The Lord of All Gods Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 337 Immortal Holy Soldier

Chapter 337 Immortal Holy Soldier

The thunder waterfall crashes down, boundless, and this is just a corner of the thunder sea. It is magnificent and vast, and the tide of heavenly tribulation sweeps through the immeasurable star field!

Ji Hongjing encountered the most terrible disaster in his life. He was struggling to fight against the punishment of heaven, and at the same time, he had to be wary of the fluctuations in the depths of the sky. The aura of the ancient emperor was filling the air.


The black light flooded the star field, and the lunar and sun god's thunder descended. It was a disaster greater than all the previous ones, crowding the star field, and many stars were submerged in it and exploded one after another.

This is a kind of peerless horror. This situation and scene are enough to make any saint tremble. If God allows a person to break through, how can he bring down such a disaster?

This is a sign that he is not recognized by heaven and earth. He will do his best to punish the saint beyond the limit to destroy the saint.

This heavy divine thunder filled the air with waves of fairy mist, completely smashing Ji Hongjing's body and Dao body, and cracking all five of his magic lamps. It was the worst punishment he had ever experienced.

Vibrating sounds like heavenly bells were emitted from their bodies, and streaks of golden light were emitted. The broken bodies and broken bones were reorganized, connected, and integrated into one body.

Ji Hongjing and Taiji Taoist Master endured the pain of being shattered into pieces, refining the five fairy lamps, reciting various scriptures, punching the emperor's words into the cracks on the lamp, densely covering them, and then being tempered by the heavenly tribulation. .

Endless thunder came, and although the magic lamp broke from time to time and turned into smaller pieces, Ji Hongjing was not worried at all and kept recasting the magic lamp.


Thousands of thunders, billions of wisps of divine clouds fell down, hitting these fragments with a clanging sound, making an ear-splitting sound, and wisps of mysterious energy flowed out.


The blood mixed with the fairy gold fragments trembled together and roared. Each fragment had a divine light that shot into the sky and cut through the sea of ​​thunder, clanging loudly, refusing to give in and resisting the disaster.

This was a painful disaster. Every minute and every second, Ji Hongjing endured the punishment of being broken into pieces. Flesh, flesh, broken bones, and magic lamps were blended together.

"Quickly, break it and then stand it up again, re-sacrifice your fairy lamp, and give birth to a god!" The holy body god thought hard to resist the thunder disaster, and at the same time did not forget to remind Ji Hongjing.

Each Emperor's Scripture has a unique method of refining weapons, but different paths lead to the same goal. In the tribulation of the saint, the "vessels" will be fully sublimated and undergo qualitative changes. The magic lamp will die and be reborn, and the "god" will be born.

Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation, Chaos Heavenly Tribulation... Various divine thunders descended, and the five magic lamps shattered, piece by piece, floating in the void of the universe, surrounding him in the center, losing their luster.

The five magic lamps cracked again and were almost broken into pieces that would fall apart in all directions at any time.

Ji Hongjing's body cracked, and he was once again destroyed by lightning. His bones creaked, and blood splashed everywhere, falling on the fragments of the magic lamp.

Ji Hongjing shouted loudly, the magic lamp was not dead, it contained his unyielding fighting spirit, it was just a triple disaster, this was just the beginning, how could it be possible to stop him?

Ji Hongjing used the Operator's Word Technique to make himself immortal, constantly baptizing the fetal bones. At the same time, he tempered and recast the magic lamp thousands of times, driving the Emperor characters from several ancient scriptures into the cracks again and again, so that they merged into one.

Another peerless thunder sea descended, and the golden light illuminated the entire universe, as if a star explosion had occurred. The dazzling light was thousands of times more terrifying than the burning of infinite stars.

The blood spilled, and all the fragments of the magic lamp glowed, emitting a divine light that soared into the sky, splitting the sky, shattering the fairy thunder, rumbling and shaking, making the entire sky shake.

Ji Hongjing's physical body was disintegrated again and again, and the blood poured on the magic lamp fragments, making them more spiritual, and they kept humming softly, like murmuring.

"Boom" "Boom"...

Ji Hongjing was exploded by the divine thunder. His flesh and blood flew everywhere, every inch of his bones was broken, his tendons and veins burst, and his blood spattered. It was too horrible to watch.

Cultivation is a path of transformation, with struggle and struggle. The saint's calamity is just a small ordeal. In the future, he will face greater and more calamities.

"Create my way, cast my fairy lamp!"

When the Nine-Nine Great Tribulation came, nine colors of light fell, everything was destroyed, many stars exploded, and a great destruction occurred in the area covered by the calamity.

Ji Hongjing roared, and the seven-colored little man between his eyebrows rushed out, receiving baptism like his physical body, and was extremely powerful. "His soul is so powerful!" Shi Jian was extremely shocked.

Shen Nian of the Holy Emperor has long known that Ji Hongjing's soul is dozens of times more powerful than ordinary people through practicing body and soul. When he was a half-saint, he was much more powerful than the ancient saint who had been practicing for thousands of years. This was the basis for his leapfrog battle. .

However, under the triple thunder tribulation, such a powerful soul was slowly shattered. Ji Hongjing chanted sutras and moved the Zhezi formula. After the colorful villains turned into pieces one after another, they were once again pulled together by a powerful force. Reorganize and emit immeasurable light.

One, two...countless seas of thunder descended again and again, each time different.

In the end, the colorful villains were scattered many times, and they struggled to condense into a whole body again and again.

I don't know whether it was a hundred kalpas or a thousand kalpas, but Ji Hongjing felt no pain, and there was only a kind of sound in his ears. At this time, a strange change took place in him.

The flesh and blood, broken bones, the little man of the soul, and the fragments of the magic lamp were actually blended together, floating in the sea of ​​thunder, and being tempered.

The five magic lamps were recast and burst into brilliant light, actually blocking the catastrophe and achieving momentary eternity, immortality and eternal life in the void of the universe.

The divine voice of the avenue roared, and Ji Hongjing felt something, the spirit of the magic lamp was about to be born!

The ultimate weapon is an alternative continuation of the ancient emperor's life. At this moment, he can better understand the meaning of this sentence. The five magic lamps are like the continuation of his will, containing his divine brilliance that can shine through the ages. Everlasting.


The thundering disaster that created the world came. This was a catastrophe. Chaos energy boiled and swept across the sea of ​​​​stars, once again shattering the five magic lamps and turning them into powder.

Ji Hongjing's soul and flesh and blood were almost polished, scattered in the chaos, and blended into the fairy gold powder, but he had no fear or anxiety. At the last moment of life and death, he calmed down instead, and the Tao fire never ceased, eternal. Immortal.

"The creation of heaven and earth represents the end of destruction and the rebirth of all things. The magic lamp and I will be reborn."

His will has become stronger and stronger. The magic lamp has turned into powder, and his soul and body are also in tatters. However, it contains the hope of life and will undergo a qualitative change.

A kind of vitality is permeating and spreading, giving people hope, as if the sky is really opening, in the vast thunder sea, around Ji Hongjing, all things are born, flowers, birds, fish and insects, stars in the universe, gods, demons, humans and ghosts, everything you can think of Everything you see is taking shape at this time.

These are streaks of thunder and lightning, not real creatures. Kunpeng spreads its wings and soars up to 90,000 miles; gods and demons roar, opening up the chaotic fairyland; real dragons swing their tails, crushing the sun, moon and stars; immortal phoenixes rage, splitting the universe...

A vast scene, all transformed by lightning, is a catastrophe that opens up the earth, is grand and violent, and makes people's souls throb.

At this moment, Ji Hongjing's heart was shocked, and he immediately began to refining the magic lamps, gestating them in this epoch of creation, and allowing them to be born.

Ji Hongjing's flesh and blood was shattered and reorganized, and so was the colorful figure in front of his eyebrows. Sitting there cross-legged, he breathed in the lightning that created the world, infinitely, without wasting a single point.

He used gods to draw him, nourished him with flesh and blood, and used thunder as fire to start building. Five magic lamps were quickly formed. All kinds of plants, trees, fish, insects, fairies, ancients, and the universe and galaxies were constantly imprinted on the lamps, making them become More and more confused.

The colorful villain returned to the center of his eyebrows and stood high on the Immortal Platform. He cultivated his physical body and spiritual consciousness to the extreme, passed a hurdle, and entered the realm of a saint!

At the same time, the magic lamp was also trembling, and all the creatures on it were trembling, as if they were coming to life. You could even hear the roar of the gods of chaos, and you could see Kunpeng's bravery in attacking the three thousand realms.

"Tao, Tao, Tao..."

Inside the magic lamp, the sound of shouts came out continuously, majestic and grand, as if they came from ancient times, and sounded from the beginning of the creation of heaven and earth.

Billions of thunders poured down, baptizing the five magic lamps, making them more majestic and majestic, exuding inviolable holy energy, wisps and strands, crushing the eternal blue sky.

From the five magic lamps, a god was born, an immortal will appeared, and he officially became an immortal holy weapon!

The five magic lamps shine through the ages, and their power is unparalleled. When they transform and sublimate to perfection, the thunder between heaven and earth can no longer hurt them in the slightest, and the magic lamps begin to swallow the thunder!
"There is no justice!" Shi Jian was stunned. As a Holy Spirit, he was also knowledgeable, but when had he ever seen such a situation?
At this time, Xiaobai also passed through the catastrophe and came to his side. The saint's third-level peak cultivation shocked his jaw.

"Why are you so irrational?!" Shi Jian is autistic. He is the Holy Spirit who breaks and then stands. He has embarked on the path of transcendence. He has transcended the saint tribulation and crossed two small realms. It is shocking to the world, but Xiaobai is more amazing and more powerful than him. fear!
(End of this chapter)

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