The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 329 The First City of the Human Race

Chapter 329 The First City of the Human Race

Before the city gate was opened, Ji Hongjing found a place to sit cross-legged near the city gate. Bao Jing Bao Xiang was next to them but did not disturb each other.

Not long after, the Eighteen Cavalrymen from Yanzhou who had hooked up with Chen Guxing also arrived. They were very powerful and dominated one side, and no one wanted to provoke them easily.

More and more people came, and the outside of the city slowly became noisy. Many people were whispering to each other, looking towards where Ji Hongjing and his party were, or staring at Xiaobai.

Finally, a tall man walked up to Ji Hongjing. He was wearing black holy armor and had two black gold dragon heads on his shoulders. He was overflowing with evil energy and breathtaking. He looked down and said: "Boy, you are not worthy of having a pure-blooded unicorn. You know the truth." Leave it to me, I will spare your life and take you as a war slave."

"I didn't expect that Tuoba Xiong was the first to take action. He comes from an ancient star field and entered the realm of saints more than ten years ago. His strength is unfathomable. I heard that he fought bloody battles all the way and was invincible. The connection guides were all alarmed."

"Who doesn't want to own a pure-blood Kirin? Just wait and see, even if Tuoba Xiong wins the Kirin, he won't be able to live in peace."

"How can it be so simple to have a pure-blooded Kirin? It's a good show!"

Ji Hongjing opened his eyes and was too lazy to get up. He raised his hand and pointed his finger. Divine light erupted from his fingertips, turning into a golden spear and stabbing Tuoba Xiong.

"How brave!" Tuoba Xiong shouted. The black holy armor was ferocious and its demonic power was overwhelming. It collided with the spear and raised his hand to grab Ji Hongjing.

Tuoba Xiong screamed, holding the golden spear with both hands but unable to pull it out. His five secret realms were sealed, his soul was imprisoned, and he could not use any of his divine power. Being nailed to the city wall was extremely painful and humiliating!

The guards on the city wall couldn't help but shrink their pupils when they saw this scene. They are the geniuses who failed on the ancient road. Naturally they understand how powerful Tuoba Xiong is. There is no weak person who can get here. There are six or seven forbidden areas that cannot set foot in the eighth forbidden area. Tuoba Xiong was a seed-level expert who had set foot in the Seven Forbidden Zones, which attracted the attention of the envoy.

"What a tragedy!" Beside him, a woman in white was smiling, walking side by side with him, laughing and mocking as she passed Tuoba Xiong.

They have a murderous aura, as if they have conquered many star realms and killed countless powerful people, and now they are guarding this place, making people afraid to offend them, like a group of ferocious beasts dormant here.

They looked at the first human city curiously. The ancient city exuded the atmosphere of ancient times. It was built with gray-brown boulders. It was majestic and impressive, and there were people guarding it.

"Go and inform the city lord that another incredible genius has arrived." The soldier captain on the tower ordered the guard beside him, glanced at the sun, and shouted loudly, "The time has come, open the city gate!"


The spear pierced the demonic energy, and as he moved forward, Tuoba Xiong's expression changed, and his palm changed to grasp the spear. At this time, time and space froze, and he could not move, and he could only watch helplessly as the spear pierced the holy armor.


The power of laws rushed towards Tuoba Xiong's five secret realms and sealed them. The soul on the Immortal Platform was also imprisoned. The golden spear pierced Tuoba Xiong, took his body and rushed towards the first human city, nailing it to the city wall. superior.

Ji Hongjing stood up and walked forward with Xiaobai and Shi Jian. Everyone made way for them. Tuoba Xiong, who was nailed to the wall and wailing, told everyone that the strong should be respected!

There were not many soldiers. They all wore cold metallic armor. Their halberds split the sky, and their iron swords cut through the air. They were like a team of heavenly soldiers, staring at everyone.

After he entered the city, a handsome young man opened the folding fan in his hand, said "Interesting" and walked into the city gate.

The ancient city gate creaked open, and it was extremely heavy, like thunder exploding. This was a huge city standing in the starry sky, and once again ushered in a group of human race geniuses.

The sounds of gasping came one after another. This was a saint, but he couldn't even block a single blow. He was nailed to the wall and howled in pain. Everyone looked at Ji Hongjing. He slowly put down his fingers and closed his eyes again to rest. No one was there anymore. If you dare to challenge him, no matter how good the pure-blood Kirin is, you must have a life to possess it.

"Amitabha!" Baojingbaoxiang recited the Buddha's name, followed closely, and stepped into the city gate.

A quarter of an hour later, everyone had entered the city. The guard said: "Three hundred and fifty-nine people, one hundred and twenty more than last time."

The soldier captain looked at Tuoba Xiong, who had just fallen from the city wall, and said, "There may be three hundred and sixty people." Tuoba Xiong covered his chest without saying a word, and the spear transformed by his divine power disappeared, and the five secret realms The seal has been lifted and his divine power has been restored, but he still feels extremely humiliated by the spear stuck in his body.

The taunting voice just now was still in his ears, like a sharp arrow piercing him, making him unable to raise his head. Just when the guard was about to close the city gate, he suddenly raised his head and rushed into the city gate.

"Not bad!" The sergeant commander glanced at him lightly, turned and left.

Entering the city, a loud shout came from the magnificent tower. The soldiers raised their halberds, iron swords, etc. and looked coldly at the bottom.

"No one is allowed to make a big move here!"

The words were very powerful and intimidated everyone. If they rebelled, they might lose the qualification to conduct the most powerful trial.

"What kind of soldiers are these? Why do I think they are stronger than the rest of us?"

Some people were talking quietly, thinking that these soldiers were very special, and it was not an exaggeration to call them heavenly soldiers.

"They are also people who have embarked on the most powerful ancient path of trials, years and decades earlier than us, but they failed and stayed on this path." An older monk sighed.

After learning such a secret, people were surprised. These people can be said to be their kind, a group of people who went on the road first. They were seriously injured and dying. After being treated, they dispersed to various sections of the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

"Don't provoke them. When there are too many people, the good and the bad will naturally vary. Although some people failed, they still can't let go and have hatred in their hearts."

Many people nodded, and Ji Hongjing also noticed that many soldiers were hostile to him.

However, he was not worried and looked curiously at the interior of the ancient city. The city was huge, the streets were wide, and both sides were lined with ancient trees with lush foliage. There were also many buildings, including elixir stores, weapons shops, etc., as well as restaurants, inns, and casinos. wait.

Everyone was surprised that this was a city suitable for living. Although it was located in the universe and not on a planet, it was separated from the vacuum of the sky and there were many residents in the city.

This is a huge city full of life, with some children running around, curious about these people, and constantly looking at them.

On weekdays, the street should be very lively. From the buildings, you can infer the prosperity here. People should be flowing back and forth, shoulder to shoulder.

However, there were few people hawking today. People in the shops were looking out, and many people buying and selling along the street temporarily moved into the alley to make way for them.

"There are so many people!" Xiaobai looked left and right, very curious.

The most powerful ancient trial road has existed since ancient times and is opened every ten thousand years. However, how many people can reach the ultimate place in ancient times? All the strong men have failed!
Many people did not return to their homeland, but stayed along the way, digging out some pure lands and becoming ancient places of life.

A huge city like this was originally a complete habitat, so it naturally became the first choice. In this life, it is difficult to tell the ancestral land of the residents, it is very complicated.

"Some have become mortals, but there are still terrifying monks who can be called hidden dragons and crouching tigers." Someone warned not to mess with the aborigines.

A total of 360 people entered the city, walked along the wide streets, and were led to the square in the center of the city by several soldiers.

The floor here is paved with gray-brown stone slabs, and the years have carved many traces on it. There is a tall stone platform in front, and an old man appears silently.

His figure was blurry, only his eyes were like golden lamps, shooting out a terrifying light in the twisted void, and said: "I am the envoy and the lord of this city. I just want to say a few points. First, not every Everyone can continue on the road. You have to be energetic. Soon you will enter a trial field for the first test and selection. Secondly, it is strictly forbidden to fight while you are living in the city. Okay, let's disperse. Go, find a place to stay, and recharge your batteries.”

The city lord's words were very brief, and he disappeared after speaking. To everyone's surprise, many people had questions, but no one could ask them.

(End of this chapter)

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