it and asked: "What is the situation of Duan Muming, the son of Taiyin God now?"

"You have become the leader!" Ji Haoyue said, "You said you would leave him to Hua Xuan. Ye Fan spared his life after being defeated. He suffered successive setbacks and his Taoist heart was broken. He became possessed by the devil, but he happened to kill Taoist. This In one year, he massacred the senior officials of the Taiyin Sect, became the leader of the cult, and changed his surname to Hua. He also forced all the Duanmu family members to change their surnames. He clamored every day that he was also a bloodline of the Taiyin Holy Emperor. What did his ancestors' separation from the Hua family have to do with him? , Why can’t he inherit the Holy Emperor’s legacy?”

"Can we wait until Xuanxuan comes to kill him? He won't kill himself to death, right?"

Ji Haoyue shrugged and said: "Not necessarily. After I defeated him and spared his life, his Taoist heart was broken again. He became more possessed by the devil, but also stronger. I think he is more suitable for Luan Gu Emperor than Wang Teng. inherited!"

Ji Hongjing was speechless, could this still happen?

"By the way, there are indeed three such tokens in Guanghan Palace," Ji Haoyue said. "One of the three tokens is the Saint Lord's Order of Guanghan Palace, one is the Elder's Order, and the other is Yi Qingwu's 100th Order in Guanghan Palace." Yi Qingwu didn't want to exchange the tokens she found in Zero Eight, but she said that if she could collect the other six tokens, she could figure out the secrets with her. "

"The most difficult thing now is the token in the hands of Saint Tianxuan." Ji Hongjing looked at the little girl playing happily. He and Wei Yi had some ideas on how to release the control of Huang Nu, but to rescue the Saint, it would definitely take the emperor. Acquiesce, it depends on the little girl.

"Forget it, I'm not sure yet, don't rush yet." He gave up for the time being, but he had a headache again about how to arrange the little girl.

We can't take the little one with us when we enter the trial. It's not impossible to send her back to Beidou, but who will go?
Ji Hongjing asked Ji Haoyue, and the brat shook his head: "It takes a year to come and go, even if there is an ancient road in the sky, it's a waste of time."

"When you go back, you can compete with the ancient prince's children and try out the power of the Reverse Sword Dao. You can also wait for Yixian and Ziyue to embark on the road of trials together. Why not?"

Ji Haoyue was moved, but still shook her head: "Forget it, the situation in Beidou is complicated. As the heir of the Ji family, I have many constraints, which makes it difficult to test. I can find suitable opponents in Ziwei, whether on land or sea, and I can do anything." It’s more comfortable to take action without hesitation.”

"Okay, whatever."

Ji Hongjing had no choice but to look at Shi Jian. Shi Jian said, "Sir, I am also a semi-saint. I can follow you on the trial road."

It is not appropriate for Jiang Miao and others to rebuild Poseidon Island. Ji Hongjing regrets not taking Ji Ling and others with him, and now there is no one to send!

"Uncle, just let Nannan stay in Ziwei Ancient Star. The new Shennong Island is secretly located, and Crocodile Ancestor is in charge. We will stay in Ziwei for a long time and can take good care of her. Besides..." Ji Haoyue Said, "Who in the world could really hurt her?"

"Yes." Ji Hongjing nodded, called Xiaobai back, and took them to Shennong Island.

In the following days, he deployed many formations on the new Shennong Island to ensure the safety of the island. Ji Haoyue and others practiced with the branches of the Fuso Sacred Tree, which he finally obtained from the Holy Emperor God. Came from Liqiu.

Xiaobai plays with the little girl all day long. The Holy Emperor God Nian and the Holy Body God Nian often visit the little girl. Their eyes can naturally see the extraordinary nature of the little girl.

A month later, he said goodbye to everyone, went to Ziwei Qishi Mansion, and it was time to embark on the ancient road of trials.

In Qi Shi's Mansion, he met Princess Yue Shi, who was wearing a Taoist robe. The news that she had colluded with outsiders to release the Divine Infant had spread throughout Ziwei. However, the Ziwei Dynasty did not spread the news that the person who took away the Divine Infant was Ji Hongjing. All major forces rushed there one after another. Qi Shifu asked Yue Shi who took away the divine infant. Yue Shi raised her wrist, and the golden Dao pattern crushed the heaven and earth. The power of the Jida overwhelmed everyone to the ground. She looked at these people with an indifferent expression and said: "If you want to try the Jida Emperor's weapons in the hands of the Great Sage, Power, I can tell you that those who stay here within three breaths can get the whereabouts of the divine infant."

She lowered her wrist, and the power of the extreme disappeared. When she counted to two indifferently, all the people from all forces had finished running away!
From then on, she was able to practice peacefully in Qishi Mansion. Ziweishen Dynasty later sent her some resources in order to repair the relationship. After she refused twice, she accepted, but the relationship could never return to the past.

Ji Hongjing arrived, handed her a small colorful stone, and said, "Nanny asked me to give this to you."

This is not the stone that little girl would produce on a full moon night. Since the old madman helped her fix the stone, she will not lose her memory and will not produce stones. Ji Hongjing does not know how the little guy made it. The little guy himself also She didn't know, she just said she had a good sleep, and a voice from somewhere asked her to give it to sister Yue Shi.

Shen Nian, the Holy Emperor, had seen the small stone and said it was a means of inheritance. There was nothing visible on the surface, but when a specific person put it on, he would receive the inheritance when he fell into a dream.

The inheritance of the little stone might be more powerful than the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique and the Immortal Heaven Technique. It could very well be the Immortal Sutra of the ruthless emperor in this life. Ji Hongjing is envious, why doesn't he have it?
"Keep it close to you and try it in your dreams."

Yue Shi knew from his appearance that the little stone was extraordinary. After putting it on, she immediately fell asleep, and when she woke up, she looked excited.

"How's it going? What did you see?"

"A woman of unparalleled beauty was performing a magic spell. Chaos exploded and the stars turned upside down. Her way was so profound that I was so stupid that I couldn't remember even a single bit of it!" Yue Shi asked with annoyance revealed in her excitement, "She must be A great emperor, do you know who he is?"

Ji Hongjing said sourly: "How many bowls of elixir did you feed her? I took care of her for so long and got nothing, and I didn't tell you even if I knew."

He left angrily, Yue Shi chuckled, and then felt extremely happy. If Ziwei Divine Dynasty was really allowed to continue to take little girl's blood to refine medicine, even if the Divine Dynasty was not breached by the outside world, it would not be able to withstand such a presence!

Ji Hongjing also met Yi Qingwu in Qishi Mansion and learned that she had received the inheritance of Guanghan Immortal Palace and Taiyin Holy Princess.

"Where is the laurel sacred tree?"

"Flyed away by himself."

"flew away?!"

"When I collected the Guanghan Immortal Tower, I wanted to collect it together with the sacred tree, but after I initially refined the immortal palace, the sacred tree turned into a stream of light and flew deep into the starry sky, leaving only one branch for me."

Yi Qingwu invited him to take a look at the Guanghan Immortal Palace. The place where the sacred tree was planted was indeed empty.

"I saw the message you left, and I understand that you have been to Xianque, so I wanted to ask you if you know anything?"

Ji Hongjing told Yi Qingwu what he knew, and the two agreed to explore the secrets together after finding all nine Tianxuan Tokens.

At this point, Ziwei Guxing has no worries, the five-color altar in Qishi Mansion is reopened, and he takes Xiaobai and Shi Jian on the road again.

In a deserted star, Ji Hongjing was attacked as soon as he appeared. It was a nest of gold-eating ants, extremely powerful and strong. The ant king at the head was comparable to a semi-saint, and he had many soldier ants at the level of a great king. .

After eating the metal of an ancient star, they will wander in the universe and find the next ancient star. This ancient star is one of the starting points of the road of trials. There have been countless wars and a lot of ancient stars have been left behind. The golden spirit and iron attract them to stop here and hunt those who set foot on the ancient road of trials.

Ji Hongjing did not take action, leaving Xiaobai to deal with them. Although the ant king was a powerful slayer in this era, he could not withstand Xiaobai's Qilin Step and was crushed by his kick.

"Let's go!"

From now on, there is no altar. They must step on the starry sky and walk alone along the ancient road, following the footsteps of the predecessors and embarking on the trial of the strongest.

Away from Beidou and across Ziwei, there are constant crises and bloody battles along the way. They must fight all the way through and achieve their strongest path!
(End of this chapter)

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