Chapter 334 Ten feet of blood pool

In the first trial ground, Ji Hongjing returned here, and Xiaobai and the others had been waiting for a long time.

"Fellow Taoist, the trial is almost over. If you don't come, we will go to the restricted area by ourselves!" Nan Qinjiao Didi said.

Ji Hongjing smiled and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for waiting for a long time. Let's go."

There are a total of fifty areas on the Holy Meteor Island. In addition to the forty-nine trial fields on the periphery, there is also an area in the center called the restricted area, which is connected to each area.

The commander-in-chief once warned that the testers should not be allowed to approach this place. It is not necessary. They only need to complete their enlightenment in the first 49 areas.

According to legend, the center is a restricted area. Even the ancient saints would most likely die if they entered. It has always been a burial ground for the strong.

When Ji Hongjing and his entourage entered the restricted area, they immediately noticed an evil aura, black clouds surged, and a huge mountain towered into the sky in front of them, as if they were thrust into the universe. They could see terrifying creatures like pterosaurs flapping their wings.

"A group of powerful beings have been attracted here. There must be some secret!"

There is a mountain in front of it. It is not very high, but it has a very tragic aura. There is not much vegetation on it, and they are all ancient Yin trees.

There is very little soil on it, and it is gray-white all over. It looks very steep, and when you touch it with your hands, it makes crisp sounds.

"It's not a mountain, it's a tooth!"

What a gigantic creature it is, with one tooth as big as a mountain peak. How huge would it be if it were located here?

Continuing to move forward, they encountered some sacred beasts, all of which were powerful.


Suddenly, they were attacked. When they entered a swamp, there were bursts of sword light. This was the power of a saint. There were dead bones floating in the swamp.

A divine chain of order is intertwined here, which will strangle anyone who steps here. The holy power will impact and the power of the law will pervade.

"No wonder so many powerful creatures gather here. This is a battlefield. The laws left by the dead strong men are still there. It is a killing field for future generations, but it is rare for some powerful holy beasts. "The place of enlightenment." Ji Hongjing smiled, this place is similar to Beidou's ancient battlefield, but it doesn't have the Tao principles above the Saint King, so it is not as strong as Beidou.

It is difficult to trap them here, all laws are suppressed by them, allowing this place to slowly calm down.

They continued on the road, walked for a long time, encountered various dangers, and finally passed through them, arriving at the deepest place, where the blood energy was like sword light, penetrating the sky and sinking into the sky.

Moreover, accompanied by the sound of clanking swords, a strong murderous intention was vaguely revealed, making people's souls throb.

"A lake of blood!"

The blood energy soaring into the sky and the sword light clanging all come from a bloody lake, which can be ten miles in diameter and is bright red and dazzling.

The blood clouds are surging, the mist is steaming, and you can feel the killing intent that penetrates eternity from a long distance away, as streaks of blood shoot up into the sky.

"A pool of ten feet of blood, the burial ground of our ancestors and sects."

Next to the Blood Lake, there is a stone tablet, half of it has rotted away due to the erosion of the years, and the ancient divine inscriptions on it can barely be discerned.

"Ten feet of blood pool? Isn't it ten miles?" Nan Qin was confused.

After so many years, the sea has changed, and the ten-foot blood pool has turned into a lake, but the murderous aura in the blood has not dissipated. It can be seen how terrible the murderous aura was penetrated into the body by the enemy when this strong man fell.

"There is a spiritual imprint here..."

This is a spiritual imprint that tells the truth that besides the enemy, oneself is the most powerful opponent.

There is a bloody battlefield here, which can provide conditions for those who come after to fight with themselves, allowing the trialists to understand themselves more clearly and continue to transform.

"In this ancient battlefield, you can instantly create yourself. What kind of incredible method is this?"

The person who created this ancient battlefield definitely has the power to seize the creation. Anyone who enters can evolve a second self.

The bloody battlefield was in the lake, and there were densely covered blood cracks. Without any hesitation, they each entered a bloody crack.

Not long after Ji Hongjing entered, the bloody crack closed and became a closed world, and an earth-shattering showdown began.

It was not until three days later that Ji Hongjing walked out of the crack covered in blood. He suffered an almost devastating injury, and it was difficult to recover even if he had a scribe.

In the bloody crack, he let go of his hands and feet to fight with himself. The secret technique he knew, that person also knew, even the person from the Five Great Dao Realm and Taiji Taoist Master had it!

This was the most brutal battle in Ji Hongjing's life. No one else could compare to it. They were evenly matched and the fight was crazy.

In this place, even if your true body dies, you can still be resurrected in the end. This is the beauty of the bloody battlefield, you can fight without any scruples. After a while, Xiao Bai and Shi Jian also came out. They were both seriously injured. Xiao Bai leaned directly on Ji Hongjing and licked the wound. Shi Jian's body was shattered, exposing the stone wound. Fortunately, he had patched it up. Complete and can be repaired by yourself.

"Senior, who created this place?" Ji Hongjing couldn't help but ask the two gods. This place was so magical that it reminded him of a kind of fairy gold.

The Holy Emperor God Nian said: "It has existed since the age of myths, and its origin cannot be traced. It has survived for so many years and still has this kind of magical effect. At least it was left by the ancient emperor-level figure of Tianzun!"

Ji Hongjing wanted to go down to the bottom of the lake to see if there was any Void Immortal Gold, but was stopped by the Holy Body Divine Thought: "This is the precious blood left by a strong man, and this place is only useful for people below the Saint King. The two of them only have the cultivation level of a saint."

Thinking about it, if the second self of all realms could evolve here, it would not be placed in the first city of the human race.

Perhaps this strong man had obtained the Void Immortal Gold and understood some of its mysteries, and then created this treasure land.

Not long after returning to the first trial site, a bell rang throughout the Holy Island of Death. The trial time had come, and all trialists had to exit this place, otherwise they would be sealed here.

There are silhouettes of people at every exit. Strong men from various star regions are either seriously injured or in high spirits, walking out of the trial field.

Those who came out earlier looked towards the entrance of the first trial ground. Everyone knew that between a pure-blooded unicorn and a quasi-imperial weapon, that was where the fiercest battle would take place.

When Ji Hongjing and his party walked out, except for a few people who were close to the first trial site, everyone else's pupils shrank and they were very shocked.

"They actually came out safe and sound. What about the six saints and the two demon saint mounts who followed them in? Did the saints in the trial field next to them take action?"

Everyone looked at the entrance of the second trial ground, only one person walked out, and only two people walked out of the entrance of the 49th trial ground.

They all subconsciously stayed away from Ji Hongjing and his party. Everyone understood that this battle was really between a few semi-saints and a group of saints!
"Big brother, second brother!" Only sixteen of the eighteen riders in Yanzhou were left, and they all hated Ji Hongjing and his party.

Ji Hongjing and Xiaobai looked at each other with calm eyes, but they were so frightened that they avoided their eyes, and the mounts below them knelt down.

A man in black walked out of the entrance of the third trial ground. He didn't look like anything outstanding, but Ji Hongjing recognized this man as the genius who knew the way of time that he met a few days ago.

This person noticed his gaze, nodded to him, and walked silently to the corner, not communicating with others, and being very low-key.

Not long after, Baojing, Baoxiang, Daozhen, and Yuyi also came out. Ji Hongjing saw them fighting when they crossed the border. Everyone was very powerful, especially Baojing. Ji Hongjing saw her using the eight Bodhisattva forms. , very scary.

More than 350 people entered the trial field, and more than 60 died. The loss of saints and geniuses was the most since the opening of the ancient road. Ji Hongjing and his party killed more than ten.

The commander took a deep look at them, and an altar appeared in the void, with various patterns intertwined. More than two hundred people boarded the ancient teleportation array, and then the divine light became strong, and they began to travel through the universe.

The first level of the human race was very peaceful. People were coming and going on the streets. It was very prosperous and lively. When I came back again, everyone felt different.

"Congratulations to you all, you have taken the first step of success. In a few days, you will leave and embark on the most glorious journey. Please cherish your last time in the first city of the human race."

The commander gave some encouragement and then let the heroes disperse.

At night, there was a scream, and another trialist was assassinated. When the large team of people rushed there, another place screamed one after another.

"The remaining sixteen riders from Yanzhou's eighteen riders were all assassinated!"

"What is this for? Were they killed by someone they bullied?"

This news shocked everyone in the city. Everyone in the trial was in danger and asked the guards of the First City to find the murderer as soon as possible.

Gradually, rumors spread in the city that it was Ji Hongjing who killed the Sixteenth Cavalry of Yanzhou, saying that he was doing it to eradicate the roots.

"The Eighteenth Cavalry of Yanzhou is a subordinate of Cangtian Baxue, the invincible man on the ancient road. Isn't he afraid of becoming an enemy of the Overlord?"

"Not only that, he killed so many saints in the first trial field. Many of them were related to the invincibles on the road ahead. As far as I know, there were also the Human King's men."

The No. 1 City was noisy again. Baojing, Daozhen and others refuted the rumors. Ji Hongjing was with them when the crime occurred, but not many people believed it.

"You are with Ji Hongjing, so of course you will help him speak." Someone secretly added fuel to the flames and wanted to pour dirty water on Ji Hongjing.

The matter was no longer something the sergeant commander could handle, so the commander-in-chief had to step forward and ask for help.

A vague shadow appeared on the futon, and he spoke calmly: "I will warn some ancient families in the city not to take action."

The commander-in-chief was still about to speak, but suddenly, the first city of the human race was shaken violently, the imperial power was overwhelming, and the place where an ancient family was located exploded, alarming everyone.

"Quasi-Emperor Soldier!"

Everyone in the city knew who had the quasi-imperial soldiers in their hands, and the envoy could no longer remain calm and hurried to the place where the incident occurred.

(End of this chapter)

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