The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 335 Bloody Battlefield

Chapter 335 Bloody Battlefield

In the south of the city, a large area of ​​ancient buildings was reduced to ruins. This place originally belonged to an ancient family that had been passed down for tens of thousands of years, but was now razed to the ground by the quasi-emperor soldiers.

"What's going on?" The receptionist and the commander arrived and saw Ji Hongjing and Nan Qin with lapis lazuli bracelets on their heads. The quasi-emperor's power suppressed them, and six black shadows appeared in the void. They were all powerful ancient saints.

"Someone assassinated us, and we caught him." Ji Hongjing glanced at the city lord who was focused on cultivation and did not care about other things. Nan Qin raised his hand and pointed at the quasi-emperor soldier, and a ray of green light shot out, shattering all the disguises of the six black shadows.

"They are the Five Saints of the Wang Family, and there is also a tester!"

The onlookers recognized these six saints and were immediately in an uproar. The ancient family in the first city actually attacked the tester, and their behavior was extremely bad.

"The people in the city will be left to the city lord. I believe the city lord will give everyone an explanation." Ji Hongjing looked at the envoy calmly. The Wang family is one of the shareholders of Wen Dao Garden. No wonder they can enter Wen Dao Garden to assassinate.

He arrested the tester, put his palm on his head, and searched for his soul.

"Spare your life, I will tell you everything, it was the people in the city who ordered me." The man shouted in horror. If his soul is searched, he will become a fool if he survives.

"Who ordered you?"

The words of the guide shocked everyone. They knew that a bloody storm was about to begin!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, a black divine spear suddenly shot from the void, piercing the man and killing his soul.

"After many years, Guan Cheng was defeated again and was nailed to the ground again..."

Ji Hongjing's pupils shrank, the mastermind wanted to silence him, the forbidden weapon killed this person and then disappeared again, instantly piercing through the five saints of the Wang family who were suppressed by the quasi-emperor soldiers.

"Next, you need to fight to the second level. You can attack anyone. You are an enemy to everyone. The one who survives to the end will be considered a pass!"

"Yeah!" Nan Qin was startled and urged the quasi-emperor soldiers to imprison the black magic spear. Unfortunately, it was already too late.


"City Lord..." The commander approached the envoy and hesitated to speak.

The ancient horn sounded, vast and distant, calling all the testers. An altar appeared, sitting on the sky, flowing with misty brilliance.

Ji Hongjing suddenly turned his head, and at the last moment when the teleportation light came on, he shot out the useless black gun, a forbidden weapon, and pinned the man to the central square of the First City.

The envoy disappeared without even looking at Guan Cheng.

The five-color altar lit up, and the teleportation was about to begin. There was a man wearing soldier armor with cold eyes, staring at Ji Hongjing and Nan Qin and sneering.

There are still people watching in the dark, and the First City Ancient Family is involved. There are many dangers in the city, and the trialists are clamoring to leave.

Everyone who was participating in the fun was shocked. Unexpectedly, something happened. The teleportation light came on, and all the testers disappeared. Anyone who wanted to catch them could not catch them.

"This forbidden weapon is useless." Ji Hongjing took the black spear into his hand. The spear was made of a kind of black wood, and all the runes on it were broken.

"It's Guan Cheng. Why did the tester attack him before he left? Could it be that he ordered the assassination?"

"He is just a loser in recent years. He does not have such great energy, but he may have cooperated with the Gu family."

"All the trialists are on the road, don't stop for a moment!" The guide's voice was low, but it shocked many people's blood and energy, making them unsteady.

"It's about..."

Guan Cheng was pinned to the ground and wailed. Ji Hongjing's hasty shot did not kill him, but the endless humiliation made him worse than death.

"A forbidden weapon made by the Saint King!"

Green mountain grapes, golden Yuanjing fruit, and red agate-like fire phoenix fruit are tied on the green branches one by one.

The wind blows gently, and the fruity fragrance is alluring and intoxicating. The lake in front is clear and clear, and the nearby spiritual trees are everywhere, and the elixir is fragrant.

This is a pure land, full of the essence of heaven and earth, many of which are precious medicines from the past, and it looks peaceful and peaceful.

However, it was difficult to see any living beings. Ji Hongjing looked far into the distance and still did not see any competitors. They started from the first level of the human race, and the five-color altar transported them to such a vibrant world, where natural materials and treasures were everywhere.

"I originally thought it would be a bloody fight. There are enemies everywhere, but why is there no one left?" Nan Qin was confused.

Xiaobai bit off a bunch of golden fruits in one bite, the fragrant juice splashed everywhere, and he ate happily without noticing any danger.

At this moment, a mushroom on the roadside grew arms and stretched its body, causing several people to look at it.

"Who are you, and why did you enter the medicine garden of the Spirit Tribe?" The tall mushroom figure wearing a grass-green hat was startled when he saw several giant creatures. He hid behind the bushes and poked his head out to look at them curiously. them.

"We are trialists, teleported here from the First City. Are the so-called spiritual tribes a group of people who become spirits from grass and trees?" Nan Qin asked kindly while lying on the ground.

The little mushroom man nodded and said: "I have heard of the Trialist, but no one has teleported to the medicine garden before, and I have never seen it. I will take you to see Grandpa Shu. He manages this medicine garden and knows a lot. a lot of!"

"Thank you!"

The little mushroom man walked in front and led the way. He was extremely fast and had the ability to shrink to an inch. This was an innate magical power of the Spirit Clan.

They traveled hundreds of miles through this area and finally saw an ancient tree. It was not tall, only nine feet tall. The trunk was very thick, and the branches were like horned dragons.

"Grandpa Tree, they are the testers who were teleported to the medicine garden." The mushroom man jumped onto an exposed tree root and raised his head and shouted.

The ancient tree revealed an old face, the aura of the saint escaped, and the vast and ancient, thick atmosphere of the years rushed towards the face.

"What a terrifying tree demon, at least he has the peak cultivation level of a saint!"

Ji Hongjing was shocked. The age of this ancient tree must be very scary, as it had witnessed the rise of many geniuses.

"Trialists..." The old face on the ancient tree lowered his eyes, slowly looked at Ji Hongjing and the others, and said, "In five years, a group of people should have arrived, but it was a few days early."

"Senior, where is this place? How can we pass?" Ji Hongjing and his party had many questions for the ancient sage.

The old man answered their questions slowly, and several people learned that this was a battlefield set up by the sages of the human race. The trialists had to fight here and could not leave until the time was up. It could be called a bloody battlefield. If you are not careful, you will die. die.

There are several primitive races in the battlefield. In addition to the spiritual kingdom, there are also the demon kingdom, the divine kingdom, the Nine Heavens Divine Jade Kingdom, etc. Most of them were defeated by the strong human race on the ancient road in the starry sky and were imprisoned here, but they are not servant.

This battlefield is no smaller than an ancient star of life. Even the Saint King cannot fly out. There is a kind of oppression in the air. Most of the testers can't soar into the sky.

"The source of Tao will be produced in the battlefield. It's a pity that you came too late. Someone successfully took away some of it more than ten years ago. It will be difficult to find it again in a short time. Once that person transcends the tribulation and merges, I am afraid he will be invincible."

The source of Tao is rare throughout the ages. Even the worst one can enable a person to attain the position of King of Heaven in the future!

Several people were surprised. The more they listened, the more they felt the importance of the source of Tao. It was really terrifying.

This seems to be related to overcoming tribulations. It is a supreme fairy that enhances potential and realm. The specific effect can only be understood by obtaining it.

"In the endless years, I have seen forty-nine sources of Tao." The ancient tree's eyes seemed to have seen through the long years, and he sighed, "Those who have obtained the source of Tao are all the most powerful. There are dozens of people outside. On the battlefield, the larger the area you occupy, the higher your chance of finding the source of the Tao."

This ancient tree was not captured by the human race, but grew here a long time ago. Ji Hongjing and his party learned many secrets from the ancient tree, which is difficult for the outside world to understand.

"Tens of thousands of years ago, there was a man named Wu Shi who was invincible on the battlefield and obtained the source of Tao. However, I heard that he did not fuse it but sold it."

The ancient tree looked at Ji Hongjing and said, "A few hundred thousand years ago, a person with the same surname as you came here and obtained the source of Tao. I heard that he did not integrate the source of Tao."

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, there was a person named Jiang who was like this..."

Gu Shu's voice became lower and lower, and finally he closed his eyes and his old face disappeared.

"Grandpa Tree is asleep again and won't wake up for a few years." The mushroom man said.

"Maybe this is the secret of his longevity." Ji Hongjing recalled the old man's words. Several great emperors had obtained the source of Tao, but they had not integrated it. It seems that the source of Tao may not be a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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