The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 336 The Third Holy Tribulation

Chapter 336 Triple Holy Tribulation
In the bloody battlefield, Ji Hongjing and his party experienced several battles and occupied a large area of ​​territory, but they did not find the legendary source of Tao.

"The source of Tao is rare throughout the ages. It was born more than ten years ago. I'm afraid it won't appear again in a short time." Nan Qin kicked a stone away and searched for it for several days with no results. Could it be that he came to this battlefield just to fight? ?
Ji Hongjing stood on the cliff and looked into the distance. There were battles everywhere, not only the trialists, but also the natives, including many powerful ancient saints.

"I'm going to survive the holy tribulation," he said leisurely, "Xiao Bai and Shi Jian both need to survive the tribulation."

Nanqin had a quasi-emperor master to help him, but he entered the realm too quickly and needed to be suppressed in the semi-saint realm for a long time. Hearing this, he was not envious, but said: "After all, this is not an ancient star of life, and it is not a good place to become a saint. I hope fellow Taoist think twice!”

The stronger the ancient star of life, the more beneficial it is to those who overcome the tribulation. Ji Hongjing naturally understands this truth. Moreover, it is best to trigger the catastrophe of the reverse cutting path in the ancient star of life where the ancient emperor has been.

"Do you two seniors have a good place to go?" Ji Hongjing looked at himself and asked the two gods.

The Holy Emperor divinely said: "In my memory, there are many ancient stars of life nearby, including places where the Holy Emperor has been. But you will know if the ancient stars are still there."

The Holy Body God thought: "There are several star fields near here that are very ancient. The Dacheng Holy Body once went to search for the ruins of the ancient heaven. As far as I know, one of the star fields is very prosperous. There are several ancient stars of life, which are the most common stars of the Supreme Being. This is a treasure place for collecting blood food. Several great emperors fought there, and even several supreme beings died. It is suitable for overcoming tribulations. "

Ji Hongjing was overjoyed and said: "Let's go there to overcome the tribulation and ask senior to show us the way."

The holy body god nodded, and Ji Hongjing said to Nan Qin: "We are going to go through the tribulation. Fellow Taoist, please be careful these days."

After saying that, he put Xiao Bai and Shi Jian into his sleeves and flew upwards. Nan Qin opened his mouth to speak, but saw a dark light glowing on his body, like the black sun, flying directly into the sky ignoring the restrictions of the bloody battlefield.

Nan Qin was stunned. This place could imprison the Saint King, but Ji Hongjing easily broke through it, which showed that he at least had a mysterious power comparable to that of the Great Saint.

She sighed: "A family that has a great emperor is extraordinary!"

Nan Qin guessed wrong. At this moment, the Holy Emperor God took action and took him through the universe faster than the star gate, flying for countless light years in an instant.

The holy body god wanted to guide the way, and soon arrived at a broken star field. A huge ancient star lay across the place. It was extremely vast, but lifeless, and the ground was all red.

"The aura of the ancient emperor..."

This feeling is unmistakable. There must have been an ancient emperor here before, and there was more than one. Even the murderous intention of the ancient emperor during the battle can still be sensed.

"Is this place also destroyed?" The Holy Body God murmured. In the era of the Martian Holy Body, there was still life here.

The Holy Emperor sighed and said: "The Holy Emperor also came here to explore the ruins of the ancient heaven, but it was a pity that a prosperous ancient star was lost!"

"The ancient star has this color because it is contaminated with the blood of the Supreme. Which emperor killed the Supreme?" The god flew to the red ancient star, explored everywhere, and found a small fragment of the Supreme Immortal Clothes, with all the Dao lines on it wiped out. The cross section was neat, as if it had been cut open with a sharp weapon.

"Sword, knife, or axe?" Ji Hongjing rubbed the pieces. Unfortunately, the piece of material was useless, and even the essence of the material itself was completely wiped out by the emperor.

Shaking his head and no longer thinking, this broken star field is enough to survive the catastrophe. There are several ancient life stars. Although they are all dead, Xiao Bai and Shi Jian can find a suitable place to trigger the catastrophe.


Half a day later, Shi Jian's catastrophe arrived, with great momentum!

Endless thunder, countless tribulations, lunar, sun, five elements, chaos and other heavenly tribulations are intertwined. There are countless types, and they are all the largest and most terrifying thunder tribulations.

This incomplete Holy Spirit completed his physical body, walked out of his own way, and initially broke away from the restrictions of heaven and earth. His catastrophe was far from the ordinary saint's catastrophe, with thunder and lightning and boundless terror.

The void generated electricity and enveloped it, turning it into a calamity pool. It screamed miserably and stone fragments flew everywhere.


Xiaobai's catastrophe has also come, which is several times more terrifying than Shi Jian's. The sky and the earth are completely white and filled with tribulation light. The whole world is jealous of his qualifications and sends down catastrophes of destruction to wipe him out.

Xiaobai transformed into a ten thousand-foot-long Qilin, protecting his body with white light. Mysterious lines spread all over his body, attracting thousands of thunders into his body. The Qilin lines collapsed and new lines were formed, which were more mysterious and more powerful.

Countless fairy and strange beasts rushed out of the void to kill Xiaobai, including true dragons, divine phoenixes, unicorns, white tigers, Xuanwu, flying immortals... endless. Xiaobai tried his best to fight them and smash them into the origin of heaven and earth. , and then swallow it in one gulp. "brush"

The red ancient star rushed up with a bloody divine light, like a supreme blow. Xiaobai was knocked over several times. When he stabilized his body, he was surrounded by nine extremely powerful figures, including the familiar Sun Holy Emperor and Void Emperor. .

Ji Hongjing looked at one of the great emperors. His imperial soldiers turned into magical talismans and destroyed thousands of ways, and turned into giant axes to open up the world. They were very powerful and left Xiaobai with scars.

But the most special thing is that he sometimes attacks another thunder and lightning. This thunder and lightning is not like the human race, and it is probably the Supreme who died here.

"Emperor Luan Gu..."

He quietly watched Xiaobai deal with nine humanoid lightnings. These were the invincibles of an era, extremely terrifying. Xiaobai stepped into the Eight Forbidden Lightning and stepped into the Eight Forbidden Lightning. When Xiaobai triggered the Divine Forbidden Lightning, he would immediately trigger the Divine Forbidden Kill. Come on, it's impossible for him to really deal with the nine great emperors. They will be blown up instantly. He can only fight and escape until the disaster disappears.

He couldn't help much in this process, so Xiaobai had to deal with it by himself. The Wanzhang Qilin was broken into pieces many times and grew back many times, becoming more powerful every time it was reborn.

"Xiao Bai's physical body is so powerful!" Ji Hongjing exclaimed. Born as a fairy and a pure-blooded unicorn, Xiao Bai is even more powerful than the ordinary holy body.

The Heavenly Tribulation poses no threat to Xiao Bai, so he no longer pays attention, but walks to the middle of this broken star field, in the center of many ancient stars of life.


When his heavenly calamity comes, the calamity clouds continue to accumulate and become very thick, several times thicker than Xiaobai's calamity clouds.


The Holy Emperor and God wanted to leave this place quickly. If he was targeted by the Heavenly Tribulation, no one here would be able to survive, and even the first and second cities of the human race would be affected.

"Boy, God Nian is most afraid of heavenly tribulations. I need your help to resist most of the heavenly tribulations. In addition to the heavenly tribulations of your body, are you really sure of the three levels of heavenly tribulations?" The holy body of God Nian looked solemn. The secret technique created by Shen Nong and others is very heaven-defying. Connecting him with the golden magic lamp of Dao Tribulation can quickly improve the cultivation of gods and thoughts, but his great realm barrier will be transferred to Ji Hongjing, and the same is true for Heaven Tribulation.

"No problem!" Ji Hongjing looked up at Jie Yun. He had long been prepared to deal with the third level of calamity, but he didn't know how it would come.


At this moment, Heaven's Punishment broke out, and it was so violent that it was unbelievable. It was so bright that it was like countless stars falling from the sea, submerging this place.

Ji Hongjing disappeared directly and was swallowed up by the sea of ​​​​stars. This star field was buried in the divine light. There was light everywhere and he could not be seen at all.

Shi Jian, who has survived the catastrophe, opened his eyes wide. If his catastrophe is far superior to that of ordinary saints, then no one can survive Ji Hongjing's catastrophe!

"Three levels of heavenly tribulations actually fell together!" The Holy Emperor God Nian looked solemn. This kind of heavenly tribulation was beyond his understanding. He believed that Ji Hongjing could survive the first few thunder tribulations, but if the same was true for the humanoid lightning in the back, he did not A little chance.

However, that kind of catastrophe was so outrageous that in their calculations, it was impossible to break the extreme number of nine.

In the terrifying light, planets began to explode and turned into dazzling light. However, they were only a few waves in the sea of ​​​​tribulation and could not cause much waves.

Ji Hongjing expected that the catastrophe would be violent, but he did not expect it to be so extreme. Blood marks appeared on his body, his bones creaked, and he did not know how many bones were broken.

This is the punishment of skinning and refining the bones. It tempers every piece of flesh and blood in the body. It can be said that the bones are broken and then reassembled. His Saint's Heavenly Tribulation is too overbearing.

The most terrifying thunder light in the world appeared. Tai Chi Dao Zun rushed out of the body. Five fairy lamps were sacrificed by him immediately. They rose and fell with him and underwent baptism. The holy body of the gods was in the golden lamp of Dao Tribulation, helping him. He shared some of the pressure, and the soul that was hacked was about to dissipate.

Ji Hongjing used the power of the Heavenly Tribulation to smelt the dragon-patterned black gold sword he grabbed in the First City Trial into liquid. The thunder shattered the dragon-patterned black gold lamp. The two fairy finances were combined, and he wanted to re-sacrifice the magic lamp.

I don’t know how long it took, but his bones were broken many times, and the entire body was almost wiped out. It was constantly retrained and reassembled, shining brightly.

The dragon-patterned black gold lamp has also taken shape again. The wick is raised like a sword, and its shape is quite different from other magic lamps.

(End of this chapter)

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