The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 330: Outstanding Persons from Various Fields

Chapter 330: Outstanding Persons from Various Fields
The crowd dispersed and each found a place to rest.

At this time, the silence in the city suddenly disappeared, and the aborigines began to do business, no longer making way for them, and appeared on the street.

"Red moon fruit bunch, a thousand-year-old medicinal fruit, sweet, crisp and delicious."

"The steamed stuffed buns stuffed with dragon meat are thin in skin and big in filling. They don't taste good and don't cost any money."

The ancient city is prosperous, bustling and popular again, and the traffic is so busy that people are stunned for a while.

"Here are three buns."

"Chenghui, three pieces of divine energy!" The price of the buns shocked Shi Jian's jaw.

"What level of dragon meat actually requires a piece of divine source?"

"If you're a king, please treat me to the First City King's Steamed Buns. I guarantee you won't lose money. If you eat one, you'll miss two!"

The vendor accepted Shenyuan and handed over the steamed buns before disappearing into the crowd in the blink of an eye. Shi Jian took three bites of the steamed buns before eating a little bit of meat filling, and it was just the first-time king's dragon meat.

The aborigines had an explanation, but they had no choice but to do so. The first city of the human race was located deep in the universe and was too barren and lacked supplies.

The little white boy who transformed into a white-clothed young man looked no better than the treasure-faced one. Ji Hongjing shook his head and said with a smile: "My monks don't stick to trivial matters. Watching them eat all kinds of things makes my appetite better."

Ji Hongjing looked at the bun in his hand that had eaten most of the meat and fell into deep thought.

As soon as Baoxiang sat down, he grabbed a cow leg and gnawed on it. Baojing said awkwardly: "Fellow Taoist, please forgive me. Junior brother cultivates the Vajra Dharmakaya and eats a lot."

Daozhen was not shy about the regular knowledge of the Eternal Star Territory and told him a lot.

The Eighteen Cavalrymen from Yanzhou also arrived here. The strong evil aura made the restaurant quiet, but the local natives were not surprised and went about their own business.

"This was like this before the saint. After the saint, a physical body consumes huge resources. No one will give up easily, especially for powerful physiques such as the original demon body and the Brahma battle body. It takes hundreds of thousands of years to cultivate one. Who can Are you willing to give up easily?”

At this time, the handsome young man holding a folding fan and the woman in white also came to share the table. Ji Hongjing smiled and asked them to sit down. He had observed when he was outside the city that these two people were better than Tuoba Xiong.

They wandered around the city, learning about various situations, and looked up into the sky. There was a layer of crystal clear glass covering this place. The stars in the sky were swaying and shining, falling down and being absorbed by the ancient city. They were gorgeous and beautiful.

"Fellow Taoist, can we share a table?" Baojing also arrived here, and Baoxiang followed her, looking at a table of delicious food in a daze.

"I heard that the Eternal Star Realm focuses on the perception and understanding of the Tao. It hardly does physical training and doesn't care much about the physical body. Is that true?"

Ji Hongjing talked with a few people and learned that Mr. Folding Fan's name was Daozhen, from the Eternal Star Territory, and that the woman with him was named Yuyi, from the Feathered Star Territory. He couldn't help but be curious: "How did the two of them get together?"

He shook his head helplessly and entered a small inn. The waiter asked for a piece of divine source, which made people stunned. The price here was too outrageous.

"Damn, with this little meat, one dragon can be sold for 10,000 years, right? Xiaobai, let me see yours... Why do you only have this little meat?"

"I came a month earlier than Taoist friend Hagoromo, and I helped her a little. We talked very happily, so we acted together." Daozhen's voice was smooth and magnetic, making people feel like they were taking a breath of spring breeze.

Ji Hongjing never treats himself badly when he goes out. They went into the best restaurant in the city and ordered a table of special delicacies. Unfortunately, the private room was full and they could only eat in the lobby.

When they saw Ji Hongjing's table, their pupils shrank, and finally, led by the two saints, the boss and the second, they sat next to each other and did not cause trouble.

"Of course, please sit down!"

Ji Hongjing turned around and left. It wasn't that he couldn't pay the price, but that the inn wasn't worth the price, even in the ancient city.

"Everyone, we are going to the trial site soon. I believe you will return with a full load. Divine sources, ancient medicine, etc. are not a problem."

Both of them are royal families in their respective star regions and know many secrets. Ji Hongjing is more curious about the Eternal Star Region. Although Qin Mo comes from this star region, his status is too low and he doesn't know much.

This star field has cultivated many powerful physiques, such as the original demon body, the Brahma battle body, the Supreme Immortal body, etc. They are all the strongest individuals cultivated from the blood of powerful life forms. They have a deep understanding of the Tao and a more physical body. It is to reach the state of perfection and be invincible.

The more he understood, Ji Hongjing probably had a guess. The original demon body and the Brahma battle body should be the products of the analysis of the hegemonic body and the holy body in the eternal star field. The supreme immortal body corresponds to the Tao fetus.

Each star realm has different names for physical constitution. For example, some star realms call the holy body the immortal golden body. The Amitabha star realm also has methods for cultivating the immortal golden body, which are all pursuits of a powerful physical body. The paths lead to the same goal, and what each star field ultimately pursues is those top-notch physiques.

"Nurture the innate physique the day after tomorrow. I will definitely go to the Eternal Star Territory to see and exchange experiences in the future." This star field will definitely provide a lot of help for Ji Hongjing's transformation into a chaotic body.

"Haha, you must come to me when the time comes. Dao will sweep up the couch to welcome you." Daozhen said with a smile.

Others were very curious about Beidou. The road to immortality was about to begin. In the future, Beidou would definitely gather people from all star regions. Ji Hongjing picked out some things he could tell and told them, which surprised several people.

"Emperor Amitabha's demon-conquering pestle is actually in Beidou!"

"The Yuhua Divine Dynasty was actually wiped out by the Emperor with a slap in the face!"

"The daughter of an ancient prince was born with a talent rarely seen in the world!"

Everyone in the lobby pricked up their ears, and even the people in the private rooms were attracted to open the soundproof array to listen to Ji Hongjing's words.

Finally, Yuyi asked: "How many Beidou Tianjiao are there on the ancient road?"

Ji Hongjing touched his chin and thought for a moment, then said, "It seems like we are the first batch!"

Several people looked at each other and wondered: "Beidou has so many great emperor inheritances, how come only three Taoists can embark on the road of trial?"

"The Qing Emperor disappeared in Beidou. The suppression of the Dao there is the strongest in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. It is more difficult to kill the Dao. However, the younger generations of geniuses have grown up like mushrooms after a rain. It will not take many years to embark on the road of trials. There will be no movement at that time. "I will be young." Ji Hongjing said with a smile, "I am much older than them, so I took the first step into the ancient path of trial."

When asked about his age, he was speechless when he learned that he was seventy.

Ji Hongjing said: "Among our group of people who entered the city, there is one who became a semi-saint genius in his thirties!"

That was the woman who arrived at the first city behind them. She caused a sensation as soon as she appeared. The half-saint in her thirties was indeed shocking. If she didn't die, she could become the king among saints even if she couldn't take the imperial path.

Yuyi shook his head and sighed: "I'm afraid she used to focus on cultivation and didn't care about worldly affairs. She was actually shy when we looked at her. We don't know what her elders think. Let her try the ancient road in this way. She is not seeking death. ?"

"Maybe it's a disguise. It's not necessarily that he matures prematurely or has Su Hui." Bao Jing said.

Everyone nodded. No one can reach the ancient road easily. Don't underestimate others.

When Cao Cao arrived, a private room opened, and the owner of the restaurant yelled and cursed at a woman in green clothes. The woman lowered her head, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes, and kept apologizing.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't know the things here were so expensive. Just wait for me for two days, and I will definitely return the source."

Everyone listened for a while and roughly understood what was going on. The woman arrived here first. Seeing the beauty of the restaurant, she stopped to look at it. As a result, the waiter pulled her into a private room and recommended a table of delicious food. After finishing the meal, she found the remaining things on her body. Not enough to pay.

Several people looked at each other, this person is really ignorant of the world!

Seeing that the shopkeeper was scolding her harshly and making the woman cry so hard, Ji Hongjing shook his head helplessly and called the waiter to pay for her.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist. I will pay you back when I earn the divine source."

The woman came to express her gratitude, and Ji Hongjing asked curiously: "How come my Taoist fellow is a half-saint cultivator and can't even afford a banquet?"

The woman shed two tears, lowered her head shyly, and whispered: "I was cheated..."

Several people looked at each other, and Yuyi couldn't help but ask: "How did you get here?"

The woman pulled up her sleeves, revealing a lapis lazuli bracelet, and the pupils of everyone who paid attention to her shrank.

"Quasi-Emperor Soldier!"

Everyone was shocked, and the shopkeeper was even more frightened. If this bracelet was sacrificed, let alone the restaurant, the first city of the human race might not be able to withstand it.

(End of this chapter)

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