The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 331 Murderous Intent

Chapter 331 Murderous Intent

A quasi-emperor weapon was displayed carelessly like this. Everyone was shocked and couldn't help but feel that this woman really didn't understand anything!
Yuyi said helplessly: "Fellow Taoist, please put it away quickly."

After communication, several people learned that the woman's name was Nan Qin and that her master was a quasi-emperor, but unfortunately he had become a Taoist in recent years.

Before the quasi-emperor transformed into a Taoist, he asked her to embark on the ancient road of trials. Without thinking, she took the quasi-emperor bracelet left behind by her master after transforming into a Taoist and set out on the road.

She encountered countless dangers along the way, and she was not familiar with the world. The treasures on her body were deceived and she was left with only a bracelet and a magic weapon. She didn't even have a divine source, only some pure sources.

"One pure source is enough for our table of food and drinks." Nan Qin said aggrievedly.

"You don't know much about the world, so you're not afraid of being betrayed?" Yuyi couldn't help but ask.

Nan Qin lowered his head and whispered: "I was sold too. The bracelet resuscitated me."

Everyone was stunned. Ji Hongjing thought of Xia Jiuyou, who was equally talented and had a quasi-emperor master. Although Xia Jiuyou's cultivation speed was not as fast as Nan Qin's, he was not so simple at least.

He was curious as to how Nan Qin could practice so fast. Even the emperor could not match this speed.

Everyone was speechless, and Yuyi kindly advised: "My elders said that the first city to the tenth city on the ancient trial road are more prepared for semi-saints. After the tenth city is the starting point for saints, Nan Daoyou can go in front. Ten cities have been practiced for ten to twenty years.”

The definition of a seed-level trialist on the Road of Trials is not that he or she must have the qualifications to attain enlightenment, but that he or she can successfully complete the ancient road of trials, stand on par with the Great Sage, and become the backbone of the human race.

People who come to this place are not necessarily coming for the imperial path. Many people are self-aware and can safely complete the ancient path of trials by cultivating the Great Sage, so they are not all enemies.

Daozhen said: "I advise fellow Taoists to stay in the semi-saint realm for a while to eliminate the hidden dangers in the body before breaking through. Otherwise, it is very likely that we will not be able to advance further in the future."

"Taoist Garden!" Nan Qin looked up at the plaque with the holy king's Taoist rhyme, and said with little stars in his eyes, "Fellow Taoist is so rich!"

Most of the soldiers in the First City are losers on the trial road. Is the soldier commander interested in recruiting Tuoba Xiong, who has the same problem?
"The sergeant commander has someone who covets his position. He's trying to help!" Hagoromo's information is also very well-informed.

This does not mean that they lack self-confidence, but that goals that are too high are not only unhelpful, but can also crush people.

"Master also said so. He asked me to practice for twenty years before embarking on the ancient road of trials. I wanted to fulfill Master's wish as soon as possible, so I didn't listen." Nan Qin lowered her head.

Several people shook their heads helplessly and continued chatting. They had a great time chatting and found a quiet place to discuss Taoism.

Just like the Ji family's expectations for Ji Hongjing, when he was a child, he practiced indiscriminately, dreaming of opening up the sixth secret realm and almost becoming a Taoist. They just hope that he can survive; if he doesn't mess around and practice the Void Sutra with peace of mind, they hope that he can become as powerful as Ji Yanzhi. ; When he walked out of his own way and set foot on the eight forbidden areas, he felt that it would be best to become a saint; as his performance became more and more outstanding, he developed to the point where he could become a great saint and protect his family for thousands of years. It would be very good to protect the way for the younger generation.

He looked at Nan Qin and said, "It seems we are in quite a lot of trouble."

"I heard that the soldier commander intends to give Tuoba Xiong a trial and then serve under him." Daozhen's words attracted everyone's attention.

After asking about it, I found out that in addition to her impeccable physique and natural aptitude, Nanqin's master urged her to devote herself to cultivation and used many natural and earthly treasures for her because she didn't have much time left.

It was only after the Great Sage was unblocked that he was truly regarded as a Taoist seed. After he returned to Earth, the Old Great Sage became more determined in this idea. Only then did the Ji family's resources begin to lean towards him, and only then did he have the ability to mobilize several imperial weapons at every turn.

Nan Qin didn't know why, and Ji Hongjing shook his head helplessly. He led them to find the best inn in the first city and rented a small courtyard with unique scenery as a place to discuss Taoism.

The competition among the losers on the trial road was not small. A few people smiled and felt that they had almost eaten, so they changed places to discuss the Tao.

"I listen to you, thank you, you are all good people!" Nan Qin looked at the few people gratefully.

Walking on the street, Ji Hongjing noticed that many people were following them, not only those participating in the trial, but also local natives and guards.

Baojing's pursuit is to be a quasi-emperor, Baoxiang protects her, and he will be very satisfied if he can become a great sage; Tao Zhen is very strong, but there are Taoists who are more qualified than him, and the same is true for Yuyi. They all pursue quasi-emperors and dare not Extravagant hope for enlightenment.

Of course, many of the 360 ​​people in their group were aspiring to be emperors, such as Nan Qin, including Tuoba Xiong. Unfortunately, he died just after he started.

Baojing and Baoxiang nodded, and Ji Hongjing smiled helplessly. After ten years of suffering after leaving Ziwei Ancient Star, he still couldn't enjoy it?
Several people discussed Taoism until late at night, and gained a lot. They all felt that it was too late to meet each other.

Suddenly, two phantoms shot out of the void and stabbed Ji Hongjing and Nan Qin. The terrifying murderous intent made people's hair stand on end.


The void collapsed, and the emperor's fist shattered the incoming shadow. The five-color divine light froze time and space, imprisoning the dagger that stabbed Nan Qin's eyebrow. Ji Hongjing grabbed the hand of the shadow and pulled it out of the space.

"What a big deal, Kill the Saint Puppet!"

Daozhen was surprised. This was a puppet made from the corpse of an ancient saint. It stopped moving instantly after being caught by Ji Hongjing. The person in the dark cut off the control. Ji Hongjing and Nan Qin looked solemn. This was because someone was interested in the pure-blooded Qilin and the Quasi-Emperor Soldier and wanted to kill them.

The small courtyard exploded and soon attracted the shopkeeper and a group of soldiers. One of the soldiers yelled: "What's going on? Don't you know that fighting is not allowed in the city?"

"Someone wants to kill us, so we have no choice but to take action." Nan Qin was frightened for a moment, because the dagger had already stabbed between his eyebrows, and he couldn't even use the Quasi-Emperor's bracelet.

"How do I know if you are causing trouble or if you are forced to take action? Go to the Law Enforcement Department." The soldier said that he was going to arrest them, and he put the chains in his hands on Ji Hongjing and Nan Qin.

Ji Hongjing squeezed the man's hand and said coldly: "Is this how the First City enforces the law?"

"Bastard!" The soldier was furious, but he couldn't break free. He couldn't help shouting to other soldiers, "Take them all down."

Ji Hongjing's face turned cold, his hands lit up with five colors of light, and he squeezed the man's wrist and made a clicking sound.

Nan Qin even rolled up her sleeves to reveal a lapis lazuli bracelet. The green light was looming, and the quasi-emperor's intimidation made the soldiers dare not move.

Ji Hongjing looked at the innkeeper and said, "All cats and dogs can sneak in and assassinate people. How can this be considered the best inn in the First City?"

Before the shopkeeper spoke, he heard a man say: "The laws of the First City do not allow fighting. There is nothing wrong with Guan Cheng asking a few of them to cooperate with the investigation. However, you are the victims. His method of enforcing the law is wrong. The law enforcement team will naturally punish fellow Taoists." An explanation: Wendaoyuan is indeed the best inn in the First City. I believe they will handle it properly if this happens. "

The chief soldier who had met at the city gate arrived. Without even looking at Guan Cheng, who was caught by Ji Hongjing, he said to Ji Hongjing: "Guan Cheng is enforcing the law indiscriminately. I will report it to the commander-in-chief and remove him from the rank of soldier. Fellow Taoist will Leave the Saint-Slaying Puppet to me, and the law enforcement team will find the murderer. Are you satisfied with this treatment?"

"The first city can just enforce it according to the law." Ji Hongjing let go of Guan Cheng, who looked at the sergeant commander and him coldly, and retreated among the soldiers.

The shopkeeper also quickly raised his hands and said: "Wen Daoyuan will give an explanation to several fellow Taoists about this matter. Please follow me to change to a small courtyard. Wen Daoyuan will cover all the expenses."

Ji Hongjing nodded in agreement and left with the shopkeeper.

The sergeant chief arranged for people to seal off the place and took away the Killing Saint puppet. As for Guan Cheng, he took one look at the puppet and hurried away.

Ji Hongjing asked the shopkeeper about Guan Cheng and learned that he was a trialist more than ten years ago. Unfortunately, he was nailed to the wall with a move and stayed in the First City.

"Who defeated him?"

"That man's name is Overlord. He is one of the strongest men on the ancient road. He comes from the bloodline of Cangtian Ba. The eighteen Yanzhou riders who entered the city this time are all his subordinates!" The shopkeeper told some not-so-secret news. Sorry, Daoyuan was jointly established by several big families in the First City, and the city lord also has shares. If an assassination occurs, the soldiers in the city dare not neglect it and will definitely give an explanation.

"Fellow Daoist Ji, you've made a lot of money by living in such a nice courtyard for free!" Nan Qin admired the new courtyard carelessly. It was a bit better than before, and the aura was much richer.

Ji Hongjing asked: "Aren't you afraid?"

Nan Qin shook his head and said: "My soul is wearing the secret treasure given by Master. No one below the Great Sage can kill me."

Daozhen and others were envious, wishing they had such a quasi-emperor master!

Ji Hongjing shook his head with a smile. He was armed to the teeth. No wonder he was heartless. Although he carried the Emperor's Tower of the Sun Emperor, it was not in a certain death state and the Divine Mind would not be used by him.

The assassination caused quite a stir in the First City. Although the sergeant commander sent people to search, no one could be caught. Instead, two seed-level trialists were killed.

This was aimed at people who had made a difference on the imperial road. The first city was in a state of turmoil, and all the trialists were on guard.


At night, there was another scream. When others arrived at the scene, Tuoba Xiong was lying in a pool of blood, lifeless.

The soldier captain's face was livid, and Guan Cheng was expressionless behind him. His position as a soldier had not been revoked by the commander-in-chief.

"The sergeant commander wanted to win over Tuoba Xiong to deal with Guan Cheng, who coveted his position. Now that Tuoba Xiong is dead, could it be someone sent by Guan Cheng who did it?" Nan Qin asked.

Everyone looked at her and said with a smile: "Not bad, you are making progress!"

Nan Qin chuckled and touched the back of his head sheepishly.

The first city is not peaceful. Fortunately, they will enter the trial field tomorrow. After that, they can teleport away.

(End of this chapter)

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